What monsters from Half-Life...

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Sep 3, 2003
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...do you really want to see in Half-Life 2?

I think the giant plant would look really cool in Source, imagine how it would move!

Though they already have a hydra, the giant plant scene was one of my favourite bits from the original.
I want to see the Alien grunts again, i think that they
will look alot cooler in the Source and make them look even cooler than before

the giant plant (is that what its really called) would also be cool, but i dont think it'll be in there
because theyll have diffrent so called bosses i think
What giant plant?

Back on-topic : Maybe the Bosses both from HL an Op4
Sprafa said:
What giant plant?

Back on-topic : Maybe the Bosses both from HL an Op4

He means the tentacles :p. And yeah, Nihilanth would look awesome if in HL2 somehow, seeing that he was killed in HL1.
eraser said:
He means the tentacles :p. And yeah, Nihilanth would look awesome if in HL2 somehow, seeing that he was killed in HL1.

They could clone the mother****er couldn't they??
I want to see the houndeye things i beleive they're called... the greenish ones that have 3 legs and shoot out that circle shockwave thing.. Supposedly they were suppose to be friendly things in HL1...
I felt sorry for the houndeyes because they had the worst attack imaginable and went down in 3-4 pistol shots. At least the headcrabs were fast and annoying.
The ichisisisisaur or whatever its called would be awesome! Fighting it from a sinking boat or something like that out on the sea would be like a dream coming true.. ;)
I always hated killing the houndeyes, they seemed more like friendly dogs coming to say hello rather than attackers. :(
eraser said:
He means the tentacles :p. And yeah, Nihilanth would look awesome if in HL2 somehow, seeing that he was killed in HL1.

Well we're not positive he was killed. We never actually saw him die. Maybe it was a trick to fool us.

Kadayi Polokov said:
I always hated killing the houndeyes, they seemed more like friendly dogs coming to say hello rather than attackers. :(

Yeah, I felt that way too. It was funny to hear the noises they made and I saw one lay down and take a nap once heh.

Rascall said:
The ichisisisisaur or whatever its called would be awesome! Fighting it from a sinking boat or something like that out on the sea would be like a dream coming true.. ;)

I kind of do and don't want to see those again. They always use to freak me out. I remember the first time I fell in the shark cage and heard the noises that thing made and it coming at me, I almost jumped out of my chair.
Rascall said:
The ichisisisisaur or whatever its called would be awesome! Fighting it from a sinking boat or something like that out on the sea would be like a dream coming true.. ;)
Gah, usch nej! *me hates ichisisisisaurs*

And yeah, the houndeyes were incredebaly cute! *hugs*
I look forward to seeing the Alien Slaves again :naughty:
What was the name of that headcrap spawning queen in the Xen levels? Looked like a great big ballsack with legs? I certainly don't want to end up fighting anymore of those again, she was tough as coffin nails.
mortiz said:
Gonorea or something ;)

I can't remember exactly.

lol that made me laugh, hehe dude thats an STD. Now THAT would be something to fear in HL2...
well i think the barnacles would be cool to see again, not the most active enemies but they were still original and would be scary in dark places. I heard they will be in HL2 and i have a theory that they will be more deadly, maybe with tentacles that actually move to grab you rather than wait till you walk into them. If they're in the beta then don't you dare spoil my hopes by telling me they're not like that at all!

I'd also like to see something like the monster that was left out of the original Half-Life remade in source, it was seriously freaky with HL1 graphics, so that would be cool. Mr. Friendly loves you.

Btw Kadayi Polokov in your sig, it's "you're" not "your" ;)
That sack was mesmerising.....

*quickly goes to watch lesbian porn*
Kadayi Polokov said:
I always hated killing the houndeyes, they seemed more like friendly dogs coming to say hello rather than attackers. :(

me too! they were really cute with their little barking noises and the way they kept running around.

for what i'd like to see show up in hl2.... probably the ichthyosaur. it made the water parts a lot scarier, and it was fun if you got it where you could beat it up with the crowbar without having it bite you.
that big b*stard wich shot lighting at you and had a foot stomp thing.

G-man controlled him...... so maybe hes on your side and he could take on a Strider!

full on rapage!
Just incase anyone doesn't know, some enemies confirmed to be returning in HL2 (legit info from PcZone Press Preview):

Alien Slaves

Hm thats all i think it mentioned.
Max35 said:
lol that made me laugh, hehe dude thats an STD. Now THAT would be something to fear in HL2...

