When will they reveal Multiplayer?

Er, guys, what the hell are you all talking about??!

Think about what HLDM is for jsut one second, its just maps with basic DM rules.
Now think about what CS Source is, its just maps with some advanced DM rules.

Anyone see where i'm going?

The weapons used in HLDM, are just the same as those used in HLSP.
Guys, most of you are mis-understanding what consequences will result if they don't have HL2DM in the box, if they don't, then i'm sure it will take someone about a day to port HLDM maps to HL2 -which, at the end of the day is what HL2DM would be.
Only a fraction of users download mods. Only a fraction visit forums. In fact, it's likely that only a fraction will install with Steam if they have the choice not to and won't get any updates at all.
if they play multiplayer, they WILL install steam, they have no choice, same as now.
As you may have noticed steam showcases a lot of mods.
I don't see the problem.
Okay, I think that there will be some kind of HL2 themed MP with HL2. Some points (the spoiler is from the leak, nothing about plot or anything.. please delete it if this is still a touchy subject):

The map pack for the leak had some MP maps in it, which were playable. Now why would there be multiplayer maps in the map pack if there wasn't a multiplayer mode for HL2? I know, I know... its from an unfinished build, but it is proof.

-Gabe said that he was playing the MP every day before CS:S was even concieved.

-Gabe also said that they would do everything to make the game as great as they could make it, even if it meant delaying the game to fix/include the things they wanted. They KNOW that having no HL2MP (not cs:s) would cut sales and make customers unhappy... so why wouldn't they include it, especially since they had started it already.

The only things that point to there not being any HL2MP are the lack of info, and the comment at E32K4 where Gabe showed CS:S.

Pi Mu Rho said:
If you can't provide a quote, it's not a valid source of information. You have the burden of proof.

not to be snarky (if that's a word), but the quote was:

somewhere in the info from VALVe only thread said:
I was just wondering whether the production of CS: Source was hindering that of HL2 or influencing its release date at all?
I understand you're very busy so good luck.
Chris George

Gabe: It's work we have to do regardless (e.g. for multiplayer sample code for the SDK).

personally, i think making HL2 singleplayer the best it can be is an excellent reason for there being no HL2 themed multiplayer. CS:S code is more than sufficient for a new DM mod to work from.

besides, implementing the kind of multiplayer some of you are expecting would delay the release of the game for another year at least. would you prefer that?

anyone considered that maybe VALVe implemented basic MP functionality early on, which Gabe played everyday, then when they tried porting CS:S the results were so good (in their opinion) that they decided to devote their energy to making that releasable quality instead of HL2 themed MP? that's what i read on the game-industry section of a finance site - i thought it was CNN Money, but after a bunch of Google searches i can't find it...
besides, implementing the kind of multiplayer some of you are expecting would delay the release of the game for another year at least. would you prefer that?

a) No it wouldn't. It's not difficult to create a simple DM game

b) You have no idea how much work they'd put into MP prior to CS:S
@ paintballer. thanks for the "spoiler"! it sounds good, doesn't it?! :)

i didn't see this in the leaked version. i just hope, you're talking the truth.
Shad3r seems to have a good grasp on the info released. You guys ever wondered to what would happen with the physics levels in a game with more than, say 4 players in DM over multiplayer?
Pi Mu Rho said:
a) No it wouldn't. It's not difficult to create a simple DM game

that's not what i'm talking about. besides, as MadMaXX points out, simple DM will arrive about 2 days after the release of the SDK, if it's not included in the release (which i think it won't be).

i mean the kind of multiplayer that is actually worthy of HL2 - with physics integrated with the gameplay and the level design, etc. that is a lot of work, and a lot of playtesting. better to go with the sure bet of a Source re-implementation of the most popular multiplayer game in the world. (with 105,963 players right this minute according to steam website)
If there was no mp outside of CS:S, Valve should just flat-out say it rather than lead us on. That would be misleading and could ultimately turn around and bite them back.
Llyranor said:
If there was no mp outside of CS:S, Valve should just flat-out say it rather than lead us on. That would be misleading and could ultimately turn around and bite them back.

Like Valve hasn't done that before :dozey:
They're not leadin you anywhere, the only reference i can think of about multplayer this year was at E3, where Gabe (or someone) said about people asking about multiplayer in HL2, he then presents CS Source, this to me is fairly clear cut, you guys have just been lucky to test the beta version with just one map. The other maps are getting the same treatment.

Otherwise i'm sure we'd all be more suprised when we find out what it is.

