Who will be Killed off in 1 of the upcoming Episode's?

Who do you think will die in One of these Episode's?

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Gordon dies and you continue playing as Alyx:eek: ! Wally_Breen would probably have a heart attack if that ever happened:p .

Id pretty much would :cheese:.

Also if Alyx where to say "There's something I've been meaning to tell you....I love you Gordon, I just wanted you to know that." If that where to happen then Id go :rolling: :angry: :x :dozey: :frown: :flame: :sleep: :eek:, All that would give me a heart attack, a Stroke, severe asthma, Vomiting, & cardiac arrest. Also I would go GTA on valve's arse if that happened.
Kleiner dies. Or disappears. You play as him in Portal, and use the portal gun to get back to the resistance. Gordon is then armed with the super portal gravity gun with the ability to fire EP1 hopwires.
Id pretty much would :cheese:.

Also if Alyx where to say "There's something I've been meaning to tell you....I love you Gordon, I just wanted you to know that." If that where to happen then Id go :rolling: :angry: :x :dozey: :frown: :flame: :sleep: :eek:, All that would give me a heart attack, a Stroke, severe asthma, Vomiting, & cardiac arrest. Also I would go GTA on valve's arse if that happened.



I can pretty expect something like that to happen, but i think it will happen in completely different circumstances and it wont quite work out the way it does in films, remember valve know all your predictions and thats why they suprise us all in wierd and wonderful ways!:thumbs:
Adrian should just appear out of the endless void G-Man had trapped him in and **** everyone's day up. Including Gordon. THAT is the ultimate Half-Life game.

aw man, that would be awesome.

half life two, opposing farce. play as shepherd as you repeatedly annoy freeman and all the anti-shepherd fanatics.

*silence in a room full of freeman, anti-shepherds and shepherd*
shepherd: sooo..... samon... *big grin*
*nudge nudge*
shepherd: what was that you said about pouring beans over your head?
samon: sigh... *pours beans* *shepherd films it*
shepherd: oh man that was awesome! hahah! this baby's going on the internet!
5 minutes later..
shepherd: so.... anyone know how to play scrabble?
*everyone sits down to play scrabble* *gordon spells crowbar and shepherd uses the word to spell pipewrench*
shepherd: alright! triple word score! or jenga, or something.
*gordon glares at shepherd and raises the gravity gun*
shepherd: whats that, looks like some kinda orange -GAH! OH GOD! MY PACEMAKER! IT'S TRYING TO ESCAPE FROM MY OWN *BOOM!*
*beep..beep.. beep... beeeeeeeeeeeeeep...*
Tears of a fanatic, lend strength to this flesh.
If Alyx ever said "I love you.. Gordon.." It would be when were all about to die. Or its going to be like..
Gordon: AGAIN?
They are all stuck in a trash compacter and thers no way to get out.
Alyx: If this is our final momennts.. Gordon.. I..."
then Barney opens up the top and says something completely inappropriate.