Who Hates Metal? ME!!


  • I LOVE METAL! <3

    Votes: 40 40.4%
  • Meh.

    Votes: 35 35.4%

    Votes: 24 24.2%

  • Total voters
DeusExMachinia said:
I only listen to a few metal bands, but at least they're actually "metal." Most people say they like/hate metal and are listening to shit like Disturbed, SOAD, or Slipknot or hell...Metallica :rolleyes:. But Metal fans or "metalheads" are walking ****tards. They're even more pretentious than the most pretentious indie kids. They think only the shit they listen to is good and follow whatever crap the metal bands are doing. "Oh man this band's satanic?! THEN I'M ****ING SATANIC HARDCORE MOTHA****AS."
And they stink, too.
Well, I don't hate it. I like all forms of rock (except Emo) ,so I can't say that I love it.
There is no Talent in metal, If you like metal I'll just scream Really loud into a microphone and play my guitar so it's really loud, here you have it - Metal...
There are negative stereotypes for every kinda of music. I would probally fall into the emo or goth stereotype but in fact I hate people that actually are emo or goth. I am far from that lifestyle. What you listen to doesn't have anything to do with who you are. If you don't like a certain kind of music don't listen to it. It doesn't matter if it is very well made or crappily made and you like it. The point is whether or not you like it. I don't like classical rock but I acknowledge that they are amazing artists. So this thread is pointless and nothing but a flame fest. There will be no good that comes out of this thread since we are all flaming over opinions.

This is as equally worthless as pirates vs ninjas and cake vs pie.
Pff... A Ninja could kick a Pirates ass, And cake is waaaaayy better..
What a ridiculous thread. If everyone made a thread about something they hated, this forum would be the worst pile of rubbish on the internet (with the notable exception of the Gamespot forums of course).

I like some metal and some rap and some jazz and some classical and some techno and some new age and some punk etc etc etc. You get the idea. No one likes all music from any genre, but to completely write-off an entire branch of music due to limited exposure to it and its many various incarnations is just plain foolish.
sinkoman said:
That's what we call poser metal. You've probably never heard stuff like Sabbath, which has a more raw/punk feel to it, or Zeppelin, a more blues orriented metal (not even metal REALLY. And you sure as **** have better heard some zeppelin in your lifetime).

I've listened to Sabbath. My dad is a huge fan and plays them occassionally. They're nothing I would ever choose to listen to in my free time, but it's tolerable.

I almost laughed with your second point. First of all, you are supposed to be giving me examples of metal bands, and immediately after listing Zeppelin, you clarify that they're not even a metal band. EXACTLY. Yes, I have listened to Zeppelin in my lifetime. I currently own Houses of the Holy, Physical Graffiti, I, II, III, IV, and How the West was Won. Zeppelin is awesome. I think the fact that they're not metal is more than just mere coincidence.
Bohonkie said:
Zeppelin is awesome. I think the fact that they're not metal is more than just mere coincidence.

LOL just have to step in and applaud this great logic here. Brannigans crisps are great, and they're not metal at all. Coincidence?! I THINK NOT
I like metal. I'ts probably my tied-first place for me liking genre. That last sentance didn't make any sense. Anyway. I didn't see any of the people who hated metal say what kind of music they DID like, and I'm interested :O
Laivasse said:
LOL just have to step in and applaud this great logic here. Brannigans crisps are great, and they're not metal at all. Coincidence?! I THINK NOT

Zeppelin is a band that plays music. Metal is a genre in the broad catagory of music. Zeppelin is not considered Metal by anyone with a positive IQ. Zeppelin is good. The vast majority of metal bands are not. Therefore, it is more than coincidence that Zeppelin is good and is not a Metal band.

Brannigans crisps are not a band that plays music. Instead, they are a highly unhealthy snack that many people, including absolute morons like yourself, choose to indulge in.

