Which people don't you like?


Oct 7, 2003
Reaction score
I'm bored so i'd thought I'd start a thread about people who are too stupid to live (or they're so dumb it's a surprise they havent killed themselves yet...perhaps in some bizarre gardening accident)

my vote goes to:

Jessica Simpson

Mandy Moore

Olso twins

Hillary's Duff

there are others but I cant think of them right now

...k maybe it's just me but I dont like the dumb "princess" type...it's a complete turn off

Now keep this thread clean people, Fat Tony stay out Steelwind stay out...
I'd want to add Britney to the list. I heard she doesn't even sing live, what she does is basically dance. And what does she get for dancing? Just a couple of millions... that's all.
She doesn't write her own songs, she merely has some fancy songwriter to write her a song, heck she even have potential songs sung for her, so she can pick them out. She's talentless! She looks good, but she has no talent whatsoever
Who don't i like? Well, that Champ has gotta be at the top of my list, always making stu- oh...


Marylin Mansons :x Such a pleb...:)

Not sure if a thread dedicated to hate is so good though.
britney spears, all the nsuck crew, the backcrapboys, cristina aguilera ... ...and yeah i agree about the olsen twins... they're really stupid. i saw them on letterman one night... holy hell... dumb dumb dumb.
****! ****! ****! ****! ! ****! ****! ****! ****!

/me makes another list

Just wanted to revive Cpt. Sterns thread after some inconsiderate pricks got it closed...

Whats the last word there? stu-... what? stupid threads? Oh well, fair enough...
Who are the fraggin' Olso Twins, are they related to the Olsen Twins, or Hansen Twins?

Actually I dislike alot of people, most of them I've never met, but if I did, I'm sure I'd dislike them.
add michael jackson to the list. He might not be the kind of stupid that jessica simpson is, but hes stupid. Example - pretending hes peter pan.
Interesting... If they are so dumb why are they still richer than you? All of us.
There's something called luck. Being at the right place and the right time. Clearly, some of the people mentioned or not complete pricks, morons or whatever, but there's plenty...
Luck is such a small part of it. Those people made the right desicions at the right time. They used their talents and applealed to the right audiences in order to capitalize. These people are much smarter than you give them credit for.

The people I have trouble with are politicians. They're supposed to be public servants, but rarely do their actions correspond with their words. When it comes to atheletes and "stars" I don't really have a problem with them. I have to wonder why someone would squander away a gift they were given, but at the same time I can't imagine the pressure most of them must be under.

I have the utmost respect for those who acknowledge their givings, and are gratefull for them. I may not be a big star, a top athelete, or famous period, but I'm more than happy with what I was provided.
Farrowlesparrow said:
Who don't i like? Well, that Champ has gotta be at the top of my list, always making stu- oh...


Marylin Mansons :x Such a pleb...:)

Not sure if a thread dedicated to hate is so good though.

/agree on both counts :)
This blonde girl in my Health class is a little slow. We were doing this menu for a fake health food restaurant and she spelled lettuce, quesadilla, cheese, and pepper incorrectly and used the word imply in an incorrect way. She also spelled that word wrong by writing "implys" when it should have been "implies."

It's not that I don't like her, but she reminds me of Jessica Simpson a lot. It doesn't matter if she is stupid though, because she'll get to be a singer or movie star because she's really pretty. I don't like stupid girls. A lot of guys seem to like girls who are a little slower than they are, but I couldn't stand someone who is always asking me how to spell a certain word or making me look stupid as well.
Paris Hilton. She's ugly, and I swear she has a lazy eye.
Moto-x_Pat said:
This blonde girl in my Health class is a little slow. We were doing this menu for a fake health food restaurant and she spelled lettuce, quesadilla, cheese, and pepper incorrectly and used the word imply in an incorrect way. She also spelled that word wrong by writing "implys" when it should have been "implies."

It's not that I don't like her, but she reminds me of Jessica Simpson a lot. It doesn't matter if she is stupid though, because she'll get to be a singer or movie star because she's really pretty. I don't like stupid girls. A lot of guys seem to like girls who are a little slower than they are, but I couldn't stand someone who is always asking me how to spell a certain word or making me look stupid as well.

(I'm your age - you're 9 days older than me, according to your profile)
I take health too, but if she spelled quesadilla wrong that's not too stupid of her - I couldn't spell it. And in case you haven't noticed, about 70% of people use words wrong. You must get pretty annoyed when you read through these forums because a lot of the posters don't bother with grammar or spelling.

