Which character do you think will die and make the story more interesting

Who do u think would be the most interesting to die.

  • Alyx

    Votes: 27 16.4%
  • Eli

    Votes: 49 29.7%
  • Mossman

    Votes: 36 21.8%
  • Barney

    Votes: 33 20.0%
  • G man

    Votes: 20 12.1%

  • Total voters
Wrong, Dr. Ivo "Eggman" Robotnik is Dr. Gerald Robotnik's grandson.
Is that how it is? Well, that kills it. I'll be honest, I haven't played a Sonic game since the first one off Dreamcast. I heard that grandson thing off the internet. Eh, I still like the old Archie stories where Robotnik was some scientist named Kintobor and he got all whacked out.

Anyway I think that's enough Sonic talk for one thread.
yeah shift is obnoxious.

anyway, my lovely alex can't die. she just can't... i would be so SO annoyed with the series.

I agree with you on the second part fully, but I aint obnoxious at all, its just that eber has these outragous views on the characters of Half-Life 2 and argues about things he doesn't really have a clue about, hence why I called him a complete and utter retard.
i have a clue of what im talking about.. but u dont :\
You were arguing about a scene in EP1, when you hadn't even played EP1, you just caught a glimpse of it from the EP2 trailer, so at that point, you didn't have a clue what you were talking about
i dont think they'll kill off alyx, its too predictable

plus i'd be completely devastated if barney died
I don't think they will kill off alyx or barney Im gonna go with eli because he is very useless and he does not have a big role in any of the half life games.
I don't think they will kill off alyx or barney Im gonna go with eli because he is very useless and he does not have a big role in any of the half life games.

Except, you know, he's one of the most important people of the resistance.
I said this before and I will say this again; Even though its been hinted in the trailer that she will die but we find out from sources & from another trailer that she will stick around & she does not die from the fall, then we see G talking to her yada yada yada you know the rest.....BUT I think people should not exclude Alyx as a possible candidate, it is possible that Valve will kill her off when you least expect it.

Don't shrug it off, Alyx isn't 'fully safe' yet; Even though she's safe from the fall but don't exclude her from being eliminated from the HL story. Alyx is still a very good cadidate from biting the dust.
I hate this argument and would much rather wait for Valve to tell me what to do.

*reverts to mindless Valve-zombie status*
Is that how it is? Well, that kills it. I'll be honest, I haven't played a Sonic game since the first one off Dreamcast. I heard that grandson thing off the internet. Eh, I still like the old Archie stories where Robotnik was some scientist named Kintobor and he got all whacked out.

Anyway I think that's enough Sonic talk for one thread.
No it isn't. The story about Dr. Ovi (thus bringing in an egg reference) Kintobor becoming Robotnik came from the Archie comic and the cartoons I think. In the Japanese versions of Sonic we was always called Eggman but was changed to Robotnik in the American versions. In the 3D games they started bringing in Eggman with him being refered to as both names. He is almost always refered to ass Eggman now but there are still references to his real name being Robotnik, for instance, his grandfather's and cousins name being Robotnik.
riomhaire said:
One of the most basic laws in the universe is the Second Law of Thermodynamics. This states that as time goes by, entropy in an environment will increase. Evolution argues differently against a law that is accepted EVERYWHERE BY EVERYONE. Evolution says that we started out simple, and over time became more complex. That just isn't possible: UNLESS there is a giant outside source of energy supplying the Earth with huge amounts of energy. If there were such a source, scientists would certainly know about it.
I can tolerate anything except half baked scientific theories. Entropy in a system can decrease, as long as total entropy in the universe increases in the process.
Gman Gman

Vorttys are trying to rescue alyx from Gman and kill him in the process =D

Samon, a possible theory w00t
I say Eli but vote Alyx. She's getting to involved.
I say Eli but vote Alyx. She's getting to involved.

Exactly my thoughts, usually when the main character falls in love with the woman in story, the girl usually dies. Which in this case would be Alyx.
I don't think that anyone of them will die.

Besides, I never cared about mossman.
Valve clearly stated an important main character will die (a well loved character at that!), so don't expect Valve to kill off leon; I would love to see Father Gregory again though, I would also would love to see what plans valve has for alyx...maybe G-man will employ her? hmm interesting, this is series is getting quite exciting imo.
Maybe someone dies, and is possibly resurrected by the vortiguant or something.
Maybe someone dies, and is possibly resurrected by the vortiguant or something.

Or perhaps they could just die to make it more realistic.
I dunno where all this russerected by Vortigaunt shit is coming from. It has never been stated that Vorts can ressurect to my knowledge. If anyone has some kind of linkage/proof please post it and prove me wrong. :)
Exactly my thoughts, usually when the main character falls in love with the woman in story, the girl usually dies. Which in this case would be Alyx.

Exactly. And like I've said, what better way for Valve to grasp us by the balls by having such a major feature like Alyx die?
Alyx wont die, she is too tied to the emotional involvement of the player, killing who her off means killing of one of the major sources of emitting emotion, not to mention she is too well developed now and we haven't begun to see the full extent of her story and personality yet, its too soon me thinks. Eli dieing on the other hand would be an interesting experiance, especially in seeing Alyx's reaction and how she would act from that point on
That reminds me of prey, where the last thing i thought would be that girlfriend of his dying :hmph: . made me sad ...
I can tolerate anything except half baked scientific theories. Entropy in a system can decrease, as long as total entropy in the universe increases in the process.

Who on earth are you quoting, man?
Well they said that a well-loved character would die.
Therefore, it is narrowed down to Alyx, Barney and Dog.
My money is on Barney or Dog.
The trailers just point out too clearly that Alyx is in danger of kicking the bucket and I really doubt Valve will show us who will die up front.
Barney has not made an appearance in any episode 2 trailer I personally consider it kind of as a sign that he will die but I doubt it counts much.
And Dog well like the commentary in Episode 1 said everybody liked Dog so much that he is the first thing we see in Episode 1 so again might be.
We just have to wait and see.
Alyx wont die, she is too tied to the emotional involvement of the player, killing who her off means killing of one of the major sources of emitting emotion, not to mention she is too well developed now and we haven't begun to see the full extent of her story and personality yet, its too soon me thinks. Eli dieing on the other hand would be an interesting experiance, especially in seeing Alyx's reaction and how she would act from that point on

Thats exactly the point. Having Alyx as a sidekick has given us humour and a sense of well-being, plus having her around has become a second nature, but having her die... well, what's that going to give the player? Anger, loss, sadness, hatred, etc. It's going to create more emotions. Going by the trailers, Ep2 looks like we're moving into much darker days now, and I think that fits after what Episode 1 was with her, and to what is going to happen next with her.

However, you raise a good point about not knowing all about her story and personality, but a part of me thinks thats not something thats entirely inportant to know. Well, no, I'd like to know it (obviously), but for realisms sake why should that matter? I see HL2 as a pretty realistic game (in character, emotions, and all the other none-video game things), so it's very possible for Alyx to just die without us knowing anything new.

It's hard to explain, but whatever.
I've got a feeling it's gonna be either Alyx or Barney Calhoun, not Dog.
But i bet we'll have that feeling with us that one of them will die any moment throughout the game, like a paranoya of some sort until it actually happens.
Who says the story will get more interesting because someone dies...?
Mossman is not going to die in Episode 2, and we haven't seen the sequence either. We've seen her running away. Mossman will play an important role in Episode 3.