Next time you try to attack one of my posts, slow down. Look over your post. Does it make sense? Does your post make fun of me, or instead make you look mentally deficient? Although following these guidelines will probably result in you never posting again, you will cease sounding like a chromizonal mutant and we won't have to bother filtering out your posts.

Try again.
more than a coincidence would have been if led zeppelin had got together and said, "we think metal sucks, so we are going to try and be an extra good band to try and make this genre, which we will not indulge in, look completely crap." So, not that I'm agreeing with the other guy (I had no idea what he was talking about) but not only was your post wrong, but it was also kind of dumb.
Que-Ever said:
more than a coincidence would have been if led zeppelin had got together and said, "we think metal sucks, so we are going to try and be an extra good band to try and make this genre, which we will not indulge in, look completely crap." So, not that I'm agreeing with the other guy (I had no idea what he was talking about) but not only was your post wrong, but it was also kind of dumb.

Ok, this is the last time I'm going to defend this statement, simply for the mere fact that everyone arguing against it sounds completely retarded.

I'll go over this slowly. See if you two can follow along.

It is more than mere coincidence that Led Zeppelin, a rock band, is good and not a metal band. It's more than coincidence because A) Led Zeppelin is a rock band, and there are known to be good rock bands, and B) There are no metal bands in existance that anyone without hearing damage can label good.

You are wrong AND dumb (not kind of dumb) for not understanding. Nice try.
Zeppelin is a band that plays music. Metal is a genre in the broad catagory of music. Zeppelin is not considered Metal by anyone with a positive IQ. Zeppelin is good. The vast majority of metal bands are not.

What we have here, ladies and gents, is a coincidence.

Therefore, it is more than coincidence that Zeppelin is good and is not a Metal band.

Noooooo....STOP. Heed the guy above. The existence of good bands in one genre doesn't mean that they are good because they are in that genre, or because they are not part of another.

Brannigans crisps are nice and tasty. I guess it must be because they are not a metal band, which are not nice and tasty :rolleyes:

You said something stupid...c'mon :cheers: face it. We all do it. You do it a hell of a lot more than normal people it seems, but still. Get over it and move on.

Oh and while you're at it it might be useful trying to grapple with the whole 'opinions=subjective' concept, too. Good luck.

edit: 'chromizonal mutant'?!
Metals awsome... if Its done well, and most of the mainstream metal bands suck fat balls. But seriously though, its gotten boring for me, I would rather listen to somthing that is more dynamic. it can be loud, or whatever, but for the sake of the music and not for the sake of just being loud.
Laivasse said:
What we have here, ladies and gents, is a coincidence.

Noooooo....STOP. Heed the guy above. The existence of good bands in one genre doesn't mean that they are good because they are in that genre, or because they are not part of another.

Brannigans crisps are nice and tasty. I guess it must be because they are not a metal band, which are not nice and tasty :rolleyes:

You said something stupid...c'mon :cheers: face it. We all do it. You do it a hell of a lot more than normal people it seems, but still. Get over it and move on.

Oh and while you're at it it might be useful trying to grapple with the whole 'opinions=subjective' concept, too. Good luck.

edit: 'chromizonal mutant'?!

No. It is not coincidence. There are no metal bands in existance that I consider good. Zeppelin is not a metal band, and are good. THIS IS NOT A COINCIDENCE. What I said was not stupid.

What you shortly stated afterwards, on the other hand, was more than stupid. Your analogy exited out of the realm of music into the catagory of salty snack foods, which bears no relavance to metal or even music in general. I don't even know why you keep coming back to your point, as it's completely without merit and only makes you look more like a "chromizonal mutant". This, to further explain, as it seems you had a question, is making reference to down syndrome, in which patients have a different amount of chromosomes than normal humans, and because of this, are handicapped mentally and physically. Yes, I was making fun of you, but don't worry, I'm sure Que-Ever didn't get it either.

