What would you like to see added to halflife 2?

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I want sof2 style rag doll / bullet effects.. Ie: If i shoot their arm with a shogt gun i want it to fly off like it how hit with a shotgun.
I think it's already been stated that HL2 will have dismemberment (ex. the full Traptown vid), but probably not to the degree of SoF2.
I assume a mod would be able to introduce any level of gore/limb damage/decapitations that it wanted. If that sort of thing turns you on. ;)
I'd like more drivable vehicles, better graphics, 3rd person mode.. to name a few
The weapons dont seem to have IMPACT, you shot a solider in the head and he dosent go flyin back, well i little bit, but not much
The City-17.net FAQ has this:

Q: Does Half-Life 2 have a Soldier of Fortune 2 style damage system?

A: No.

I'm sure an enterprising modder will fix it though. :D
People don't actually fly back from bullets..... well not as much as it's shown in movies.
The bullet has a very low mass and an aerodynamic shape, so it just basically "swims" through the body...unless it's a shotgun or something similar... or the size of the bullet is huge:)
/me steps in

Hey stigmata, Gamera and thehunter1320, 4 lines max in sigs...forum rule..

/me steps out.
Proper conservation of momentum in the physics syatem would be nice along with fully dynamic lighting.
A lord of the rings mod with a ton o' weapons and changeable armor.:afro:
Ultra Realistic gore and exaggerated deaths. Makes using the shotgun a lot more satisfying.
I want the body to smash against the wall behind it, breaking its neck, causing the spine to rip through the throat and then choke it in its own filthy blood. But it would probably be dead by then.

(alright, im just kidding)
Originally posted by Woggy
Ultra Realistic gore and exaggerated deaths. Makes using the shotgun a lot more satisfying.
I want the body to smash against the wall behind it, breaking its neck, causing the spine to rip through the throat and then choke it in its own filthy blood. But it would probably be dead by then.

(alright, im just kidding)
Nice, I tottaly agree!!
Originally posted by WiredShock
I'd like more drivable vehicles, better graphics, 3rd person mode.. to name a few

Better graphics???? We are talking about Half Life 2, the graphics are amazing!
3rd person mode will probably be included (console command), but as a standard view it wouldn't really fit the game.
I would like to see it get to the point to where if i shoot it in the head i want the pice to fly off... call me morbid but the more realistic the game is the more fun it is... i know halflife 1 didnt have it but when you shot someone with a shotgun at close range you knew you could expect to see him fly back a few feet...

Im imagineing a new way of doing it just imagine... you shoot some one in the stomach and poof out comes some intestance.. well maybe not that graphic but.. kinda like R rated movie goodness... although this would cause a giant up roar with the "parent alliance tree huggers" their is a parental block and its rated M they need to get over them selvs.
People this isn't a splatter movie!!! I think Valve just gets it right, if you want blood then play SOF2, but Half Life 2 is more about the whole experience, it doesn't need gore that overshadows everything else. It's more like an action movie and that's good so.
in the e3 movie we see a combine fly when hit by a grenade...
why doesn't he explode like in real life?
Originally posted by WARLORD
in the e3 movie we see a combine fly when hit by a grenade...
why doesn't he explode like in real life?

Because you don't explode in real life, frag grenades are primarily deadly because of the fragments, not the blast. That the combine flies away is a bit exaggerated but cool though.
If you want exaggerated SoF2-style gore and dismemberment, there's probably going to be a mod that will let you do that. People will also probably try to change around the ragdoll physics to make the deaths more over-the-top.
More realistic gun ballistics, instead of the usual random bullet dispersement pattern. If I shoot someone in the head, I want that person dead. Realisitc recoil is a lot better then the random bullets crap.

And the grenades from what I have heard are very weak. More like elaborate firecrackers right now.

It's clear that HL2 is far from being the revolutionary game that some have said it would be.
The grenades are the most realistic I have ever seen, real grenades don't have a huge fireball, the explosion is very quick, and it doesn't make that BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!! sound like in all other games, but in Half Life 2 they managed to get it right, sure, it's not spectacular, but more realistic.
Argh, ***k you guys! I was eating pizza while reading this, damnit. There goes my appetite! :)

i didn't know it was frag grenades, they should make fire grenade and flashbang :p

i wish there would be a realistic mod with actual weapons and technology, and the ability to change bullet type, like a mix of operation flashpoint and swat3 :p
like there could be swat missions when you have to do swat job by not killing civilians and trying to arrest terrorists instead of killing them so you would use blashbang and gaz grenade and explode the doors to enter a room and clear it and you would change ammo for your weapon and there would be a riot shield.
or being a soldier you will be able to drive a tank or control the turret, or an apc or a chopper, you would have napalm grenade or frag grenades and uranium bullets and explosives bullet.
And the grenades from what I have heard are very weak. More like elaborate firecrackers right now.

