What monsters from Half-Life...

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I wanna see Gargs. They were big badasses. The grunts would try to fight em but always lost. Then bum bum bum bum here comes Freeman to save the day. Eat grenades you bastards.
Mr. Redundant said:
Originally Posted by Brian Damage
I also want to see the addition of that friendly wolf creature with all the legs that was supposed to follow you in HL and search out hidden enemies, help you attack them, and eat their corpses... or something like that...

I think he means the lil purple frog thing with the huge eye, that was cut from HL, it still is however in the .pak
(comes with the game, and you can check it out alongside "Mr. Friendly" with a pak explorer / hl model viewer)

I think he means this ;). http://www.planethalflife.com/nostalgia/halflife/artwork/fast_walker.jpg
that doesn't look very friendly, at least the frog looked cute.
mortiz said:
...do you really want to see in Half-Life 2?

I think the giant plant would look really cool in Source, imagine how it would move!

Though they already have a hydra, the giant plant scene was one of my favourite bits from the original.

Twas a squid, not a plant! Though, speaking of which... I wouldn't mind seeing some DIFFERENT water-based enemies. Those big whooziewhatsits were just annoying. Somehow, every time with me, it was either 'kill them from shore,' or 'watch them eat me like jerky' :flame: Though it'd be cool to use the gravy-gun to hoist one of those bitches up and smash Combine with it and watching little water droplets splatter everywhere! :sniper:
eraser said:

Hah, that dude can use guns in his tiny claws! It even says so in the little notes!

Anyways, things I'd like to see:

-Smarter, more vicious bullsquid
-Gargantua, who was the best ever, but needs a source update
-Those mega-zombies that are hated by everyone but me
-All the Op4 dudes
-At least one original marine / black op
-icthy, obviously

The idea of teaming up with houndeyes is cool in theory, but in practice you'd take a lot of friendly fire.

Vyip Vyip. Vyiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiip! SHABOOM!
DOG is gonna be cooooool. and i'd like to see the Genomes again as well, and Race X from Opposing Force. But i just wanna see alot of new monsters as well. Hard monsters, and even harder Combine
I really, really hope the headcrab is back!! Would be great!!! :angel:
Mechagodzilla said:
Hah, that dude can use guns in his tiny claws! It even says so in the little notes!

Anyways, things I'd like to see:

-Smarter, more vicious bullsquid
-Gargantua, who was the best ever, but needs a source update
-Those mega-zombies that are hated by everyone but me
-All the Op4 dudes
-At least one original marine / black op
-icthy, obviously

The idea of teaming up with houndeyes is cool in theory, but in practice you'd take a lot of friendly fire.

Vyip Vyip. Vyiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiip! SHABOOM!
"Vyip Vyip. Vyiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiip! SHABOOM!" lmao that cracked me up

I agree about getting the Gargs back.. I'd love it if they are but Valve never let on then your wandering around City 17 or somewhere and there's one just stood around the corner, no warning nothing. A really cool updated version. That would be fantastic.
Definately like to see some American military forces or some black ops.
I reckon that if the Vortigaunts are supposed to be on your side in HL2, then maybe the Gargs are too. That'd be awesome. Heavy backup.
Brian Damage said:
I reckon that if the Vortigaunts are supposed to be on your side in HL2, then maybe the Gargs are too. That'd be awesome. Heavy backup.
Naaa, I'd miss them chasing me down long big tunnels knowing their just on my heels... I loved that in HL1, got the old adrenalyn going
I have this little theory, okay?

I think the alien slaves may be on your side this time, because they were SLAVES of nihilanth, and since they are free now, they might fight with you. Even worship you as their "savior". Notice there were no Vortigaunts were in the bad ending of HL1.

And yeah, I liked the houndeye's because they looked like cute but strange at the same time.
Twas a squid, not a plant!

No way was it a squid! The water at the bottom of the hole it leaves signifies it was a plant sucking up water.
I'd like to see more a vicious version of those water worms/larvae. They were just a minor annoyance in HL1 (unless you only had 3 health left). If they packed a punch and travelled in packs/swarms/shoals? you wouldn't want to dip your toe in. Or get knocked into the water as in the docks video. Stripping half your health off in seconds :)

hmm.. what about the big monster (teal colour i think) that breathes fire.. u face him in the tunnels/train tracks area.. i didn't think he looked all that mean/big bad evil thing... :laugh:

seriously.. they really need to make a "deleted scenes/monsters/maps" section on the Collector's Edition DVD.. it be really neat and fun to see the monsters that didn't make it into HL2 and HL.. (yeah, yeah, i know i already mentioned it.. but now that i have, i so want this sorta feature)

someone email Gabe!!!

i would, but i have bad luck... never get responses :(
ASSASINS!!!!! my god they were scary to me, they're gonna be so freaking awsome in hl2
Dr. Freeman said:
hmm.. what about the big monster (teal colour i think) that breathes fire.. u face him in the tunnels/train tracks area.. i didn't think he looked all that mean/big bad evil thing... :laugh:

