Which class are YOU?

My Class:

  • Total voters
Nearly every class.

Oh nice. Pedantry.

Pointing out their different weapons was irrelevant being that everyone in this thread knows what they are and their advanatages.

Then it should be clear to you that there are massive distinctions between the classes.

Maybe you should check your interpretation. I was not "bitching", merely stating how I cannot make a decision towards a favorite becuse all classes can be played similarly.

You say this without any online experience. If you had any, you'd quickly retract this statement. It's easy to say things can be played similarly when you're running around an empty map doing nothing.

My criteria did not require online play.

That's just brilliant. An online game requiring no online play in order to evaluate. Sheer ****ing brilliance.

The graphics suck by todays standards,

What does this have to do with gameplay?

and the gameplay is sorely dated.

Dated? Isn't base-capping and CTF pretty much a staple among online gaming today and still widely played? What exactly is dated?

The maps are small, not very well designed,

Such as?

the weapons are not varied enough for my tastes.

My only concession because that is up to your personal preference. Although I feel to see a lack of variation.

But in the end, you're pretty much in no position to judge the quality of the game because, as has been stated before, you never bothered to take it online. ****ing hell, you could hate it for all I care. It just pisses me off when somebody makes an empty LAN server and feels he can (prematurely) evaluate a title after a brief tour.
Absinthe said:
Oh nice. Pedantry.
That's me. Get used to it.

Absinthe said:
Then it should be clear to you that there are massive distinctions between the classes.
Massive would not be my word of choice.

Absinthe said:
You say this without any online experience. If you had any, you'd quickly retract this statement.
You say this as if you know me and what I like.

Absinthe said:
It's easy to say things can be played similarly when you're running around an empty map doing nothing.
It's easy to assume I was doing nothing if I say I was offline, even though I was exploring the weapons and mobility of each class.

Absinthe said:
That's just brilliant. An online game requiring no online play in order to evaluate. Sheer ****ing brilliance.
Needless sarcasm.

Absinthe said:
What does this have to do with gameplay?
There are other games with both better graphics and gameplay. If a game doesn't even have graphics, there is nothing going for it but noteriety. What is the point of your question?

Absinthe said:
Dated? Isn't base-capping, VIP hunting, and CTF pretty much a staple among online gaming today and still widely played? What exactly is dated?
Widely played != fresh.

Absinthe said:
All of the stock maps I played. What is the point of your question? It is my opinion and requires no justification.

Absinthe said:
My only concession because that is up to your personal preference. Although I feel to see a lack of variation.

But in the end, you're pretty much in no position to judge the quality of the game because, as has been stated before, you never bothered to take it online. ****ing hell, you could hate it for all I care. It just pisses me off when somebody makes an empty LAN server and feels he can (prematurely) evaluate a title after a brief tour.
Deal with it. It's not your game and none of your damn business what I think about it.
Deal with it. It's not your game and none of your damn business what I think about it.

Well, it kinda is, seeing how you're posting it in a public forum, actually arguing with him...
Well, it kinda is, seeing how you're posting it in a public forum, actually arguing with him...
If he wants to become upset about it, that's fine, but he has no place interrogating me about it like some TFC elitest fanboy.
This is more or less my point in that statement.
If he wants to become upset about it, that's fine, but he has no place interrogating me about it like some TFC elitest fanboy.
This is more or less my point in that statement.

If you don't want TFC fans attacking you, then maybe it would be wise not to trash the game in the TFC forum? Otherwise... take it like a man!
_Z_Ryuken said:
You say this as if you know me and what I like.

I say this because any person with common sense would understand the practical differences between a HW Guy and a Scout, or a Sniper and a Spy.

It's easy to assume I was doing nothing if I say I was offline, even though I was exploring the weapons and mobility of each class.

You are observing content and nothing more. You have no experience with the interactions they have in an online context against other players.

There are other games with both better graphics and gameplay.