well you heard wrong, the nades are very, very well done
-D0ncing Gabe easter egg
-Heartbeat sensors
-Mustard Gas
-Breaching Charge
-Leaning left to right abilities
i'm with the gore addage *thumbs up* lol

i'm not gonna' go into this whole thing, but put simply... most humans have a basic instinct called blood-lust, whether you believe it or not...
it's the reason why people see/make movies like freddy vs. jason, or final destination 2... well, besides money too, heh.

/rant ;)
Originally posted by FoB_Ed
well you heard wrong, the nades are very, very well done

No, the explosion and graphical effects are well done, but the damage they cause is not realistic at all. Real grenades are a lot more powerful.

I’m not talking about huge fireballs, since real grenades don’t’ have any such he fireballs, but the blast radius and effect on AI is simply unrealistic. Throw a grenade near the combine and if they are not within the hit box, they are not even fazed for one sec. That is not realistic. In real life, they would get a concussion and fall down, or get dizzy and wounded. The hit box just blows away immersion for me. I would have hoped for more accurate per pixel damage modeling like Doom 3.
And too see one of the most accurate simulations of grenades play America's Army.
realistic fire patterns, recoil and damage are awesome.. but not really hl style... I dont really think valve really shoot for realism with half-life. its a design decision. I would seriously doubt seeing an realistic fire patterns, recoil, or damage in HL2, simply because its not what they want gameplay wise. the realistic stuff mentioned above will be probably locked and loaded in the CS2 dept.
the grenade however is more useful than HL1's grenade.. as mentioned earlier the grenade is a sight to behold, both graphically and to listen to (especially the satisfactory low toned pop and flash when thrown far.. gotta hear and see it)
as for damage wise... its still pretty weak for a grenade, but if your judging the beta grenade, who knows.. remember HL1's grenades? pretty useless in terms of anything than making the enemy move.

something that would tickle my fancy?
I WANT A MECH TO RIDE IN!! ;) more like power armor.. but heres to hoping. :D
Originally posted by Mr. Redundant
remember HL1's grenades? pretty useless in terms of anything than making the enemy move.

*remember trying to sneak behind the two talking gards near the missile silo to throw a MP5 grenade and see them run away before the grenade can hit them...*
Originally posted by Mr. Redundant
realistic fire patterns, recoil and damage are awesome.. but not really hl style... I dont really think valve really shoot for realism with half-life. its a design decision. I would seriously doubt seeing an realistic fire patterns, recoil, or damage in HL2, simply because its not what they want gameplay wise. the realistic stuff mentioned above will be probably locked and loaded in the CS2 dept.
the grenade however is more useful than HL1's grenade.. as mentioned earlier the grenade is a sight to behold, both graphically and to listen to (especially the satisfactory low toned pop and flash when thrown far.. gotta hear and see it)
as for damage wise... its still pretty weak for a grenade, but if your judging the beta grenade, who knows.. remember HL1's grenades? pretty useless in terms of anything than making the enemy move.
I understand what you're saying but I'm a bit of a realism fan, so I guess I'll wait for the mods and CS2 for that level of gameplay. The soruce engine is well suited for realistic simulations of land combat.

Right now, the beta ballisitics leave me a little underwhelmed.
oh yeah, and i hope hl2 actual has headshots that matter. in hl1 you had to shoot a grunt 3 times in the face with your glock to take him down. I say 1 shot from any decent weapon should take out a human if its with a headshot maybe 2
Originally posted by ParaBellum
I understand what you're saying but I'm a bit of a realism fan, so I guess I'll wait for the mods and CS2 for that level of gameplay. The soruce engine is well suited for realistic simulations of land combat.

Right now, the beta ballisitics leave me a little underwhelmed.
IM a realism fan, so I feel your pain. I honestly agree with you whole-heartedly.. I was just offering an opinion as to why Half-life may go the way it did in the first.

and as of right now you can unload 2 damn clips of the assault rifle into a combine''s head and they keep on chuggin :/
that however could be somewhat related to well I dont want to say anything in-case Im right and I spoil it for someone.
to fill in those missing textures, put pics of naked women!