Which class are YOU?

My Class:

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Thadius Dean

Aug 20, 2003
Reaction score
Or going to be, should I say. I'm usually an engineer myself.

And if you play multiple classes, list the one you play or identify with the most.
Back in clan games I was an engineer or soldier. On publics I loved to piss people off as sniper ;)
always demo-man. I was the most worthless player on my team, dubbed "suice bomber guy" I would just run into the enemies base and spam cluster grenades and my main gun, kill myself and a couple of guys in the process, and then just repeat over and over. I had a score of like -25
Always been a sniper. Love picking off enemies from a distance and watching them gib all over the wall behind them. Was pretty good at it too.
Spy... He also looks the coolest in the group picture. He's wearing suit... Pure awesomeness.
Engineer.. I'd build my turret with loving care, upgrade it... watch it grow up into a level 3... defend it from attackers and dutifully repair any ding or scratch that was made on it... brings a tear to my eye thinking about all the turrets that didn't make it.
Definitely Spy. There's nothing like knifing a bunch of snipers in the back, of course they eventually caught on....also towards the end of my TFC days I was obsessed with the medic. Having the ability to infect your enemies with a lethal virus was just, in a word, priceless:E
In AvD Clan games, either offensive medic or defensive engy. Medic's always been my favourite though.
Goddamn I hate snipers. All of you! Every game has them - guys who name themselves 'SilentAssasin', '1ShotKill', 'PrayingMantis'. Camping bastards all of you! :)

I like a support role - medic or engie. When that's get boring, Soldier to open a can of whoopass.
I was a really good sniper at one time. You would let it charge up behind a wall then come out a little. Then when you would kill somebody they just explode with gibs! :E And then I would usually be an engineer which my turret would be exploded instantly by a gernade. :eek: I have to say the pyro is the most useless class. No matter how much you roast the enemy they just continue on. *I also think scout is used to get the flag quickly to a cap only. Thats the only time I ever seen it in use.
Although im usually an engineer i think its safe to say that the game was developed so thoroughly with even emphasis on each player class which resulted in each class being a thrill to use and making each class excellent for certain situations.
Engy to the core. Although early on i was an avid pyro before i realized how little damage i was doing, and later on i tried medic hust to infect people
Engineer because I like building (I love building and upgrading the turrets :)) and repairing stuff. This goes for basically all games, especially in Battlefield 2.

Engineer FTW!
Never played Team Fortress even though I have it, I think I would be a sniper.

I'm gonna go install it now and find out. :D
Never played the classic much, but we will see in the new one.
I was never ever any good at playing as any of them tbh. Kind of enjoyed the teamplay element of being a medic mind you. It just never looked like you scored any points :p
Hopefully the score will be based more on helping your teammates, then simple fragging. Let's say you are a medic, and your score increases by each person you heal, or something like that.
baah, all good spots are taken..
Hey, i actualy see one free spot...
I used to be a sniper mainly.

Also a pyro, because the fire rockets used to spread heat through walls, so you could destroy sentry guns that were otherwise tough to get!

I also enjoyed being a spy, when I could get people to fall for my disguise. It was hard to be a spy on non-ff servers though.
Just made my own server and played through all the types.
I have to say there isn't very much variation between the types. Almost everyone has a shotty or rifle.
There is no way for me to choose.
Did you play with other people though?

And no scout love? I'm him, the medic, or the engineer usually.
Did you play with other people though?

And no scout love? I'm him, the medic, or the engineer usually.

I couldn't get online because Windows was blocking it, and I didn't realize until I closed HL.

It's not awesome enough to get into at this point so I'm just gonna uninstall it.
Just made my own server and played through all the types.
I have to say there isn't very much variation between the types. Almost everyone has a shotty or rifle.
There is no way for me to choose.

OMG And everybody has a melee weapon too!

None of the above.


-Angry Lawyer
Not the same. Don't be a prick.

I'm sorry, but saying that every class has a nailgun/shotgun, completely ignoring the specialized weapons and abilities, and then bitching about how there isn't enough variation seems to me the epitome of asinine.

Also, you played by yourself and not online with other people. Way to gauge wether something is "awesome enough". :rolleyes:
Absinthe said:
I'm sorry, but saying that every class has a nailgun/shotgun,
Nearly every class.
Absinthe said:
completely ignoring the specialized weapons and abilities,
Pointing out their different weapons was irrelevant being that everyone in this thread knows what they are and their advanatages.
Absinthe said:
and then bitching about how there isn't enough variation seems to me the epitome of asinine.
Maybe you should check your interpretation. I was not "bitching", merely stating how I cannot make a decision towards a favorite becuse all classes can be played similarly.
You on the other hand are merely being an ass because you can.
Absinthe said:
Also, you played by yourself and not online with other people. Way to gauge wether something is "awesome enough". :rolleyes:
My criteria did not require online play. The graphics suck by todays standards, and the gameplay is sorely dated. The maps are small, not very well designed, the weapons are not varied enough for my tastes.

Your argument is not only completely out of line, but misinformed and thusly irrelevant and rendered null.
Hopefully the score will be based more on helping your teammates, then simple fragging. Let's say you are a medic, and your score increases by each person you heal, or something like that.
Haha it's not going to happen. You get points for capping and killing in TFC and no doubt that will be the same for TF2, it works well since if you dont work as a team you lose.

I have to say the pyro is the most useless class. No matter how much you roast the enemy they just continue on. *I also think scout is used to get the flag quickly to a cap only. Thats the only time I ever seen it in use.

But pyro was also so awesome, nothing like going around like a maniac burning everyone, ahh. And yeah the scout is only used for flag capping, mainly because their only ability is to run fast D:.

Myself, im a specialist spy. I love to stab those bastard snipers in the back that camp Well and get SO ANNOYING ARGGGGG so it's nice payback :D. Then to easily take out a few sgs with 2 grenades and strafe jump the hell outa there. It's also excellent fun when you stab a few bastard hwguys too, so slow and fat...and usually rather stupid due to it's popularity with the noobs. Then there is the good old flag capping fun, running straight through the enemy base and grenade jumping out of there! Ah.

I like to use soldier sometimes too, Im rather crap at it but if im against anything but another soldier or a hwguy they are dead. It's easy! I aim for the floor :p. Rocket jumping is a good laugh too.

Medics is also fun due to conc jumping, I hope they make some fun conc skills maps again.

Engineer/Demoman is my defensive class. Being an engi is easy, just slam a sg down somewhere and then put the teleports in aggressive places. Spam a few grenades and boom! Demoman is good for dustbowl obviously and I can always rack up some kills for that, also useful for opening up areas with the detpack! Ah good fun.

So basically, all classes apart from scout, hwguy (since it's a lame class), sniper (since im crap at it, however I enjoy being this class in hunted).