what should I do?


Oct 6, 2003
Reaction score
I have some choices right now, either

1. buy HL2 over steam to play CS:S, with my crappy old radeon 7500 to quench my thurst for source engine, OR

2. wait for half life 2 to be released at stores, and upgrade my video card to probably a radeon X600 XT, which might take a few weeks(or months har har).

What do you guys think is a better course of action; buy now and upgrade later, or wait for a store release, then buy HL2 after I upgrade?

*Holds up cross and wreath of garlic to ward off :sniper: grammer nazis*
Your Radeon 7500 will play CS:S. If CS:S is a priority, go buy it on steam. I make no guarantees on how it will look, but it will play.

The X600XT is a PCI Express only card, and is a horrible performer. You want to take a look at the Nvidia 6600 GT. ;) Or if you are an ATI fanboy, take a look at the X700XT. I don't know if ATI is moving the X700XT to AGP or not.

I personally would wait until it is released and upgrade then because I'm not a fan of CS. ;)
thanks, didnt know the X600 was pci express only. CS really isnt a priority, and i kinda want a dvd instead of beurning 6 cds, so I guess i will wait awhile. And in a month maybe the video card prices will drop a little.
isnt x600 around 200? if so just get a 9800 pro..