Where Do You All Think HL2 Will...


Aug 1, 2003
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How do all of you think HL2 will start off like?

we all know that in HL you started in a tram. Well that isn't going to happen again (or is it?) na that won't.

I think it will start in city 17 yes........but where?

on a boat where you are in a closed room with a bed. you listen to the shore outside. able to climb out the window and climb onto the pier, to see a dead zombie next to a crowbar! LOL ((wonder where i got that idea from ;) . )

maybe a jail like ppl say but hmm dunno. i think barnys role is to say that people are in a jail and why.

any thoughts..........................
I was wondering the same thing. I wonder if they are going to do a slightly non controllable intro scene like hl1. Whatever it is im sure they put alllot of work into it, and it will be somehow similar to hl1s intro.:)

im going all giddy with excitement again.
You wake up in a bed, with a girl beside you, you dont know what happend... theres a 'rubber' on the floor, and a 6 pack, 4 more empty 6 packs all over the room....
you stuble out of bed, find guns in the bathroom, you take them, go to work, on the way.... you see aliens everywhere... take it from there, bla!
:bounce: :bounce: :bounce:

It would be super cool if you start at your Home..

And suddenly there is knock on the door..

and than the G-man or his companions are ordering you to follow to you Next Mission..

Dont you think?
The HL1 opening is in my opinion the best opening in a game ever (from the games that I played that is)
Now with Source, an even more spectacular opening could be achieved, I think you have a good point with that boat, it isn't a air ride because there were no flyable airplanes for you in hl2.

I really want to know why the hell Gordon is in city 17.
hahahaah love it Exoeight.

ok maybe you wake in a boat.. only to find you are trapped. you can hear a man outside (who control's the boat.) You will be able to look outside. but the boat comes to an end.......a pause.......then the man screams. you hear zombies around.

now you must find away out of the boat. (window). you don't know how you got in the boat or even who the man was. but you do know one thing....you have no weapons and a zombie has spotted you LOL
I was kinda high on caffeine when i first played HL1 and i found that the intro went about 5 minutes to long....if you know what i mean.
yea the intro was v long in hl....but i loved every second of it. it is the best intro for me so far in agame, because it makes it feel real, no action STRAIGHT away. go a job to do, to start with. jus seems like a movie....so hl2 CAN'T wait for the intro
should'nt the game start just after you've been teleported away from xen( technically the tram where you meet up with the G-man)---i think the last part of the e3 vid, with those strange marks and stuff flying towards the camera could be an indicator that the game starts just after gordon stepped into the teleport...blehhh either way, i thinks its gonna kick ass

Oh and i feel pretty strong about gordon either being trapped in time (teleport) or all maybe that he's been teleported to the future.....either way it all points towards the future i think---
The way that I see it happening is something along the lines of this:

End of HL1 you entered the porthole.
Wake up on some kind of vechicle driving towards City 17, being briefed by the G-Man or someone similar, and from your perspective no time has elapsed between the end of HL1 and the start of HL2.
Car gets attacked by some unknown thing (strider purhaps).
Swerve about, you get knocked out
Heavy breathing on black screen.
Wake up again surrounded by members of the resistance (maybe Alyx or Barney) who explain what happpen
[Rest of the game goes here]
i cant wait for the tutorial, im a big buff of game tutorials, theres just something about them that are so fun.
I think it'd be interesting to start at the "Time to choose" bit in the tram. But it won't happen, so meh.
I can't wait to see the new intro, but I'm not so sure about all this talk of a boat...
Originally posted by Tek
i cant wait for the tutorial, im a big buff of game tutorials, theres just something about them that are so fun.

You're so sick dude, find professional help, FAST

At the end of the opening scenes, you will be in/near City 17. However, I suspect you will start somewhere totally elsewhere, like Arizona or Alcatraz or somewhere closer to where HL1 ended. The opening will explains what has happened and bring you to the City 17 starting point somehow.
lol ok i don't think G-man will tell you wat to do at the start. i mean he is G-MAN. you onlt see him walking by and all that, untill the end he speaks to you. i think the same on hl2. where at the start you are in some vehicle or something, with someone.

and yes something goes wrong and black out again i love that at the start of HL!

whateva it will be....i can't wait
i thought gabe said that to start with it is FAST paced....and then you find out what happens like in the middle or somethin not at the start
I think it'll start when where Half-Life ended.
Then perhaps after a bit of chatting, something will come up like

"15 years later.."

Then more intro.
You guys font read the Valve info thread? *sigh*
The screen appears, and you are on a truck moving at a very high speed. All of a sudden, a huge laser blasts into the front of the truck, killing the driver, the truck flips, and you fly into the ground. All goes black, and you hear heavy breathing. You wake up and see dead bodies everywhere, you walk and pick up a gun. Then it starts :)
Here's my thoughts: the game will start exactly like HL (with old engine)then about half into the intro it will morph to Source engine and blur into a empty room. Shaky camera. Then the end credit. You've just finish the game. Please start again...
i think it will start with the g-man talking from the e-3 videos, after he has warped you into another dimension.
Or perhaps you simply teleport into mid air, and land on a city17 street, not knowing anything about where you are or why you're there. You hear some distant noises, then the cry of "STRIDER!", and all hell breaks loose. You have to find cover. Then you run into a nearby building and find a crowbar. You break down a door and exit the other side of the building. The strider starts blowing holes in the building, which is now crumbling behind you as you run for your life. Suddenly, the g-man teleports in, saying that everything has gone horribly wrong, and that you are needed to correct things. He explains that you will be taken to see the "administrator" immediately. You teleport. Black screen. Then a white doorway appears in front of you. You walk towards it, and the architect from the matrix is there. He beckons you to enter, saying "Here, m'boy, have some chicken, seasoned in my famous 17 herbs and spices!!" You start chewing on a drumstick when the g-man teleports in with Alyx and the good Doctor, with a picnic basket and something to drink, and you all sit around talking about the good old days eating chicken. Then Gabe Newell teleports in, screaming "WHY DID YOU STEAL ALL MY CHICKEN????", and he tries to give the g-man a good punch in the face. Alyx and the the KentuckyFriedArchitect hold him back, and he calms down. He starts talking about being under a lot of pressure answering e-mails until the wee hours of the morning, and apologises, saying "Sorry guys, you can keep the chicken". Then he apologises for Halflife 2 being so short. Alyx sais "What do you mean?" and then everything goes black, with a stylish "The End" like something from an old black and white movie, with the brassy fanfare finale music. Then Valve sends the new "Steamin_worm_32" virus to you over steam, which causes windows to eat itself from the inside, and overheat (and destroy) the new expensive video card you bought just for HL2.
Wow, I posted that?

