Which character do you think will die and make the story more interesting

Who do u think would be the most interesting to die.

  • Alyx

    Votes: 27 16.4%
  • Eli

    Votes: 49 29.7%
  • Mossman

    Votes: 36 21.8%
  • Barney

    Votes: 33 20.0%
  • G man

    Votes: 20 12.1%

  • Total voters

Not Barney. If anybody's death would be nice, it's Eli - somewhat important to the resistance, but otherwise meh.
She's a good character and I look forward to her role in Episode 4.


For me, the death of Barney would be the most dramatic and the most saddening, depending on how Valve dispose of him.

I vote Alyx because all she is is a pain in the ass and Half-Life would be back to the good old days. Gordon running around smashing bad guys, running into friends along the way.
I vote Alyx because all she is is a pain in the ass and Half-Life would be back to the good old days. Gordon running around smashing bad guys, running into friends along the way.

Well you only had 5 chapters Alyx by your side and you're acting like that was awful. It's still preetty much Gordon running around smashing bad guys, running into friends along the way. And for God's sake, is that really all you want? Forever, and ever? You have Valve and you want them to be Id!
I vote barney, but if he's going to die i hope he's going down kicking combine ass


It's uber-gay. :farmer:
I don't think Barney is going to die...he's too cool. I'm quite positive Alyx won't die...not in this episode anyway. I'm still putting my money on Mossman kicking the bucket.
If Alyx dies I know it is for the best. :)

I know Valve will make the best decision, & its for the best interest in the community.
i wish they would have killed alyx in episode 1. i don't think they should bring anything romantic into the half-life series.
I have no idea why people say "Alyx can't die, she's too important to the story; she's too likeable to die." <---- this is simply an opinion rather than fact. No character is safe from being eliminated to the HL story, not even Alyx; Miss. Vance will probably not die from that fall, but her fate may be delayed for another moment when you least expect it.

I like Alyx; but I am just letting everybody know to be not too optumistic about Alyx being alive throughout EP2, EP3, & HL3. Id figure I would point that out for all of you dudes.
I don't think that Barney should die, if for no other reason than its old hat. I saw barney die a million times in HL1. And often at the hands of Gordon himself. But, that aside, I like barney and it would really be upsetting to me to see him die. I vote Eli, his work is, for the most part, done. What, with finishing the teleport technology, and bringing the resistance movement to its pinnacle. He could die with the hope that his progeny would be able to carry the fight to its finish. No other character has that. And isn't it interesting that Eli is not with kliener in the end of the trailer. of course, he could just be in the john though. Thats my two cents.
I believe having barney killed is also a good Idea,
a) there's people who don't like him. Samon, anyone?
b) taking away the comic relieve would add some essence to the story, likely 'watch out, it won't be nice here anymore!', alarming the player of harder times, and Kleiner could take his part..if comic relieve is even necessary anmore..
c) Killing Eli might be a bad Idea, cause everybody left too lead the rebellion would be Kleiner, or Gordon, while the latter doesn't even talk, cause VALVe didn't animate his togue^^.

Sure, I first liked the idea of letting Eli die in the presence of his doughter, adding terrific emotions to the game, if well done, but the lack of Eli might be problematic, considering Kleiner is certainly to retarded to lead the rebellion, Mossman being a leader would suck, and implementing the player as a leader would also make no sense. And running around without any leader at all would result in failure, so Barney wouldn't be that much of a bad idea...Of course, he has to die in the presence of the player, afterall Gordon and Barney have been Buddies, phew, actually only a few weeks, taking Gordon's course into credit XD

//edit: d) Barney shouldn't die in vain, he mus have done something, like recovering the project up north or something like that, what would add some importance to his actions, cause this is one the main goals that VALVe pursue, having the player realize the importance of each character.
There you go, so who wants to play HL1 thru again and smash some glock-weilding monster_Barneys??? :naughty:
If anyone has listened to the commentary nodes in Ep1, specifically where you meet Barney, the developers talk about his CRUCIAL role as dark comic relief and that he is the one character they can use to direct Gordon's attention away from the dark matters at hand. That being said, I think it is odd how Barney hasn't made an appearance in any of the trailiers, but that could mean nothing. I don't think Barney would be killed, the developers comment on numerous occasions about their love for his character.

I think it's mossman for sure, I mean watch the second trailer again "We should have never let her go" What else is there to say?
Just because he said 'We should have let here go' it doesn't mean that she is dead or will die, Eli is just fearing for her safety when he says that
i wish they would have killed alyx in episode 1. i don't think they should bring anything romantic into the half-life series.

exactly what i think...:thumbs:

i dont see any point letting her live anyway...

