Whops! Looks like a Best Buy might get pwned by Valve!

rofl funny stuff, i got a feelin Warez will have there hands on it soon, if they already dont. *gulp*.
lol! that's funny. like erik wrote it, hehe..

it's like..
erik:"you can say it. don't be afraid. where did you buy the copy?
guy:"uhm.. well.. at best buy [adresse here]"
erik:"aaaaha.. oookay.. thx" *revenge view*

and he shouts in the office:"come on, my friends. let's go to best buy and BURN IT DOWN!.. muahahaah.."

Even in Germany it was sold now, i.e. not only America. That makes it wide-spread....

UNLOCK! UNLOCK! UNLOCK! *keeps chanting*
why not make a pointless Spam chanting thread where everyone on the Forum has to write several lines of 'UNLOCK! UNLOCK! UNLOCK!,

could work,... :/
No, he can't

Does Valve SERIOUSLY care if the games been released early? Is it going to ruin their lives? Make their stocks plunge? Get hundreds of unsuscribing emails from Steam? Even make them gain weight? No, not at all. If one person out of the entire, I dunno, 1,000,000 who have this game preordered retail and Steam..will it really affect them? I mean, if there happened to be 200,000 people playing it weeks before the game was to be released, something seriously wrong would be going on, and it would really mix things up...but jeeze, everyones gonna be playing it sooner or later, why not now? This is what I dont get about release dates...they should have a "shipping date" when all copies are going to be shipped. Not a release date, holding millions of gamers back until a certain day for really no reason at all...
I bnought my copy earlier today.
I was in a computer store, when a delivery guy came with a few boxes. the ppl in the stores started to unpack the boxes, and there i saw it.. I almost fainted, didnt say a word.. Just asked comly if i could buy that game.. And the clerk(sp?) Just sold it to me, no questions no anything.

So here i am, sitting with a HL2 copy, and cant play.. Oh well.. I can just sit and look at the box for a few days! :)
clarky003 said:
rofl funny stuff, i got a feelin Warez will have there hands on it soon, if they already dont. *gulp*.

Not really, what's on the cd's are the encrypted .gcfs. That's why you have to register with steam, so that it would unlock those files.
Wesisapie said:
valve never promised that. it was just one shacknews comment that got blown out of proportion and now everybody quotes it as fact.
quoting planet halflife or ign doesnt mean it happened.

Thats because if it is on the internet it makes it true. Did you know that a plane didn't hit the Pentagon? And we never landed on the moon? And the planes that hit the WTC were armed with missles? :borg:
I forgot, but does the regular HL2 box come with CS:S? If so, people could load up steam and play that. Or run the stress test to see what kind of frame rates they get.
I know CS:S comes with the collecter box.

Edit: Yes, HL2 comes with CS:S in the regular box. Now I'm just wondering if these people can play CS:S right now.
Best Buy makes so much Money they dont give a fick what the release dates are
Valve probably wants to know for a reason, they can call them up and tell them to hold off selling them till the 16th, which is good idea :)
DiSTuRbEd said:
Valve probably wants to know for a reason, they can call them up and tell them to hold off selling them till the 16th, which is good idea :)

or they will sue them, murder thier people and pillage the store.

Or just let them know, I don't really know.
Yes, how dare that person attempt to play a game he spent 50 dollars on and now owns! The audacity of this person!
All I have to say is that the game is cheaply produced. 5 cds in sleaves? Suck a nut! That's what I say. I am mad. Nothing is more dissapointing than a "blockbuster" game the sells like 10 dollar monopoly game!

No manual shitty boxart and crappy sleaves. Either they are morons or so over confident in their game that they don't {need} reasonable packaging.

Hey Valve take a note from blizzard when they take time to [polish] a game they actually do it. PLUS they have good cases and great manuals. Get you friggen act together. What a rag tag nut sucking tool fest this has been. ROOKIES I TELL YOU.. GAME making ROOKIES.
wonkers said:
What. Are you STONED?

Easier to store, and easier to put cds into. I mean heck, for 5 normal cases i can fit 20 sleeves in that spot.
wonkers said:
What a rag tag nut sucking tool fest this has been. ROOKIES I TELL YOU.. GAME making ROOKIES.

And you are aware of how ridiculous this sounds?
It seems strange to me that they use the same pictures over and over when they could easily make some others(Gordon apparently likes taking walks in snowy weather). Note that it says "strange" right there; I don't really care. I won't be looking at the box art when I'm playing through the game.
Mr-Fusion said:

The nerve of some people...QUICK SUE SUE SUE!!
destrukt said:
your a little clueless.

Nope I think you are a little clueless....ever hear of sarcasm???? :rolleyes:
lucky us who live in europe. we get it on 1 dvd i cant understand US ships games on 5 CDs its pathethic, i mean who has not a dvd player today ?
BlackMesaDude said:
lucky us who live in europe. we get it on 1 dvd i cant understand US ships games on 5 CDs its pathethic, i mean who has not a dvd player today ?

Me... 3 days ago... :LOL:
Why would they sue best buy? We have as much preloaded content as people have on the retail purchases and we both can't play it until it is unlocked on the 16th. Now where does it say you can't buy the game before the 16th, show me where it says that, we just can't play until the 16th.
Just got them in denmark too, so why is it now i have paid for and received it i am not allowed to play, i want compensation if nothing else for the stress itis causing me, let alone the interest on the cash they have from me on lone till they get round to activating it. growellll.

tpe said:
Just got them in denmark too, so why is it now i have paid for and received it i am not allowed to play, i want compensation if nothing else for the stress itis causing me, let alone the interest on the cash they have from me on lone till they get round to activating it. growellll.


How bout those of us that bought via steam??? We have "paid for and received" HalfLife 2 months ago, but cannot play it. What about OUR pain and suffering? ;(

Personally, I think VALVe made it abundantly clear to everyone who would listen that you can get the game by whatever means, but cannot play it until the 16th. So pardon me, while I go find my tiny violin, and play you a little sad song.... :LOL:
MajorPayne said:
How bout those of us that bought via steam??? We have "paid for and received" HalfLife 2 months ago, but cannot play it. What about OUR pain and suffering? ;(

Personally, I think VALVe made it abundantly clear to everyone who would listen that you can get the game by whatever means, but cannot play it until the 16th. So pardon me, while I go find my tiny violin, and play you a little sad song.... :LOL:

Sounds good, i'll bring the drumset
DoctorGordon3 said:
Sounds good, i'll bring the drumset

And I'll go get my friend Marconi so he can play the mamba
then listen to the radio
then Valve will remember
we built this city on rock n roll!
LoL I thought that valve made it abundently clear that we would receive half life 2 a year ago when we preordered it, have you guys that bought it on steam paid for it already?

I only got billed for it yesterday when it was put in the post from the local retailer! I presumed that valve would not actually charge anyone untill release, just in case they made another cock up, as a year of interest on your loan to them really does begin to add up. It would be interesting to find out what the legal concequences of that would be, was there a disclaimer on the release date before payment?
