Where did your username come from?

I'm obsessed with music, thus audiophile
It was the only thing I could think of...

Get it...only thing....

I started using 'Homer' back in beta 3 of counterstrike and the other name I use, 'Orphiuchus' is a slight adaptation of the name of a constilation.
normally i don't use this name as a user name... but when i registered here i was playing through HL and wanted a name relating to the original.. so Dr. Freeman just popped into my head :p

i used to use SyntheticGoD regularly in games but these days i don't use any name in particular.. if i am gaming with someone from these forums or a friend, i usually put [HL2.net] in front of my name or use a name they know me by :)
If anyone ever played DOD on a server I was on, you'd know what my name's about............
I was tired of people going on about my name being bangin'kris, because 12 year old coulsnt contain there sexual meaning genrelisation. So my name on games now is original kris (caus i needed to think of something original!) and on this forum good ol' Kristafon.
One of my ex-girlfriends used to call me Big Bad Bauldy Bawheed (all the Glaswegian lads should get a laugh at that), and then it shortened down to BBBB. Left out the last two B's and added McGinty cause it rolls off the tongue so nicely.
My original screen name was El Chihuahua - not here but in other places. I just shortened it. I think I picked it because chihuahuas are damn cool. Oh yes.

The Thing - Your name's nowt to do with the John Carpenter film? Oooh, it's goood.
I don't know when I started using Anthraxxx. When I first started using it, I figured that 'Anthrax' was already used, so I add the extra x's. I don't know why I used it either. I've had it for about 5 years now.

Before I was using Anthraxxx, I used to go by the name 'BeefShack'. BeefShack came from a mock radio commercial that I had to do for a class. It was originally 'McNasty's Beef Shack'.
el Chi said:
The Thing - Your name's nowt to do with the John Carpenter film? Oooh, it's goood.

It was in the back of my mind at the time...
Eris = goddess of discord (most kickass greek God)

-theus = common Greek ending for a name


I changed some letters cuz I was bored.

Better than The Agent Smith :angel:
Erestheux said:
Eris = goddess of discord (most kickass greek God)

-theus = common Greek ending for a name


I changed some letters cuz I was bored.

Better than The Agent Smith :angel:

so...you're named after a woman?
Erestheux said:
Eris = goddess of discord (most kickass greek God)

-theus = common Greek ending for a name


I changed some letters cuz I was bored.

Better than The Agent Smith :angel:

Yes, alot better than that cliche.. thing. And your avatar isn't that bad either, except for the "Sweden sucks" part :p j/k
Icarus said:
so...you're named after a woman?
Who said I wasn't a woman?

Sexist! Ban/Sue! :p


And thanks, Harij. :p I noticed that like 10 other sites had "Agent Smith" in 'em and so I knew I had to change.
I was kidding one day in saying that if I was in the mafia they'd call me Letters... guess that shit stuck for some reason.
Lot's of wild ducks round this part. But all the Americans seem to call me 'doox' for some reason.
CrazyHarij said:
Yes, alot better than that cliche.. thing. And your avatar isn't that bad either, except for the "Sweden sucks" part :p j/k

What...are you referring to me? :p

Crazy guys with women names lurk these forums...you never know..
The Thing said:
What...are you referring to me? :p

Crazy guys with women names lurk these forums...you never know..
No he means The Agent Smith
My user name came from that place that's cooler than all these other places that everyone else got their screen name. D to da izzle o to da Gizzle!
Dark Elf may as well make a thread about where your avatar came from
Icarus said:
No he means The Agent Smith
Don't mention that name!!!

Danimal, are you like the yogurt for kids? Mmmm... yogurt.
Fluke is one of the best techno groups around, mixing transient sounds, serious melody, great beats, and just the right touch of savvy lyrics. They're UK based and I've been a fan for years. Their music has been used in all kinds of movies and comercials. Odds are you've heard them and did not know it.

I must, however, clarify that I am not named after the group! No, far from it. To the contrary, I stole the name from the group because I thought it was a very clever thing to call ones self. I am now f|uke in my own right, and have been known as such in many circles. The use of the pipe instead of an L comes from having f|uke been takin on EfNet. But it has become my signature to seperate me from the other flukes of the world.

BTW, if you're into techno/electronic music, check out "Risotto" or "Puppy" by Fluke. Give it a few listens, and you will not be dissapointed.
Erestheux said:
Danimal, are you like the yogurt for kids? Mmmm... yogurt.

I thoguht I made up the name till cybersh33p told me (refer to sig) and I didn't know it was legal to pujt chimps in yogurt and give it too children...

Do you like my new avatar? You can just pitcure it with the Empire music in the background
Danimal said:
I thoguht I made up the name till cybersh33p told me (refer to sig) and I didn't know it was legal to pujt chimps in yogurt and give it too children...

Do you like my new avatar? You can just pitcure it with the Empire music in the background
Sorry :( Click

Nice avatar, a bit cliché. ;)
Erestheux said:

What in the name of holy hell is that pink tiger thing doing? Is it a furry?

ARGH put my name in Google image search and see what comes up... it is so tragic.
the gun in half life, though very few ppl call it the egon gun now..
Danimal said:
What in the name of holy hell is that pink tiger thing doing? Is it a furry?

ARGH put my name in Google image search and see what comes up... it is so tragic.

It's a rip-off of the Pink Panther...now that cat kicked ass.

He's hizzing off to the hizzle jams, yo.
egon said:
the gun in half life, though very few ppl call it the egon gun now..
...and the gun was named after the guy from Ghostbusters! :eek:

As for Mechagodzilla, it's symbolic of the UN's struggle to keep peace in a world of conflict and nuclear proliferation, and the power of mankind's technological innovations when influenced by nature's design.

My name was a character I had in Diablo II from waaaayyyy back.

I actually just put two syllables together to try and invent a name. I came up with Pogrom, which I thought sounded appropriate for a big bad barbarian.

Then my flatmate told me that pogrom was a real word :( I must have read it somewhere and never really registered it at the time.

Stupid subconscious sabotaging my attempts to be creative!
I was called thenerdguy at when I was in school because I could fix peoples computers. :) Now I get to work on printers. :( I long for the old days) (Ok I really dont but i dont want to work on another printer)
I wanted to do an e-mail account with Hotmail. I wanted something like Anti-Antoine (Antoine is my name) but it turned out AntiAnto (Anti-Antoine). Now I use this nick name in games and on every Web Site that needs an account.
As you can see, I just changed mine. It was not something I had planned or wanted to do, but it needed to be done. ;(
I will miss User Name.

joule Abbr. J or j
1. The International System unit of electrical, mechanical, and thermal energy.

a. A unit of electrical energy equal to the work done when a current of one ampere is passed through a resistance of one ohm for one second.
b. A unit of energy equal to the work done when a force of one newton acts through a distance of one meter.
The Dark Elf said:
He's deleted the backup twice while I've been around, AFAIK lol.. But yeah, one day its gonna happen and every single post and thread will be lost in some catastrophic catastrophy of epic proportions.. or the server's HDD will crash, whichever.
how do you guys get money anyway?