And for your final point, I understand that opinions are subjective. I accept that some people listen to shitty music and somehow, someway learn to appreciate it. How have I gone against this in any way? The topic proposed a question, which was a matter of opinion. I replied with my opinion. I fail to see the problem here.
Pretty crappy reasoning behind hating metal in this thread. Saying they just beat on the instruments, play as fast as they can, and all the lyrics are "KILL!" couldn't be more wrong.
do you even know what a coincidence is?
what you are saying IS a coincidence. It would be MORE than a coincidence if they had done it on PURPOSE, like I had said before.
While Zeppelin is not strictly a metal band, Zeppelin has had a massive influence on the Metal genre. If it wasn't for Led Zeppelin, Deep Purple and Black Sabbath Metal wouldn't exist as we know it today.

And Zeppelin did perform songs that could be considered "Heavy Metal" songs. Take "Achilles Last Stand" for example, it follows a very similar structure and sound to what "pure" Heavy Metal bands were using in the early 80's. If you despise all Metal as you claim then I don't see how you could like Led Zeppelin, because a lot of the early Metal bands carry a similar sound.
Dog-- said:
There is no Talent in metal, If you like metal I'll just scream Really loud into a microphone and play my guitar so it's really loud, here you have it - Metal...


I love these types of ignorant answers whenever one of these kind of threads come along.
For a start, Bohonkie, you've changed your tune:

bohonkie said:
Zeppelin is good. The vast majority of metal bands are not.

bohonkie said:
There are no metal bands in existance that I consider good.

Regardless of how you want to rephrase yourself in order to make your initial stupid statement slightly more palatable, the relative proportion of good to bad bands in a certain genre does not make it any less of a coincidence when one good band pops up in another. Led Zeppelin's quality is as unrelated to the quality of metal as is the tastiness of Brannigan's. Realiiiise *mystical hand movements*

The objective=subjective think came to mind when you started appearing to make an argument out of objective fact here (if we take the word 'known' as meaning 'some people believe it to be so'...):

A) Led Zeppelin is a rock band, and there are known to be good rock bands

And then moved on into laughably unqualified subjectivity, general stupidity, and just plain wrongness here:

B) There are no metal bands in existance that anyone without hearing damage can label good.

Wow, there's been studies, has there? :rolleyes:

Anyway, your irrational belligerence leads me to feel like you're a teenager in the grip of a hormonal rage of some kind, and I can't help feeling that trying to explain coincidence to you a third time wouldn't be the greatest hour of my life. Continue this in PM if you really want.... :rolleyes:

BTW, 'chromizonal' pops up only 4 hits in google, and 2 are duplicated...but I'll give you the very small benefit of the very massive doubt.

EDIT - benefit revoked upon consultation
Laivasse said:
BTW, 'chromizonal' pops up only 4 hits in google, and 2 are duplicated...but I'll give you the very small benefit of the very massive doubt.

Nope, "chromizonal" isn't a word :). I think he means chromosomal.
TheBleeding said:

I love these types of ignorant answers whenever one of these kind of threads come along.
Heh, yup. It's like no-one actually bothered to read the points that some of us tried to make here multiple bloody times. People just read into the stereotype and don't bother to let anything else through their thick heads.

Bohonkie said:
No. It is not coincidence. There are no metal bands in existance that I consider good. Zeppelin is not a metal band, and are good. THIS IS NOT A COINCIDENCE. What I said was not stupid.
Congratulations for making me read one of the most stupid posts on this forum for a long time. No Metal bands in existence? So, you've heard them all then? That's quite an achievement.
These pretzels are making me thirsty.
Oh yeah? Terry's Chocolate Oranges are wayyyy better then your retarded cake.
PsychoFreak said:
Oh yeah? Terry's Chocolate Oranges are wayyyy better then your retarded cake.
STFU BITCH! *punches in face*

*steals the oranges* *runs*
Dog-- said:
There is no Talent in metal, If you like metal I'll just scream Really loud into a microphone and play my guitar so it's really loud, here you have it - Metal...
Wrong. Listen to Metallica - Nothing Else Matters, although you could say it's from their sellout album, but still technically metal.

