Which would you rather own in real life, the portal gun or the Gravity gun?

ASHPD or Gravity Gun

  • Aperture Science Handheld Portal Device

    Votes: 60 72.3%
  • Zero Point Energy Field Manipulator

    Votes: 23 27.7%

  • Total voters
All you morons don't know how to handle the Portal Gun and will soon find yourself emerging from a badly placed portal only to become a pile of goo on the ground.
Didn't care to read the whole discussion to see if this has been mentioned, but many of you seem to be missing the notion on how to use the portal gun. "I'd use the portal device to get to ________ faster" is a moot point because you actually to GO there to place a portal. Even so, you can't just leave it up for all eternity because then you'll have people walking in your house from the other end.

I voted gravity gun.

Portal gun, obviously. Consider the implications of a line-of sight device that instantly teleports you from point A to point B in the universe.

You could:
1. Settle Mars or any other planet in the universe simply by shooting the portal gun

Uh.... I'm pretty sure it has a range limit. I don't know that for certain though.
Also, people seem to be forgetting that the portals are limited to completely flat, white surfaces, presumably of a specific material (or precluding certain others). Good luck finding that on Mars, let alone hitting it.
Also, people seem to be forgetting that the portals are limited to completely flat, white surfaces, presumably of a specific material (or precluding certain others). Good luck finding that on Mars, let alone hitting it.
Doesn't stop, say, the Moon from being a target. I'm sure you could find investors to put some of the required material up there in enough quantities to be able to hit it from the Earth. And once you get the first portal going it's a relatively easy step to get Moon Tours going.
What's all this talk about hitting it from Earth? What's ever wrong with just going to the moon, sticking a piece of 'wall' on the floor, shooting it and going back to Earth?

Edit: Just pictured all our air being sucked through a portal to the moon. :p