what is your worst fear?

I'm scared of having my throat cut. I can't close my eyes in a public place without covering up my neck.
SHIPPI said:
I thought I was your first stalker? D:

I'm scared of burglars/intruders in my house... it's my home go away :(

I also hate walking home at night, even with a friend.

Haha. You were little Shippi! :D
Dan said:
I'm scared of having my throat cut. I can't close my eyes in a public place without covering up my neck.
What a shit way to die that would be.
I don't know if I could really define my worst fear... I think of something, and then later i'll think of something to top that. I'm a pretty paranoid ****er.

But... I think a big fear of mine would be my family dying in some awful way. I can't imigine losing my family members to anything but old old age.
Cars with really, really tinted windows freak me out. :(

But I guess fears are of falling, deep water and not being able to breathe. Papercuts to the eyes ****ing freak me out too!
My biggest feal is relying on other people for survival. I always have dreams where I will be trapped under a car slowly dying, or burning or some other slow death and I am trying to get someone near me to help but they are being useless. This probally stems from my dad who takes everything very literal and you have to be very specific...

for example

"help with what?"
"Im friggin burning!"
"Burning...from what?"
"A fire! friggin help already!"
"What do you want me to do about it?"

And so on...he always does crap like that. Like he can't think beyond what you say. I can't really think of any better way to describe it. It just scares me that my life might be in their hands and if something were to happen they would be useless.
I'm scared of stating my fears. Like I would provoke the events I'm scared of to happen that way.
lol! I hate bees and wasps too >_> They scare me, I'm always paranoid and thinking that they are out to get me
I can't say I'm afraid of bees, maybe because my grandfather is a bee keeper. Although I was stung by one once and it hurt like a mother****er.
wildchild730 said:
lol! I hate bees and wasps too >_> They scare me, I'm always paranoid and thinking that they are out to get me

When I was a whee one, I used to make it my mission to kill Bees. See, last Summer, I caught one in a plastic jar, and stuck it in my pond tied to a rock. Then we moved. That day, it was boring. :E
I don't like revealing personal information. I don't really wish to devulge any further into it.