What should you be doing now?


All the damn mods are resigning hehe! :p

(Yep...all two of them..:upstare: )
Farrowlesparrow said:
Nothing...at...all, and it feels good.

hmmm... At this precise moment in time, i wish i was you. I also wish i had started my maths coursework earlier...
Don't you just hate it Suicide42 when others seem to have not a care in the world...:)

Would that be GCSE maths coursework? I remember that :) I think I got a C for it...Though to be honest, i didn't know what was going on. At GCSE level, and in fact A Level I suppose, they never explain why I should do what they tell me to. The just say I will get marks for it, but thats not a good reason...
JiMmEh said:

All the damn mods are resigning hehe! :p

(Yep...all two of them..:upstare: )

3 actually, my TDE and Qck. But this is the second time Qck left :D

It probably does seem like more, because it so happens me and TDE especially are high posters, or were anyway.
Farrowlesparrow said:
Don't you just hate it Suicide42 when others seem to have not a care in the world...:)

Would that be GCSE maths coursework? I remember that :) I think I got a C for it...Though to be honest, i didn't know what was going on. At GCSE level, and in fact A Level I suppose, they never explain why I should do what they tell me to. The just say I will get marks for it, but thats not a good reason...

Yes, GCSE :x

It's more of an endurance test than actual coursework. It's pathetically easy but takes so much time- and because I know it will consume countless hours from when I begin doing it, I don't want to do it.

Damnit in my last post I didn't use capital "I"s. I'm going to slap myself on the forehead every time I do that...

Must use correct grammar. Must use correct grammar.

*edit* I did it 4 times in this post as well... even though I was thinking about it. Must brake the habit. Must break the habit.
Ooooh the joys of Maths coursework!

I got dropped down to the intermediate course as I'm pathetically lazy, as well as having the attention span of a fish. I think the coursework I've done involves revolving about a bunch of T's and finding a pattern on grids...ugh..it's awful..

I also remember counting lots of works from newspapers to find out various newspapers *cough* "readability"..

God I hate coursework :(
I should be monitoring the reactor core.. but I've left it unattented to browse the site before and its always been fi- OH GOD, NO!
JiMmEh said:
I think the coursework I've done involves revolving about a bunch of T's and finding a pattern on grids...ugh..it's awful..

I also remember counting lots of works from newspapers to find out various newspapers *cough* "readability"..

That sounds familliar...

JiMmEh said:
I'm pathetically lazy, as well as having the attention span of a fish.

That sounds familliar too, but only in the past 2 years. I think the internet does it to you... For instance I spent the whole maths lesson today thinking about World of Warcraft, and (for some reason) tried to remember as many avatars as I could from HL2.net. I remembered quite a few, then realised everyone else was half way through question 4. OH SHIT i just rememberedi have to finish that for tomorrow... LOL i'm in for it now :LOL: I literally just thought of that :eek:
LOL bad luck there! :LOL:

I'm pretty much like that, I remember once I spent a whole maths lesson looking out the window. Obviously the teacher asks me a question and I just sit there while about 6 people shout the answer at me.

When I find out about work due in the very next day - this is my typical reaction! :LOL:

*Jim's playing on the PC
*Remembers.. "Oh F**K"
*Think's about what he can do for a minute or two
*Goes back to playing on the PC

JiMmEh said:
LOL bad luck there! :LOL:

I'm pretty much like that, I remember once I spent a whole maths lesson looking out the window. Obviously the teacher asks me a question and I just sit there while about 6 people shout the answer at me.

When I find out about work due in the very next day - this is my typical reaction! :LOL:

*Jim's playing on the PC
*Remembers.. "Oh F**K"
*Think's about what he can do for a minute or two
*Goes back to playing on the PC


VERY familliar. I sat down on my bed for 2 mins... Looked at the coursework... Flicked through what I had done... Thought about how much there was to do... sighed, then went back onto the PC.

*cancels fileplanet download*

Right. That's it. I've had enough talking on forums for one night... I'm doing my coursework right here, right now. And I'm going to start by pulling out this damn internet conne-
Yeh, good luck with that mate! :upstare:

Nah, just kidding - you can do it. :)

*remembers when he said he'll do all of his art coursework and it'll be finished and done on time*

*realises he has 70+ pieces to do for Tuesday*

Oh God, I give up.. :(
JiMmEh said:
Ooooh the joys of Maths coursework!

