what made you play half life

Got a pirated version copy of Half-life when i was 14, together with Opposing Source. Really liked the game, but didn't finish either of them. Then i started playing Half-life Deathmatch for a good while, but turned to Counter-strike a year later - EVERYONE was playing it. In order to play Counter-strike for real, i finally bought Half-life and got my first computer with a 3D card - TNT2 ftw! (Yes, i played at like 320x280 in software rendering before)

Pwned hard in Counter-strike for a while, and then lost interest after having played that for some years - think i stopped Counter-strike about 4/5 years ago. Played through Half-life and Opposing Force though, and began playing around in SvenCoop for fun an giggles. Got addicted to World of Warcraft, n00bed for two years there, and then picked up Half-life 2. Played it through, sacrificed my soul to it, and started working on a few levels for it with Hammer, that never became any good. But was fun.

Then i returned the dirty needle from World of Warcraft to my vein, raided two more years, while swiftly playing Episode 1, then tore the needle out again some four months ago and enjoyed Episode 2. Being without an addiction i fell for Team Fortress 2, and i wander around there Pwning a bit, waiting for Age of Conan to give me the MMO drug my body needs. (AND IT CANT BE FAST ENOUGH)

Of course I'm waiting with great anticipation for Episode 3 :) Episode 2 made me sad and angry! And i need to express my emotions by slaughtering some combine, or anything else i stumble upon ;)

Love the story and everything about Half-life, just would wish there'd be some more story for me to read about. That's why i need a new MMO addiction - enough story for me to feed upon for a year or two xD
Saw Half-life 2 at the shops in display on special and I had the cash so I bought it. I knew nothing about it other then a few reviews I had read in a newspaper and it seemed ok. I'm vey glad indeed that I made that purchase. :)
(HL)Followed it through previews in PC mags, got it on the release date in Electronics' Boutique, bought a new PC on the same day to play it too!

(HL2) Painfully waiting for years for Valve to release it, finally ended up buying it on Steam
My friend suggested it pretty adamantly after he found out I hadn't heard of it before. I'm glad he didn't spoil anything - I had no idea what I was in store for.
This was a very long time ago, but one of my friends was playing it and I even remember him being at the very beginning of "We've Got Hostiles." That friend had actually borrowed it off another friend and I asked him if he could lend it to me which he did, but I did eventually buy it. Actually, I found out about Worldcraft while being driven back to my house after having bought the game and immediately told my brother about it (he was into RPG Maker 95/2000). That was either 1999 or 2000 and it's very nostalgic for me to now think back to then. I ****ing love Half-Life so much.
Almost a decade ago when HL1 was released, one of my good friends pretty much disappeared for weeks and none of our group of friends had seen or heard from him. We even gave him the nickname "big dead" since we jokingly said it seemed like he fell off the face of the earth and died or something silly like that.

Turns out he had got a copy of Half Life 1 and got completely sucked into the game. It took about a month before he scraped himself out of his computer chair and left the house. He told me about the game and gave me a copy of it.... and after an hour of playing it, ran down to the store to buy my own legal copy.

Loved the series ever since.

... well, except for that damned 6 year or so gap between HL1 and HL2....
A short while ago my dad gave me his old computer and it had Half life 2 on it. Blew my f***ing mind.
Older Brother told me about HL and how it was great when I was in like 9th grade. Finally decided one day to buy it in 10th grade, loved it, played all the expansions. I then thought of nothing but half-life :)

Then 11th grade, I finally got a better computer, and got HL2, and loved it of course. Got ep.1, still thinking of nothing but half-life :) Made a headcrab, so on and so forth. My deep love for it grows on forever.
Are we talking piracy here? Oh noez!

I'm going to assume he was using his dad's account... so no, technically it's not piracy, as long as his dad wasn't playing at the same time.
We have this magazine called Windows, it has a CD with a variety of demo games, open-source software and free (legal) goodies. One fine day, it had a demo of HL1 on it. Some time later, my dad bought a CD with the full thing, and boy did I watch him play...
noooooo piracy, my dad got a whole new computer and he didn't use half life any more becuase he sucks at computer games lol.
I got the HL2 demo with an issue of OXM (it was the Ravenholm level) and thought it was freakin awsome and bought HL2 about a year later when I found it in the bargain bin for 10 bucks. Then abouta year after that (November 2007) I bought HL1 and all its expansions off of steam, and picked up HL1 on the PS2. Then for christmas I got the Orange Box and beat HL2 episodes and Portal.
I'm making my cousin play HL2, he's a complete dumbass, I have to spoonfeed everything for him. It's so annoying.
I'm making my cousin play HL2, he's a complete dumbass, I have to spoonfeed everything for him. It's so annoying.
And despite knowing such people we crib about Valve making the game too easy.