That may be the case, but I wasn't asking for a comparison. TFC stands well enough on its own in terms of gameplay. Not as complex as the BF franchise, but sustaining in its own exhiliration and pure emphasis on cooperative teamwork through te classes. Visuals are eye candy.

If a game doesn't even have graphics, there is nothing going for it but noteriety. What is the point of your question?

This is the most senseless thing you've said thus far.

Widely played != fresh.

Fresh != fun.

I find it rather erroneous to term a game type as dated when it is still considered the bread and butter of online gaming. Hardly an anachronism. But let's say it is. What exactly is contemporary?

Deal with it. It's not your game and none of your damn business what I think about it.

Welcome to the internet, a widely used forum for public discussion and the exchange of information.
bliink said:
If you don't want TFC fans attacking you, then maybe it would be wise not to trash the game in the TFC forum? Otherwise... take it like a man!
I don't think I "trashed the game".
Absinthe said:
I say this because any person with common sense would understand the practical differences between a HW Guy and a Scout, or a Sniper and a Spy.
It's irrelevant because all classes can still be played similarly.

Absinthe said:
You are observing content and nothing more. You have no experience with the interactions they have in an online context against other players.
They are irrelevant. I play plenty of FPSs to know what team and opponent interaction is like.

Absinthe said:
That may be the case, but I wasn't asking for a comparison. TFC stands well enough on its own in terms of gameplay. Not as complex as the BF franchise, but sustaining in its own exhiliration and pure emphasis on cooperative teamwork through te classes. Visuals are eye candy.
The game is old. It is dated. This works against it. Not my cup of tea.

Absinthe said:
This is the most senseless thing you've said thus far.
In the context (that you so conveniently excluded) that better games exist, it makes perfect sense.

Absinthe said:
Fresh != fun.
I think you are wrong here. Fresh generally = fun because fresh != repetitive.

Absinthe said:
I find it rather erroneous to term a game type as dated when it is still considered the bread and butter of online gaming. Hardly an anachronism. But let's say it is. What exactly is contemporary?
Mechanics, visuals, physics. All things play a role. This game has nothing going in it's favor other than warm nostalgia. Same reason I play old SNES games. TFC being completely new to me, has no chance of appealing to me as I don't have these nostalgic feelings about it.

Absinthe said:
Welcome to the internet, a widely used forum for public discussion and the exchange of information.
It is I who should welcome you to the internet, I place with people who's opinions differ from your own. ;)
I think the reason I was always sniper because I was pretty young back then and I sucked at mp games. Always made me jumpy and nervous playing other people. Taking them down from afar was good though.
It's irrelevant because all classes can still be played similarly.

Define that. The only thing similar among the classes is their ability to run, jump, and shoot.

They are irrelevant. I play plenty of FPSs to know what team and opponent interaction is like.

But not in TFC. Therefore your opinion on the game is worthless and premature.

The game is old. It is dated. This works against it. Not my cup of tea.

The only detraction you've attributed to being old is the visuals.

In the context (that you so conveniently excluded) that better games exist, it makes perfect sense.

Not really. You essentially said that the only thing the game has going for it is notoriety in the absence of modern visuals. This is also based on the assumption that TFC has substandard gameplay by today's standards, which is apparently based on you... uhh... not playing the game.

I think you are wrong here. Fresh generally = fun because fresh != repetitive.

"Fresh" also invites the potential for content nobody likes or cares for (not that I am one to shun change). But this is a pointless digression.

Mechanics, visuals, physics. All things play a role. This game has nothing going in it's favor other than warm nostalgia. Same reason I play old SNES games. TFC being completely new to me, has no chance of appealing to me as I don't have these nostalgic feelings about it.

Visuals are, again, eye candy. While TFC may look dated, that does not affect its gameplay. Mechanics? That's a very vague term. Define it, please. As for physics, that has played so little a part in most contemporary online games that I'm not sure why you bring it up. It's not like the different way a grenade bounces is going to drastically affect the core gameplay paradigm.

