What's your passion?


I Hate Custom Titles
Sep 13, 2003
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Mine is writing, simply put.

Give me some feedback. I have a character in a game, and he's an artist. Has currently been designing a four piece painting series for the local museum, based on gray wolves and the changing seasons. Has currently finished two of them, Winter and Spring.

Winter is called "Winter Struggle", Spring is "Spring Renewal"

"Winter Struggle"

A faint silvery blue moon is barely visible peeking through the whiteout of a raging blizzard in this somber painting. Though the visibilty is limited from the howling winds carrying thousands of snowflakes painstakingly dotted with the tip of the paintbrush, you can see the form of a majestic gray wolf struggling to make its way through the foul weather. Golden-yellow eyes squint to see ahead, the lupine obviously determined not to lose orientation in the onslaught of a fierce snowfall. The dark and light Silver-gray fur of its body is lightly matted with clumps of snow and ice crystals detailed with numerous short brush strokes, and trailing behind the strong hind legs are the remnants of paw prints which are quickly being covered up by the rapdily rising drifts.

"Spring Renewal"

Gentle gurgling and the flowing of water is captured in breathtaking silence with this oil painting, depicting a long and winding stream that glistens with the reflections of its surroundings. Lush and vibrant trees stand huddled together at the edge of the grassy clearing, revealing the way into a deeper part of the woods that still shows signs of the winter snow, sheltered from the sun by the thick forest canopy. Towards the front of the painting amidst the rich green grass is a beautiful gray wolf that sits on her haunches with a poised and noble appearance as she watches over the numerous young pups that surround her. One frolics around with its tiny nose buried in the dirt and hind legs propped up into the air behind it as if trying to find a hidden scent, while another is seen romping after a butterfly that floats carelessly just out of reach. The last two are shown rolling around in the trampled blades of grass, playfully biting and pawing at each other in competition for a sense of brotherly dominance.

The summer one isn't fully finished, but it will be called "Summer Twilight" And this is what I have with it so far. I vision it having two wolves, male a female life mates howling up at the sliver of a moon together.

Beautifully colored skies dominate this subtly layered painting, illuminating outwards from the horizon in a variety of blues, purples, and shades of red as the fallen sun's rays filter through and scatter into the atmosphere. Jutting forth from the bottom corners is a long and jagged rockface that extends up into the center of the scene, the twilight revealing dozens of tiny shrubs and rocks that litter the surface of the dirt pathway.

As for autumn. I have an entirely different approach for that, and it'll be titled "Autumn Desperation"

Of course, my character has done some other works too, including some less formal, sketch arts.

This beautifully drawn image stands out with a great deal of artistic detail. Gently curving lines created from the silvery-black graphite depict what appears to be a beautiful moon-lit night on the vast expanses of a sandy beach. Prominently displayed is the shapely figure of a woman sitting in the rich, soft sand which is formed up slightly around her body. Completely nude, you can make out the curvature of her figure from the incredibly detailed shading, which is used throughout the entire scene. A moon hangs in the sky, rounded and full, with subtle shading effects to mark giant craters on its surface, barely noticable to the eye. Gentle waves are shown crashing down against the beach as they come in, the pencil shading around the area colored more darkly to show a wet sand surface.

This drawing is heavily shaded with the dark and light strokes of a graphite pencil, giving a great sense of depth and reality. A small girl is shown snuggled against the shoulder of an unknown figure, her pretty young face empty of expression except for a small faint smile as she sleeps with eyes shut. Her dark hair is pulled back in cute little pigtails, that hang loosely down from her head against an exceptionally detailed hoodie. A tiny star diamond earring can be seen adorning the small girl's earlobe, glinting with the faintest sparkle that is achieved by talented manipulation from the artist.

Hehehe. So before I digress too much, whats your passion?
Mastering extremely challenging games like DoDonPachi.
Destroying computer-generated ninjas.

As for your works: To coin a phrase; Fantastic!
Firebox said:
Destroying computer-generated ninjas.

As for your works: To coin a phrase; Fantastic!

Pah, I still think its funny you were beaten by computer generated ninjas.
They kicked your ass first.

On topic: Writing, I suppose
Game design, level design. Few things make me happier.
You know something, I don't have any passions, and thats kind of sad. :(

Maybe I should get back into Karate, or find something new.
Making little 3D scenes in the Unreal Editor. Custom 3D models and everything.

I would use the HL2 engine but importing all the custom stuff takes an AGE. It does look better though.
Writing, i'll put up some WoW fan fiction i've been doing:

The mighty hands of Danimal said:
My father turned his head to me in agony and slight relief, he had a horrific cut on his face which lead down to his mid-chest, a horn was ripped out and carelessly thrown to his side, he was gasping for air and looking into my face with his cold, smokey eyes. I knelt down to him and placed his head into my arms, he would jolt in pain with every second breath. I saw a small shard of wood sticking out of his back and bleeding furiously. I knew from that point on we lost the fight. My father's face went from suffering into a neutral glaze as he softly spoke to me, he said "Wolfaran, if the orcs arrive, tell them we lost... We..." He took another gasp of air "We were overwhelmed, for every tauren there was, they would be five of the..." he started to hack and wheeze as the look of panic was painted onto my face, he takes yet another gasp of air "I... I love you, son. Tell the orcs I want you and your brother to live in the Orgrimmar Orphanage, I think you should be fine from there..."

