Where did your username come from?

The Dark Elf

Oct 5, 2003
Reaction score
We've all got em, some of us have changed them, some don't like ours, some should have thought a little more before picking one.

Where did yours come from?
Nearly 6 and a half years ago, I started playing a text mmorpg game called dragonrealms. Wanted to create a character with a unique name, and just started thinking of some. Finally decided on the name Raziaar, and for some reason it stuck, for that long. Never thought twice about it. Weird, huh? Nothing special about it... just haven't changed it in that long.
Fenric1138 - first username I had here, no _real_ idea where it came from, probably some old game or something I guess heh. Added the old 1138 cause I thought Fenric would already be in use. Changed it to just plain Fenric a bit later, The Dark Elf.. easy one, I like Elves.. especially the darker ones, that and the sketch I did for a friend hehe.
I've got mine from an extremely bad b-movie title. But it sounded cool and back then I had no idea what it meant... so... :p
My brother's initials in greek letters.
I chose mine about 4 years ago. Before college I never had an internet connection fast enough to play online games. So when I got to school and got my own computer I started up some game (can't even remember what it was now) and had to choose a name for myself. Neutrino was one of the first things to pop into my head. Guess it stuck.
Played a lot of mini-golf... and after sinking a few long putts, my buddies would say "just drain it before putts gets his turn"... then after a psychology lesson from my uncle, I thought it would be extra detrimental to anyone in a DM to get killed by a Putz... so now its a subconcious mind f***. heh
At first I thought mine was an ISP, but I believe its an ISP's pricing structure.
picked a random star, LambdaOrionis. back in the days when zerimski was cool, munro had a fetish for deleting databases and starmonkey was ghey, i got called lamb'n'onions, then onions :)
Onions said:
picked a random star, LambdaOrionis. back in the days when zerimski was cool, munro had a fetish for deleting databases and starmonkey was ghey, i got called lamb'n'onions, then onions :)

I must have been asleep then cause I don't remember this happening.. since the whole Munro deleting databases for shits n giggles was right up until last Monday :p
Some people think mine comes from Die Another Day, the bond movie...Icarus was the satillete
last name, first initial, and friends used to call me mack(like the mack truck)
The Dark Elf said:
I must have been asleep then cause I don't remember this happening.. since the whole Munro deleting databases for shits n giggles was right up until last Monday :p
heh, one day he'll delete the backup, and all this will be a memory :D
Mine comes from going to a limp bizkit gig - yes you heard me - limp bizkit when i was thirteen... anyway, me and a friend were in the que to get in and these kids, younger than us, were chatting away and my mate said: Damn these new age rockers... think they know everything.
So, to not be a 'new age rocker' i became an old one...and used it for a hotmail/msn account, now its stuck on here because my cs name 'Pieman' was already taken.
Pieman comes from me asking a different friend what my nickname should be and he came out with that, either because i eat pie or i resemble that mad french dude that goes around cream pieing people :)
i got no idea.
but where my old nick came from
is really shamefull.
atleast thats what others think off it lol.
When I came up with this name I didn't know companies and yogurt had my name :|

Basically it is the first letter of my name with 'animal' on the end and I have stuck to it since 'Nam :p
Danimal said:
When I came up with this name I didn't know companies and yogurt had my name :|

Basically it is the first letter of my name with 'animal' on the end and I have stuck to it since 'Nam :p
The yogurt sucks btw
Onions said:
heh, one day he'll delete the backup, and all this will be a memory :D
He's deleted the backup twice while I've been around, AFAIK lol.. But yeah, one day its gonna happen and every single post and thread will be lost in some catastrophic catastrophy of epic proportions.. or the server's HDD will crash, whichever.
Icarus said:
Some people think mine comes from Die Another Day, the bond movie...Icarus was the satillete

feckin greeks! they invented gayness!
/me wubs father ted :]
Onions said:
feckin greeks! they invented gayness!
/me wubs father ted :]
I must be boring then, I thought it came from the old Greek myth of Icarus and Daedalus
I have always had trouble on thinking up usernames for myself.
I usually come up with some silly names just like Toffee or Tigger, and names from cartoons :D
And when I come up with some cool name someones already using it :(
The Dark Elf said:
I must be boring then, I thought it came from the old Greek myth of Icarus and Daedalus

It's from Deus Ex mainly...the bond movie came later
I think the Greek myth probably came first...
Pi Mu Rho said:
I think the Greek myth probably came first...

Just about though.. there was Casino Royal.. that looks so old it coulda almost happened in the days of Ancient Greece ;)
Pi Mu Rho said:
I think the Greek myth probably came first...
it obviously did, but I chose it for the AI construct from Deus Ex
I got this name when I was in fourth grade. The entire class was into chat programs & similar websites so I had to get a name. And I've always liked the Alec twist of Alexander (which is my real name unfortunately). The _85 is just Internet slang of the year I was born. I'd like it dumped in the sea now ;( Just Alec would be nice :) *hint hint*
I got mine from(I was really creative) the military alphabet. I needed a name for Ghost Recon and this is the first thing that came to my mind. It has just seemed to stick with me...I don't like it though because it is kind of feminine, like my name IRL Jordan.
Mine is short for my surname - Haskin, it's been a nickname of mine for ages now, so I see no need to change it.
Don't remeber really. I'm called that at some other forums too.
Foxtrot said:
I got mine from(I was really creative) the military alphabet. I needed a name for Ghost Recon and this is the first thing that came to my mind. It has just seemed to stick with me...I don't like it though because it is kind of feminine, like my name IRL Jordan.
ooh your my avatar ;)
zer0kewl said:
i got no idea.
but where my old nick came from
is really shamefull.
atleast thats what others think off it lol.
The movie 'Hackers' by any chance?

[It's an awful movie, I know...]
Farrow came from the bible and the rest was just added on.

Le was going to be The, but it wouldnt fit in a ot of places.