I got dropped down to the intermediate course as I'm pathetically lazy, as well as having the attention span of a fish. I think the coursework I've done involves revolving about a bunch of T's and finding a pattern on grids...ugh..it's awful..

I also remember counting lots of works from newspapers to find out various newspapers *cough* "readability"..

God I hate coursework :(

That's exactly what we had to do :( I never finished that newspaper coursework.. I got sick of it and started doodling random hats and eyepatches on all the people in the newspaper instead.. was far more interesting :) I just handed in piles of rough paper... heh and I wonder why I'm working at a U in maths :p

oooh shit just remembered about my art.. got one self portrait project to finish, for, like tomorrow.. I've been drawing for hours today too, lmao. Ah well... I'll just have to use a failed attempt

And right now, I should be sleeping :)
SHIPPI said:
oooh shit just remembered about my art.. got one self portrait project to finish, for, like tomorrow.. I've been drawing for hours today too, lmao. Ah well... I'll just have to use a failed attempt

And right now, I should be sleeping :)

Take a picture of yourself, filterize it, then trace it.

Voila, insta-portrait.
SHIPPI said:
That's exactly what we had to do :( I never finished that newspaper coursework.. I got sick of it and started doodling random hats and eyepatches on all the people in the newspaper instead.. was far more interesting :) I just handed in piles of rough paper... heh and I wonder why I'm working at a U in maths :p

oooh shit just remembered about my art.. got one self portrait project to finish, for, like tomorrow.. I've been drawing for hours today too, lmao. Ah well... I'll just have to use a failed attempt

And right now, I should be sleeping :)

LOL :O That's exaclty what I did with the newspapers hehe :LOL: I just realised I put "works" instead of "words" :p

Heh, I can't wait to see me French teacher's reaction when I turn up with bugger all, my excuse being "I couldn't be arsed". :(

As for sleeping - good idea ;)

Nightey Night all
i was just deriving the quadratic formula.

(and YES, That is a real task in the REAL qworld! It's for my algebra II honors class, i have a test)
Pocky Power said:
that WAS the page i was refeirng to seconds before i posted

Oooo...cheating I see. You should do the work yourself. Otherwise, you don't gain any experience and you can't level up.
The Thing said:
Take a picture of yourself, filterize it, then trace it.

Voila, insta-portrait.
Heheh, I actually did something like that for my coursework back when I did art. I found a picture of this rose, printed it off, got a brush and water and went over it a few times so that the ink smudged and bleeded together... it looked exactly like my own work.
I should spend time with my girlfriend/ finish a project for tomorrow.

- I have no girlfriend atm(real and imaginary)
- that project is so f*cked up that I've had enough of it. I'll finish it later.

so, here I am.
listening to the music, browsing the forum, chatting...

the usual daily stuff
Farrowlesparrow said:
Nothing...at...all, and it feels good.

wait... thats not what you're doing!! its what you're (not) wearing!! :eek:
bliink said:
wait... thats not what you're doing!! its what you're (not) wearing!! :eek:

I should be worried that you can see what I'm wearing(Or not as the case may be)...but I'm not :naughty:
OK. I sat looking at my coursework for 1 hour. The last 30 minutes of that I spent trying to figure out what type of illness I would have tomorrow... I've decided I quite fancy having a really bad cold tomorrow. Damn, guess i have to stay at home and do coursework.
You know you won't do it though Suicide :p

Don't go with a cold, its a poor excuse. How do you get to school? I've found making your own way offers a whole range of possibilities. For instance, a while back I fell off my bike...Ok that did actually happen, but the principle is there. You could "fall" off and have to return home. Damage like that is a lot harder to argue with ;)

Just going back to maths. I spent most of my lessons speaking with my best friend about wild and wonderful things. In the later days of school, we talked a lot about worlds behind mirrors. Heh, the only thing stopping you from traveling through is the force of yourself pushing back...crazy ideas :p Also, I remember quite cleary one maths lessons (or was it science) where my friend filled a lynx lid with lynx (surprise surprise) and then set it on fire. The resulting fireball was compeltely missed by the teacher, who must have decided it couldn't happen. Fireballs a metre wide don't suddenly erupt during lessons, and the students certainly don't sit there as if nothing has happened...despite the missing eyebrows and decidedly blacker bags suggesting something to the contrary.
Suicide42 said:
Damn, guess i have to stay at home and do coursework.
You mean sit there playing WoW for hours? ;)