Just because he said 'We should have let here go' it doesn't mean that she is dead or will die, Eli is just fearing for her safety when he says that.

rofl dude... anyway just watch that scene again.. i mean, they are attacked and the camera gets knocked out... surely she should die, but will she ? NO, it will be again like 'Surprise surprise, she lives' ... very annoying .. but this is reality. of course it is a good thing to let her die.. but it wont happen... either way is just too cliche-like to be half-life.. but who cares about those characters anyway.

barney is the only character who adds something to the atmosphere in hl2... they really gotta be retarded to kill him and not alyx or any other of the 'boring' characters..
barney is the only character who adds something to the atmosphere in hl2... they really gotta be retarded to kill him and not alyx or any other of the 'boring' characters..

aaaaw in love with barney? ;)
rofl dude... anyway just watch that scene again.. i mean, they are attacked and the camera gets knocked out... surely she should die, but will she ? NO, it will be again like 'Surprise surprise, she lives' ... very annoying .. but this is reality. of course it is a good thing to let her die.. but it wont happen... either way is just too cliche-like to be half-life.. but who cares about those characters anyway..

Are you a complete and utter plank? Did you play EP1? We saw her escape, and it is the exact same transmission shown in the EP2 trailer. No 'suprise suprise'.

Anyone who thinks that Barney is the only character that adds something to the atmosphere of HL2 truely is a moron
Are you a complete and utter plank? Did you play EP1? We saw her escape, and it is the exact same transmission shown in the EP2 trailer. No 'suprise suprise'.


i suppose u did not get what i meant, in that trailer we saw how her camp was attacked and a stilt-houndeye knocked out the camera... normally there would be no way for her to get out of it alive, but what will valve do? they will push the surprise button and she will oh so unexpectedly LIVE! ...moron :p

Anyone who thinks that Barney is the only character that adds something to the atmosphere of HL2 truely is a moron

so is everyone who thinks that alyx and the other gays do.. ;)
i suppose u did not get what i meant, in that trailer we saw how her camp was attacked and a stilt-houndeye knocked out the camera... normally there would be no way for her to get out of it alive, but what will valve do? they will push the surprise button and she will oh so unexpectedly LIVE! ...moron :p

Maybe you didn't read what I said. In the trailer we are shown the exact same transmission as the one in Episode 1. It isn't a camp, it is a corridor. In Episode 1 we see her escape. In the Episode 2 trailer we see the same transmission. She has not died. It is not a 'stilt houndeye'.

LOL you guys are saying that barney is funny?? I mean, in hl2 the only funny lines are that cat line and the one with breen and the gravity gun! "whats that? oh put it over there."
Maybe you didn't read what I said. In the trailer we are shown the exact same transmission as the one in Episode 1. It isn't a camp, it is a corridor. In Episode 1 we see her escape. In the Episode 2 trailer we see the same transmission. She has not died. It is not a 'stilt houndeye'.


i didnt play ep1 my dear :angel: and who am i to know that a scene from ep1 appears in a ep2 trailer :(
The G-Man can't die! It would be like killing Dr. Robotnik (Sorry I shalnt call him Eggman lol) or killing off say... Gordan Freeman! G-Man is integral to the overall story and to kill him off wantonly halfway through the episodic saga would be stupid. I hope he never dies, I hope we never know too much about him and Valve keeps teasing us with questions and partial answers. Ok I wouldn't mind an explanation after a while, maybe after another 20 Half-Life games lol.
I got a strange feeling that Alyx is the one thats going to bite the dust; Its going to happen when you least expect it; It wouldn't be such a disaster to the resistance if she died but for the players like me & the character we control it would be a huge blow; But I will get all my emotions out before it even happens

just like when my favorate Major League Baseball team-The New York Mets' didn't go to the World Series & win it all was very disapointing & they were one game away too from winning it all.
It would be like killing Dr. Robotnik (Sorry I shalnt call him Eggman lol)
Slight derail, Eggman isn't Robotnik. Robotnik is Eggman's grandfather. Just FYI.

And the G-man will never die.
Slight derail, Eggman isn't Robotnik. Robotnik is Eggman's grandfather. Just FYI.
Wrong, Dr. Ivo "Eggman" Robotnik is Dr. Gerald Robotnik's grandson. And BTW, Shadow kills Eggman is some of the Shadow the Hedgehog endings.
yeah shift is obnoxious.

anyway, my lovely alex can't die. she just can't... i would be so SO annoyed with the series.