What religion are you?

What religion are you?

  • Catholic

    Votes: 18 20.0%
  • Jewish

    Votes: 3 3.3%
  • Buddha

    Votes: 1 1.1%
  • Other (I do not know every religion around) Please state

    Votes: 68 75.6%

  • Total voters
I'm an Athiest, but if I ever had to chose a religion then it would be shintoism.
Officially, as far as the government know (what I put on the consensus), I'm a Jedi Knight :)
Lil' Timmy said:
what's wrong with labels? stop being pussies, jesus. labels are perfectly normal, perfect good tools of understanding if they are based on substantive distinctions. w/o the ability to reduce and classify, life never would have evolved out of the primordial soup. if you have a problem with the way some people use labels, remember that it's the way the person thinks that you dislike, not the label itself. being judgmental arises from stupidity, not classification.

tron: by your definition of deist, you seem to be implying that you have a rational foundation for you belief in god.. i'm curious to know what that rational foundation is.
I just believe he created the universe for some reason and doesn't interfere much with it...I don't know if thats rational or not.Deist seems like the most logical label for me I guess...
Tr0n said:
I just believe he created the universe for some reason and doesn't interfere much with it...I don't know if thats rational or not.Deist seems like the most logical label for me I guess...
ah, so your previous definition of deist was in fact erroneous. well played.
poksmote said:
Religion is the main cause for war, suffering, and intolerance. It is a disease plaguing mankind, and should not be society's primary source for social norms. It is brainwashing nonsense and nothing more.

Main cause huh........I can think of a billion wars were religion is not the main cause. In fact There are "Very" few wars were Religion is the "Main" cause.

How does religion make people suffer. It seems people suffer just as much on both ends of the poll, how can religion make people suffer more.

Intolerance....is it intolerant just because you dont agree with it. Would you be intolerant of me slapping your ass backwards. I am sure there are many things that your will not tolerate.

Brainwashing.....LoL..well I guess anything could be brainwashing in the hands of the wrong people, but I dont see how fundemtaly those who preach their faith are brainwashing people.
Razor said:
I believe in God, i believe he is up there looking over us, i believe in Heaven and Hell and the after life. I do not believe in religion, when most religions would tell me that half of my friends are unworthy under the eyes of god due to their beliefs or their sexuality, they can kiss my bum. God made every man, woman and child equal, so why should i believe religions who persecute, murder, alienate and ruin the lives of people they don't believe are worthy under the name of God.

Your right...we are all equaly screwed up and all fall short of the glory of God.
I have no reason to believe in god therefore I don't. My mom is always telling me I should and gives me a hard time about it, saying I should. Right, coming from the woman who's so up about god whenever talking to me, but never goes to her stupid church :rolleyes:
Joims said:
i do not believe in religion i believe in science

So you have exchange the beleifs of one book written by men, for another.
It's pretty weird to see people acting as if Catholic and Christian were two different things.

So you have exchange the beleifs of one book written by men, for another.

Science isn't a book, and it isn't based around arguments from authority. It's a process of inquiry based around testing claims, rather than just flatly declaring them to be true, end of story.
Apos said:
It's pretty weird to see people acting as if Catholic and Christian were two different things.

Science isn't a book, and it isn't based around arguments from authority. It's a process of inquiry based around testing claims, rather than just flatly declaring them to be true, end of story.

Have you personely, seen and participated in all of the experiments and truth that science claims to be apart of.
Science as a belief structure,. oh man, here we go again!

1 : the state of knowing : knowledge as distinguished from ignorance or misunderstanding

Science is all about proof. If anything can be shown to be wrong, or any exeriment not reproduceable, then somebody will do it for the noteriety. Its a big contest of being right based on reproducable experimentation. Science is the pursute of truth based on imperical evidence. Any ideas based on 'belief' get attacked with full force.

Science doesn't "believe" in evolution. Science hypothisizes that evolution is the most likely theory based on evidence and the lack of another substantuated alternative.

Btw, I am "Spiritual but not religious",. which I think is the most underapriciated frame of mind (although it is, basically, Buddhism)
Apos said:
It's pretty weird to see people acting as if Catholic and Christian were two different things.

There are some fairly substantial differences between Protestants and Catholics. Much more than the differences between various Protestant denominations.

Then again, what do you care? I must be some sort of nut for believing in religion.
Yakuza said:
Have you personely, seen and participated in all of the experiments and truth that science claims to be apart of.

Nope. But then that's part of the process: each of those claims isn't just test_ed_ once and declared to be true for all: it's test_able_: by anyone. Being able to reproduce results, and indeed having to do so, over and over, all around the world, is precisely what keeps the practice honest and checked. Skeptics ultimately produce more surety and truth than true believers.

I know exactly your line of attack here, and it's meaningless. Of course everyone must to some extent trust that they are not a head in a virtual reality bubble. But there is fundamental difference between a process of inquiry and testing and a process of declaratory authority. Just because I've not personally confirmed each and every major claim myself by testing doesn't mean I can't be more certain about the validity of those results than some phrophet declaring this or that to be so: I can, because I know that those results are subject to constant hostile and skeptical review: they are sustained not by the claim of any central authority, but by surviving constant testing and attack.
There are some fairly substantial differences between Protestants and Catholics. Much more than the differences between various Protestant denominations.

