What. Wait. No hard-core gore?

No grenade nor anti personel mine has EVER vaporised a man.

I never said a Grenade has vaporized a man, but a mine has. I'm not sure who made them, but I have heard many stories from Korean War/Vietnam of people being completely blown to peices by a single mine. One of them from my Uncle himself, who saw a man being completely blown to peices by one.


Oh yeah, I don't like Rambo films, if I see some bullshit happen I usually turn it ASAP.

Grenades and mines kill by shrapnel not some wierd type of star wars energy lazer.

Your wrong again, not all mines and grenades kill by shrapnel, some kill by heat, some kill by concussion, some kill by extreme pressure. Some kill by all
I entered this thread expecting a protest against the lack of any hardcore pictures of Al-Gore.

I was unpleasantly suprised.
I too enjoyed the gibbing in HL1. More so in fast paced DM. However, I think the new ragdoll physics is a more than adequate replacement for it. I have a feeling that we'll all get that giddy evil grin and laugh from seend them fly and flail, more so than just bursting apart. I mean, isn't gibbing more limited unless you do Soldier of Fortune type gibbing compared to ragdoll, where you can have a different effect on the enemy every time. You never know how they're gonna end up and what crazy and hilarious positions they will come to rest at.
ray_MAN said:
Play UT2004 with full gore on! It's like HL1 gibs version 2.0! :O
So true...I only wish that you could completely gib somebody and not leave their ass burning on the ground. :frown:

Anyways, there are gibs in Half-Life2. In the traptown video, after the zombies get chopped in half; Gordon shoots a barrel by a car and when it smashes a zombie against the wall you see some gibs flying.
The only time where you should see gibs is when someone gets crushed by something. But it would be nice if NPCs that get hit by rockets and grenades are burned and bloody.
The antlions are gibb when they take a full blast of buckshot. And I presume the same would happen if you did the same to a human.
assuming its possible with the SDK, me and a friend are probably going to mod a simple gore system. where if a certain amount of force is applied to a joint after the being dies, the body part will separate from the full ragdoll model, and become its own simple ragdoll entity, like an arm separated at the shoulder will have two ragdoll joints and will react like a real detached arm.

and what will be a bit easier is making the head like that watermelon in plinko room, if enough force is applied to it in game, it detaches from the main actor, and turns into a head model that can separate into smaller models ala the watermelon.
the ant lions disintegrate, the zombies have removable bits...humans don't to my knowledge but if Chris_D could find that quote or whatever would be great.

On the plus side you couldn't chop scientists up in HL and SSH dude put in beheading and slicing in two, some sick bastards (god bless their human entrail socks) will no doubt be able to mod in some suitably vile body gibbage.
Here's my vote: I don't care. Rag dolls are the new gibs. They have the technology to do something better, so they did it. End of story.
i agree, rag doll is the new gibs... it is so satisfying to be playing red orchestra or a game with rag doll physics and just drop someone to the ground and see them just die all realistically :)

blergh, ragdolls more realistic?
he was flying through the air like a windmill. not at all realistic. i liked gibs better anyway.
sure its realistic... Have you ever seen those shows with amazing vids. you see race track personnel get hit by the cars all the time and their legs and arms swing out. if you're spinning and you're limp, centrifugal(sp?)force will cause your arms and legs to spread out from your body as far as your body will allow.

oh, and I laughed my fvcking ass off when he flew through the air like that, much better reaction then if he'd just burst into pieces.
Rocketman9mm said:
sure its realistic... Have you ever seen those shows with amazing vids. you see race track personnel get hit by the cars all the time and their legs and arms swing out. if you're spinning and you're limp, centrifugal(sp?)force will cause your arms and legs to spread out from your body as far as your body will allow.

Very true. The human body can take all kinds of damage before coming apart. Whether or not the person survives, irregardless.
Its ok SubKarman, Doom 3 has ragdolls AND gibbing. You can see it in the Xbox trailer. A guy unloads on a zombie with a shotgun and he pretty much disintegrates, leaving nothing but a bloody skeleton
But I'm sure a 12 gauge shotgun shell point blank in the chest won't leave a gaping hole.
dura said:
But I'm sure a 12 gauge shotgun shell point blank in the chest won't leave a gaping hole.