Lets face it, cs source is a really nice facelift anyway.
Bottom line - no-one outside of Valve knows for sure. We'll know when Valve tell us, a magazine review tells us, or when we get our collective grubby mitts on the game.
october 5th the "final game" review comes out. thats like 2 weeks people. we should find out for sure by then.
may get info before that, but yes, a slew of reviews will appear over the next month
Pi Mu Rho said:
a) No it wouldn't. It's not difficult to create a simple DM game

True, but when you're producing the next revolution in gaming, why cheapen it with "a simple DM game"? And don't say "because all the other FPS's have MP". HL2 is not other games. It's a single-player experience that will change the way people look at videogames.

When Thomas Edison invented the lightbulb, he didn't tack a wick on it because "all other artifical light sources had one".
Half-Life (and HL2, for that matter) is not just a single-player experience.

I'm not saying that if HL2 has it's own MP, it'll be DM, but it's a distinct possibility.
clarky003 said:
Teh Gabeth has spoken :naughty:

he also says

someting along those lines towards the end of the interview.

He never actually says it's more than CS:S, and this interview was made a fair amount of time before CS:S was even announced (around 7 months time difference). The only thing to gain from this is that Gabe said HL2 mp would be revealed during HL2's "launch cycle", so I assume if they have anything more to say on the subject, it will be after the game has gone gold. This can very well explain why Valve refuse to talk about multiplayer or confirm anything to do with it, because they don't plan to talk about it yet.
This is retarded. It's just people spouting their own view on what we've seen. To me, it's idiotic to suggest that HL2 won't have it's own MP. To others, it is the opposite. Nothing will change opinions until the game arrives.
For some reason the gabe quote in my post is missed out when someone quotes it.

"Its more than just CS:S." Was just my summation based on Gabe saying that mp would be kept a secret and the fact that CS:S isnt.
If HL2 doesn't have some sort of multiplayer, that'll be quite a shame.

One of the things I was looking forward to was being able to mess around in a map, playing around with the physics and stuff.
Varsity said:
This is retarded. It's just people spouting their own view on what we've seen. To me, it's idiotic to suggest that HL2 won't have it's own MP. To others, it is the opposite. Nothing will change opinions until the game arrives.

Yes. Well, logically, they would include MP. What people feel is another thing.
Dead-Inside said:
Yes. Well, logically, they would include MP. What people feel is another thing.

Explain why it would be so "logical" for them to have an HL2-themed MP. I'm dying to hear this.
Guys, we already know its coming with CS Source, so why are people still saying "it will be a shame if it dosen't come with some sort of multiplayer" ?? huh huh? explain this?
MaDMaXX said:
Guys, we already know its coming with CS Source, so why are people still saying "it will be a shame if it dosen't come with some sort of multiplayer" ?? huh huh? explain this?

They mean it will be a shame there won't be any hl2-themed multiplayer rather than some re-make of a 5 year old mod.
Absinthe said:
Explain why it would be so "logical" for them to have an HL2-themed MP. I'm dying to hear this.

Virtually every FPS in the last few years have had mp. It would be a step down if Valve was the first to decide to omit a whole aspect of the game.

CS:S blah blah. There are many people who do not care for this game. At least I've been enjoying CS:S, but that doesn't change the fact that a real HL2-related mp would be much much much better.
Hey, look what I found!


Specificly, this part:
The Source engine contains support for multiplayer gaming, and Valve plans to release several multiplayer games at the time HL2 is made available. This week we've announced Counter-Strike: Source. We will be more releasing information on the other games and how they will be made available to gamers in the coming weeks.

Still doesn't clear things up though, although I haven't heard that TFC:S, DOD:S, Richochet: S, Op4:S, or DMC:S will be available at when HL2 comes out; also, Valve has said that HL:S will not include multiplayer initially; so what would these other multipalyer games be?

Jeremy Dunn
Llyranor said:
Virtually every FPS in the last few years have had mp. It would be a step down if Valve was the first to decide to omit a whole aspect of the game.

Well, actually, Unreal 2 was also single-player only. But all the reviews saw that as a big negative aspect of the game, and they ended up releasing a multiplayer patch.
You guys just don't get it. VALVe is screwing with our minds!! Shady details about mp, the tests which everybody seems to have forogotten about and the fact that every bit of information released is somewhat vague.
Llyranor said:
Virtually every FPS in the last few years have had mp. It would be a step down if Valve was the first to decide to omit a whole aspect of the game.

CS:S blah blah. There are many people who do not care for this game. At least I've been enjoying CS:S, but that doesn't change the fact that a real HL2-related mp would be much much much better.
You mean the 90 thousand people playing it at any 1 given time?
[Dragoon] said:
If HL2 doesn't have it's own multiplayer, I'll eat my hat... Ok, I'll buy a hat, THEN eat it.


Seems kiwii isn't the first one to make this promise....
