What's Breen Saying?

most likely that the field keeps the population "sterile".

Well spotted with that "waht are we going to do?" quote.

It doesn't matter if the combine are human or not, since they probably reporduce using cloning technology and the field is only to prevent the impure human process of breeeding. (ugh)

I dirrect your attention (in true geek fashion) to the Stargate episode "2010"


Basic synopsis: an alien race come to earths aid infighting a powerful alien threat and then intergrates Earth into their society. Unfortunately all is not as it seems, as the aliens are introducing an anti-aging drug that causes sterility to cut the population of Earth back to levels the aliens deem "acceptable" to keep them under control.
ubernerd :p
really, all this does is make me want to manipulate more crates into them
CombineSoldier said:
In traptown, red blood
Baiting bugs, green blood

75% Human
25% Alien (Xen?)

I think the green blood was from the antlions they were shooting.
A Big Fat CoW said:
I think the green blood was from the antlions they were shooting.

antlion blood is really guacamole.

i think, the combine are solders and cops are turncoat humans, and that the aliens took over, brought in the striders and flying manatees, and all the headcrabs and antlions are leftovers from black mesa.

the combine are draining earth of its resources, and are also slowing exterminating the human race,

where did i get all this insightful knowledge from?

HERE!!! http://www.half-life2.com/overview.html
lans said:
Yep, Combines are 100% scum.

and thats why i like 'em

my view:
the combine soldiers/cops ARE human. they will just have cybernetic 'enhancements'
i beleive that they might have something like in their brain to make them loyal or whatever
Kind of reminds me of that one episode of Stargate SG1 when this alien race we found comes to Earth and basically brings down the human reproduction rate to like 10%. And finally Samantha Carter notices it and sends a message back through time to warn themselves not to meet that race. Possibly, just possibly the Combine are trying to wipe the humans off the face of the planet, and not even Dr. Breen knows about it?
Breen has full control, i think over the combine. And metrocops are probobly to busy to have a hiddin agenda
all that about selective breeding, maybe city 17 is where all the special people go, like heros, like gordan freeman to try and make super powerful people!!!!!!!!

the combine are not human, and there are children.
It never said anything about selective breeding 0_0
It said not letting breeding. Anyway, why would the combine want to make super strong people to overtrough them?
Gordon is the only person in C-17 who has a crowbar in his pocket...and he's glad to see you, too.
... its obvious...

SOMEHOW, in the time from HL1, medical technology advanced so far, that immortality is in human reach, the problem is... if humans can reproduce, but humans never die, then the world will become insanely overpopulated...

no selective breeding.... no births at all

if noone ever dies, then noone can be born...

Actually,breen does KINDA, note KINDA....talk in the same speech pattern as the g-man does. He sometimes pauses in between words as if he is searching for one. It is a possibility, who knows.
Someone mentioned a woman looking out the room, then turning into a man next to the black guy in the tenemant bink? No! Thats not it...she runs into the room and through a PARTIALLY boarded up doorway into the next apartment...she's the one saying "what are we going to do?" in the next room... and that abortion comment was just too far with the imagination...I think she's concerned about the combine serching the place, maybe she has something to worry about herself?
Excellent translation work. :)

Now we know why that one guy in the playground was the last to ever play there. :O
Breen....=gman.....now thats the biggest pile of crap i have heard all day
MetEoRA said:
I bet you can still have sex, just no babies. Unless the field acts like a reverse-viagra :( in which case:

No sex 4 U!! :farmer:

Now all they have to come up with is an Aids / STD suppression field and there will be f***ing in the streets my friends ;)
Has anyone wodered how it would be possible to stop pregnancy with some sort of 'suppresion field'? It just defies anything we know about technology.

OK, so the combine are more advanced, but I still think it makes more sense that the combine have been putting some sort of birth control into the water or food of City17. Doing that would actually be possible with todays technology.

I think the 'immortality' thing is a ploy to keep people from resisting. People would be so gullible about something like that.

This leaves us with the question: What do the combine want? What is their reason for doing all this?
As far is ive heard, in city 17 you but your own food, but water is over a cerculation
jabberwock95 said:
Has anyone wodered how it would be possible to stop pregnancy with some sort of 'suppresion field'? It just defies anything we know about technology.
Not really if you tune a really low inaudinle noise to the right frequency it kills misquito larvae and we use that technolgy now....
I bet it would work on Human embryo's set to the frequency of that and played over a large area would shake the embryos to their death....
Xeni said:

Actually,breen does KINDA, note KINDA....talk in the same speech pattern as the g-man does. He sometimes pauses in between words as if he is searching for one. It is a possibility, who knows.

I think that could make sense if you think that Breen is mad he misled the human race and sends Gordon back in time to fix it...to stop himself - thus creating a big time paradox and bringing about the apocalypse...or Half-Life 3.

I would guess immortality is a hoax, and there's something important about the water. Maybe the combine hold the only potable water source...since the ocean's really dried up, and the canal looked really low. Then they could break out the conspiracy theorists' dream with "OMG, the water is a mind control device!" I think that's a bit off the wall...but it'd work, at least.
Dr Breen is not the gman, what shitty idea that is completley bullshit