They could make HL2 educational.
Gonarch's having STD's, the G-Man would smoke and die at the end of the game with a huge cancer in his lungs, Barney would be an alcholist, Alyx with a coke problem. That would rock! :naughty:

I'd like to see the bullsquid (it will be in it) as a neutral fighter like in HL. You could let him take on the headcrabs and alien slaves.

Alien Grunts would be so ****ing scary with Source gfx, they already scared me in HL with their loud footsteps and tough armor.

I don't wanna see the houndeye, I'm still feeling sorry for shooting them ;(
Kadayi Polokov said:
What was the name of that headcrap spawning queen in the Xen levels? Looked like a great big ballsack with legs?
OMG :laugh: That made me lmao.
i never particulary liked the alien grunts. cheating bastards with their hornet guns. They just ran around aiming at you and no matter how much you jumped around corners or boxes or what have you you'd still get hit by like 3 or more of the bugs. Annoyed the hell out of me. The only thing that was more annoying were the alien controllers, the mini nihilanths. i hated them so much.

However i'd like a return of the big blue gargasaur.

I'd like to see the houndeyes return if you could somehow befriend them
I'm looking forward to seeing new variations of some of the old enemies, as well as completely new enemies :D
[CoHn]FuSeD said:
I look forward to seeing the Alien Slaves again :naughty:

why? have a crush on one of em? :naughty: :laugh:

btw.. what happened to ur Sylvester avatar? i thought it was good... this one is like... "mehh"

i wouldn't mind having a "deleted scenes/levels" section in which u have maps and monsters that weren't part of the original HL and the ones thought of for HL2 but did not make it in the end.. i really hope they put something like this together... kind of like a bonus for the delay we went through..
the gonarch did look like a four legged testicle though, i wonder how intentional that was. hell i wonder if previous versions had hair on them.
Flyingdebris said:
The only thing that was more annoying were the alien controllers, the mini nihilanths. i hated them so much.

Alien controllers were pussies dude, their attacks were SO easy to dodge. 2 Colt blasts and they are dead.
those big ugly things that were only in Op4, you had to travel through the sewers at one spot and they were everywhere.
Would be cool to see a bullsquid charge at you through the water (have read somewhere that it is originaly a watercreature.. Not sure though) only to get eaten by stor gäddan (ichisisisaur) just seconds before it reach you..
Loach said:
those big ugly things that were only in Op4, you had to travel through the sewers at one spot and they were everywhere.

They were called Voltigores, I think...

I want to see the Vortigaunts and the Houndeyes... no... wait... I want to see friendly Vortigaunts with pet Houndeyes :E. So cute. In an alien kinda way...

I also want to see the addition of that friendly wolf creature with all the legs that was supposed to follow you in HL and search out hidden enemies, help you attack them, and eat their corpses... or something like that...
Kadayi Polokov said:
Adjusted accordingly :upstare:

BTW what happened to:- www.city-17.net

Is it coming back?

unfortunately i think it has died. :( There may be a relaunch near Half-Life 2's release though, but I'm in the dark about it as well.
The ichiasourus or whatever its called ( the swimming monster ) would be incredible in HL2 with the water effects and the realsim of it. Plus that thing was scarey as hell.
frances_farmer said:
unfortunately i think it has died. :( There may be a relaunch near Half-Life 2's release though, but I'm in the dark about it as well.

Pity it was the first HL² site I got into.
a ballsack lookin creature called Ghonorea... LOL
Brian Damage said:
I also want to see the addition of that friendly wolf creature with all the legs that was supposed to follow you in HL and search out hidden enemies, help you attack them, and eat their corpses... or something like that...

I would like to see the Hound Eyes return to Half-Life 2, because I liked them in Half-Life. Like everyone here has said, I feel sorry for them when I have to kill them. :(

I have read in some articles/interviews with some VALVe guys that some of the old Xen creatures will be allied with you during Half-Life 2. So I hope you will be allied with the Hound Eye... then you could in someway throw a stick so the Hound Eye would follow it and attack any enemy it encounters... err.... well, that's just me. :)
The ichthyosaur is a real creature though, i wonder why they called it an alien.
Originally Posted by Brian Damage
I also want to see the addition of that friendly wolf creature with all the legs that was supposed to follow you in HL and search out hidden enemies, help you attack them, and eat their corpses... or something like that...

I think he means the lil purple frog thing with the huge eye, that was cut from HL, it still is however in the .pak
(comes with the game, and you can check it out alongside "Mr. Friendly" with a pak explorer / hl model viewer)
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