Tears were pouring down my face as he lifted his arm to wipe them away, "Don't cry... Son. I die-- Died honourably." "But I will never see you again, or mother!" I yelled, he started to drift in out of life, "It's not quite like that... For you see..." He tried to take another breath and put one of his hands in his jacket as if he was pulling something out but gasped and was finally put out of his suffering. I sat down back next to my brother; I placed him back into my arms and shielded his eyes from the sheer carnage the centaurs left behind...

Several hours of toiling through the rummage later, a moderatly sized army of orcs and trolls arrived, they were simply shocked at how fast the small town was razed. The leader of the group pulled out a small peice of paper and started to write a report on the status of the town. I slowly approached them with my brother fast asleep in my trembling hands. My face was completely covered in tears and my face was struck with sad emotion. The leader looked down at me with utter sorrow, he then took a quick gander of the area and said "Come on, kid. I'll take you to your new home..."

Hours of riding on the back of a kodo took a toll on my energy, the constant rocking to the left and right made me sleepy and my brother was already fast asleep in my arms, I quickly shook my head and tried to stay awake, the tauren riding the kodo chuckled as he was watching me. Eventually I lost the fight and quickly fell asleep, to wake up in a blood-soaked beach and trigger the start of a traumatic nightmare.

I woke up in my dream staring at the sky, I got up quickly and brushed the sand off my back and arms, I looked into the sky and it was cloudless and blood red. The sand in between the cracks in my hoof was pink as I looked down to realise the entire beach had large patches of pink and red littered all through it.

My parents were on the horizon waving at me and gesturing me to come to them, I quickly started dashing towards them, but with every step I took the smaller they got, smaller and smaller until I could not see them. I stood at the spot where they were, their hoof-prints were starting to blow off into the wind and I started to cry. I fell to my knees and stared off into the distance and a deep state of thought.

A furry, grimy hand landed on my shoulder with a heavy “thud”, I turn around and it’s one of the centaur with pikes coming out of his shoulders, and on those pikes were the heads of my parents, they had the look of horrors forged into their faces with parts of their skin rotting off with flies infesting their eye sockets! I screamed in anger and punched him in the face, but he did not budge. He just stared at me for three seconds and laughed, his large belly shaking with the rhythm of his mocking laughter. He then raised his arm and struck at my face but straight before the impact I was woke up gasping for air and covered in sweat. I was in a bed in a place I did not know, the walls were made of kodo skin like my old home… But something was different, the heavy smell of burning charcoal filled the air and the squealing of pigs erupted shortly after.

Oh noes! Where could he be!? (I quoted this from the middle of chapter one, so of course you're going to miss who that person actually is.)
Pi Mu Rho said:
Game design, level design. Few things make me happier.

Collecting morons? :)


<3 CH
And holding together the fabrics of time and space with your nose hair...
Skateboarding, singing/everything about music, writing, doing well in school, girls.
music (listening to it that is), writing, gaming and game development, etc what have you
Angry Lawyer said:

-Angry Lawyer
Women in general said:

On-topic: It would be acquiring knowledge about computer technology in general. That, and planning devious schemes that I may use later in my life :naughty:
Shodan said:
Also I sadly have a gun obsession.

But that's kind of a primal thing. It's like there's a built in human reaction to holding a gun in your hands - you just suddenly have this overwhelming urge to snap the thing to your shoulder, sight along the full lenth of that freudian barrel and pop someone's head. It's the same with, say, a sledgehammer or a knife - though to a lesser extent because they're not as easy to kill someone with. I swear there's some part of our brains which loves to hold weapons, to caress them lovingly and enjoy the feeling of power. With guns, and the satisfying clunk and click of their workings, the meaty weight of it, it's even worse.

Or maybe that's just me.
Sulkdodds said:
But that's kind of a primal thing. It's like there's a built in human reaction to holding a gun in your hands - you just suddenly have this overwhelming urge to snap the thing to your shoulder, sight along the full lenth of that freudian barrel and pop someone's head. It's the same with, say, a sledgehammer or a knife - though to a lesser extent because they're not as easy to kill someone with. I swear there's some part of our brains which loves to hold weapons, to caress them lovingly and enjoy the feeling of power. With guns, and the satisfying clunk and click of their workings, the meaty weight of it, it's even worse.

Or maybe that's just me.
No, that's quite right on.

What would be more satisfying:
Killing someone with a sledgehammer or with an 50,000-rpm minigun?
I know what I would choose :p
Beerdude26 said:
No, that's quite right on.

What would be more satisfying:
Killing someone with a sledgehammer or with an 50,000-rpm minigun?
I know what I would choose :p

Ever used the minigun in one of the F.E.A.R. multiplayer maps? It's in sort of a ditch defending the green flag.. It's an asbolute monster to kill people with. :LOL:
Beerdude26 said:
Those all yours? :eek:
Yep, well that's an old pic, some have gone, some new ones come in.
But my collection is still about that size.

i won't take an updated pic, it takes hours to get them all out of their locker etc.