what is your worst fear?

Sparda said:
Yes, when i was lil and had to piss i would freek out for fear of pissing on myself.

Bit sad hay?
Pretty weird
Sometimes i piss on myself just for shits and giggles
Ikerous said:
Oh god
I drive a motorcycle
I'm so scared im gonna end up with my skin smeared over concrete :|

I only drove a motorcycle once in my life. It was a four wheeler, but it seemed a lot faster than a regular car, and more dangerous :(
evil^milk said:
I only drove a motorcycle once in my life. It was a four wheeler, but it seemed a lot faster than a regular car, and more dangerous :(
Motorcycles by definition have 2 wheels XD

But ya :) They're fast, its fun

I drive mine everywhere; I'm not insured to drive any cars
I have insurance on two different motorcycles though (We have 3)

Considering its all I drive, I'm almost guaranteed to end up in a very very painful accident one day

If I ever stop posting, it's most likely cuz I'm dead
My worst fear is people taking my things and claiming as their own!! :@:@
I REALLY hate that, lol, not really a fear though.

Btw, I mean something I made
My worst fear is people taking my things and claiming as their own!! :@:@
I REALLY hate that, lol, not really a fear though.
Either getting your balls crushed and/or ripped off or giving birth is probably some of the worst pain ever.

Both have happend to me, not fun.
I'm a manic claustrophobe. Weird, huh?
Ikerous said:
My worst fear is people taking my things and claiming as their own!! :@:@
I REALLY hate that, lol, not really a fear though.
Either getting your balls crushed and/or ripped off or giving birth is probably some of the worst pain ever.

Both have happend to me, not fun.
OMF.. ohwell

EDIT: that better not be your real sig :P
Fear #1: Death
Fear #2: Becoming an average person
Not heights exactly, but being on top of a cliff/building with no railing. Kinda specific I know, but hey.

Also, not exactly being in the sea, but when you are wearing goggles so you can see underwater, and you look out and after a certain distance it gets all murky so ANYTHING could be out there D:

Big propellers scare me too. So looking over the back of a big ship out at sea = nervous wreck.
gick said:
Not heights exactly, but being on top of a cliff/building with no railing. Kinda specific I know, but hey.

Yeah I know what you mean. If I was for instance on the top of a very big building I just couldn't go to the edge, hand rail or not.

Another fear of mine that someone mentioned is about my eyes, can't stand anything happening to them. Remember once I had to go to an ophthalmologist because I had something stuck under my eye lid and I just wouldn't let him get near me. I definitely freaked out lol.

I hate all kinds of bugs, arachnids, worms etc. , probably the only exceptions are butterflies, as for the rest I wish they would all drop DEAD!!!
I'm not scared of anything.

Except death.

I'm scared of everything.

Except death.
Deep water, I don't know what it is, I just get creeped out by deep water, more specifically water I can't see the bottom of.

Flying. I can never relax on a plane. As Billy Connolly once said: "We don't f*ckin' belong up there".

Crowds..... strange one this, I hate being crowded by other people. Busy boozers, clubs or concerts, it creeps me out. I can stand it for a while, but it catches up with me.

Sharp objects and eyes. Example, walking past a set of spiked railings causes me to flinch. I hate that scene in Minority Report too.
Cormeh said:
Sharp objects and eyes. I hate that scene in Minority Report too.

Yeah HATE that scene. I alway walk out of the room when it gets to that scene lol.
tripleplay369 said:
Needles to the eye. Even watching movies/tv shows where anything sharp comes near an eyeball bothers the hell out of me. Surprisingly enough I am not at all afraid of shots or needles in any other way...the eye region just gets me.

