Which character do you think will die and make the story more interesting

Who do u think would be the most interesting to die.

  • Alyx

    Votes: 27 16.4%
  • Eli

    Votes: 49 29.7%
  • Mossman

    Votes: 36 21.8%
  • Barney

    Votes: 33 20.0%
  • G man

    Votes: 20 12.1%

  • Total voters
I'd be unhappy to see Barney go.

I hadn't considered the G-Man's death before, but since this episode arc is supposed to deal with the powerplay involving him and centering on Gordon, that would definitely be an interesting possibility. The gap left by him would need to be filled by an appropriate new character, though... I can't imagine a better one.

If I were made to guess, I would place my bets on Mossman. Mossman's the one that's gonna go, I think. After playing the double-agent in order to give the resistance a chance to strike in the heart of enemy territory (the Citadel), she won admiration for her loyalty. The takedown couldn't have been accomplished without her. So, having her sent off to the Arctic where she gets picked off in a Combine ambush is just the sort of dramatic kick-in-the-guts you'd expect Valve writers to deliver.

Besides, Trailer 2 is suggestive of her death anyway.
I vote G-man.

Despite what many may think, I do not think that just because he's been there from the start that makes him immune to death. By killing him off it certainly could deepen the story and bring a third party we have known of but know nothing about into the fray. The story of his involvement could become clearer, though not complete. We could learn more about his background, his 'employers', and what really deserves their attention in such a pitiful struggle.

This is more along the 'story more interesting' line. I do not think he will die, but I think there is a lot of potential in the story if he did. Though that doesn't mean it will be worse if he doesn't.
Not enough options. There's one new character, kleiner, and (if he counts as a character) dog. Although I think Mossman will die I wish it were GMan.
Mossman will die. She has to pay back for the wrongs she has committed somehow!
There will be a serious malfunction and the rocket will explode killing both Kleiner and Eli
Unprovoked but I feel like saying it:
People say that Mossman is a crap character, but she's probably more developed than Eli and certainly more developed than Kleiner or Barney.
aye i certainly saw more from mossman than Kliener, Eli and Barney.
If I were a nerd looking at this thread, I'd probly post something like... zomg... Damnit... SHUT UP!!! ><

Sifting through here, I can gather a few things about each character dieing.

Mossman: More likely than some *cough* samon *cough* would like to think. They set up the scene perfectly, though I've noclipped and watched it with my own eyes, rather than the cameras, and judging by how the hunters seem ridiculously hard to kill in the ep2 trailers, I'd say that (though I've seen the rebels kill the soldiers before the orbs fly out) whoever's in that area = ****ed. Also, being teh 1337 invaders dey be, teh combinez wouldn't attack such an area with 3 units. No, my friends, that was most likely the beginnings of a mass attack.

Eli: I think this would be the best choice for valve. Think of the scene. An attack on the area of their new base as gordon and alyx arrive. A headcrab missle blows out the celling, and goes through the floor. Eli tumbles down into the next floor. Alyx cries out as she watches her father's lifeless body lie motionless on the floor below. She calls his name. No responce. She jumps down to his aid. He looks up at Gordon. He hands Gordon some important USB drive (Lets see what valve thinks, and they'll figure out what it contains. ;))
"Take care of my girl, Gordon." Says Eli.
"Daddy... No..."
"Alyx. I always knew you'd grow into a bright young woman." Gasps Eli.
Alyx whipes her eyes as a blotch of tears rolls down her cheek.
"Go with Gordon. Find Judith... tell her... I... I..."
"Dad? Dad? Tell her what?" Alyx Persists.
"Ohh Alyx... I'm so sorry..."
An explosion cracks the moment. Gunshots cackle from the hallway above. Combine radio chatter, mixed with Rebels' voices sound out from above. A combine elite peers over the edge of the broken floor. One pulse round. Through the heart. Eli's body goes limp, as he lets out one last breath.
"Daddy..." Alyx sighs, hugging her father's body.
"We have to get out of here!" Arnold commands.
"Get to da choppah! Go! Nau! Auh! Auh Auh!"
Arnold (Gordon) pulls alyx away from her father, and draggs her to the platform.
"Get in! We have to hurreh!"
Alyx jumps in the chopper and pulls out her gun, and lands a bullet between the... light bulb... eye... things... of the same elite that killed her father. Gordon... I MEAN ARNOLD! O_O ARNOLD hops into the chopper as well, as it's taking off, combine shooting rounds at the blades.
Now THAT's a scene. :D (Terminator 3 anyone? ;))

