Who will be Killed off in 1 of the upcoming Episode's?

Who do you think will die in One of these Episode's?

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isnt lamar at the other side of the globe after being teleported?
Lamar's either dead or set to make a cameo in Episode 2. I mean, the chances of something not eating her, killing her, or being blasted in the explosion of City 17...you know, wtf.
Comic relief like lamar probably won't die. I wouldn't mind if Alyx died, but Barney can't die D: He's to cool..he..Hes like the Fonze of HL2
I thought she was transported somewhere else in C17 after the malfunction in HL2?
No, she managed to get back. You see her in the return to Kleiners lab and on the Breen screen during Kleiners magnificent speech.
Barney will never die.

I bet Gordon has seven children that come to save him in the third episode.
well i know valve wants a happy end they wont let anyone die to my regret. well i think im fine when alyx, mossman ,eli and that administrator die. all those are annoying as hell andreally dont add to the story they just suck so lets get rid of them.

The one who is annoying is YOU. If you want to fight only, I suggest that you should play Quake 4 or Doom 3. They have wonderful fighting scenes but lack of a concrete storyline. That is quite an old gameplay style. People like you may enjoy it. I really don't appreciate replies like yours, Eber, no matter you are joking or not. You can choose not to reply, rather than replying this irritating shit.
And stop your shitty English.

Coming to this site destroys my hope in mankind.

This is the way the world ends
Not with a bang but a whimper
----The Hollow Men

I will say OUR whimper.
well i know valve wants a happy end they wont let anyone die to my regret. well i think im fine when alyx, mossman ,eli and that administrator die. all those are annoying as hell andreally dont add to the story they just suck so lets get rid of them.

I agree that alyx, Eli, & Mossman should die, But The Administrator Dr. Breen die, hmmm Nah. I quitelike Dr. Breen's Character.
If you don't like Alyx, it doesn't mean that she needs to die. Will you kill someone in real life just because you don't like him? If there is no law, I bet you will. Quite a selfish, egotistic people you guys have been.
personally i think that if any of the characters die it will either be eli, alyx, or perhaps barney...but if they kill off eli then alyx will probably live and vice-versa...i can see barney going down probably in episode 3 where he saves you but ends up sacrificing himself in the process and like darkside said awhile ago making a comment about that beer he owes you with his last breath. oh and i also believe that breen is still alive and he'll come back to get finished off in some manner.
Eli will die. I can almost guarantee it.

By the way, story content does not really distinguish a game like Half-life 2 from one like Doom III or Serious Sam. Half-life 2 has only as much character development as the gameplay and level design will allow as it was created to be a thrilling experience first and foremost. There ARE games that are driven by story content almost exclusively but they are RPGs and Adventure games (Planescape: Torment comes to mind).
Kleiner, he tries to save the rest of the crew with the project but gets killed in the process.
The thing is I don't think anybody will die, even though I selected Lamarr :)

I don't think Barney would die. In the commentary for Ep1, they mentioned that its really one of the only characters who inject black commedy and satire into a hostile situation, thats the reason they brought him over from HL1. He's too likeable a buddy-like to have him killed before Ep3.

I have doubts that Alyx dies as the trailer is only supposed to mess with our minds.

Eli and Kleiner no doubt survive, basically because they should be developing weapons, or way of combating the combines remaining forces (like was mentioned briefly in one Kleiner-cast)

Judith, being a a double agent originally, seems like the most predictable person to die. But again, I think she is too important now that we know about the artic-project
i hope eli gets it.....hes just too happy
A bit late here to this topic

But Alyx will not die, Valve are smart enough to foresee every possible prediction, the teaser showing Alyx's possible death is like someone said before, to mess with our heads.

I believe Valve are looking to really strain the gamers emotions like no other game has done before. Since you are like just playing the role of Gordon Freeman, when any person stops playing it (ok, any normal person with a soul) it is YOU has feelings for these characters, or we wouldn't have this widespread discussion about it all over the internet.

Well if i was to predict i would say Eli to die because the impact it will have on the resistance and of course on Alyx, who everyone will know loves her him a lot, i mean come on, he is all she has left in terms of family. That could lead to some extraordinary circumstances with Alyx in terms of reaction and what she will do. Mossman? I will say no because the impact inside the game and on the gamer will be minimal. Alyx? well i know i will be devastated to see her die mainly because of the unique innocence she portrays, and I feel that she plays a too vital role in the game tbh (people who dont like her are either just joking about or are literally gay). Barney would be an interesting option too.

However, like i said, i think valve already know all the possible predictions, and when the final product is made, i think we all may get a massive suprise =D
I feel that Alyx plays a too vital role in the game tbh (people who dont like her are either just joking about or are literally gay).

WTF, I don't like her & I wish for to die, does that mean I am a fag ? Quite wrong my friend, quite wrong. That statement is 100% is without a trace or shadow of a doubt, definatly, Black & White theory......FALSE. You need to get your mind out of the gutter, Pixels do not turn me on. There's nothing 'Attractive' about polygons. Except little 15 year olds, little teenagers.

Believe it or not their are realistic minds out there.
Im not talking about attraction you tard, im talking about her importance to the game. Oh, and for your information, im 17, in college and have a girlfriend, if anyone needs to be more attuned with reality, its you, with all your stupid comments on breen, he is a ****ing dictator, he is meant to be hated, only utter retards would actually like him and have the other characters die!
Oh and also for your information, one of valve's goals with Alyx was to make the player feel emotion towards because of how real she is portrayed to be. Saying someone is sad for feeling attraction for Alyx is just like saying someone is sad for saying that Angelina Jolie or Keira Knightly is hot after watching a film they were in. You will never meet them in person, only see them through a screen, but since Alyx so well made to be real, im afraid its exactly the same principle, as a lot of people say, its just like watching a movie.
IMO there's a major difference between feeling attraction for something that is 'Real' & something that is not real(like a fictional video game character).

Having attraction for people like Jessica Alba & Angelina Jolie is different that being attracted to something that is just thin air.

<3 Absinthe
IMO there's a major difference between feeling attraction for something that is 'Real' & something that is not real(like a fictional video game character).

Having attraction for people like Jessica Alba & Angelina Jolie is different that being attracted to something that is just thin air.

Yeah fine its your opinion, but my opinion there is no difference, and to all the mates i know who have played it, there is no difference, to everyone down at PC Gamer, there is no difference, to the majority of the people who have played the game, i can bet they would see no difference. But then again its your opinion, so lets just leave at that, arguing over an internet forum about a game is more pointless than getting in a car only to drive across the street.
Gordon dies and you continue playing as Alyx:eek: ! Wally_Breen would probably have a heart attack if that ever happened:p .