Who Hates Metal? ME!!


  • I LOVE METAL! <3

    Votes: 40 40.4%
  • Meh.

    Votes: 35 35.4%

    Votes: 24 24.2%

  • Total voters


The Freeman
Apr 16, 2005
Reaction score
Who Here Absolutely HATES Metal?

I do.
Dude if it weren't for metal we'd all be driving Saturns with carbide engine blocks.
a little angry are we dog? what did the metal do to you /baby voice
I don't hate it but I really dislike it!

Depends on the kind of metal really...the harder it is the more I hate it...that sounded bad.
Metal owns all music. Sorry. Try again next life :thumbs:
Metal is absolutely trash. It's an excuse for pygmy-genitled musicians to play super-technical bullshit that's completely devoid of any emotion or enjoyable melody. "Let me slam these drums as ****ing fast as I possibly can so that metalheads can masturbate while explaining to their friends how hard it is to play this musical equivelent of copulating yaks." I don't care how hard your shit is to play if it sounds like...well, shit.

With that said, even if I slightly enjoyed metal, I'd still deny it soley based on the fanbase. Sorry metalheads, you guys are pretty lame.
Saying it owns all is... stupid. Some of it's ok, but nothing emotionally powerfull like some of Hans Zimmer or James Newton Howard's work. It's just something for you kids to have fun with.
I love music. I love Metal and Rock. I love Death Metal. I love alot of metal.

However, I'm not one-sided like some other people. I love cambodian and pop music. I love tribal rhythms. I love indian music. I also like J-Pop and J-Rock.

My first style of music I've ever liked has always been Metal and Rock. I can't stand it when people hate a certain style of music. You don't need to like the music, but you should appreciate other styles of music.

I don't like to say metal owns all. Because that is also one-sided.

Bohonkie said:
Metal is absolutely trash. It's an excuse for pygmy-genitled musicians to play super-technical bullshit that's completely devoid of any emotion or enjoyable melody. "Let me slam these drums as ****ing fast as I possibly can so that metalheads can masturbate while explaining to their friends how hard it is to play this musical equivelent of copulating yaks." I don't care how hard your shit is to play if it sounds like...well, shit.

With that said, even if I slightly enjoyed metal, I'd still deny it soley based on the fanbase. Sorry metalheads, you guys are pretty lame.

So, may I ask you. What genre of music do you like? I'm not gonna bash it like you would, if I don't like it. I'll appreciate the music you would like. You can have you own opinions, just don't freakin bash it. You should really learn to keep your hateful opinions to yourself. Only people like you masturbate over the fact that they hate it so much, they squirm in their pants once they post a bashing message on the internet, which means they get a buzz once telling people how much they hate something. Buzz=Masturbate. Its until someone will hopefully give you an insight to stop been a stupid prick, and bashing someones favourite genre.

Dude, at least just say you hate it. I don't care. Just don't bash it so hard, as well as the metalheads.
If you're so very bothered about something that has absolutely no effect on you, you need to get a life.
I don't hate it, but a lot of it is complete shit. Then again, some of it is really good.
Modern Metal is a load of shit. Take Slipknot for example. All they do is yell. Big ****ing whoop.

If you want good metal try Metallica. If you don't like some of their heavy stuff then try something more mellow like the LOAD album or listen to Nothing Else Matters, One, Mama Said and Hero of the Day.

Modern metal bands are giving the genre a bad name imo.
**** metal. **** Slipknot. **** Metallica. **** your underground "oh it doesn't get airplay because it's too awesome" wanker artists. Metal blows.
Yeah well...
Metal hates YOU!

Metal owns your ****ing souls, you're just all in denial. :angel:
Lol how are they wanker artists. They play their own instruments, write their own music and lyrics unlike most chart topping artists of today.

It's not underground. It's just different cultures.
PsychoFreak said:
Lol how are they wanker artists. They play their own instruments, write their own music and lyrics unlike most chart topping artists of today.

It's not underground. It's just different cultures.

Good thing I don't listen to the charts.