Kliener: Ohh my god. The poor old ****er... First you want him to teach gordon for 6 years, then you want him to build a secret lab, dangerously close to 400 combine outposts, THEN teleport gordon outside his window, almost getting eaten whole along the way, then you ask the poor old man to kick teh canzors? .!.. O'_'o

Comic relief my ass. He's just a smartass who's got slightly more health, but the same AI as every other resistance member... But still... Uhh... Still can't see why he can't die... :/

Lamar: KILL THE LITTLE BITCH! KILL HER! AAH!... Umm... What? She caused the teleporter flaw. With that gordon would be having teh buttsechs wit alyx right now. -.- (The combine wouldn't have followed him to eli's. That little whore is cock block in it's purest form.)

D.O.g: Nobody suggested it before... Besides striders are tough... Though Dog is... invincible... :|

G.Man: My only question is CAN he die...

That's my thoughts. And don't even think alyx will die. Like it or not, valve means her to be important, and she does serve a HUGE role. She's eli's daughter. His seed. If he dies she takes his place. Thats how it goes. If SHE dies, eli will die of old age soon, so it'd be a wasted plot. Say goodbye to HL... Beside that, Gordon can obviouly show affection to her as well as she does for him, soif she dies gordon (If he was any reasl person, (rather than these dorks who are too afraid to admit that if she was real they'd like her too) he would be too depressed to kick combine ass. Losin love like that so quickly can be a real damper on your spirits... Trust me... I know. :D :(
Barney, Alyx, Mossman, Kliener, and G-man won't die. It's Eli, I guarentee you... I don't know why but I just have this tingly feelings inside me, I have a hunch. :p
Barney, Alyx, Mossman, Kliener, and G-man won't die. It's Eli, I guarentee you... I don't know why but I just have this tingly feelings inside me, I have a hunch. :p

It's cause we want alyx to hug us... I mean... Gordon again. :D

Plus, every guy knows that hot girl + voulnerability = HAWT BUTTSECHS! :p
yes yes yes, many people want it to be eli to bring alyx closer to Gordon, but thats because we want to see more character interaction, seeing a relationship between Alyx and Gordon formulate, immerses the player ever more into the game which = more fun and involvement.

But please, stop bring up the 'hawt bumsechs', its getting irritating.
yes yes yes, many people want it to be eli to bring alyx closer to Gordon, but thats because we want to see more character interaction, seeing a relationship between Alyx and Gordon formulate, immerses the player ever more into the game which = more fun and involvement.

But please, stop bring up the 'hawt bumsechs', its getting irritating.

... Buttsechs... no... NO! WHAT the buttsechs. :D


Sorry... I'm not as think as you drunk I am...
You are all wrong - no one should die - why do we live if we live to die?
You are all wrong - no one should die - why do we live if we live to die?
Please, we're talking about 'fictional' game characters here. Yes, really great characters, but still from a game!

Nothing has been cleared out, i mean, did we finaly found who will die? No. It's all speculations. Everyone has it's own favorite opinions and characters. Valve won't tell us, so we have to wait until EP2. Please, this thread is getting far too big, it's not interesting anymore!
I hope they all die and the Combine genetically engineer us to our greatest evolutionary stage and immortality.
I hope they all die and the Combine genetically engineer us to our greatest evolutionary stage and immortality.