Props to Valve and Boston 2K for making their games accessible, IMO.
To be honest, I bought the Orange Box only for Portal, but turns out that I play, and like HL2 the most
LOL I played Half-Life 2 after someone on my friends list game it to me as a gift. I had wanted it for Christmas, but I didn't get it. As you can see, I was really excited about it. :D
Hi everyone first post here. :E

Actually, Half Life 1 was the first game I ever bought. It was 1999, and I was 14. I had played Quake 1 singleplayer for some time, but always though something was missing. Saw HL1 box on a game store. Knew nothing about the game. Even though my computer was a crappy one I could run it fairly well (Quake engine, I guess). Finished the game in three days (got hooked, hehehe). Then I played over and over for one month. I would stop for a week and then play it again. I just couldn't stop playing. The game was so immersive and I had never played anything like that. Like I said I was addicted.
Every now and then I go back to Black Mesa, hehehe.
Some years later I played HL2 on a friend's house (played through Ravenholm). Wanted to buy it, but my computer couldn't run it. (it was the same one I played HL1 on). When I got a new comp, some months ago, it was the first game I wanted to buy, but didn't have the money. Ended up playing a little on my friend's. Downloaded the demo and played through a thousand times. Then three weeks ago I bought The Orange Box.
After playing through the game, the episodic content and portal all I have to say is:

HL2 is the BEST game ever (including EP1 and especially EP2 - great ending). I can't wait for EP3.

Never liked CS, though. :)

PS: Sorry about the grammar errors, I'm Brazilian.
Uh i always owned half life but never played it thinking it was too hard. I was just always intimidated by it. Then orange box came out and i bought it for tf2 and after beating portal decided to dry half life 2, and so i played it until i beat it. Like actually i played it through the night. It was crazy but i got it. I did sleep a little. Great game.
Hey..... shit.

That's not spam...:|

Anyway I first saw HL when my dad bought and played HL1 and I watched the whole thing. I was too scared to play it but got around to it in a couple of years. My dad bought opposing force, blue shift, hl2, ep1 and ep2 as they came out and I played through all of them :D
My hubby. <3 <3 He basically said, "SIT DOWN AND PLAY THIS." and I was like, "UUGGGHHHH OKAY GOD."

I was hooked during Red Letter Day. :)
The first time I played Half-Life was when I was four...lol.
I had nightmares about barnacles and houndeyes ever since.
The eyes...:eek:
I would have thought the tentacles would be scarier.
I've loved FPS's ever since I was about five or six. When my dad bought our first computer, me and my brother would always watch him play Doom and Heratic (I'm not sure if it's right that a five-year-old liked watching Heratic!). Every time they played an FPS I'd always watch them. That could include the original Half-Life, Quake, Duke Nukem, all those types. Strange, then, that it was only last year that i actually started playing HL2 myself!
My hubby. <3 <3 He basically said, "SIT DOWN AND PLAY THIS." and I was like, "UUGGGHHHH OKAY GOD."

I was hooked during Red Letter Day. :)

You mean when you saw Alyx? :P
When i was very young (5? 6?) i watched my dad play through DooM and DooM 2, i guess that gave me a taste for FPS, it's easily my favourite genre (most immersive). We never had much money for games so i used to play through every demo i could get my hands on. Eventually we got slightly wealthier, moved house, new friend insisted i buy Half Life so we could play SvenCo-op together.

I found the original HL in a bargain bin for 1.99 GBP (about $4 in america), that was the best 1.99 GBP i have EVER spent.

I've been getting all of the half life games asap since then, i was a few years late on the goldsrc games, but i've been preordering all the ones since then.

(so why does the pound sterling symbol not work?)
Aaah, the life of demos. I used to replay all my demos. I must have worn out my C&C:Tiberian Sun demo to the ground. My, they were the days.
Some of those demo's scared the hell out of me, i used to have nightmares about DooM and Quake.

The magazine we got our demo's with was Computer Shopper, and i fondly remember an "fps special" demo disk. Something on there was mistakenly labelled "animal hospital". My dad installed this for my mother, only to find out it was some shooter about terrorists.

Ironically, one of the games that scared me most was Myst. I was always waiting for a bad guy to pop up, and there was never that reassuring weapon at the bottom of the screen.
My dad used to get Computer Shopper. Last year, just before I got my new spanking PC, I went through them all finding all the decent games and playing them over again. Some nostalgia right there. I found the old demo of Half-Life: Uplink and Tomb Raider, and some other games which I forget.
If you come accross "depth charge" please please please send it to me, i miss that game so much! I cant find it anywhere on the internet.
Counter-Strike made me play HL, and appreciate great games. I love irony.
My friend used to talk a lot about the greatness of some Half-Life game when we were thirteen and HL2 wasn't even announced. Year or so later the E3 '03 trailers came out - it was something more than "an amazing must-have", luckily it encouraged me to play hl1 and so I did, before the sequel was released.
Half-Life 1 and Sven Co-Op were fan favourites at my best mate's house for years. Eventually supplanted by Deus Ex, but oh, the fun times we had.
You mean when you saw Alyx? :P

Quiet, you! :hmph:

Haha. Actually, I just fell in love with all of the characters. They're all so well done and that's a huge winning-point for me in stuff. :)

I think it was the whole haunting cat talk.
Quiet, you! :hmph:

Haha. Actually, I just fell in love with all of the characters. They're all so well done and that's a huge winning-point for me in stuff. :)

I think it was the whole haunting cat talk.
Pinkle: Is your signature quoted from James Sunderland of Silent Hill 2? :p Sorry for thread derailing OP, I had to ask.
I just used to play it on my older bros comp back in the day, that's where it all started for me.