And I didn't mean Metal was underground. It's just that whenever somebody says they like some moderately recognized metal group, there's always a couple of people who say that (insert absolutely unrecognizable underground artist here) is infinitely superior. Of course, upon saying you've never heard of them, you get an earload of the "dude, the masses couldn't digest this shit" routine.
I only really like Heavy Metal (Iron Maiden, Judas Priest), bands like Led Zeppelin, Deep Purple and Rush which are sort of Hard Rock/Heavy Metal crossovers, luminaries of the Heavy Metal genre and some Thrash/Power.

Heavy Metal is just pure entertainment, the massive live production values, the pyrotechnics, the in your face riffs and lyrics. Bring it on! I can't stand bands in other genres, mostly indie, that mope around like they don't want to be there. Who don't put on a show and who don't interact with the crowd. Boooooooooooorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnnggggggg!!!111eleven.
Metal is fine...



Jesus, these guys are no talent morons who because they can "talk fast" and use a synthesizer (badly I might add) they can make their way into the music industry. **** 50 cent **** Enimen **** Snopp Dogg **** em all
operative x said:
Saying it owns all is... stupid. Some of it's ok, but nothing emotionally powerfull like some of Hans Zimmer or James Newton Howard's work. It's just something for you kids to have fun with.

As stupid as it may be to say one genre of music owns all others, it's about twice as stupid to say that there's no emotionally affecting metal. Try some depressive Black Metal like Shining, Leviathan, Abyssic Hate...well, anything really. I'm not one for namedropping tbh.

You'll find emotionally powerful stuff throughout all walks of metal - integrity, passion, and emotional intensity is what metal is built off of. Why do you think it became common for vocalists to eschew clean singing and go for screams and growls? It's an easy way of expressing emotional intensity, that's why.

Half the posts bashing metal are about how they don't like the fans. Well that says a lot about those people tbh. I don't like metal fans either. It doesn't make the blindest bit of difference to what I listen to and how I feel about it - and when I listen to a band who I know to be a bunch of total arseholes and who have no commercial viability whatsoever, but I love their music, then at least I know I haven't been won over in some sort of pathetic popularity contest. I've also noticed an annoying trend in metal fans to try and qualify their tastes by saying "oh yeah, I don't listen to only metal, here's what other genres I listen to, blah blah, love me ;( ". Sod other genres, I don't listen to them. I don't feel the need to try and validate my taste in metal by listing some knobstick indie band or bland as hell classical composer.

It's amusing how most of the people bashing metal (and some of those sticking up for it...) wont actually know much of what they're talking about with regards to metal. I myself listen to a very narrow section of metal bands. It goes without saying that in any genre of music the mediocre will outweigh the outstanding - have any of you who are bashing metal listened to enough to overcome the 100:1 mediocre:good ratio which holds true for any genre of music? Unlikely. Not to mention the fact that metal is divided into so many subgenres which so scarcely resemble eachother that it's almost impossible to talk about one cohesive genre which can be defined singly as 'metal'. And yet you come on here, aiming to rag on a genre you know nothing about, and then when someone says "wrong, go away", it's somehow 'one-sided' :rolleyes:

How many threads on how many different types of music are there on this board? And How many have I appeared in saying "LOL SHUTP U FAG DON LIZZEN 2 DAT MEATL Z DA BEST"? Zero, that's how many. Like someone said, it's only a special type of insecure bullshitter who gets a thrill out of doing that. But if you're going to start bashing the music I like, then I'm simply going to tell you what I know - that metal is far better than anything you listen to, and us metal fans will be headbanging in confidence far beyond the time when all the mewling tramps in the background have ran out of breath. Cheers :thumbs:
I can respect the amount of work and effort metal artists and bands put into being able to play drum and guitar instruments with great precision, doing complex sequences and still keeping rythm, unfortunately they don't use it for anything else than hyper-aggressive, pretty much pointless music that's devoid of any emotion but "KILL KILL HATE **** THE WORLD SUCKS MY PARENTS ARE MEAN TO ME".

I wouldn't say it's completely pointless though, because it's perfect for working out. But musically there's no message or emotion that's interesting to me.

I wouldn't put it in the same basket as Rap and Trance though.
Laivasse said:
As stupid as it may be to say one genre of music owns all others, it's about twice as stupid to say that there's no emotionally affecting metal. Try some depressive Black Metal like Shining, Leviathan, Abyssic Hate...well, anything really. I'm not one for namedropping tbh.