So aside from visuals, how exactly are most online games in the same vein of TFC drastically superior? Furthermore, again, how do you know you won't like TFC when you have not played it?

It is I who should welcome you to the internet, I place with people who's opinions differ from your own. ;)

Oh, I'm well aware of what takes place in common internet discourse. So you shouldn't be acting surprised when somebody calls you on your premature judgments and flawed modes of thought.
I cannot connect to the Won server and cannot play the game online.

Since the game is unplayable, this conversation really is pointless.

Absinthe, I have absolutely no obligation nor desire to address your concerns.

The topic of this thread is to name your favorite class, and the intent of my second post was to show I could not make a choice due to what I believe is a lack of diversity. Choosing a favorite class to me in this game is nothing more than favoring a knife, or rocket launcher, or flamethrower, or walking speed, or other small attribute.
The simple fact you can use any weapon you want in Unreal Tournament without having to choose a class to weild it in my opinion makes it a more fun, and hence better game.
While I freely post my opinion here for you to read, you have no business dissecting it and I will not humor any further attempts.

Good day.
I cannot connect to the Won server and cannot play the game online.

Since the game is unplayable, this conversation really is pointless.


Absinthe, I have absolutely no obligation nor desire to address your concerns.

Okay. Not sure where you get off telling me what my business is, but whatever.
Medic. I like to heal, spread joy and bring about world peace. With my gun.
I cannot connect to the Won server and cannot play the game online.
Eh? Is WON still around? Why not just play it through Steam?

Anyway I realize you said you're not going to come back and humor anymore attempts at arguing your opinion on the game, but I would like to say that you really can't get an accurate impression of how every class behaves in game simply by checking out their weapons and movement speed. Every class is wildly different, and I mean it. You might not think so because your only exposure to them was in a confined environment, but were you to take it to a server and watch other people, you'd realize soon enough. There are so many upward levels of things each class can do, special techniques and tricks that make them very different from each other. And every class serves a particular purpose; again, something you really wouldn't find out playing alone. Even though you can (easily) guess what those purposes are, you can't test them unless you're in an actual game.

I can understand your argument about the graphics. They are dated, and since you never played the game before you're coming into a game that has this low-poly look; without having played it before you're not used to it and can't look past it. That I can understand.

With regard to gameplay, again, you can't evaluate it having played alone in your own local server. You can ASSUME you understand what the gameplay would be like, but you honestly can't give an accurate description of how the game plays without more people. You say the gameplay is dated but you haven't actually PLAYED the game. The goal of the game is an old one, yes--but it is a staple, and just because it's old doesn't mean it isn't fun anymore. I imagine you probably ran from your base to the enemy's, grabbed the flag and capped it, and thought, "Well that's boring." But if you added more players into the mix, you'd see you're incorrect.

It's really too bad you can't get online with the game, and that you're basing your judgement around running around in an empty server. Would you consider giving it another chance if you COULD go online? If you didn't like the game after that then it'd be understandable, but you really didn't give it much of a chance before stating that you dislike it.
Ive sucked at all the classes, so i went with engineer, so i can own people with turrets.
Darkside55 said:
Eh? Is WON still around? Why not just play it through Steam?

Anyway I realize you said you're not going to come back and humor anymore attempts at arguing your opinion on the game, but I would like to say that you really can't get an accurate impression of how every class behaves in game simply by checking out their weapons and movement speed. Every class is wildly different, and I mean it. You might not think so because your only exposure to them was in a confined environment, but were you to take it to a server and watch other people, you'd realize soon enough. There are so many upward levels of things each class can do, special techniques and tricks that make them very different from each other. And every class serves a particular purpose; again, something you really wouldn't find out playing alone. Even though you can (easily) guess what those purposes are, you can't test them unless you're in an actual game.