I know what you mean about the girls - my girlfriend is smarter than me, I wouldn't want it any other way.
Loshadka said:
Interesting... If they are so dumb why are they still richer than you? All of us.

Because flamboyance, outrage and extrovertness attracts money
Because money breeds ignorance, arrogance, and stupidity
Steelwind said:
Luck is such a small part of it. Those people made the right desicions at the right time. They used their talents and applealed to the right audiences in order to capitalize. These people are much smarter than you give them credit for.

The people I have trouble with are politicians. They're supposed to be public servants, but rarely do their actions correspond with their words. When it comes to atheletes and "stars" I don't really have a problem with them. I have to wonder why someone would squander away a gift they were given, but at the same time I can't imagine the pressure most of them must be under.

I have the utmost respect for those who acknowledge their givings, and are gratefull for them. I may not be a big star, a top athelete, or famous period, but I'm more than happy with what I was provided.

Ahh, the veil of capitalism.
Its based nothing around ingenuity, its based around luck as people have said, this may seem like a simple response but capitalism itself is a simple system:
If you are lucky enough to born into wealth,
and then lucky enough to go to a good school,
and then lucky enough to have go to a top university,
and then lucky enough to have friends in high places
then you are lucky enough to become rich.

So many people run parralel to this. Look at all the great 'entrepreneurs'. How many ideas we have missed simply because a poor person didnt have the money to get himself onto a high enough stage to express them baffles me!
Steelwind said:
Luck is such a small part of it. Those people made the right desicions at the right time. They used their talents and applealed to the right audiences in order to capitalize. These people are much smarter than you give them credit for.

err..I doubt any of the people listed so far are very intelligent. The companies they work for make all their important decisions for them, so they can make the most money. They are basically taught how to sing/act/what to say so that people will buy their products.
Nickzer_Teh_Pwn said:
Ahh, the veil of capitalism.
Its based nothing around ingenuity, its based around luck as people have said, this may seem like a simple response but capitalism itself is a simple system:
If you are lucky enough to born into wealth,
and then lucky enough to go to a good school,
and then lucky enough to have go to a top university,
and then lucky enough to have friends in high places
then you are lucky enough to become rich.

So many people run parralel to this. Look at all the great 'entrepreneurs'. How many ideas we have missed simply because a poor person didnt have the money to get himself onto a high enough stage to express them baffles me!

Nickzer I advise you read a little more and consider how badly you're going to get pwned in an argument before you post things like this.
Ok then Cylleruion2012 go ahead and 'pwn' me as you put it.

I'll be waiting for a reply.
Nickzer_Teh_Pwn said:
Ahh, the veil of capitalism.
Its based nothing around ingenuity, its based around luck as people have said, this may seem like a simple response but capitalism itself is a simple system:
If you are lucky enough to born into wealth,
and then lucky enough to go to a good school,
and then lucky enough to have go to a top university,
and then lucky enough to have friends in high places
then you are lucky enough to become rich.

So many people run parralel to this. Look at all the great 'entrepreneurs'. How many ideas we have missed simply because a poor person didnt have the money to get himself onto a high enough stage to express them baffles me!
lol, can you name another ideology that has worked better? You have to have a system in place, and really the only two kinds of economic ideoloies that I can think of that have actually worked are communism and capitalism, both have their disadvantages and advantages, and I don't think you would prefer communism.
No, there are variations on capitalism. As proven in Europe, it doesn't have to be a completely laissez-faire system as your politicians have made you believe.
Nickzer_Teh_Pwn said:
No, there are variations on capitalism. As proven in Europe, it doesn't have to be a completely laissez-faire system as your politicians have made you believe.
Just because Europe doesn't have such a laissez-faire system doesn't mean that the problems you stated about capitalism don't exist.

By the way I am Canadian, our variation of capitalism is in some ways closer to what is in Europe than in the US. So don't assume that my politicians have made me believe that a laissez-faire system is the best.
I didnt make any imputation to the contrary.
I am stating that, quite simply, a 'mixed economy' has far less priviledge and elitism in it than the complete laissez faire system, although this comes at a cost to economic growth I believe the benefits to individuals in these countries outweigh any monetary gain to the state.
Although i understand perfectly what you are talking about, it isnt all to do with luck.

Many people get slandered on their way to "the top" but when they reach they, they get called lucky.