You'll find emotionally powerful stuff throughout all walks of metal - integrity, passion, and emotional intensity is what metal is built off of. Why do you think it became common for vocalists to eschew clean singing and go for screams and growls? It's an easy way of expressing emotional intensity, that's why.

Half the posts bashing metal are about how they don't like the fans. Well that says a lot about those people tbh. I don't like metal fans either. It doesn't make the blindest bit of difference to what I listen to and how I feel about it - and when I listen to a band who I know to be a bunch of total arseholes and who have no commercial viability whatsoever, but I love their music, then at least I know I haven't been won over in some sort of pathetic popularity contest. I've also noticed an annoying trend in metal fans to try and qualify their tastes by saying "oh yeah, I don't listen to only metal, here's what other genres I listen to, blah blah, love me ;( ". Sod other genres, I don't listen to them. I don't feel the need to try and validate my taste in metal by listing some knobstick indie band or bland as hell classical composer.

It's amusing how most of the people bashing metal (and some of those sticking up for it...) wont actually know much of what they're talking about with regards to metal. I myself listen to a very narrow section of metal bands. It goes without saying that in any genre of music the mediocre will outweigh the outstanding - have any of you who are bashing metal listened to enough to overcome the 100:1 mediocre:good ratio which holds true for any genre of music? Unlikely. Not to mention the fact that metal is divided into so many subgenres which so scarcely resemble eachother that it's almost impossible to talk about one cohesive genre which can be defined singly as 'metal'. And yet you come on here, aiming to rag on a genre you know nothing about, and then when someone says "wrong, go away", it's somehow 'one-sided' :rolleyes:

How many threads on how many different types of music are there on this board? And How many have I appeared in saying "LOL SHUTP U FAG DON LIZZEN 2 DAT MEATL Z DA BEST"? Zero, that's how many. Like someone said, it's only a special type of insecure bullshitter who gets a thrill out of doing that. But if you're going to start bashing the music I like, then I'm simply going to tell you what I know - that metal is far better than anything you listen to, and us metal fans will be headbanging in confidence far beyond the time when all the mewling tramps in the background have ran out of breath. Cheers :thumbs:

Kay, but you still suck.
I can't say I hate metal since I haven't really heard any, I remember hearing a Nightwish song and it wasn't too bad
I like some metal. At least is isn't emo or pop, god that's some real shit.
No entire genre is shit, that's just lazy thinking used by people to make themselves look like they have discriminatory taste..
I love Metal but I'm a guitarist so I like many other genres aswell anything from Blues to Tribal Rhythms.

Most Metal bands have some damn good riffs, try Slayer for example. Some Metal bands have good lyrics, try Metallica's One, Few Metal bands have decent albums.

The one type of metal I cannot stand has to be....death metal :|
I only listen to a few metal bands, but at least they're actually "metal." Most people say they like/hate metal and are listening to shit like Disturbed, SOAD, or Slipknot or hell...Metallica :rolleyes:. But Metal fans or "metalheads" are walking ****tards. They're even more pretentious than the most pretentious indie kids. They think only the shit they listen to is good and follow whatever crap the metal bands are doing. "Oh man this band's satanic?! THEN I'M ****ING SATANIC HARDCORE MOTHA****AS."
The stupidest thing I ever heard was this one time a friend of mine said that Werner Herzog movies are bad shit.

When I asked him why, he said, "Cause I don't get them." And then, "And I don't like them."

In a nutshell.

I have nothing against what your tastes are, but saying that something sucks just because you don't like it puts you firmly in doofus category.

Although today's metal does indeed leave much to be desired as far as I'm concerned. Ah, the glorious days when Metallica weren't cheap-ass sellouts.
CrazyHarij said:
I can respect the amount of work and effort metal artists and bands put into being able to play drum and guitar instruments with great precision, doing complex sequences and still keeping rythm, unfortunately they don't use it for anything else than hyper-aggressive, pretty much pointless music that's devoid of any emotion but "KILL KILL HATE **** THE WORLD SUCKS MY PARENTS ARE MEAN TO ME".

Erm, you're thinking of Emo. Metal isn't about that type of stuff (well, some is, but every genre has a few songs like that don't they?). Metal is mostly about Literature, History, Movies, some Sci-Fi, some Fantasy, pretty much a bit of everything.

