What OS do you use...

What OS do you use for things other than gaming

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Jan 1, 2009
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What OS Do You use for things other than gaming?

I use Ubuntu only when XP ****s up
Vista for gamin', XP for workin'

And why isn't there Mac? I afraid some forumites might get angry.
Sh*t i forgot bout mac - just do other for MAC
Oh, ok. Anyways i think that XP is more suitable for working because Vista just like tells you "**** working, touch me,play me!!"

Edit: no innuendos meant
Oh, ok. Anyways i think that XP is more suitable for working because Vista just like tells you "**** working, touch me,play me!!"

Edit: no innuendos meant

i think XP is better for everything, less buggy than vista for me.
I love my Dads mac. why cant microsoft spend money on the FEEL of their operating systems
i do like ubuntu's compiz/beryl stuff though. it makes it alot more like a Mac
I prefer OSX for everyday stuff including video and photo editing and use XP strictly for gaming.
Let's just say Mac is for "creative people" and Windows is for "busy people" But damn me if i would not like a Mac.
i've just realised actually. OSX is based on BSD. but still vote for other for Mac
Let's just say Mac is for "creative people" and Windows is for "busy people" But damn me if i would not like a Mac.

Meh. Most all of the major programs by big companies are out for both Windows and Mac. The things I lack on OSX are the third party programs and the really exclusive stuff (and games of course.) But mostly with 3rd party home made kinda stuff there is an equal one on OSX.
Vista. Although I would prefer XP Vista has annoyed quite so much as to go to the bother of changing operating system.

Word and Excel are giving me the shits. I CANNOT ****ING DO A ****ING CHART LIKE IN ****ING XP **** YOU YOU ****ING SON OF A ****ING WHORE
Vista 64-bit. Enjoying it a lot and preferring it over XP more every day.
Vista 64-bit for my 8Gb. Eight Gigabytes.


Of memory.
Vista 64-bit for my 8Gb. Eight Gigabytes.


Of memory.

Same here. Wonderful having no swapfile. Although the other day Company of Heroes refused to start unless I set up a 1 GB swapfile. Fuck you CoH, I don't need a goddamn swapfile.
Why do you need 8gb of ram!!! I have a quarter of that amount!
i have vista 64bit and have Blue screens every ten minutes. maybe its just my presence.
Vista Premium 64bit SP1, it kicks XP's ass. It's much less buggier, has almost as good compatibility (only had one or two easily fixed Vista and/or 64bit compatibility issues), and is easier to use. I went from brand new unformatted hard drive to the Vista desktop in just over an hour, it recognized my router and DSL connection instantly without me having to go through the ISP's setup program trying different settings to get it to work like I had to on my old XP PC.
Why do you need 8gb of ram!!! I have a quarter of that amount!

I don't need it. I want it!

Although it definitely helps when you have Hammer, 3D Studio and Photoshop all open.
XP on desktop, Vista on notebook, Ubuntu and DOS in laboratory, Windows 2000 in my job.
I have the Old Reliable of PC's, The XP.

It's being pretty wonky though, I think I might have to put it down soon.

I just need a video camera and a shotgun.
If I saw the rest of your desktop I think I would shove nails in my eyes.
i was going to do multiple choice - i triple boot vista xp and ubuntu myself, but i thought it might miss the point of the poll - what OS do you use for things other than gaming -
most people who dual boot have a windows and a Linux, so they would game in windows and work in Linux
Vista on my main pc xp on my 2nd pc.
Windows 7, i love it.

I like it dark
i was that loser standing in line at midnight for the vista release. I was so tired of XP, and I've never once regretted making the switch.
Vista 64-bit. I would have put XP on here for those legendary few FPS you gain, but since my PC came unpartitioned and I just wanted to use the damned thing, I'd have to do far too much work for those extra frames... especially as the games that tend to need those extra frames either don't work outside of Vista, or work with poorer image quality.
i have the windows 7 beta and i also loved it - no bugs so far