Take friends in high places, ok so not many of us are going to meet the rulers of countries but if you network yourself....Don't go to cisco, not that kind of network....then you can really make something out of - yourself.
Nickzer_Teh_Pwn said:
I didnt make any imputation to the contrary.
I am stating that, quite simply, a 'mixed economy' has far less priviledge and elitism in it than the complete laissez faire system, although this comes at a cost to economic growth I believe the benefits to individuals in these countries outweigh any monetary gain to the state.
Then we are in agreement, I feel the exact same way.
Every politcian on this planet can be added to the list.

Bob Geldof(Or however you spell thats longhaired gobshites name)

The Marketing directors of Lucas Arts (For canceling Sam and Max 2)

The Guys creating the TCPA chip http://www.againsttcpa.com/

Thats just the tip of my list
Here's my bitch list:

1. Charles Grodin (grrrr....)
2. George Lucas (certifiably insane)
3. Bill O'reily (pathetic lying limp-dick hypocrite)
4. Ann Coulter (certifiably insane)
5. Charles Grodin (GRRRRRRRRR!!!!!)
Bob Geldof(Or however you spell thats longhaired gobshites name)

What exactly is so despicable about the man who invented Live-Aid and helped help millions of people around the world? As it happens, you spelt it right I think.

Often, people get famous through a mixture of intelligence, upbringing and sheer luck (NOBODY gets famous without being lucky). But sometimes, it's not the case. FOr example, many record companies hold auditions for new bands, simply p[icking the prettiest people from the public and manufacturing them. These people are now famous and rich because they had 'greatness' thrust upon them by some studio exec.
I'll laugh at anyone that tells me that mainstream musicians become popular through talent. No. Way.
Ha, yeah so do i Non-Sequitur, so do i.

and as for this...
Nickzer_Teh_Pwn said:
Ahh, the veil of capitalism.
Its based nothing around ingenuity, its based around luck as people have said, this may seem like a simple response but capitalism itself is a simple system:
If you are lucky enough to born into wealth,
and then lucky enough to go to a good school,
and then lucky enough to have go to a top university,
and then lucky enough to have friends in high places
then you are lucky enough to become rich.

So many people run parralel to this. Look at all the great 'entrepreneurs'. How many ideas we have missed simply because a poor person didnt have the money to get himself onto a high enough stage to express them baffles me!

Not everything depends on whether you have friends in high places. Most of you success or failure is due to attitude. For example, one person might say "I don't have any money to get into my course that i wanna do, so why try?" whereas someone else might say "Well i don't have the money to get into the course but there's no way im not getting into it".

anyway that points somewhat irrelevant but anyway just thought i'd say it

People i hate
2.Angry people who got pissed off at Valve for delaying the game ONCE
3.The Music industry (Mainstream, like Avril, you know what i mean?)
4.People who say you're wrong because of your opinion
5.General d*ckheads (Carrot-Top guy, The current writers of The Simpsons etc)
Hey I can go where i want :p. If your gonna talk about people you dont like ill join in :D:
I would say Bush but thats unfair, how about the U.S government.
Stuck up people who need a slap
Whoever thought up of "chu chu rocket"
Hmm cant think of any specifics though, Im not a hateful person :)
Bill Gates

He bought out a company and compiled their OS without any problems in the parking Lot of where he was going to show it.
The geeks in my classes that have to argue every bloody point made by a lecturer, then get miffed when the lecturer's rebuttle owns them, but they continue to argue anyway.
Sulkdodds said:
What exactly is so despicable about the man who invented Live-Aid and helped help millions of people around the world? As it happens, you spelt it right I think.

My dislike of him stems not from the various chairties he has founded,spear headed but from my general dislike of him.The nameing of his children for one thing leads me to believe that there are lights on but nobody's home.
Also I im not a great fan of his music either.
Just for clarification is this people we personally hate (and thus for illogical personal reasons) or who are hated universally(Those who do "despicable" things,Hitler for instance)
The world according to Bill Gates is not to be a genuis, but how to be a pirate. How could Bill Gates not know that he was purchasing Kildorf's operating system for 50,000 dollars from some jerk in Orgen. Just change the C: prompt to A: prompt and you have a new operating system called DOS 7.1 and sell it to start your software company. If Bill Gates can steal software than everybody should be able to also. Why pay those high prices for Microsoft software when everybody should get it free. - Just like Bill Gates. If you did a print test on the first IBM computer's with Mircosoft operating systems, you would have seen David Kildorf's name. Bill Gates is worth 60 Billion dollars because he stold Kildorf's work. Nobody should get left holding the bag for expensive software after the bigest theft in the 20th Century. Bill Gates motto should be: If you can act unethical but still remain legal in a court of law, - than do it. This reminds me of O.J. Simpsom.