Bands like Linkin Park aren't traditional "Metal" per-sae, they're what's affectionately known as "Nu-Metal", which is a form of Metal for Emo kids. How do you define Metalheads btw? I mean I enjoy the Heavy-Metal genre but I have short hair(not skinhead short, but short compared to your average "metalhead"), my usual attire is a T-Shirt, Jeans and Trainers. Am I still a "metalhead"?
mortiz said:
bands like Led Zeppelin
I'de just like to take this time to say that led zeppelin is one of the best bands there's ever been imo, kthx :smoking:
What I'm going to say pretty much mirrors what Laivasse did earlier on. I love Death Metal and Black Metal, and fully admit that it's pretty much the only music and the only kind of Metal I listen to. Yeah, I go to gigs and stuff but I don't grow my hair long, wear jackboots and spikes and all that shit. I don't want to look like an idiot, I just go for the music. Heck, I wear long shorts and DC/Vans, so let's clear the misconception that every Metal fan wears completely black clothing and sucks on the blood of virgins.

Addressing the point that people have made about Metal bands simply hitting their instruments fast enough to sound 'totally metal'; stick around the community long enough and you'll realise that bands like that are panned for being the rubbish that they are. The only people who'll rave on about how hardcore they are, are idiots that simply wish look fashionable or claim themselves as rebel or some crock like that. Unfortunately, these morons tend to gain the most public appearances. I fully admit that most Metal is hard to listen to and appreciate first off - I initially started with Power Metal (very melodious, clean vocals) and it took me a while to migrate to Black, Death, Grind etc... but so long as you listen to the right bands, you can really appreciate the incredible amount of talent that they possess.

Oh, and finally:

Modern Metal is a load of shit. Take Slipknot for example. All they do is yell. Big ****ing whoop.
Yeah, I kinda wish I edited that out. Still crap though :)

I know someone who is a Goth and damn he is a right asshole.
Don't listen to it then. I hate dance music, but I don't go ranting and raving (unintended pun) about it because I can just choose not to listen to it. Unless someone's glued headphones to your ears with Slipknot or whatever playing, quit your bitching.
Bohonkie said:
Metal is absolutely trash. It's an excuse for pygmy-genitled musicians to play super-technical bullshit that's completely devoid of any emotion or enjoyable melody. "Let me slam these drums as ****ing fast as I possibly can so that metalheads can masturbate while explaining to their friends how hard it is to play this musical equivelent of copulating yaks." I don't care how hard your shit is to play if it sounds like...well, shit.
That's the stereotypical view.

Limewire > Metallica - Sanitarium. That has some nice musical melody and it's pretty slow. You can't just say every song is banging drums/playing guitar as fast as they can. You could also try Alice in Chains - Junkhead, if you just pretend they're U2 but 50x harder, you might like it.

There's a lot of metal that sucks, like when you can't even understand what the singer's saying. He just stands there and screams into the mic - bands like Cradle of Filth. They just plain suck donkey balls.
You should all know by now i love my Metal music!

Sheesh, i ain't gonna bother entering this debate!

Just listen to some good 'ole Metallica!

Bohonkie said:
Metal is absolutely trash. It's an excuse for pygmy-genitled musicians to play super-technical bullshit that's completely devoid of any emotion or enjoyable melody. "Let me slam these drums as ****ing fast as I possibly can so that metalheads can masturbate while explaining to their friends how hard it is to play this musical equivelent of copulating yaks." I don't care how hard your shit is to play if it sounds like...well, shit.

With that said, even if I slightly enjoyed metal, I'd still deny it soley based on the fanbase. Sorry metalheads, you guys are pretty lame.

That's what we call poser metal. You've probably never heard stuff like Sabbath, which has a more raw/punk feel to it, or Zeppelin, a more blues orriented metal (not even metal REALLY. And you sure as **** have better heard some zeppelin in your lifetime).
Sanitarium what a great song :)
CrazyHarij said:
they don't use it for anything else than hyper-aggressive, pretty much pointless music that's devoid of any emotion but "KILL KILL HATE **** THE WORLD SUCKS MY PARENTS ARE MEAN TO ME".