From what I've heard from all the gun-buffs on the Counter-Strike forums it wouldn't.

I don't think people give the human body enough credit when it comes to enduring punishment. It takes an awful lot of force to rip apart cartilage, bones, tendons and muscle.

And blowing someone to bits is much different from vaporizing them.

Personally, I think it's interesting that for all the technological innovation and revolutionary gameplay and graphics HL2 has to offer, we're sitting here bickering about gibs.

IMO, SOF is a lot like Red Faction; cool features, mediocre game.
I'd like to see limb separation/squishing/gibbing. It wouldn't take much to add, as the havok api should take care of most of it. Gibbing is ultra easy, and necessary in places such as for combine underneath falling dumpsters.
I am also a little dissapointed by the lack of hard core porn, hard core porn is what made half-life the great game it is.
Ha ha Foxtrot, great sarcasm there!

But seriously, there's a way to make gibbing realistic using physics. Quite simply, the human body can break when it can not bend to accommodate the pressure.

So the crane guy is obviously there to show
off ragdoll and I am not even certain that his behavior is unscripted, since the rocket hit him head on, and he flew to the left, and it would be tricky to get the angles right to make him fly like that.

Sorry about the tangent, but if you forget about that crane guy,
gibbing is obviously doable because there's code to do dismemberment. With real explosions, only shrapnel (i.e. pieces
of metal in grenades etc.) and extremely high-power shock wave (hot, condensed air/gas) result in gibbing. The further you are away from the explosive, the less likely you are to be hit by shrapnel, or sheared by the
explosion's shockwave which dissipates. But, it may still have enough force to throw you around.

And that's the difference between gibbing and doing the "dynamite flying dance."

Stan R.
For example, if you place an M80 in your open hand and set it off, it will not blow off your hand. It will give you 3rd degree burns and the casing may severly wound you. But your hand will still be there. However, if you clench that same M80 in your fist and set it off. Then you will be lucky to have anything resembling a hand still attached to your stub.
Good example, but it seems vaguely farmiliar...wasn't it in the movie Armageddon :p?
Foxtrot said:
I am also a little dissapointed by the lack of hard core porn, hard core porn is what made half-life the great game it is.

LMFAO!!!!!!!! You literally made me spit my drink all over the computer screen.
a shotgun point blank to the chest with combat loads WILL effe you up major, leave a large wound. its not going to leave a elmer fudd circle hole clean through you, but you can kiss your ass goodbye if it happens to you. You can search online for pics of results from shotgun blasts if you have the stomach for it to see what I mean.
In the Barricade bink video, when the grenade is thrown at the 2 combine, they just go flying and don't gib.
Gore was something that was really missing in day of defeat beta 2 onwards.

I was really happy that if a nade blew up near somone, they would just get blown sideways, which is realistic. Nades didnt really kill most of the time, just stun and horrfically injure you so that the thrower could storm your mg nest.

However what was missing in dod 1.0 was when rockets were implimented, and you hit a man square in the chest, he just fell down with an "arrrgg my word that was inconvienient"

It would add so much to the game (especially dod source) if each model was made up of 6 pieces (2 arms 2 legs a head and a torso) and depending on hit radius a part comes off if something like a rocket or an extreamly close grenade hit you. They dont do it because it limits the age of the audience they can possibly reach due to censourship. Frankly it does take away something from the game, when you come around a corner and see 5 guys freshly gunned down by an mg nest and they are all in one piece and no blood.
I really didn't like the coastline vid, the physics were pretty crap in it, I thought.

The guy flying through the air in such a perfect parabola like that - it would have started to drop off much sooner due to air resistance, and I doubt he ever would have gotten that much upwards force in the first place (particularly if the rocket hit a pole or something, as people say it did, and not the guy himself).

