Who will be Killed off in 1 of the upcoming Episode's?

Who do you think will die in One of these Episode's?

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Jul 10, 2006
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Who do you think will be killed off & what will happen to the story like if Alyx were to die D0g would get revenge(not Gordon because that would be too Cliche'd), Dr.Vance hmm if he died Alyx would want revenge, If Kliener died then LaMar would want revenge & zombify some one.
Gordon, just cause I'll die a few times while playing through the game.
I choose alyx cause I hate her just as much as Adrian(too overrated) & she needs to die before its too late(she says "I love you" at the end, some thing Cliche'd).
Adrian should just appear out of the endless void G-Man had trapped him in and **** everyone's day up. Including Gordon. THAT is the ultimate Half-Life game.
For some reason i think ether Mossman or Barney. Dunno why. Both are great characters, just have a feeling. Didnt vote tho.
Alyx is killed and then Gordon revenge... for alyx in Heaven? Hell, no cliche! The same thing has been used in almost every movie and drama. And it is proved that it won't work. You are such a rubbish scenarist!

If Kliener died then LaMar would want revenge & zombify some one.

The friggin' Lamarr is not a human. It won't do this thing.

p.s I hate you as much as Adrian. :p You are right, tho. No, I love you.
If Kleiner were in a situation in which he was dying Lamarr would zombify him to avenge his death.

I like him but I think he'll probably die. Probably.
At first I thought Wally_Breen was Samon based on the avatar and was shocked to see Samon hate Alyx so much. But I calmed down. ELl is a good choice but I see mossman dying.
Barney will die. He is Gordon's only true friend (as in, only his friend without any other relationship attached, like mentor, subordinate, fan/worshipper, or love interest), and he's generally considered a "safe" character; people don't think he'll die.

But he'll bite the bullet. He'll die before he ever gets Gordon that beer, and he'll lament about it before he expires.
At first I thought Wally_Breen was Samon based on the avatar and was shocked to see Samon hate Alyx so much. But I calmed down. ELl is a good choice but I see mossman dying.

Yeah, the tit stole my avatar. Oh snap!
mossman, She deserve's to die

And how come breen isn't on the list ? We all know he's alive!!!
Well, Valve already said that some of the old characters would die in the Episodes, so yeah.
My guess is Eli will die. We'll see a far darker side of Alyx as a result.

Barney will probably die too, but probably not in these episodes. My guess is that he'll hold out with you up until the big end, then he'll die.
I'm going for Eli. Mainly because of his role as the resistance figurehead, and his death would allow Alyx to grow even more so than she already has as a character. I can't see Mossman dying, or Kleiner for that matter - come on, you couldn't kill Kleiner. :|
Eli. It'd be cool to see Alyx's reaction.
Barney's death wouldn't really have a major imapct on the resistance. they would lose a good fighter, but it wouldn't be like Eli dieing.
Gordon? We know the Episodes arne't the end of Half-life, so he shouldn't be an option.
Shepard should though. :p
I Apologize but I just Cant find any other Breen avatar, If any one knows your welcome to show me.

If Eli where to die, then Alyx where to change as in....."Joining the Dark side" which would be too Cliche, Its Star Wars Episode 3: Revenge of the Sith all over again Annakin(name's annoying to spell) join's the dark side, Kills Samuel L. Jackson, Kills his Pregnant Wife, Then try's to kill Obi Wan Kanobi, How easily he Became Darth Vader Was very Cheesy & Mediocre hollywood at its best.

If Valve did that to any of the Characters Then I would bang my head against the Keyboard till there's nothing left of my head like that Animated Avatar.
Eli. He gets to push Kleiner in to yet another combine city and this time he doesn't get over. Or not. But he will probably die. Somewhere all people will have to run, and he doesn't have the... equipment to do that really.
If Eli where to die, then Alyx where to change as in....."Joining the Dark side" which would be too Cliche, Its Star Wars Episode 3: Revenge of the Sith all over again Annakin(name's annoying to spell) join's the dark side, Kills Samuel L. Jackson, Kills his Pregnant Wife, Then try's to kill Obi Wan Kanobi, How easily he Became Darth Vader Was very Cheesy & Mediocre hollywood at its best.

If Valve did that to any of the Characters Then I would bang my head against the Keyboard till there's nothing left of my head like that Animated Avatar.

Valve wont do such things :rolling:
If Eli where to die, then Alyx where to change as in....."Joining the Dark side" which would be too Cliche, Its Star Wars Episode 3: Revenge of the Sith all over again Annakin(name's annoying to spell) join's the dark side, Kills Samuel L. Jackson, Kills his Pregnant Wife, Then try's to kill Obi Wan Kanobi, How easily he Became Darth Vader Was very Cheesy & Mediocre hollywood at its best.

If Valve did that to any of the Characters Then I would bang my head against the Keyboard till there's nothing left of my head like that Animated Avatar.


Where'd that come from?
Huh? Where did I get what from. You never saw Star Wars EP3: Revenge of the Sith? or was it that Alyx joins the Dark side?
If Eli dies, it does not necessarily mean that Alyx will joing the dark side. I reckon Alyx will be hellbent on vengence. She is a fighter, and will probably take out her grief as such, initially anyway.
But then again if Alyx were to turn evil= Evil Alyx...Then then Gordon gets to kill Alyx + her robotic Companion D0g(big Fight)= Happy Wally_Breen :D
Gordon, just cause I'll die a few times while playing through the game.


Can't refute that reasoning. :LOL:

If I had to choose a real character, then it would have to be Eli for many reasons:

1. His death would be a huge blow to the resistance.

2. Alyx would become more interesting as a result (less cheerful, more dark).

3. It would give a chance for Mossman to assert herself into a position of more power within the resistance.

4. The Mossman/Alyx feud could deepen without Eli there to calm them down.

5. The Vortiguants would likely look towards Kleiner now that Eli is out of the picture, seeing as Kliener would be the last surviving scientific mind of the Black Mesa incident (Gordon wouldn't be as practical as he's always in combat).

6. Barney would have a chance to become a more important figurehead within the resistance and it would give his character more meaning.

7. Any possible return of Breen could benefit greatly from Eli's death since they were former friends at Black Mesa.

Eli's death (if they simply had to kill someone off) would be the best because it would affect every major character in a different way.
Barney is already a leading factor in the resistance, he lead the damn thing in the lost week.
Barney is already a leading factor in the resistance, he lead the damn thing in the lost week.

Thats right, barney Leaded a Push into the Heart of the City's Citadel, its like Berlin-1945 all over Again. where Adolf Hitler(Breen) Commited Suicide(teleport) in his Bunker Refusing to be a Trophy of J.Stalin, which Ended his "Third Reich" which said that was supposed to last 1000 years, but only lasted 12 years.
I think Mossman will die. Or maybe she already died during Episode One.