When will they reveal Multiplayer?

This "surprise" business is crap. I've never understood how you can release a product and make a crucial component of it a "surprise". Thanks for buying a shiny, new Pinto. SURPRISE!! The gas tank will blow up and kill you. It's a nutty way of doing business. What, does Valve think that reviews won't tell us what the MP is? Are we literally not supposed to know what it is until we load the thing up? What's the difference when we hear about it. Knowing now won't make it any less surprising. It will just be a surprise now instead of later. ARGH. It's just incredibly idiotic.
Gossoon said:
This "surprise" business is crap. I've never understood how you can release a product and make a crucial component of it a "surprise". Thanks for buying a shiny, new Pinto. SURPRISE!! The gas tank will blow up and kill you. It's a nutty way of doing business. What, does Valve think that reviews won't tell us what the MP is? Are we literally not supposed to know what it is until we load the thing up? What's the difference when we hear about it. Knowing now won't make it any less surprising. It will just be a surprise now instead of later. ARGH. It's just incredibly idiotic.

Are you comparing a pinto to half-life 2?

btw shouldn't your sig be:

-Motto tsuyoi nomimono o kudasai.
-Mou yamete hou ga ii yo.

for it to be correct? unless I read it wrong...
I don't really mind the surprise thing, as long as there *IS* a surprise. In fact, I'd be willing to let myself be surprised.

If the surprise turns out to be a "haha, there was no mp after all, good fun!", the community would be outraged, and I couldn't imagine a company leading its fans on like that and be so strategically lacking.
Kiva128 said:
Are you comparing a pinto to half-life 2?

Ha, well, no. But my family had a nice, shiny blue Pinto once. And I'm still alive.

I don't know though. HL2 without MP is kind of Pintoish. At least cheap.
EVERY game in competition with HL2 has mp. Rehashing a 5-yr old game is not the way to be competitive, no matter how popular it is.
Llyranor said:
EVERY game in competition with HL2 has mp. Rehashing a 5-yr old game is not the way to be competitive, no matter how popular it is.

How is Half-life 2 a rehash? It has a few things from the original but other than a few guns and characters, nothing is the same... Btw, doom 3 had a pretty crappy multiplayer and it sold a crapload of units. So yeah 'rehashing' as you put it seems to work pretty damn well.

btw, ever heard of cs:s? You know, the MULTIPLAYER game INCLUDED with HALF-LIFE2. (capitalized for emphasis).
btw, ever heard of cs:s? You know, the MULTIPLAYER game INCLUDED with HALF-LIFE2. (capitalized for emphasis).

He was talking about CS:S being a rehash, not HL2.
UKchaos2 said:
He was talking about CS:S being a rehash, not HL2.

Oh in that case...yes it probably is just a rehash but a damn good one at that.
Gossoon said:
What, does Valve think that reviews won't tell us what the MP is? Are we literally not supposed to know what it is until we load the thing up? What's the difference when we hear about it. Knowing now won't make it any less surprising. It will just be a surprise now instead of later. ARGH. It's just incredibly idiotic.

Maybe if they described the MP mode it would reveal weapons, charactors and locations, events etc..which are being kept secret for the SP game.
Think on this: If cs:source is the only multiplayer , then what will the majority of mods have to work with?
Most HL1 mods used the animations and weapons from the basic multiplayer as a basis for their modifications. If there arent a full compliment of canned animations(walk run crouch shoot) to work with and a basic multiplayer game framework to adapt ,then many mods are going to fold in days or weeks of the release.

Food for thought.
Does anyone else think from Maxmax's comments that the product will ship with no HL2 multiplayer, but that it will come as a seperate package, possibly as TF2 and other goodies? I know Black and White 2 is doing this.

Food for thought.
Saying 'food for thought' doesnt make your posts any wiser or anything :p
I beleive they will convert the old mods into the source engine like cs:s hldm:s. And later on they make CS2 and HL2DM etc. imo its logical :eek:
My view is that they will make a hl2coop for hl2 mp.

Even though its been said that they are staying away from coop and letting mods make coop. (if they wish to)
I think that if you have put so much effort into the hl2 single player wouldn't u want to let people play though the story together.
Adding co-op is not a trivial task.
Pi Mu Rho said:
Adding co-op is not a trivial task.

hmm...aight im gonna be brave and ask u how tough it is to add co-op to a game? note: i have never worked on a game..or mapping so u will be answering a noob's question.. :) :E
It depends on the level of co-op you want to add. You can just add multiple spawn points to a singleplayer level, but that's really dull - the first person to reach the level exit ends the level for everyone else, people can get trapped, stuck or left behind. If you die, you respawn back at the start, etc.
Then there's the testing. Each level has to be tested with multiple players, to see how that breaks things. Those thngs then have to be fixed, retested, fixed, retested etc
The other type of co-op is built from the ground up. Multiple objectives, "hopping" spawnpoints - basically, it's built around the idea of multiple players. However, it has to be built seperately to singleplayer, as a lone player couldn't really play those maps.

