Who's looking forward to Mass Effect 2 ?

Played 12 hours as an Engineer and realized that shit was boring. Changed to Adept, ****ing AWESOME. Pull Field/Singularity to set up a bunch of floating baddies, and Throw Field to send them all across the room. Awesome. So awesome.
But you are from Sweden, living in italy atm. WTF?!


If you are talking about the release date being 29th in europe and how i can get it so early, its because i have American friends from the nearby Airforce Base, so i gave my friend some money and he got it for me. :P


Played 12 hours as an Engineer and realized that shit was boring. Changed to Adept, ****ing AWESOME. Pull Field/Singularity to set up a bunch of floating baddies, and Throw Field to send them all across the room. Awesome. So awesome.

yeah i went Adept too and its a blast to play. more fun than just shooting guns and watching someone fling across a large room and slap into a pillar is like the Matrix
Sometimes I let my squadmates handle an entire battle without any input from myself to see how well they do.

It's actually not bad. I got Grunt's
Claymore Shotgun
and his Concussive Shot is absolutely devastating. Miranda usually whips out a Overload or biotic. I might need to increase the difficulty rating.
i died like twice but thats because i wasn't paying attention to my health theres just soooo much more to look at and its a really polished experience. i may want to play through a second time on Insane mode and as a Renegade
So, who else
punched that reporter chick in the face?
How's the combat this time around? The reason I didn't finish the first one was because the combat felt a little boring to me. Too little variety. Is it improved in the sequel?
Yes Rico. I can't believe I even liked ME1: ME2 has such a wide variety of combat, and it's actually challenging (pretty much NEED to hide behind cover to survive) and there are pretty tough boss fights. Biotics are infinitely easier to use, and your squadmates actually help. No grenades AFAIK, but fights are definitely beatable without using guns.
the combat is the best change to the game by far; much more enjoyable
however, almost everything, save the simplified inventory/item system, is greatly improved
The combat reminds me more of Ghost Recon now. With a strange touch of Halo into it.
Sweet, I may have to splurge and get this game then. My girlfriend has really been wanting to get it, but I keep telling her to wait till she's finished the first one. Damn, now I'm wishing this game had some kind of coop :-P
I think one of the most important improvements is ME2 is much smoother movement. You can run up to a piece of short cover and Shepard will automatically slide to hide behind it. The transition from cover to noncover is animated really well, and you can always "pause" the combat to see where to run next if you're in the middle of a crowd of enemies (which happens a lot as a Vanguard).

Jumping over short cover and sprinting to another piece of cover while sending out Shockwave and then Charging the guy 30m away is nothing short of the best third person combat I've ever had.
Sweet, I may have to splurge and get this game then. My girlfriend has really been wanting to get it, but I keep telling her to wait till she's finished the first one. Damn, now I'm wishing this game had some kind of coop :-P

I would KILL to have a girlfriend like that (if shes hot).
Who is better, Wrex or Grunt?

I always liked Wrex, but I also enjoy his intense optional death..
Wrex is older and more experienced, but Grunt is supersized and more like a WH40K Ork than any other Krogan. He still ends conversations with "Shepard." though. I always say "Wrex." right after that. Like, at my TV.

I am enjoying ME2 a lot, but it's a long, drawn out love. Each mission is unique, no more CnP environments. I've been noticing a trend in ME2: fewer actual missions, conversations, and weapon/armor upgrades, but making them more important and more difficult to get to. I'm actually more excited about restarting ME2 on Hardcore and forming a team with the foresight of their abilities and usefulness.

But I don't know if I'll switch from Vanguard. I'm pretty much in love.
Man, I never thought I would ever like any of the new characters, but Mordin is freakin awesome. I love the way he speaks, and makes all these deductions on the fly while openly voicing them.
Also, I just realized I redeemed the Collector armor/weapon code on the email account for my live account, but I can't use it because my gamertag isn't linked to my ea account. What's sad is I've been trying for months to get EA to link it since their f*cking website is so god damn broken that if you try linking it yourself it either gives a system error or claims the gamertag is already in use. God damn they are useless.
Have you tried asking for help from within the EA profile page? I don't remember how exactly I did it, but I was having trouble getting my EA account to work with Skate 2, so I sent a couple messages through that and they got back to me within the day both times, got it sorted pretty quick. Then again they might be backlogged if everyone's having issues.

They really need to overhaul the ****ing thing, though. So awful and difficult to use.

I would KILL to have a girlfriend like that (if shes hot).
It isn't so great once they start hogging it. ;)

Anyone at all know either way about my importing query?

If you have a shephard part-way through a second playthrough, will it still acknowledge the way you completed your first playthrough, or is that effectively wiped? I have my infiltrator sitting at 47 and thought I might start a new game+ and try hit 50 before ME2 gets here.
I'm enjoying it quite a bit so far. Playing as a renegade sentinel (well, like 3/4 renegade... I just choose the option that I feel like I would do in that situation and that's how it ends up)... evolved my tech armor into assault armor tonight so I'm a beastly, beastly man now. :D
Is it worth picking up the first game? Still haven't played it yet.
If you have a shephard part-way through a second playthrough, will it still acknowledge the way you completed your first playthrough, or is that effectively wiped? I have my infiltrator sitting at 47 and thought I might start a new game+ and try hit 50 before ME2 gets here.

The way it was explained to me, was that the game saves a special file when you finish your game. So I figure that you'll have to finish the game for your lvl 50-60 to be transfered.
You mean... finish it again? I finished at 47, I'm just starting another playthrough with the same character to hit 50.

Well, either way, I did it, so we'll soon find out. :x
Yeah I think so... But I could be wrong. Let me know how it works out.
Have you tried asking for help from within the EA profile page? I don't remember how exactly I did it, but I was having trouble getting my EA account to work with Skate 2, so I sent a couple messages through that and they got back to me within the day both times, got it sorted pretty quick. Then again they might be backlogged if everyone's having issues.

They really need to overhaul the ****ing thing, though. So awful and difficult to use.
Oh yes I have tried. Thing is I can't login to their website with any of the accounts I've created there, yet they login just fine on the Battlefield: Bad Company and Bioware Social Network pages.
Wasn't the EU release date on this friday? My copy just came :D
Wasn't the EU release date on this friday? My copy just came :D
2 hours into my copy as well. The EU release date was meaningless anyway. It irritates me that high-street preferences for game release day are honoured at all.
I hope my current can run it. It will be devastating if it can't. I don't even know how to check specs and shit.