Farrowlesparrow said:
Also, I remember quite cleary one maths lessons (or was it science) where my friend filled a lynx lid with lynx (surprise surprise) and then set it on fire. The resulting fireball was compeltely missed by the teacher, who must have decided it couldn't happen. Fireballs a metre wide don't suddenly erupt during lessons, and the students certainly don't sit there as if nothing has happened...despite the missing eyebrows and decidedly blacker bags suggesting something to the contrary.

Hehe, sounds like something that could happen in some of my classes :LOL:
The Thing said:
Oooo...cheating I see. You should do the work yourself. Otherwise, you don't gain any experience and you can't level up.

Graviteh has Defeated Quadratic Equation lvl 5!
Graviteh has gained iiii experience points!
Graviteh has gained 1 experience point!
Graviteh leveled up to level 45!
+4 ATK
+3 DEF
+5 SIN
+3 COS
+16 HP

actually, i refered to that page many times when i was stuck with it and i eventually got it correct, after 6 attempts. i am prepared. :afro:
gl pocky on your test
and suicide go with malaria or whooping cough, that might get you out for a few days. The rarer the better. oooo and small pox is also quite good.

I now should be cleaning my room its a mess, but eh watev no one sees it.
my past tests have been meh. Ive had perfect attendence all year. In fact, not once during my entire school careers have i missed a day of school. I'm currently ill. badly ill.

thanks for the good luck!
no problem, ya and i have perfect attendence so far for the first time ever i am a junior. Just saying that rare diseases are more fun to say you have. Like normal ppl will say "i have the flu" but few ppl will say "I had whooping cough and was out for weeks" but i know one, and he actually did have whooping cough.
and btw you should still be studying, no break for you.
I should really be asleep, but i've got nothing to do tomorrow than to wait for a download to finish and i can finally get back to my Rome : Total war game... which ill be playing for the rest of the week. So i may aswell humour myself and sit on the forums for abit. :)

And Farrow, lol great story with the whole fireball thing :D Good ol' negligent teachers :p
fire is fun!! esp big ones :EVIL: >:} okay thats enough of that
rpgprog said:
fire is fun!! esp big ones :EVIL: >:} okay thats enough of that

yes fire is fun. I recently bought about 600 matches, a litre of lighter fluid, doederant and some fireworks (Not all at the same time...funnily enough, I was asked for ID when I bought the matches. I'm 19, and you have to be 16 to pruchase them. Crazy...)
Its all for my art project. Of course, if I happen to use the fire for other things...well, its not so bad :) Though I did nearly set my friend on fire the other day :X

We were down at the skatepark, and we made a line of fire with the the lighter fluid, and then we covered the bottom of his board with it at well. He ground along the line of fire, which ignited his board. It all looked very cool in the twilight. But, he fell off and his leg landed on the board (Which had landed top down) and so the lighter fluid got on his leg, while it was still burning. Fortunately, only the fluid was burning and his trousers barely had a mark after he patted it out.

Don't play with fire kids...leave it for irresponsible adults like me :D
Right now I should be....
writing preparation notes for our 'seminar discussion' on "The Death of Ivan Ilych" for English class.
Oh, and doing math homework. And studying for a physics test. And when I finish that, I can work on my physics project, and then I get to fill out applications... mmm, personal essays... :|
wow alot of ppl come here to not do things. Like me am here now to not sleep and wait for someone who may want to talk.
an English project about some greek history suff.... its due in 3 days but I am the last minute man and do it on the last day. :E
your mom! oooooooh!

but seriously, i should be playing around with 3d design stuff, and I AM! woo! take that! yeah! hell, i dont really 'have' to do anything! but i am doing something! yeah! i feel good! :D!
Sleeping but My roommate snores like you would not believe so I cant sleep..again. DAMN YOU UK HOUSING FOR PUTTING ME WITH THIS LOSER!