My advice to everyone is: don't go without sleep for more than a few days. It's very bad for joo.

/me neeeeeds sleep
The idea of a start in your owne house sounds cool. You wake up, because Alex bams on the door. She is in totaly panic and people are screaming around on the street.

I just like the idea of knowing nothing first, and the beginning is exiting from the beginning, do you guys are feeling with me?
I love the idea of starting with old HL graphics and morphing into Source. That would be......fantastic. :D Well done, lhauert.

But I don't think it'll happen. And it's a little late to change it...but whatever it is, I'm sure they won't let us down. ;)
I bet you wake up in the prison, given how much coverage that area has been given.

Then, the prisoners break loose and free you, and you run for cover while there is a firefight between them and the combine guards.
During the fight, you are knocked unconcious somehow, and you wake up to see that everyone is dead.
You pass out again, and later you wake up in Kliener's lab, where someone *cough*Alyx* has brought you.

Or at least that's how I'd do it...
I think (hope anyway) that a short short part of HL1 has been switched to Source, and you get to either run around or at least "tour" it as you are introduced to HL2. That would be cool:bounce:
HEY PPL!? didn't you read the lil story pieces?! you will wake up in a secret hospital, and don't know anything...then the gman appears and will say something like "ohhh well, i see you are awake..."
lol...thats like opposing force....
Anyways i hope it has some sort of vehicle intro (altho it would be cool if in the middle of it u come under attack and everything was mad and people were screeming and then a strider comes up. Everything just goes balck and u hear heavy breathing/heartbeat...then you see the black and wierd symbols go all over the place and the g-,an talks to u through this...vision. The u wake up in Dr. Klieners lab w/ alyx...where u still dont have that much of an idead of whats going on....
does sound cool starting with hl graphics then going through teleport and source graphics arrives! man that be cool.

BUT i think that teleporting in city 17 not knowing what has been going on or nothing would be sweet as well.
If you ever watched the docks video... Gordon Take his crowbar on the floor and kick some zombie ass. I think Hl2 will start here or near this place
Originally posted by NiteStalker
In the end the G-man offers you a job, if you accept it everything will go black and you've finished the game. The other ending is not to accept the offer, and you'll get transported to evil monsters who kill you quite fast =).

Maybe at the beginning of the game, u will have to do this option again, to accept the job or to refuse it. Then the game continue based on what u have chosen.
Originally posted by Tyl3n0L
If you ever watched the docks video... Gordon Take his crowbar on the floor and kick some zombie ass. I think Hl2 will start here or near this place

WRONG......or RIGHT. but remember the DOCK IS JUST A PRESINTATION VIDEO! yes the docks will be in the game. but the crowbar could be put there, as well as the zombies as a demo to show us about the water and how they float, the crowbar and well...it was a presentation video man
Originally posted by Cheater
Maybe at the beginning of the game, u will have to do this option again, to accept the job or to refuse it. Then the game continue based on what u have chosen.

maybe...but if u don't choose you go to the place with all the monster where yes i am so certain you will die from ALL OF THEM! LOL

so you will have to choose the teleport
Originally posted by Tyl3n0L
If you ever watched the docks video... Gordon Take his crowbar on the floor and kick some zombie ass. I think Hl2 will start here or near this place

yeah, crowbar is usually the first weapon we pick up. it may be somewhere near the docks, u are on a boat and u travel through the intro with some image or video showing the story, and u hear sounds, u hear water hitting the shore, birds flying and wind blowing, u are watching the sunset, then u smell the stink of zombies and u're on the docks.
Start on the tram heading into Black mesa, HL1 style (EXACTLY THE SAME) graphics and everything....
in the first tunnle, it changes...it goes pitch black...then the new graphics take over...
suddenly GMan is next to you...(Still black surroundings)
give you your choice...
then he says "Wise decision" or somesuch,
then it does a DX9 thing to brightness as you exit the tunnle...
your next to a boat, you can walk around, push some objects, whatever, but can't kill yourself/do anything really except walk onto the boat...

you walk on...and BANG, flash to white...game starts...
mabye the boat is big and it is a training stage where u can try out the new physics system in hl2, and get used to it. and few objectives on the boat will help u to get used to control.
Originally posted by commando
hahahaah love it Exoeight.

ok maybe you wake in a boat.. only to find you are trapped. you can hear a man outside (who control's the boat.) You will be able to look outside. but the boat comes to an end.......a pause.......then the man screams. you hear zombies around.

now you must find away out of the boat. (window). you don't know how you got in the boat or even who the man was. but you do know one thing....you have no weapons and a zombie has spotted you LOL

still would love my idea to happen! LOL