I can understand your argument about the graphics. They are dated, and since you never played the game before you're coming into a game that has this low-poly look; without having played it before you're not used to it and can't look past it. That I can understand.

With regard to gameplay, again, you can't evaluate it having played alone in your own local server. You can ASSUME you understand what the gameplay would be like, but you honestly can't give an accurate description of how the game plays without more people. You say the gameplay is dated but you haven't actually PLAYED the game. The goal of the game is an old one, yes--but it is a staple, and just because it's old doesn't mean it isn't fun anymore. I imagine you probably ran from your base to the enemy's, grabbed the flag and capped it, and thought, "Well that's boring." But if you added more players into the mix, you'd see you're incorrect.

It's really too bad you can't get online with the game, and that you're basing your judgement around running around in an empty server. Would you consider giving it another chance if you COULD go online? If you didn't like the game after that then it'd be understandable, but you really didn't give it much of a chance before stating that you dislike it.
How do I play through Steam with a game that came out before Steam was released? I am not going to buy TFC again when I already have it.

If I COULD get online I would probably be giving it a fair chance right now. I like the fact it will run on my laptop. I like the fact I got it packed with HL GotY a long time ago. I like the fact I could potentially play it anywhere, anytime.

I don't like the graphics or age. I don't like the way certain weapons fire. I don't like how the grenades are thrown. I don't like the fact most classes have a shotty and nail gun. I don't like the way the sniper rifle fires. I don't like the fact you can just run to your base and restock everything. I don't like the boxy, yet complicated level design. I don't like how incredibly fast some classes move. I don't like the lack of play settings available. I don't like the fact you can't use bots for singleplayer purposes. I don't like the lack of good physics. I don't like the lack of true weapon diversity (come on, two shotties? one hand gun?).
Pros < cons.

Sure it might be great. I have no doubt I'd have fun. I spent most of yesterday playing the SNES All-Stars version of Super Mario Bros. I can have fun and make use of anything. I didn't think TFC was boring. I just cannot give it any sort of credit at this point in it's life. I can't favor it over anything that has been released more recently.
Oh, you don't have to buy it again. If you already own the game, you can get it through Steam. There should be some kinda option for Steam to look at your HD and see what games you own, and then they'll appear in your Steam menu. Won hasn't been around for a long time dude, that's why you can't get online.

To address your other issues:

Shotguns. Most classes have at least a single or double shotgun (or both in the case of the soldier) because that's your fallback weapon. Most classes have a primary weapon that's generally going to be the weapon they use maybe 70% of the time or more. When I play soldier, for instance, the rocket launcher is a 85-95% use weapon. The shotgun is a fallback weapon when I either need accuracy, don't want to waste rocket ammo, or the enemy is too close. While it seems redundant for almost every class to have one of these weapons, in gameplay you'll find that it can be a godsend...sometimes, you just need a shotgun.

Nailguns are damn near useless BTW. The amount I've seen a medic use a super nailgun is almost nil unless they're a new player, and the times I've seen a scout use it is higher, but ultimately only new players would use weaponry as a scout anyway.

The sniper rifle takes some getting used to because of its charged shot. It's not like other games where you can just aim and click. It requires a good deal of charge time to deliver a deadly shot (a fully-charged sniper rifle will do 200dmg no matter where the shot lands on the enemy player). So if you've never used it before it can be kind of strange.

Certain classes, like the scout, MUST move incredibly fast. This is really their only defense. A scout has 75 health and 50 armor; that means that if I get a few good shots on you you're dead. Splash damage off a rocket can be like 20 per shot or more, and frag grenades do about 60. One grenade and one shotgun blast and that's it for the scout, and as I said earlier the scout's weapons are ineffective. The only recourse this guy has is to run, and run fast. Scouts serve only one purpose, and that's to get the flag. A good scout will never need to fire a single shot, and will most of the time never been in too much danger with a combination of speed, bunny hop, and conc grenades. It's all the guy has.

