What should you be doing now?


Jan 13, 2005
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I should be doing my first aid assignment. How about You?
Be learning teh guitar!!1 But I don't... I don't want to :p
Sleeping, I am off illl.... :p

Seriously.... I should be in bed :(

Tempted to load up eve online trial though.... it looks so much fun.
rpgprog said:
I should be doing my first aid assignment. How about You?
I should be working, I have a painting to get finished in a few days
Doing my English assignment, but I'm here reading this stuff... I'm in study hall btw :p
Should be finsishing off some art work :p but i only jsut got home so im takinga rest
I'm supposed to be in Uni but i'm off sick (had surgery yesterday morning) ... the problem with Uni is that you don't tell them why you're off sick, you just don't go .... so they think you're just a skiving student even though you have a valid excuse.

I do skive a lot though :p
Working. I'm at work, but with the net at my finger tips it's such a distraction..

Better get on with these logos..
I also should be learning the guitar.. but I cant find it!

I fail, as I lose a big ass guitar.. gonna go look at some point.
I should be working...but on here and talking on the cell phone..
I should be a meeting about joining the army, bit I forgot until I saw this thread :( Oh well.
AcousticToad said:
I should be a meeting about joining the army, bit I forgot until I saw this thread :( Oh well.

I wouldn't do that. No chance.
working on adding pages to the OB/GYN section of my company's website
Im in my C++ programming class. Damn it gets hard to memorize all of the syntaxes and commands. :bonce:
rpgprog said:
I should be doing my first aid assignment. How about You?

whats the chances of that, so should i!

im doing a first aid course that lasts 13 weeks starting this week :) , good luck
Doing a research paper on behavior in collective societies, preparing a presentation on President Carter and Detente, and selecting a topic for my German oral exam in March.

OPTIONAL: Actually bothering to study for my practice math test tomorrow.
I should be doing a C program for my Comp Sci class and a Java program for my OO Programming class but I'm not lol.
Ritz said:
I also should be learning the guitar.. but I cant find it!

I fail, as I lose a big ass guitar.. gonna go look at some point.

Some people are just soooooo lazy :hmph: ;)
SHIPPI said:
School.. nah it's parents evening, so yay half-day!
You got a half day for parents evening? :(

And I suppose i should be doing some biology coursework, but ive not got much to do, and there's plenty of time.
Some stupid English essay, but here I am listening to music, IRCing, reading forums and playing Xbox.
Meh I suppose I should had done some of my ICT project. Got lots to do but /me is lazy.
I suppose to be revising for French :(

I'm gonna look like a right muppet tommorow when I'm suppose to do a 2-minute oral exam! :O I may just not turn up heh :)
I should be doing my maths coursework... but i can't be arsed... and it's in for tomorrow.
i should be doing some c++ web server testing and do some java studies

/me is super lazy (today)
/me is going to play cs for 2 hours
i should be finishing the layout for my site. But its so damn annoying and i cant be bothered cos i cant get it to work.
I've got two chemistry practicals to do some work on "pH determinations and titration curves" and "measuring line spectra of inert gases and metal vapors using a spectrometer"

And do some research on an essay on photosynthesis :(

But I got an A for my essay on HIV :)
I should right now be either making superbowl pics for my American History teacher (I have no idea why he gives us credit for these shite assignments) or choosing a subject for my English research paper (I think I'll do radio censorship)
Gorgon said:

not mod ? why dood :(

Because I need to spend my time doing other things, and being a mod was bringing me back here more than I wanted. Oh and of course, if I were still a mod I wouldn't have been able to say I didn't need to do anything :)