Yeah, the few who will not be 'stalker-fied' or their organic material not assimilated by the Combine, will be turned into immortal cyborg slaves with no rights and without any urge to resist or reproduce...smile, future's bright!
I remember seeing a video on Youtube, can't find it now. Someone somehow finds some hidden file, apparently some character animation. The animation shows Eli dieing, and the filename is something like "eli_sniper" or something like that. I don't trust my own memory however, so unless I find that video again...

But it will all be settled a few hours after the game is released, right?
Yeah, the few who will not be 'stalker-fied' or their organic material not assimilated by the Combine, will be turned into immortal cyborg slaves with no rights and without any urge to resist or reproduce...smile, future's bright!

Exactly! See, this guy gets it.
Look, I know this thread's as old as hell but I'd just like to say something I've been wanting to share over the course of the past few weeks. For some, odd reason, I didn't post it. Anyway, if Barney is going to die, then here's what I think would be the best way to play it out:

You're in a firefight when suddenly, a large explosion almost knocks you out, probably caused by a strider's singularity cannon. You're on the ground, trying to gather what's going on around you. Your vision's blurry, there's this high-pitched ringing in your ears and you can barely hear. Two and a half seconds later, you see Barney pop into your field of vision to the far left, gesturing you to get up and vacate the premises. Meanwhile, a shot from a pulse rifle held by a Combine Elite strikes the lower, right side of his torso. He then makes a startled yet reassuring face (sort of like a "Don't worry, Gordon. I'll be fine" look). A second later, another round hits him. This time in the middle of his left lung. He now turns around slowly only to find an orb speeding towards him, unfortunately having no time to react. Despite your blurry eyesight, you can see the orb making contact with Barney, disintegrating him. As soon as you regain your full vision, Barney's lifeless, sizzling corpse begins to ascend peacefully towards the Heavens, and then turns into nothing.

A song I thought would go along well with this would be HL2_song10; the one you hear when you first enter Dr. Kliener's lab at the beginning of the game. It should start playing right when you almost get knocked out from the explosion.

So there's my shitty, little suggestion for a future episode.
like it, however i still think Eli is the best candidate to die.

it should be track 11 'Slow Light'. ;)
Mossman should be the next to die.Cause that place where we saw her in that trailer showed that they were under attack by some combine and those new enemies the hunters.I don't think she could of survived that attack but hopefully i am wrong.
Mossman: More likely than some *cough* samon *cough* would like to think. They set up the scene perfectly, though I've noclipped and watched it with my own eyes, rather than the cameras, and judging by how the hunters seem ridiculously hard to kill in the ep2 trailers, I'd say that (though I've seen the rebels kill the soldiers before the orbs fly out) whoever's in that area = ****ed. Also, being teh 1337 invaders dey be, teh combinez wouldn't attack such an area with 3 units. No, my friends, that was most likely the beginnings of a mass attack.

Yeah, but that's just what I thought. ;)
Barney's lifeless, sizzling corpse begins to ascend peacefully towards the Heavens, and then turns into nothing.
I think that would be a good scene for the game, it would certainly give you a reason to impulse 101 and rocket launch everyone in sight :p
lol no.. there is no drumming in this track

There are some low-frequency sounds in the song that might just pass as high-pitched drum-beats. But for the most part, it sounds like wood banging against something.
I think Eli. Not Barney for the simple fact, he still owes Gordon a beer! And Valve won't let him die until that is fulfilled!
Oh, by the way, how the HELL am I closed-minded if I think the story can get more interesting WITHOUT someone dying?!
Well, no one's death would really bother me except Barney's. And my money's on him. We know for sure that someone IS going to die. Mossman's wouldn't even make me blink.

Barney dying would probably bring a tear to my eye.
Alyx dying = meh.
Mossman dying = She was a ***** anyway.
I believe Eli will die. His death would affect Mossman, Alyx, Kleiner and the Vortigaunts creating some interesting plot and character developments.