what is your worst fear?

The fear of loosing all respect for myself.

Darkness? No.
Being Alone? No.
Death? Natural part of life, No.
Tommarow? Tommarow is what we make it, so no.
School? I'll get out of it soon. No.
What other people think? Yeah well so what if they hate me? No.
Aliens attacking and killing everything? lol, aliens pwn!! Ha, no.
Nukes? If I die, I die I've lived a nice life so far.....no
Torture? Torture ends....no
War? We kill eachother because we like to, not because we fear it...no
Failing a Test? lol, im so relaxed on tests....no

If I lost all respect for myself, then I would be ashamed of myself, my actions, my life. That is something that I consider torture until the day I die, the only torture that lasts such a long time.
Needles to the eye. Even watching movies/tv shows where anything sharp comes near an eyeball bothers the hell out of me. Surprisingly enough I am not at all afraid of shots or needles in any other way...the eye region just gets me.
Being alone
Never publishing any of my work
Never amounting to anything
Failing all my classes and ****ing up my future

That is all I worry about tbh
tripleplay369 said:
Needles to the eye. Even watching movies/tv shows where anything sharp comes near an eyeball bothers the hell out of me. Surprisingly enough I am not at all afraid of shots or needles in any other way...the eye region just gets me.

Same for me. I can't even put contacts in :dozey: my eye is like my most sensitive region and Im afraid when anything even gets near it
Liberal Democracy j/k :p


Probably the shadow in the corner of my room that looks like Frank from Donnie Darko that I look at every night before turning over. Although, now it's more of a comfort thing. I think I'd be quite distressed if I woke up in the night and it wasn't there.
After I read "It" by Stephen King several years ago, my friends and I went out to a lonely bridge in the middle of nowhere one night just to hang out and consume some fine chinese food. We started talking about what scared us the most. I thought that if some balloons came floating up from under the bridge just now that I don't think I'd be able to handle it. We thought about our respective fears so much that we just flipped out and drove back to civilization as fast as we could. That's not so bad though - one of my friends was afraid the moon was going to turn around, fly down to earth, take a big bite out (where we were standing) and fly back like nothing happened. :laugh:

Balloons don't freak me out though - swimming in the middle of large lakes (and I mean maybe half a mile away from any shoreline) at night will have me fighting my brain stem for control. By night, I mean no moon nor stars - pitch black.
Oh ya!
Oceans and large bodies of water freak me out >_>

I also fear numbers becoming president of a small country one day :|
I hate not being able to breath. That's my fear. Swimming is fine, but I can't stay underwater for too long.
I'm scared of not being scared of anything.
Ikerous said:
Oh ya!
Oceans and large bodies of water freak me out >_>

I also fear numbers becoming president of a small country one day :|


Don't worry, I probably won't.

I think drowning might be the worst death.
Plant roots, for the longest time. I kid you not.
This is tied into a rather horrifying dream I had as a child in which there were holly plants growing out of my head like antler. I ripped them out, and instead of dirt, there was flesh all caught up in the roots. Was the most disturbing dream I had in a while, and for years every time I'd see plant roots entangled in something, i.e. a tennis ball when raking, I wouldn't be able to get the image out of my head.

I'm over that now, so I'm not sure what my biggest fear would be.
Hmm... I have some nasty irrational fears:

Swimming in a deep lake/area in the sea, and having something graze against my leg D:

For whatever reasons, dead bugs seriously gross me the F*CK out.

And... I guess that's it :P
I fear my life because it is possibly going to suck and death because it will definitely suck, unless my life ends up like shit like it probably will.
Ah screw it... Just read my sig once again for your answer. I think that is like the 5th time my sig has been able to answer a question for me.
What?! Ikerous, quit putting words in the jumble machine.
snakes. i hate snakes.


like indiana jones, but it's true.
:O Snakes are cute ^_^
Pet snakes.. not wild snakes.. they scare me too
I <3 all snakes. Wild, captive... they're all cute and awesome to me :D
JNightshade said:
I <3 all snakes. Wild, captive... they're all cute and awesome to me :D
Wild ones bight
Cute things shouldnt kill me when i try to hold them
Yesterday I was bored of studying so I went to bed and put a pillow over my face. I tried to breath while pressing the pillow over my face, and 10 seconds later I was gasping for air. So that means I'd be scared of dying that way... or drowning. Or any slow, painful way of dying I guess.

Car/traffic accidents are pretty scary too.
being left behind.
this means literally in a sense of people just leaving me alone and going someplace else without telling me, or figuratively with everyone shooting past me in acedemics and success and I become some kind of skid-row alcoholic
evil^milk said:
Car/traffic accidents are pretty scary too.
Oh god
I drive a motorcycle
I'm so scared im gonna end up with my skin smeared over concrete :|
Needles and drugs.

I get scared shitless very easily by them.

I had to have about 2 full grown adults pry me off the wall when I had to get a needle... I was only 5 too
I just thought of another one...Pissing on my self. i have a grate fear for that, i'm not jokeing.
Sparda said:
I just thought of another one...Pissing on my self. i have a grate fear for that, i'm not jokeing.
o.O You're scared of your own piss...?
Ikerous said:
o.O You're scared of your own piss...?
Yes, when i was lil and had to piss i would freek out for fear of pissing on myself.

Bit sad hay?