That's the Gargantuan, the freakiest land alien other than Gonarch. Sure, he doesn't look scary, but he's so evil.
That's why I need a graphically updated version. Garg's too cool for school.
In the original HL2 preview in pc zone i think and pc gamer, they said that the vortigons (alien slaves) will be allies now. It makes sence considering that you killed there boss (they were also called slaves). will the alien grunt be joining your side as well?
That'd be cool. Hey, I wonder what the relationship between the Vortigaunts and Grunts was, exactly... they seemed to be genetically related (same number of arms, similar heads)... maybe the Grunts were genetically engineered from the Gaunts...
Brian Damage said:
That'd be cool. Hey, I wonder what the relationship between the Vortigaunts and Grunts was, exactly... they seemed to be genetically related (same number of arms, similar heads)... maybe the Grunts were genetically engineered from the Gaunts...

I think theyre just 2 different, but closely related species. Kinda like humans and monkeys. One thing I noticed is the slaves have actual hands, whereas the grunts just kinda have a big claw/pincher on their main arms. That and the slaves have a slouched posture and longer neck. Oh and another thing I noticed was when the grunts killed you theyd walk over to your corpse and start eating you, just something I thought was kinda funny
Ah, but weren't those claws on their main arms just an organic gun (exactly the same as the "Hive Hand" that Gordon picks up) that they were holding over their normal "hands"?

Oh, well. Maybe the Vortigaunts had to be smarter to work out how to perform important tasks, whereas the Grunts only had to be able to shoot things.
Thier actual hands are big lobster-type claws, which they wear the hive-hand over like a glove.
They could only punch with them in the original. Maybe now we'll get some claw-crushin' kung fu grip?

As for the 'Gaunts being on your team, I'm convinced that G-man took over where Nihilanth left off.
In fact, it's my belief that the entire plots of HL1 and Op4 were G-man's attempts to perform a 'hit' on Ol' Babyhead by tricking Gordon and Adrian into going. That whole resonance cascade thing reeked of G-man sabotage. In any case, I've found no proof to the contrary yet. That's why I want to get ahold of HL2 soon, in order to confirm whether I'm right or not.

Also, if it hasn't already been confirmed that they are, I'd like to see the snarks again. :)
The snarks were awesome. I absolutely loved it when I found a high place that a bunch of marines following me couldn't get to, and then dropped a load of Snarks over the edge :E. I also liked the animation that the snarks had when you were holding them...
THis thread made me wanna play through halflife agian... I hate bull squaids... and the gargs never die by anything in yer inventory so that is a - :P
Actually, if you hit a Garg with enough grenades he goes *POP* with extreme alacrity.
I recall throwing like 5 at him.. and gave up after that its just a waste of nades.
It takes quite a few satchels to dispose of him. I actually thought that the ability to kill Garg by yourself was a myth for a while, until I finally got 'im.

It's fun to launch all your snarks at Garg at once. They just swarm with the whole pip pip chirp attack thing. It doesn't hurt him, but it's fun to watch. :)

I'm hoping they don't exclude any HL1 aliens from the sequel, they all had such cool design.
I think that they said there'd be about half of them returning... let's hope they listened to the fans when they decided what they wanted to return... after all, they increased the NPC interaction because people liked the NPCs in HL...
As long as the scientists arnt morons I wouldnt mind having them back but don't make me want to shoot them like I did/do in halflife1. And bustin a cap in barney just to get his ammo thats a really bad thing to bring apon a true half life fan lmao
I'd love to see the Garg again. There was nothing quite like running through the car park trying to escape as it turned over cars. Then the time in the tunnel ona rail when it chases you...In sven coop that was the best because someone would always start off the train, and you would have to try and jump on before the garg got you.

Noone seems to have mentioned that the Ball sack with an almost unfortunate name, also fires white goo at you.
I think he was being sarcastic, clarky...

FLS: You mean the Gonarch/Big Momma? She was cool. The ultimate evolution of the headcrab...
The Nihilanth was a big floating creature that resembled a really huge version of one of the Xen Masters... He was presumably in control of the smarter Xenian creatures (Masters, Grunts and Vortigaunts), and at several points communicated with Gordon telepathically...
Jhahn2k4 said:
Uhh, what is the Nihilanth? Excuse meh ignorance... :dork:

The Nihilanth was the final boss at the end. The guy with cranium petals :rolleyes:

yea that shark monster was one of the most jumpy scary monsters i went up against! when that cage was hanging and then the noice of the cage not able to take your wieght..then Splash. i was like OOOOOOooooooooooooooo crap.

i didn't like them very little red monsters (that you can use as a weapon) they were SO fast!

zombies were ok. made me jump when they were right behind you!

Headcrabs scared me so much all the time.

The ninja's! LOL crazy! so fast.
Hehehe, Headcrabs!! I went around to a friends house the day he bought Half-Life. He installed it while I was there and he started playing it for a little while. The first time a headcrab shrieked and flew at him, he actually fell of his chair backwards jumping with fright. Laugh, I nearly spilt my beer!


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