Lack of play settings? For what? Are you talking map objectives or customization? Both of those things can be remedied through user-created maps, models, textures, sounds...etc. If you're talking about something else let me know.

"Lack of good physics." This was at a time when physics engines weren't even being thought of in games. TFC's physics are their own...they can be a little weird at first but it's nothing that I ever found to be troublesome or requiring any effort to get used to, not until you get to a higher level and want to bhop or conc jump or things like that. There are still a lot of players in the game today who've been playing for years and still haven't gotten those completely down, myself included.

You can use bots, BTW. Foxbot is popular.

Level design...yeah, I see what you mean by boxy. Those are just the standard maps though. If you really can't get behind the architecture, look at some custom maps. Google JMC's Map Zone for a list of almost every TFC map ever released (you can download from there as well).

Hopefully you can get TFC running on Steam and take another crack at it. If you do, give it a couple games. You might find you really enjoy it.
I will install it on my PC and if Steam lets me have it I'll see what it can do and make use of it.

But it doesn't have much chance of sticking around on my HD. I have lots of
other options.
Still a great game to play if 50% of the servers remove bots -_-
I remember learning too conc jump out of the water in 2forts on the 3rd or 4th day that the game was out and absolutely owning the enemy snipers and then capping the flag. I got accused of cheating a lot when I would fly out of the water and infect the snipers. Then run down to get the flag and jump up the elevator and then infect the snipers again on the way out, jump into the water and cap the flag.
I like them all. I normally play as Medic. Other times a Pyro.
If there is like...two people being these on my team, I resort to HWGuy or Engineer.
I remember learning too conc jump out of the water in 2forts on the 3rd or 4th day that the game was out and absolutely owning the enemy snipers and then capping the flag. I got accused of cheating a lot when I would fly out of the water and infect the snipers.
Water concking was great too if you didn't hand-hold, because then you'd get a couple buddies with you, drop the gren in the water and assault the base. Nothing says "WTF hax" like a medic and two heavies flying out of the waters in 2fort.

Oh, edit. It warms my heart to see people list pyro, no pun intended. Respect knuckles to people who stuck with pyro all these years. Keep the dream alive.
Oh, you don't have to buy it again. If you already own the game, you can get it through Steam. There should be some kinda option for Steam to look at your HD and see what games you own, and then they'll appear in your Steam menu. Won hasn't been around for a long time dude, that's why you can't get online.

To address your other issues:

Shotguns. Most classes have at least a single or double shotgun (or both in the case of the soldier) because that's your fallback weapon. Most classes have a primary weapon that's generally going to be the weapon they use maybe 70% of the time or more. When I play soldier, for instance, the rocket launcher is a 85-95% use weapon. The shotgun is a fallback weapon when I either need accuracy, don't want to waste rocket ammo, or the enemy is too close. While it seems redundant for almost every class to have one of these weapons, in gameplay you'll find that it can be a godsend...sometimes, you just need a shotgun.

Nailguns are damn near useless BTW. The amount I've seen a medic use a super nailgun is almost nil unless they're a new player, and the times I've seen a scout use it is higher, but ultimately only new players would use weaponry as a scout anyway.

The sniper rifle takes some getting used to because of its charged shot. It's not like other games where you can just aim and click. It requires a good deal of charge time to deliver a deadly shot (a fully-charged sniper rifle will do 200dmg no matter where the shot lands on the enemy player). So if you've never used it before it can be kind of strange.

Certain classes, like the scout, MUST move incredibly fast. This is really their only defense. A scout has 75 health and 50 armor; that means that if I get a few good shots on you you're dead. Splash damage off a rocket can be like 20 per shot or more, and frag grenades do about 60. One grenade and one shotgun blast and that's it for the scout, and as I said earlier the scout's weapons are ineffective. The only recourse this guy has is to run, and run fast. Scouts serve only one purpose, and that's to get the flag. A good scout will never need to fire a single shot, and will most of the time never been in too much danger with a combination of speed, bunny hop, and conc grenades. It's all the guy has.