Imagine this: papercut on your eye.. :X

Freaks me out.
Cormeh said:
Deep water, I don't know what it is, I just get creeped out by deep water, more specifically water I can't see the bottom of.
Someone compared humans swimming in the sea to a fly on the surface of a pond, desperately trying not to drown. I think that was a pretty good description of just how out of our element, helpless and slow humans are when they're not on boats. :)
SHIPPI said:
I'm the same with deep and murky water. I've never been in the sea and I've only been on a boat once, on holiday, because I had to... and considering that I've lived by the seaside my whole life that is quite an achievement.
I live in a coastal town as well, and I've only been out a boat a few times. The only time I actually dismissed my fear and went for it was in Tenerife, and were taken out to a small bay on a catamaran. I took a dive off the side and had a swim around. Other than that, no ta.
SHIPPI said:
*prods eyeball*
*kicks in crotch area* ;(
SHIPPI said:
And luckily I have no problem with people touching my eyes..
*pokes Shippi's eye

be careful, from your avatar it looks like you already lost one ^^
Octopus and Squid (and large cuttlefish). Just...can't....stand...em.
Also: Terrified of one my female friends commiting suicide.
(Its wierd because none of them are emo, and would never kill themselves, but the thought of living without them makes me really sad)
Being buried alive.

Oh, and getting killed by a robot.
Don't like spider... just can't stand them. I don't think they're disgusting, just creepy.
Blood. I'm queezy.

I'm scared to death of losing my girlfriend... it really would hurt me a lot. </3
Death... kinda scared of it, but it's gotta happen to us sometime.
Ren.182 said:
Don't like spider... just can't stand them. I don't think they're disgusting, just creepy.
Blood. I'm queezy.

I'm scared to death of losing my girlfriend... it really would hurt me a lot. </3
Death... kinda scared of it, but it's gotta happen to us sometime.

Crap. I just found out that you go to the same college as i do.

Stourbridge college. I do btec ND Electronics & computers in the Engineering section. its funny because everybody on moodle thinks that everybody in the engineering section(Which does mainly electronics, and cad design) are chavs. There thinking of the mechanic place.

Small world
Leaches. I just hate those creepy crawly things that just latch on to you and literally suck the life out of you. You'll definitely never catch me in a swamp where these critters are, no sir. I was horified when I saw the "medicinal leach" treatment on a burn victim, on a documentary, nasty.:x
I don't have any rational fears

but I'm scared of zombies, and a nuclear apocalypse
Bah, nukes are awesome.

I hate any kind of parasite. Just the thought of something physically latching on to me is mildly horrifying.
sHaDdoW said:
Crap. I just found out that you go to the same college as i do.

Stourbridge college. I do btec ND Electronics & computers in the Engineering section. its funny because everybody on moodle thinks that everybody in the engineering section(Which does mainly electronics, and cad design) are chavs. There thinking of the mechanic place.

Small world

How the hell did you find that out? lol.
I don't go on moodle. Too annoying. I come here instead.

I do A2 computing and GCE Applied in ICT.

Small world indeed.
i do A2 computing, my teacher is ****ing useless, we are complaining exceptionally atm, he faield to tell us what we needed in the Coursework to get a decent grade, in 5 ppl! TINY CLASS"""!! no one hit highter than 42 outa 65

oh yeh, im scared of nothing but myself.

i can be walking along hapily, then my mind is liek what ifthere is aperson in the dark, down that alley, and i end up walking home with fists clenched

im lying in bed thinking, and i hear a noise which is something obvious and i start creeping out( wants sword in room )

deep holes, that i dont feel safe aroun
eg those lil grates where the coal shute used to be, i walk around them

heights i dontmind as long as im feeling safe, eg, have somrething to hold or up a tree where teres several branches to break ma fall

getting so drunk i cant remember what i did
No real fears that I can think of (i.e. I can't think of a situation where I'd react irrationally due to fear), but a few aversions.
Ren.182 said:
How the hell did you find that out? lol.
I don't go on moodle. Too annoying. I come here instead.

I do A2 computing and GCE Applied in ICT.

Small world indeed.
I remember seeing some talk about the som clan on moodle. So i just wondered if you came here. So i looked at your email, and looked up your name on moodle. You have that athlon64 display pic
I'd say my major fear is waking up in a Bath Tub full of ice,Missing my kidneys.
sHaDdoW said:
I remember seeing some talk about the som clan on moodle. So i just wondered if you came here. So i looked at your email, and looked up your name on moodle. You have that athlon64 display pic

Heh, you've done your homework :P
Yeah, it's the same clan, msotly includes people from college or people we know via college. If you play CSS then come play with us sometime :)

I'm also afraid of heights too kinda. Like if there isn't something to stop me from falling then i wont go near the edge.