Both approaches take a lot of time and resources, and affect the development of the singleplayer game.
hey guys ever heard of sven coop? i heard it will be ported to source..
I still think Gabe said that CS:S was not HL2's MP in the E3 2K4 vid
anyone got a link to the e3 cs:s presentation? im sure he does say cs:s in the Hl2 multiplayer
piggy said:
hey guys ever heard of sven coop? i heard it will be ported to source..

I was thinking that same exact thing while i was sitting here reading thru all 15 pages of this thread *eyes bleeding*

..but umm yeah. Sven Co-op is (fact) being developed for HL2, so that covers co-op play. We all know about TF2, DoD, and CS of course..

From what I've "experienced" with the leaked beta (sadly), HL2 is indeed a big game, and I'm not ruling it out completely, but I seriously wouldn't be suprised if, even after 6+ years of development, HL2 didn't ship with any standard DM (aside from a DMC port). Building a game from the ground up, engine and all, is by no means an easy task. Nor is it a quick one for that matter (obviously).
Tarmax said:
I was thinking that same exact thing while i was sitting here reading thru all 15 pages of this thread *eyes bleeding*

..but umm yeah. Sven Co-op is (fact) being developed for HL2, so that covers co-op play. We all know about TF2, DoD, and CS of course..

From what I've "experienced" with the leaked beta (sadly), HL2 is indeed a big game, and I'm not ruling it out completely, but I seriously wouldn't be suprised if, even after 6+ years of development, HL2 didn't ship with any standard DM (aside from a DMC port). Building a game from the ground up, engine and all, is by no means an easy task. Nor is it a quick one for that matter (obviously).

but uhhhh you can connect to a game made by a friend in the leak
what's needed to make DM from there? basically nothing. a few maps and that's it, since there are tons of player models and they all carry the basic set of animations
I bet that someone is going to make a HL2 multiplayer mod if Valve doesn't, and that Valve is going to make one is highly unlikely.
But with all the great mods around, who needs HL2 multi? the singleplayer portion is enough to satisfy the most of us.
Democritus said:
Product Marketing 101: If your software has a major feature that will increase sales, advertise it often and loudly. If you don't have a feature that everybody expects in your software, keep it hidden for as long as possible to minimize damage to sales.

Valve hypes "story," and "interaction" and "facial animation" and "physics" because these features help sell. They refuse to answer questions about HL2DM because it doesn't exist and revealing that would generate negative hype for the game, dropping sales.

I would be happy to be wrong.

Great point and the most likely scenario in my estimation.

Even if it's wrong, this would be the best way to interpret these events, because being wrong would be a pleasant surprise instead of an underwhelming disappointment.

In any case, don't expect any additional multiplayer simply based on the notion that Valve hasn't denied it.
Given that one of the main strengths of Half-Life, and the reason for it's enormous longevity is the multiplayer, it would be asinine to expect otherwise, and foolish of Valve to exclude it.
If they (as Democritus suggests) aren't saying anything about multiplayer because there isn't one, then why don't they come out and say that CS:S is the only multiplayer? Logic works both ways.
All of it. Without a solid multiplayer core (HLDM in this case), none of the mods would have been possible.

Straight DM is a far better base to build mods on than CS would be.
wrong - counterstrike gave it its longevity. Some valve guy has already said the SDK is based on CS:S.
Wrong? Which part was wrong?

and give me a quote for your source about the SDK.
If you can't provide a quote, it's not a valid source of information. You have the burden of proof.
well i'll just have to live with that burden until HL2 is released :)
Pi Mu Rho said:
If they (as Democritus suggests) aren't saying anything about multiplayer because there isn't one, then why don't they come out and say that CS:S is the only multiplayer? Logic works both ways.


Announcing another major multiplayer mode is a huge selling point for consumers, so it'd be foolish to not confirm such a thing.

Also, confirming that there is indeed no multiplayer mode will present a potential needless loss in consumers, so why do it?

So, assuming they don't have another multiplayer mode, it'd be dumb to say they don't when a moderate rumor (that isn't at all confirmed by Valve) seems to hint toward the contrary.

If they DO have another multiplayer mode, announcing it would benefit them far more than holding it in.

I still personally hope they do, but I imagine they don't and would love to be wrong come release day.
It'd also be foolish to not confirm that there isn't one, causing massive disappointment when all the people expecting one don't get one.

I think Valve are sufficiently knowledgeable in their craft to know that if people are going to be disappointed, and that it might cause loss of sales, to actually correct the issue that would cause the disappointment