What's the most shamefully geeky thing you've ever done?


Space Core
Feb 19, 2008
Reaction score
For me, it must be doing a talk on macromedia flash when I was 11. I was young and stupid, and now my friends will never let me live it down.
I accidentally said "LOL" once when I was talking to some friends after they told a pretty funny story, yeah... that's about as bad as it gets.

I contemplated suicide for a couple of minutes after that.
I accidentally said "LOL" once when I was talking to some friends after they told a pretty funny story, yeah... that's about as bad as it gets.

I contemplated suicide for a couple of minutes after that.

I used to know some one who would do that all the time. On purpose.
Trying to lick my nipples whilst furiously masturbating with some ladies knickers to a mock-up picture of Lara Croft in the nude.

Good times.
I often say "lulz" during conversation, it doesn't seem to bother anybody.
I said "clientside" during sleep.
lol Pi

Hmm....Well i say "Owned" and "Noob" a few times almost daily, so i guess that counts
overheard at Casa Stern in the wee hours of the morning:

"this is x-wing fighter Commander Stern requesting permission to dock into mothership One"

"oh ffs just put it in, I think the kids are starting to wake up"
Switching to cosplay now to keep things going in teh sechs department, ey?
lol Pi

Hmm....Well i say "Owned" and "Noob" a few times almost daily, so i guess that counts

Saying owned to somebody when you just owned them is not nerdish. Its bragging.
Especially if you pull an O-Face and start gyrating your hips as your saying it, then it's a perfectly natural pwned
I've never done anything geeky. EVER.
I Jizzed on a copy of PC Gamer because nothing else was around
I accidentally said "LOL" once when I was talking to some friends after they told a pretty funny story, yeah... that's about as bad as it gets.

I contemplated suicide for a couple of minutes after that.

I do it every day

Switching to cosplay now to keep things going in teh sechs department, ey?

man, you dont know the half of it: pills for getting it up, pills for getting it down, eat 4lds oysters and you wont be shooting blanks, get out of the mailman costume and into the raping terrorist costume ...seriously it gets harder every freakin day ...oh well I'm off to my Kegel exercise class
Listening to video game soundtracks on a daily basis.
Also, I've said lol irl as well.
Honestly? Standing in line outside GAME waiting for the midnight release of GTA4...having people I know (albeit pissed) walk past (and I think it was a student night) asking why I was standing there with like 20 other people.

I then hid the game in my jacket (out of embaressment) and walked down the highstreet heading for home, making up excuses to everyone I knew that stopped me.

One of the excuses was 'just fancied a walk'..yeah, go figure, a walk at like 12:30am.
man, you dont know the half of it: pills for getting it up, pills for getting it down, eat 4lds oysters and you wont be shooting blanks, get out of the mailman costume and into the raping terrorist costume ...seriously it gets harder every freakin day ...oh well I'm off to my Kegel exercise class

Do what everybody else does... find different sex partners!
Spent almost 8 hours coding BATCH FILES till 4am...it was fun at the time...
I call people noobs.

I'm not ashamed though, most people I hang with are noobs, so **** em.
I used to be mega into Star Trek. Worst thing was probably making this massive spreadsheets (yeah) calculating the relative power of the fleets of all the powers in the Dominion War (DS9), even coming up with formulas for figuring out how the 'combat rating' of a ship would reduce over time depending on it's age and type of ship. Then comparing how the relative strengths of the fleets changed throughout the war depending on who was winning. Complete with graphs over time.
Yeah, I had a lot of issues when I was a kid, er... I mean teenager.... okay then, early twenty-something. Sigh.

Do I win?

what are the tags for strikeout text?
in seventh grade, we had a 'technology day' sort of thing, and my math teacher was going to use his period to teach us how to program our TI-83s, but then he had to be somewhere and so he asked me to do it. the programs he gave me to teach them were useless and written for a TI-82 in an older version of flash basic, so it ended up with me at the front of my algebra 1 class, about 12 years old, teaching everyone how to make Hello World and then a little random number game in their calculator. my teacher knew i had taught myself the uber simple calculator programming language because I had done a project using it earlier in the year.

edit: actually, on second thought, that's the second most shamefully geeky thing i've ever done, i think the first is being staff here for several years... although i do recoup some of my losses with the press steam account
Star Trek

Spending over 200 buck in GW in one go.

In my defence I had money to waste.
This one time a friend and I decided to watch some Angelic Layer for shits and giggles. Little did I realise he was having a girl from work around. That was awkward... not for him though, he has no shame.
Gave a mandatory speech and based it off of Black Mesa Research Facilities as if it was a real thing when I was 9.

Anything else was probably associated with pokemon.
Lol , once on the summer holidays i spent the entire night playing CS , I remember my dad was going to work when I was going to sleep :D
Oh, and I just remembered a friend and I used to write sequels to Michael Jackson songs. Not exactly geeky, but... well, yeah it is. I've been trying to fish up the lyrics to Bad II for ages. :(
I tried to turn down the volume of a boring professor in class with an imagined remote control. To my defence I hadn't slept in 28 hours.
Lol , once on the summer holidays i spent the entire night playing CS , I remember my dad was going to work when I was going to sleep :D

You must be like 13 or something, most people here have done that..

In fact most people here I'm sure have played CS or some multiplayer game for atleast 15 hours in a row.
Oh, and I just remembered a friend and I used to write sequels to Michael Jackson songs. Not exactly geeky, but... well, yeah it is. I've been trying to fish up the lyrics to Bad II for ages. :(

Oh my god i ACTUALLY just fell off of my chair :)