Whops! Looks like a Best Buy might get pwned by Valve!


May 9, 2004
Reaction score
This is from HL2Fallout:

Someone bought HL2 from Best Buy today and installed and registered the game. A little while later he got this in his email inbox:

We noticed that you just registered a Half-Life 2 key. Where did you come across a copy of the game?

You're not in trouble or anything, but you're registered pretty early, and the game isn't activated just yet.


Erik Johnson

Unleash the attorneys!

Link: http://www.hlfallout.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=16897
This is from HL2Fallout:

Someone bought HL2 from Best Buy today and installed and registered the game. A little while later he got this in his email inbox:

We noticed that you just registered a Half-Life 2 key. Where did you come across a copy of the game?

You're not in trouble or anything, but you're registered pretty early, and the game isn't activated just yet.


Erik Johnson

Unleash the attorneys!

Link: http://www.hlfallout.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=16897
heh, be funny to see what happens next.

The nerve of some people...QUICK SUE SUE SUE!!
valve wouldn't get the store in trouble.

That would be their publishers that would have the sue pickle in their well arse.
Black-Falcon said:
Lol. Big Brother is watching...

/begins chanting

"Big Brother" "Big Brother" "Big Brother" "Big Brother" "Big Brother"
well who knows what will happen because of this (in terms of possible court action and all that crap). I doubt valve would crap their pants and start suing anyone over one copy sold early. and besides that I know some ppl are probably thinking "oh great now valve is going to activate the game early!"

well all i have to say about that is like what another forum user said... all these ppl on the forums are saying "oh yea valve is gonna activate right away if any retailers break the november 16 release date." YET, not one of these forum users have been able to show true evidence for this.

so can SOMEONE actually SHOW me the proof of lombardi saying this, as all the forum users have stated he did? that is the problem, everyone says lombardi says that without providing any evidence at all, and everyone only seems to say it because everyone else does as well. so, once i see the evidence to what he said i will believe it thanks.

phew, im done
Sh4mp00 said:
/begins chanting

"Big Brother" "Big Brother" "Big Brother" "Big Brother" "Big Brother"

Two plus two equals five! You see? You have to have all four, or else they won't make five!
i wish VU/Valve sue the pants off which ever location it was...seriously, it would be entertaining to see the retailer try and explain it.
God people READ.

Valve wouldn't sue, VU would be the ones wanting to sue!

If anything they are probably trying to gauge how wide spread the sales have been to see if they Should "unlock"
shapeshifter said:
God people READ.

Valve wouldn't sue, VU would be the ones wanting to sue!

If anything they are probably trying to gauge how wide spread the sales have been to see if they Should "unlock"

Aye that was my take on the E-mail as well.
Retailers sell products, why can't they just selling it? oh yeah thats right, the publisher said they couldn't........
Off Topic: What a facking crazy day on the forums today. Yeesh. I'm tapped.
OK here is the plan, if you have the game and know someone who has steam, give the game to them, then they install and register, then you give the game to another friend (in another state/country, drive there if you have to) and get them to install it and register. The more ppl who register the faster Valve will unlock the game.....if any of this is legal......and assuming they said they would.
Robinhood_01 said:
OK here is the plan, if you have the game and know someone who has steam, give the game to them, then they install and register, then you give the game to another friend (in another state/country, drive there if you have to) and get them to install it and register. The more ppl who register the faster Valve will unlock the game.....if any of this is legal......and assuming they said they would.

no becuase only one key can be registered. therefore after one install steam won't accept it.
shapeshifter said:
no becuase only one key can be registered. therefore after one install steam won't accept it.
Hmmm...one would be inclined to think he was joking, dude...
Robinhood_01 said:
OK here is the plan, if you have the game and know someone who has steam, give the game to them, then they install and register, then you give the game to another friend (in another state/country, drive there if you have to) and get them to install it and register. The more ppl who register the faster Valve will unlock the game.....if any of this is legal......and assuming they said they would.
No they wont, they'll just email each one and ask where they got it.

Why do people think Valve will cave under this.. its good publicity that can be milked.. if anything they'll extend the release date to grab some more publicity from it.
lol. that guy who got the email should have responded with "Your Mom!" that would make me laugh
The Dark Elf said:
No they wont, they'll just email each one and ask where they got it.

Why do people think Valve will cave under this.. its good publicity that can be milked.. if anything they'll extend the release date to grab some more publicity from it.

Most defineltly. People say valve doesnt know what they are doing.. they do.
The Dark Elf said:
No they wont, they'll just email each one and ask where they got it.

Why do people think Valve will cave under this.. its good publicity that can be milked.. if anything they'll extend the release date to grab some more publicity from it.

Wouldn't that be ironic?

LoL. I think we would need about 50-60 unique keys to be registered in each of 3-5 cities first...i have enough cash for 10...who's gonna buy the other 410 or so?
I woulda replied with the adress + store # of the store where I got it and add on the bottom ::

I think I can hear the sound of your attorneys shuffling their papers from here....
Mr-Fusion said:

The nerve of some people...QUICK SUE SUE SUE!!

your a little clueless.
serum.157 said:
well who knows what will happen because of this (in terms of possible court action and all that crap). I doubt valve would crap their pants and start suing anyone over one copy sold early. and besides that I know some ppl are probably thinking "oh great now valve is going to activate the game early!"

well all i have to say about that is like what another forum user said... all these ppl on the forums are saying "oh yea valve is gonna activate right away if any retailers break the november 16 release date." YET, not one of these forum users have been able to show true evidence for this.

so can SOMEONE actually SHOW me the proof of lombardi saying this, as all the forum users have stated he did? that is the problem, everyone says lombardi says that without providing any evidence at all, and everyone only seems to say it because everyone else does as well. so, once i see the evidence to what he said i will believe it thanks.

phew, im done

although Valve previously promised to unlock the game for everyone should the street date be broken.
Nuts...I thought my plan was fool proof, well looks like i'm the fool, an April fool that is.
Robinhood_01 said:
Nuts...I thought my plan was fool proof, well looks like i'm the fool, an April fool that is.

next time, do not question the integrity of forum members of HL2.net :p
valve never promised that. it was just one shacknews comment that got blown out of proportion and now everybody quotes it as fact.
quoting planet halflife or ign doesnt mean it happened.
DrunkPanda said:
lol. that guy who got the email should have responded with "Your Mom!" that would make me laugh

Wow, that would be SOOO funnny hahahaha!

Wait, thats not funny at all.
He should have said he bought it at wallmart.

Kill 2 birds with 1 stone.
I liked how erik was nice about it and not
Homer said:
He should have said he bought it at wallmart.

Kill 2 birds with 1 stone.

ahah i love it! :cheers:... now if only we could get this linked to illiterate teachers in Australia who got fired and then started working at target and forgot to read the time of release date on the big box labelled "HALF-LIFE 2 ^ THIS WAY UP", as they couldn't read it......
Lunacy Fringe said:
Wow, that would be SOOO funnny hahahaha!

Wait, thats not funny at all.

Agreed. The funny part would be the follow-up story when the guy tells everyone how his account was banned with "KTHXBAI" as the only reason stated.
damn these are popping up all over the place now, ive seen a bunch of unique hl2 box pictures already.
hehe i just got an email, when i saw it was from Vivendi i jumped, i thought they were emailing to say HL2 had been released, but it was just their sales spam.