Lack of play settings? For what? Are you talking map objectives or customization? Both of those things can be remedied through user-created maps, models, textures, sounds...etc. If you're talking about something else let me know.

"Lack of good physics." This was at a time when physics engines weren't even being thought of in games. TFC's physics are their own...they can be a little weird at first but it's nothing that I ever found to be troublesome or requiring any effort to get used to, not until you get to a higher level and want to bhop or conc jump or things like that. There are still a lot of players in the game today who've been playing for years and still haven't gotten those completely down, myself included.

You can use bots, BTW. Foxbot is popular.

Level design...yeah, I see what you mean by boxy. Those are just the standard maps though. If you really can't get behind the architecture, look at some custom maps. Google JMC's Map Zone for a list of almost every TFC map ever released (you can download from there as well).

Hopefully you can get TFC running on Steam and take another crack at it. If you do, give it a couple games. You might find you really enjoy it.

I have to disagree with you about the nail gun. They are the ultimate weapon to take down sentry guns and Z_ryuken, I think you should try playing the game before judging it :p.

The shotgun is a perfect all rounder weapon for killing people, it's rather accurate at short-medium range and not too over powered. I can't think of a better weapon to give someone. Why give everyone different weapons. Since when did someone specialise to be able to use a shotty.

The game is excellent since it requires a different skill to use say a soldier than a medic. At a first glance they are both just shooting classes but there is also different skills used in capturing the flag or defending the flag according to the class too.

Such as soliders can take out sentry guns very easily by just chucking a nail grenade at it. But a medic would take it out by keeping out of it's view and fireing the super nail gun at it. Each class is completely unique unless your just going to hang around the mid areas of the maps shooting everyone you see...but it's not a DM game.
Offensive Eng!

I love to see the numbers so evenly spread across the board. Nice and balanced.
I have to disagree with you about the nail gun. They are the ultimate weapon to take down sentry guns...
Only if you really, really, really have to. A grenade or two would suffice just as well, while keeping you out of harm's way, and any leftover damage could be handled by the shotgun. But as with the scout, it's almost never necessary to fire a single shot if you're an expert medic. You move too fast for an L3 sentry to track you if you're bhopping around.

I will say though that the super nailgun can be useful in odd circumstances like if you're waiting around for a flag to return and you spy an SG or a dispenser, and you don't want to waste grenades or shotgun ammo. But honestly I could count the number of times I've seen the super nailgun used on just my hands, over all the years I've played TFC. Ten or less, total, and I'm including pubs too. Nobody uses it. It doesn't really require use.
Usually a spy or an engineer. Like being a spy because they are generally annoying :D
This is my wrench.
There are many like it but this one is mine, and mine alone.
I'm always Heavy Weapons.
Also, to all you sniper whores, don't get big heads, it's unbelievably easy to snipe in TFC
I'm always Heavy Weapons.
Also, to all you sniper whores, don't get big heads, it's unbelievably easy to snipe in TFC
I'd like to throw some words out there into the mix...

red dot

Those might alter your previous statement.
I'm always Heavy Weapons.
Also, to all you sniper whores, don't get big heads, it's unbelievably easy to snipe in TFC

antoher heavy good shit, i find th eother classes to hard to play, so i do my best to help out my team as the tank! and ennui snipers are so hard to play what you tlakin about:eek:
antoher heavy good shit, i find th eother classes to hard to play, so i do my best to help out my team as the tank! and ennui snipers are so hard to play what you tlakin about:eek:

Sniper is not hard to play at all.
In league matches, sniping was forbidden, because it was so overpowered. You could shoot the enemy offence dudes before they even got into your base, with one shot.

Mid-map fighting was also forbidden. Offence players leave other offence players alone.

For long I've doubted this approach, but after all, this is what made TFC fun. Otherwise you'd just end up with everyone having a good old DM fragfest in the yard.