Which class are YOU?

My Class:

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I remember when that was so debated, originally. Offense used to mess with each other even in league matches; I remember it happened all the time in the OGL. People would just fight in the middle of the yard. The only way you'd ever get into the enemy base was if you ran like hell and your opponent wasn't the kind of guy who'd chase after you.

Initially I thought the "rule" was kind of silly, but eh. There's always pubs for that sort of thing anyway.
I remember learning too conc jump out of the water in 2forts on the 3rd or 4th day that the game was out and absolutely owning the enemy snipers and then capping the flag. I got accused of cheating a lot when I would fly out of the water and infect the snipers. Then run down to get the flag and jump up the elevator and then infect the snipers again on the way out, jump into the water and cap the flag.

So, that was you? D:

We will meet again Dan, mark my words.
I just hope they don't do that again and start saying "Don't shoot if he's double-backed and you're on his left side typing whilst targetting and firing off a grenade thirty degrees to his right whilst switching weapons..."

OK, so that was a bit much, but you get the idea. I always hated those rules. If you can't get past someone, then practice more imo. But hey, that's just me.
antoher heavy good shit, i find th eother classes to hard to play, so i do my best to help out my team as the tank! and ennui snipers are so hard to play what you tlakin about:eek:
i remember trying sniping and i didn't die the whole time, just got like a whole boatload of kills
I'd have to pick Soldier as the class for me. More challenging than being a sniper, and easier than Demoman. Aim for the feet...
Engineer. I always loved building teleports and turrets. But sniping is so much fun too.
HW guy, there is nothing quite like sawing you enemy in half with a mahoosive minigun!
I first played Soldier, then I found out that I was even better as a DEFENSIVE Medic.
I've always played a soldier. I love rockets. Rockets go BOOM!
Spy or a Engineer for me.

Spy is good for some stuff but some how I always get caught out before killing anyone :(
Spy is good for some stuff but some how I always get caught out before killing anyone :(

Surely in clan matches, where everybody's constantly communicating, it's easy to spot a spy.
Spies play a much different role in clan matches than pubbing. If they're ever used in matches--which is probably one of the rarest things ever--they're used more for watching what's going on in the enemy base and reporting. That's so unnecessary though...

Keva, you just need to learn how to get the drop on people and convince them you're one of their own, even if you can't communicate with them. The art of fakery, my friend.
can anyone imagine the beutiful fire effects that shall be implented into the engine for the pyro. fire rockets and flame throwers.....ahhh, this alone should be a good reason to get the game
I think I'm good as a soldier, but I really like the engineer as well. :D

I find the pyro of not much use, tbh.
I think I'm good as a soldier, but I really like the engineer as well. :D

I find the pyro of not much use, tbh.

Laying down a good flame carpet is nice to slow down enemy offense, or to protect the flag with it. In earlier versions of TFC, the flames did more damage.
i just think the demoman and the pyro look really cool. oh yeah, the spy too.
Guess I'll play engy like I always used to. Spy also seems nice, though.
I love to annoy ppl by bachstabing them! They get sooo pissed! other than that I like to be a medic
Hehe, I chose the engineer. Pretty damn right. Although I didn't think I'd like the demoman so much as I do.
I'm almost always engineer, but i'm thinking about going pyro, just so that in 2Fort i can run down to the Intel room at the start and fry the scout that i KNOW is going to come running in to grab the intel. (they always kill me and my dispenser by the time i get it up whenever i play as Engineer during the start)
Mmmmm-mmmm-mmmmMMmFff! MMMMFmmmMFm-mMMfmMfmmfm-MFMMMFFF!
Being of German descent, bespectacled, and all around curious, Medic for me, boys.
I don't know. I don't blow things up, build things, assassinate people, fire heavy weapons or rocket launchers, carry a bat and run around, nor am I a doctor, a marksman, or a pyromaniac.

If I wanted to do one of those things, though, I'd probably be an engineer.
I've been playing medic mostly, but after I got good with the engineer,I find myself playing it more and more (especially when rookie engineers are on the team, and we're getting hammered as a result).
Old thread is getting older...

Stop posting!
Pointing out their different weapons was irrelevant being that everyone in this thread knows what they are and their advanatages.

Umm... so the fact that it's common knowledge that each class is very different means that that point isn't worth bringing up, and therefore all classes are the same? That just doesn't make any sense.

Maybe you should check your interpretation. I was not "bitching", merely stating how I cannot make a decision towards a favorite becuse all classes can be played similarly.
You on the other hand are merely being an ass because you can.

Right... how about you join a server and try playing a Spy like a Heavy or a Medic like a Soldier and see how well it works.

My criteria did not require online play. The graphics suck by todays standards, and the gameplay is sorely dated. The maps are small, not very well designed, the weapons are not varied enough for my tastes.

The graphics are pretty much incomparable to 97% of games out there. You're not one to judge the gameplay on an online game if you didn't play it online. There are indeed games with larger maps out there, and if that's the experience you like, they're there for you to enjoy. Battlefield-style maps are not what TF2 is about.

Your argument is not only completely out of line, but misinformed and thusly irrelevant and rendered null.

That's the sort of line you use to sign off from attacking in an argument, after specifically pointing out each of those flaws in your opponent's stance. Unfortunately, you were on the defense, so saying something like that makes you look like a troll.


Oh, and to actually add to the thread: I play mostly engi, sniper, and spy, switching to other classes as the situation demands, often for just a single life.
It speaks very well for Valve that the answers in this poll are so diverse.
70 something hours as a heavy.... I think that explains it.
I'm mostly a scout, as I take the tactics approach. BONK!