Which character do you think will die and make the story more interesting

Who do u think would be the most interesting to die.

  • Alyx

    Votes: 27 16.4%
  • Eli

    Votes: 49 29.7%
  • Mossman

    Votes: 36 21.8%
  • Barney

    Votes: 33 20.0%
  • G man

    Votes: 20 12.1%

  • Total voters


Who do u think would be most enteresting to die. >alyx >Eli >Mossman >Barney >G man Tell what u think.
I think Eli would make a nice candidate.

It would really crush Alyx obviously, and since players really care for Alyx, seeing her like that would really create a deep emotional response.

I don't have any story reasons or anything, it's just what would make sense from a design perspective :p
The death of any of those characters would be equally interesting in their own respects as far as I'm concerned.
gman would be most interesting, but I think most unlikely too
I do not believe Gman will be dying anytime soon. I vote Barney.
When you bet against Barney, you're betting against the house!

If Barney doesn't die it will be the biggest waste of an incredible plot point ever. I can only hope Valve has come to the same conclusion.
At this point in time, I would have to say Eli dieing would be the best person to kill in terms of really dramatising (i made that word up ^^) the plot. Alyx is extremely close to him and has raised her into what we see now so this will be a catatrophic emotional punch for her, and it would be really interesting seeing just how she reacts (build of her character and more insite into how she feels) and like someone said it would encourage a large emotional response from the gamers, not to mention that this event would most likely bring Alyx closer to Gordon. Valve said that she wont be there as much as in Episode 1 but she will still a major role in Episode 2. Other than that, Eli is the leader of the resistance and it would be a major significant blow to the resistance if he was to die, as he has been leading it from the very beggining, it would be very interesting to see how the resistance react to this, and it could even bring Gordon into this problem a lot more.
I feel that either Eli or Barney will die soon. Eli's death would have a larger impact though. So, I vote for him.
I don’t really want him to die, but I think Eli’s death would be the most interesting.
Its a tough call between Barney & Eli. Im not really sure, also people that voted for Alyx bitting it are ignorant. She is'nt going to be seen much in EP2 & for the time she is seen...she is unconcious in stasis w/ G-man (& possibly Gordon?).

If Eli died like other's have said it would have such an impact on Alyx, She would go into a rage or grow closer to Gordon because she misses a father like figure (which Gordon is like to Alyx).

But if death ever came to Barney, it would have such a major impact upon Gordon. He would want to go on a killing spree because they killed his long time good 'ol best friend that he had known since the black mesa incident. Now Gordon really has a reason to shut down the combine once & for all.
I vote Barney. I don't really want him to die, but I know it'll be better if he does.

mossman is obviously dying, we've even seen the sequence in which she dies. twice.
Eli. I agree with what Shift said and will add it would be interesting to see Alyx step into Eli's place at the helm. She has shown she has knowledge of the technology as well as being one hell of a fighter. She also seems to carry the respect and the allegiance of the Vorts. Or they could just up and kill her. :p
I would prefer if Alyx died.
A: It would be most emotional for many players
B: She is the least important IMO
I would prefer if Alyx died.
B: She is the least important IMO


Your crazy!!! :rolling:

She is the least important? I could care less about barney, eli, Mossman, & Dog. If G-man has a little chat with Alyx that means she has an even bigger role.

I think barney will have a bigger role soon.
I would prefer if Alyx died.
A: It would be most emotional for many players
B: She is the least important IMO

Absolutely not. Waay too much time to developing her at this stage. Though, I'd choose Alyx over Kleiner!
lol they would never kill Kleiner, that would just be confusing and pointless
In a twist we never saw coming, Kleiner will bite it in Episode 2 to a headcrab that leaps out of the shadows just as he's about to launch the giant rocket.

No one will more stunned by this development than Lamarr.

Your crazy!!! :rolling:

She is the least important? I could care less about barney, eli, Mossman, & Dog. If G-man has a little chat with Alyx that means she has an even bigger role.
Barney is comic releaf and Gordon's friend
Eli, Kleiner and Mossman are all working on the rebel technology
Kleiner is also comic releaf
Alyx is a sidekick and a (depending on the player) love intrest. Any functions she does could be provided by Barney or another character, well Barney would have to be gay...

And BTW, look at the phrase you used, I could care less clearly means you care about them, what you're looking for is I couldn't care less.
I voted Mossman because I'd rather see her go than any of the others, but now that I think about it, Eli will probably be the first to go.
It will be either Eli, Mossman, or Barney.

Who would care if Mossman died, she is not that important anyway. :rolleyes:
Lol, Gordon will die and you'll play the rest of the game as ZOMBIE GORDON. Like zombie Jesus but way more powerful.
Eli. I just dont see where they can give his character an important role - Barney is a better wartime leader then him..
I think Mossman is the most logical choice. She had betrayed the resistance in HL2, and this could be something like a 'confession' for her. Like in the movies...the traitors never get on with it, they eventually die. But her death will not be pointless, she will sacrifice herself for the cause, or her friends.

I can almost imagine that.
Supposedly the obvious choice because she betrayed the resistance. But she's back on track now and she is the least developed character and should bloody appear more before she dies. She is also in charge of the prodgect so her death would be .

He is the comic releaf and Gordon's friend. He is also well known in the resistance and a good soldier. His death would affect Gordon (depending on the player) most but wouldn't be too bad for the resistance.

The head of the resistance, his death would be the worst for the resistance. It would also have an emotional impact on Alyx and would be bad for the development of resistance technology.

Another bit of comic releaf and a also one of the main scientists in the resistance. His death wouldn't be as bad for the resistance as Eli's but still would be very detrimental to the development of their tech.

Alyx's death wouldn't be that bad for the resistance but would be worst for Gordon (depending on the player) and Eli. She is also the most developed character and somewhat of a sidekick.

Worst for Resistance in Order:
Alyx's death wouldn't be that bad for the resistance but would be worst for Gordon (depending on the player) and Eli. She is also the most developed character and somewhat of a sidekick.

Even though Alyx isn't really important for the resistance & isn't well known..but she is definatly plays a bigger role because of G-man speaking to her in stasis....She either is one of G-mans new clients or I absolutly have no idea. Its going to be interesting how this continues.

It could end up G-man brainwashing her & using Alyx for G-mans own purposes, she will then end up as a tool. G-man will then use Alyx to hunt down Gordon...*Gordon & Alyx fight to the death*
I really want to see more Mossman. She's a good character and I look forward to her role in Episode 3.
Even though Alyx isn't really important for the resistance & isn't well known..but she is definatly plays a bigger role because of G-man speaking to her in stasis....She either is one of G-mans new clients or I absolutly have no idea. Its going to be interesting how this continues.

It could end up G-man brainwashing her & using Alyx for G-mans own purposes, she will then end up as a tool. G-man will then use Alyx to hunt down Gordon...*Gordon & Alyx fight to the death*

Ugh, that's not HL at all.
Meh, war movie logic dictates that Alyx will go. But we know she wont, so meh.
Barney got boring in Ep. 1... But the G-Man?

Just thinking about it killed my IQ.
Ascoose meh..
jus tinknig bout it kiled meh iq