What's Breen Saying?


Jun 6, 2003
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Finnaly the Binks have come out and we can all hear the background chatter. Conspiracy theorists unite! What is it that Breen is saying in the Tenements Bink?

NB. Yes you could but open the preload but what would be the fun in that?

[...] = unclear speach

Let me read a letter I recently received:

Dear Dr. Breen, Why has the Combine [...] continued [...] Sincerely, Concerned Citizen.

Thank you for your letter [...] touched one of the [..(basic?)..] impulses [...] all thats associated [...] fears [...] future of the species.

I also detect some unspoken questions: Do our benefactors really know what's best for us? What gives them the right to make such decisions for mankind? How can we ever [...] deactivate [...] again?

Allow me to address the underlying anxieties rather than try to answer every possible question you might have left unvoiced.

Let us consider the fact that [...] as a specise [...] is within our reach. This simple fact has far reaching implications [...]
i think what you have is pretty accurate, i might need to go watch again.
I can't fill in any of the blanks, but everything you've already figured out is creepy as shit, especially in the context of the scene.
Good info, I'll take a look later see if I can fill any in
"Let me read a letter I recently received. 'Dear Dr. Breen. Why has the Combine seen fit to [...] our reproductive cycle? Sincerely, A Concerned Citizen.' "

"Thank you for writing, Concerned. Of course your question touches on one of the basic biological [..species?.], with all its associated [..hopes?..] and fears for the future of the species. "

I added a couple...


Let me read a letter I recently received:

Dear Dr. Breen, Why has the Combine seen fit to [...] our reproductive cycle? Sincerely, A Concerned Citizen.

Thank you for writing, Concerned. Of course your question touches on one of the basic biological [..species?.], with all its associated [..hopes?..] and fears for the future of the species. "

I also detect some unspoken questions: Do our benefactors really know what's best for us? What gives them the right to make such [...] decisions for mankind? How can we ever [..deactivate?..] again?

Allow me to address the underlying anxieties rather than try to answer every possible question you might have left unvoiced.

Let us consider the fact that [...] as a specise [...] is within our reach. This simple fact has far reaching implications [...]
How about using the searchbutton and finding the already typed up one?
Hey I got another one! :D

in the line:

"Why has the Combine seen fit to suppress our reproductive cycle"

suppress is the word.
Dead-Inside said:
How about using the searchbutton and finding the already typed up one?

Settle down. You're thinking of the Trainstation clip, not the Tenements clip.
lans said:
Hey I got another one! :D

in the line:

"Why has the Combine seen fit to enhance our reproductive cycle"

enhance is the word.
:afro: The combine put viagra in the water... to make you forget...
The trainstation is just a cycle, the tenement one is more interesting becasue it has all the elements of propaganda.

I suspect that usually the administrator expects the population to do what they are told, citing "the survival of the species". But this issue about "supressing (nice one Ians!) reproductive cycles" is probably causing a great amount of concern and so that Breen has taken the step is answering this "letter" with a "everything is okay, go back to you lives" broadcast is significant. It shows that more intevention is being required to keep the people of city 17 subjugated. Enter Gordon Freeman, the proverbial match in the powder keg.
oldagerocker said:
:afro: The combine put viagra in the water... to make you forget...

No wonder everyone looks so tired all the time! :cheers:
Okay so the two lines about the letters sorta make sense now:

"Let me read a letter I recently received. 'Dear Dr. Breen. Why has the Combine seen fit to suppress our reproductive cycle? Sincerely, a concerned citizen."

"Thank you for writing, Concerned. Of course your question touches on one of the basic biological impulses, with all its associated hopes and fears for the future of the species."
I gave it a shot, this is what I came up with.

Let me read out a letter I recently received. "Dear Dr. Breen, why has the Combine seen fit to suppress our reproductive cycle? Sincerly, a concerned citizen." Thank you for writing, concerned. Of course, your question branches on one of the basic biological impulses, with all of it's associated hopes and fears for the future of the species.

I also detect some unspoken questions. Do our benefactors really know what's best for us? What gives them the right to make such rash decisions for mankind? How can we ever deactivate suppresion ("...") (supreme?) again? Allow me to address the anxieties underlying your concerns, rather than try to answer every possible question you might have left unvoiced.

Let us consider the fact that, for the first time ("...") as a species, immortality is within our reach. This simple fact has far reaching implications ("...")

Besides that, I can't hear the rest because of people talking etc.
excellent work! the combine are trying to oppress everything to do with the human race.

i like the part about 'immortality is within our reach', perhaps the goal of the combine is to make everyone 'combined' with whatever the combine are combined with.

put THAT in your sig and smoke it.
Decoded most of it: :D

"Let me read a letter I recently received. 'Dear Dr. Breen. Why has the Combine seen fit to suppress our reproductive cycle? Sincerely, a concerned citizen."

