Whose got it?

I've seen the high and medium settings, so please post how the game looks on low settings. Just to get the picture ;)
about 2 of my local game stores HAVE IT in STOCK! but I cant get any of them because they are all pre-ordered :( /cry
WhiteZero said:
I'm mixing Light and Heavy right now...
for the love for all that is holy... why are you not posting screens! :)
can we see your character? :D
Nice screens. Damn.

Anyways, for those of you that have to wait like me...

GS is doing a live narrated play of the game right now.


That'll launch the stream in wmp.
AmishSlayer said:
Nice screens. Damn.

Anyways, for those of you that have to wait like me...

GS is doing a live narrated play of the game right now.


That'll launch the stream in wmp.

you rock hardcore
Mr. Redundant said:
you rock hardcore


The guy playing can be pretty stupid sometimes. He runs around a town, steals shit in plain sight, forgets about it and complains when he gets busted by a guard.
AmishSlayer said:

The guy playing can be pretty stupid sometimes. He runs around a town, steals shit in plain sight, forgets about it and complains when he gets busted by a guard.

That's like me :(
AmishSlayer said:

The guy playing can be pretty stupid sometimes. He runs around a town, steals shit in plain sight, forgets about it and complains when he gets busted by a guard.

yeah wish I saw the character creation, that's what I was looking forward to :(
Iced_Eagle said:
That's like me :(

You'd steal something, hear the shopkeeper say, "HEY THIEF! PUT THAT BACK!", say to yourself, "Meh, he's not that upset about it", walk out, talk to like 2 other people, attempt to get into another house and complain when a guard busts you for stolen goods?

You're silly :P
That's not AF you morons, it's the LOD system..
Don't use it to bash the 360 vers.. It's the same on the PC maxed..


So any of you guys who planned to use that screen to bash the 360, just STFU, it looks like that on PC, with or without AF, no matter the settings sadly, and yet it only uses 250 MB or so outside.. WTF Bethesda?<3
Gargantou said:
That's not AF you morons, it's the LOD system..
Don't use it to bash the 360 vers.. It's the same on the PC maxed..


So any of you guys who planned to use that screen to bash the 360, just STFU, it looks like that on PC, with or without AF, no matter the settings sadly, and yet it only uses 250 MB or so outside.. WTF Bethesda?<3

I think we were clear on that one: the textures really look that ugly in the distance. I'm sure it doesn't bother anyone too much while playing, though.

WhiteZero, PC screenshots please :).
Seen a few bugs in the guy playing it, talking to npc's through doors and some weird epileptic fit his character randomly had up against a wall. Loading times will be mental on my pc, considering they're long enough on the xbox!

heh, the guy sounds just like Outpost :)
WhiteZero said:
P4 3.2GHz (about 1000MHz bus after overclocking) 1.5 gigs of RAM.
good good, my rig is pretty identical

x800xt pci-e
gig ddr2 ram
3.2ghz P4..
My order on play.com has changed to 'processing'... hoping to get it delivered on Friday.

My biggest fear is that so many people have preordered that they'll be out of stock. I only ordered it last week, so if that happened I wouldn't get it for a few more days :(
Spicy Tuna said:
Gargantou is a Xbox fanatic :P
If I'm a Xbox fanatic, how come I'm right now, after getting really pissed and shutting down the game first, am playing through Elder Scrolls 2?
Why did I get so pissed at it?
So now I have to play as some ugly Nord Warrior.:laugh:

I'm not sure you were joking or not, if you weren't.. Grr!*Bites*
Pentium 4 3.2 + 2 GB of Corsair RAM + 6800 Ultra = Max settings for bvasgm \o/

Only two hours to go. Only two hours to go. Only two hours to go.

only 3 days to go, only 3 days to go, only 3 days to go....

Specs in sig, minimum settings for oldagerocker!
bvasgm said:
Pentium 4 3.2 + 2 GB of Corsair RAM + 6800 Ultra = Max settings for bvasgm \o/

Only two hours to go. Only two hours to go. Only two hours to go.

SOrry to burst your bubble hunny, but people have trouble running the game with maxed settings on a X1800.
Your GeForce 6800 Ultra will most likely give you, a 50/50 split between medium and high, not maxed.:)
Don't worry tho, the game "autodetects" the best settings for your system.
Gargantou said:
Don't worry tho, the game "autodetects" the best settings for your system.

Hope it is better than FEAR's autodetect system, which sucked for me.

CE version installing now. :D:D:D
WOOT! I came three times just during the installation process! Damn school, damn classes, all of it is getting in the way of me playing this awesome game!

Runs just fine on High Settings w/o HDR at 1280x1024
I have a P4 3.4GHz, 2GB DDR2, X800 XT
bvasgm said:

CE version installing now. :D:D:D
What's the coin like? and the other stuff the CE comes with? I'm getting it and want to know if it's worth it.
The coin is actually kind of impressive. It even has lots of little imperfections to make it look used.
For an extra ten bucks, the making of DVD, the 112 page book about the history of Tamriel and the coin are most definately worth it. If you can get it, I strongly recommend getting the Collector's Edition.

And now, it's time for more Oblivion goodness. I'll post some screens and my initial impression of the game a little later.
I went to buy the game today but it was sold out everywhere I went. The EB guys said they should be getting another shipment in by thursday though.

Also is it possible to buy the collectors edition without pre-ordering?
The Mullinator said:
I went to buy the game today but it was sold out everywhere I went. The EB guys said they should be getting another shipment in by thursday though.

Also is it possible to buy the collectors edition without pre-ordering?

buy it tommorrow at Best buy or futureshop ..although if you're looking for the pc CE then you'll have to go to EB games
I got got home from Gamestop with my Collector's Edition.

Posting SSs in awhile.