But no doubt you won't even listen to one bit, then post on page 10 how "metal IS TEeh SucK with scREaMing N SHIT!!11!"
xlucidx said:
STFU BITCH! *punches in face*

*steals the oranges* *runs*

Oh yeah! I thought you would run away...old granny....

Ahem. More to the subject at hand. I think Nothing Else Matters is a beautiful song.
I'm not as hardcore a fan of metal as I am of general Rock and R&B.

But I listen to everything, metal is ****ing awesome when you wanna get hyped up hardcore...
I don't like metal, however, I don't hate it, it's just not my kind of music, it's a bit to heavy for my tastes:

The Subways
Maximo Park
Art Brut
Death Cab For Cutie
The Libertines
Franz Ferdinand
The Paddingtons

(based on what I bought today <3 Christmas monies + HMV sales :E )
OH my god you're still posting about this bullshit tonight?? Get a life boy ffs!
ComradeBadger said:
I don't like metal, however, I don't hate it, it's just not my kind of music, it's a bit to heavy for my tastes:

The Subways
Maximo Park
Art Brut
Death Cab For Cutie
The Libertines
Franz Ferdinand
The Paddingtons

(based on what I bought today <3 Christmas monies + HMV sales :E )

Wow, I`ve found someone else who likes The Subways, I never thought I`d see the day :D

Oh, and yeah, I hate Metal :p
Bohonkie said:
Metal is absolutely trash. It's an excuse for pygmy-genitled musicians to play super-technical bullshit that's completely devoid of any emotion or enjoyable melody. "Let me slam these drums as ****ing fast as I possibly can so that metalheads can masturbate while explaining to their friends how hard it is to play this musical equivelent of copulating yaks." I don't care how hard your shit is to play if it sounds like...well, shit.

With that said, even if I slightly enjoyed metal, I'd still deny it soley based on the fanbase. Sorry metalheads, you guys are pretty lame.

:LOL: I love ignorant rants :D

Oh, and yes I enjoy the occassional metal song.
I enjoy a number of different musical styles. Generic Metal is not one of them. I hate it. Having said that, I agree strongly with pomegranate, who stated that no entire genre is bad. Indeed, some of the metal that Martin Grech seems to encompass in songs such as Dalí and I am Chromosome is very well-done, and actually good. But then Martin Grech is a very interesting musician.

I have a very low tolerance of one or two genres, such as metal, hip-hop, pop, etc, though occasionally there is that one artist who seems to do it right.

I've no problem with metal existing. I just personally don't enjoy the greater part of it.
I don't mind people not liking Metal, but it's good to debate these things.

I have no qualms in admitting I'm pretty closed minded about some genres, such as Indie. Can't stand it. I don't like Oasis and most other "Brit-pop" bands. Most of them mope around like they don't want to be there, I don't think they're that bothered when they're laughing their way to the bank. I also don't like the way they sing, like they've got a cold or something. Liam Gallagher, argh, someone give this guy the beating he deserves.
stemot said:
Wow, I`ve found someone else who likes The Subways, I never thought I`d see the day :D

Oh, and yeah, I hate Metal :p
Yeah, my friend knows them :D

Nice peeps as well as fun musicians :D
This thread is pretty funny. There seem to be a few intelligent people, and a massive amount of incredibly ignorant people. Hearing about how metal took no talent and had no emotion gave me a laugh, as well as how metalheads are pretentious and lame. I'm a metalhead, but I'm nothing like any description that was given here. I just like metal.
ComradeBadger said:
Yeah, my friend knows them :D

Nice peeps as well as fun musicians :D

I`d never heard of them before I saw them at Manchester supporting Oasis, they were the second best act on the bill that night, and the next day their debut album came out so I picked it up and it`s one of the best of the year, awesome stuff.

Oh yeah, I think the fellas in the crowd that day instantly fell in love with the blond lass in the group (don`t remember her name) :D