"Thank you for writing, Concerned. Of course your question touches on one of the basic biological impulses, with all its associated hopes and fears for the future of the species."

"I also detect some unspoken questions. Do our benefactors really know what's best for us? What gives them the right to make this kind of decision for mankind? Will they ever deactivate the suppression field and let us breed again? "

"Allow me to address the anxieties underlying your concerns, rather than try to answer every possible question you might have left unvoiced. "

"First, let us consider the fact that for the first time ever, as a species, immortality is in our reach. "

"This simple fact has far-reaching implications."
So, the combine have some sort of supression field, that supposedly suppressed reproduction? I guess it's pretty easy to see how the combine managed to take control so quickly.

[EDIT]: Nice one Ians, that's pretty much all of it. :)
And oh boy, am I going to open a can 'o' whoop ass on them when HL2 comes out.

Nice on Ians, did you turn thebase down or somthing?
Andy, if you didn't notice, Ians decoded all of it. :)

[EDIT]: you're a sly one Andy. :p
WHOA! bombshell!

and thats why there are...NO CHILDREN!
That's probably why Gman sent Gordon back. He want's people to make sex once again.
lans said:
Decoded most of it: :D

"First, let us consider the fact that for the first time ever, as a species, immortality is in our reach. "

"This simple fact has far-reaching implications."

The idea of living forever [immortality] is in our reach ?

This game going to get complicated; and that off course what game should be.

Thank you lans for decoding it. ;)
Very good information there.

Just aside, the character next to the black guy is a man...in the E3 2004 trailer its a girl. Does this mean the BINK was created with an older build? Or maybe some characters can be different sex the different times you play?
Tiddalick said:
Very good information there.

Just aside, the character next to the black guy is a man...in the E3 2004 trailer its a girl. Does this mean the BINK was created with an older build? Or maybe some characters can be different sex the different times you play?

Yea, I noticed that too.
Okay then new Half-life 2 theory:

SO something bad has happened to the people of Earth (most likely involving Xen), leaving them with a power void and no sense of direction. Enter the "benefactors" and Breen with his vision. "This is a great oportunity" he'll say, "there was alway overpopulation, now there will be enough to go around", he'll claim "now we can focus on quality not quantity."

"immortality can be yours!"

And so he begins his vision, which slowly comes to fruition, the imortality of the species, and an end to the problems of human society. The one drawback? No more indescriminant breeding, only control and monitoring, like a lab experiment or a selective breeding program... or worse.

So is this vision genuine, the combine are indeed protecting the citizens of city 17 but at what cost? The casue seems ominous but is it really nobel? And if not, who's pulling the strings? And for what end? Why is Gman trying to stop it by sending Gordon in. What's going on? Discuss!
Tiddalick said:
Very good information there.

Just aside, the character next to the black guy is a man...in the E3 2004 trailer its a girl. Does this mean the BINK was created with an older build? Or maybe some characters can be different sex the different times you play?

Older build and if you remember the girl on the door step she run back to the room, that is the same girl we saw in the updated picture. Means that characters are moving and changing places all the time. they are not Static :cheers:
Actaully, there are kids

Isn't there a kid in that room you go into right at the end? please someone get a screencap right at the end just before it fades out.

It's either a person sitting or a child.

or a midget.
its someone sitting down. they look upset.


  • unhappy.jpg
    15.5 KB · Views: 420
nw909 said:
Isn't there a kid in that room you go into right at the end? please someone get a screencap right at the end just before it fades out.

It's either a person sitting or a child.

or a midget.

It's a dwarf.

But I'm definately sure HL2 will have females and children too - it suits the theme. In a war (civil in this case), women and children suffer the most. HL2 resistance themed story should be focusing to capture these emotional sides too (a good way to show off the facial expression tech), unlike other games.
its not uncommon to have female charactors in games (weve now seen several in hl2 media) but children are very rare. and the whole 'subdued reproductive system' would suggest there aint many kids about. and there wont be any time soon.
This is really weighty stuff for a First Person Shooter. Glad to see it. Seems to be an order of magnitude more complicated than HL1. Wonder if that will turn some people off, though I suppose they could just go play Doom3 for something more straight forward.
I agree.

HL2's story seems quite complex and indeed very intresting. Let's see where it goes - it's this totally new atmosphere which has gotten many critics and fans intrested in HL2. Hopefully Marc laidlaw did justice to it.