There are some fairly substantial differences between apples and oranges, but both are fruit. Some anti-Catholic Protestants (like Jack Chick) run around claiming that Catholics are not Christians, and it's a bit scary to see that nonsense become an unthinking assumption.

Then again, what do you care? I must be some sort of nut for believing in religion.

Lying about what I have said or believe doesn't get you anywhere. I don't believe that the religious are nuts.
Yakuza said:
How do you know?

because I've lived it ...it's not like I arbitrarily decided to not believe ...I came to that conclusion through reasearching facts, which is more that I can say about how religion comes to their conclusions
Athiest. I can set my own moral rules thank you, I don't need a higher power to tell me what is right and what is wrong, I already know.

Plus since religions all claim that if you don't believe in them then you will be punished. Well if that were the case then I guess the millions that were alive before that religion was created must all be burning in hell right now right? Plus if it were so obvious that one religion was correct then we wouldn't have had so many vastly different types in the world now would we?
Apos said:
There are some fairly substantial differences between apples and oranges, but both are fruit. Some anti-Catholic Protestants (like Jack Chick) run around claiming that Catholics are not Christians, and it's a bit scary to see that nonsense become an unthinking assumption.

I personally haven't done an in-depth study on Catholics, but I have done enough research where a lot of Catholicism is fundamentally different. While Catholics and Protestants may believe in the same God and savior, there is a dramatic difference with other things (Pope, saints, rosary beads, communion to name just a few).

That is a big difference than comparing the differences of how evangelical a denomination should be.

Lying about what I have said or believe doesn't get you anywhere. I don't believe that the religious are nuts.

Most far left democrats tend to be anti-religious. I apoligize if I wrongly categorized you.

However, if it wasn't you who was going to make the statement, somebody else would come in here saying I'm sort of religious nut. Understand, I put up with it on a constant basis. You have no idea what it is like.
well...i don't really like organized religion...the closest thing you could call me would be unitarian (which i used to be). it's kinda like sayin "yeah, i think there's a god, but i don't wanna have to DO anything extra because of that"
Apos said:
Nope. But then that's part of the process: each of those claims isn't just test_ed_ once and declared to be true for all: it's test_able_: by anyone. Being able to reproduce results, and indeed having to do so, over and over, all around the world, is precisely what keeps the practice honest and checked. Skeptics ultimately produce more surety and truth than true believers.

I know exactly your line of attack here, and it's meaningless. Of course everyone must to some extent trust that they are not a head in a virtual reality bubble. But there is fundamental difference between a process of inquiry and testing and a process of declaratory authority. Just because I've not personally confirmed each and every major claim myself by testing doesn't mean I can't be more certain about the validity of those results than some phrophet declaring this or that to be so: I can, because I know that those results are subject to constant hostile and skeptical review: they are sustained not by the claim of any central authority, but by surviving constant testing and attack.

What I am saying is that you base your whole Belief system on what some one else has done and scene.

You have never seen an atom yet you believe the exist simple by word of man.

You have "faith" in the words and findings of these scientist because you choose to believe what they says as truth, with out ever actualy seeing them, testing them for yourself.

What makes your truth more valid than My truth. Becuase I believe in the supernatural my truth is less valid?
CptStern said:
because I've lived it ...it's not like I arbitrarily decided to not believe ...I came to that conclusion through reasearching facts, which is more that I can say about how religion comes to their conclusions

What facts did you research?

Let me ask you this, do you believe Jesus Christ actualy existed?
Apos said:
It's pretty weird to see people acting as if Catholic and Christian were two different things.
Actualy there are some differences.

#1. Pergatory
#2. We are not savd by works...

non need to continue.
Yakuza said:
What makes your truth more valid than My truth.
Common sense. I have never seen the Atlantic Ocean. Would I be foolish to believe it is there? Science is based on a structure of logic founded on imperical evidence. This makes it unrefutable, and any attempts to dismantle it as a belief structure only undermines all belief structures, as then there can be no proof of anything, or believe anything we hear from anyone.
Becuase I believe in the supernatural my truth is less valid?
'Fraid so.
What no mention of Sikhism? We're not rare are are we? Well I'm Sikh.:)
f|uke said:
Common sense. I have never seen the Atlantic Ocean. Would I be foolish to believe it is there?

really..some one esle that a beliefe in God was common sense.

"Atheism is so senseless. When I look at the solar system. I see the earth at the right distance from the sun to receive the proper amounts of heat and light. This did not happen by chance."
Well, I am a Christian, specifiacally a Mormon, or Latter Day Saint, or whatever you want to call me.
Here we go... another religion thread, another Yakuza-shit-fest... :rolleyes:
crap poll, seeing as you dont even include atheist. Why are soo many of u americans religious? Religion craps up american politics, all ur presidents make stupid policies just to please large religious groups, which will gain them votes. e.g Jews by backing up Sharon in Israeal even though he keeps shifting the borded past the west bank.
Im a unicornist, bow before the unicorn. No honestly Im atheist, I've posted like...100 times why I dont believe and just about everything Ive said has gone unchallenged by the religious on this site so Im not going to bother giving reasons why.