Also the part where the grenade blows up and the boxes go flying in the air - they perform perfect parabolas up and down, and they don't fall over sideways or anything, just a straight up and down motion, looks really stupid. I'll try and draw it in ascii to give you an idea what I mean as I don't think I've described it too wonderfully:

Instead of:
/ _
/ _
/ _
/ _

Hopefully that makes some sense; the boxes (barrels?) stayed straight up-and-down while flying sideways through the air, instead of being knocked over and flying on an angle due to air resistance.
I really didn't like the coastline vid, the physics were pretty crap in it, I thought.

The guy flying through the air in such a perfect parabola like that - it would have started to drop off much sooner due to air resistance, and I doubt he ever would have gotten that much upwards force in the first place (particularly if the rocket hit a pole or something, as people say it did, and not the guy himself).

Also the part where the grenade blows up and the boxes go flying in the air - they perform perfect parabolas up and down, and they don't fall over sideways or anything, just a straight up and down motion, looks really stupid. I'll try and draw it in ascii to give you an idea what I mean as I don't think I've described it too wonderfully:
      I       I
   I              I
 I                  I
I                    I

Instead of:
        /      _   
     /           _
  /                 _
/                      _

Hopefully that makes some sense; the boxes (barrels?) stayed straight up-and-down while flying sideways through the air, instead of being knocked over and flying on an angle due to air resistance.
Yeah, I'm beginning to think that they haven't fixed all the bugs in the demo playback... I think they'll behave properly in actual realtime play...... Nice double-point-double-the-fun-double-post, BTW :E...

(Oh, and for the record, I loved the flying Combine...)
I have no idea why that showed up there, I clicked "edit" not "new", and I'm pretty sure when I first looked at it, there was only 1 reply (the code one), then again maybe I just didn't see the first one. Yay, over 100 posts.
wow weird double post...i noticed that by the by, some bits do rotate and others don't...i am hoping they sort that out.

On the parabola front, i couldn't say i noticed it on the guy, but the boxes did behave in that uniform way, maybe they'll sort it out or maybe we aren't quite that advanced yet with our physics systems.
Yeah, but it's really quite jarring when you see it. Give that water is really an object in the game, just an area of space that has different physics from the rest, you'd think that they could apply that to 'air' and give it specific drag/resistance properties. I guess that's tricky to apply to objects unless you know what surface area/volume they have, though.
yeah, but don't forget that everything like that will take a chunk outta your CPU, I'd much rather have the game work well and be a game.
also true Raxxman, it is a game and computers have to be able to run them rerasonably well, may as well lose that total perfection in the physics department and instead let people play it...it is biting the bullet but i think selling copies and having fun wins out over total accuracy.
That part in the E32K4 video where Freeman hits a combine with the RPG was hilarious. Who wants gibs when you can send 'em flying 200 feet in the air hehe.
Ideally if you fired a rocket and had it explode at someone's feet, it would leave maybe some smoking boots, and send a footless body with several shrapnel wounds and burns (accentuated by now ragged clothing flapping in the wind) flying through the air.

Also up on the list would be broken ragdolls. Instead of them following the usual (in some games) once dead, the body only bends naturally, you could have it so once a body has sustained enough damage, major bones (namely arms and legs) can be broken. Helps give that realistic (not really what I want to see after lunch mind you) "I just got smooshed into the ground by a powerful explosion / large falling object / suicide dive" effect.

I don't think it should be implemented by half life, but it should be made moddable, the best of both worlds guys, valve don't need to spend time working on it, and we still get it if we want it.
Oh, and for example when the combine is hit by the rocket and flies through the air, when he lands he would break that leg pretty good and proper if you know what I mean, would be cool to implement that as well :)
Chris_D said:
We have already seen evidence of this. Zombies do it, and I think we've had confirmation that humans will too. You sick bastard ;)

lol.. you sick bastard
Cabb said:
Oh, and for example when the combine is hit by the rocket and flies through the air, when he lands he would break that leg pretty good and proper if you know what I mean, would be cool to implement that as well :)

Well you do get that really bad "die and fall backwards over their spine" ragdoll effect that seems to plauge all ragdoll games.