Why Alyx is still alive.



Ok so you have destroyed the reactor and sent Breen packing back down the teleporter tube, which by the way I've read that you can see him heading back down after the deed is done.

Alyx jumps out from the elevator and starts rejoicing, all is well and then *boom* the explosion hits.

Freeze frame

You hear the G-Man, and you see his ghostly image walk through the wreckage, as if the entire background isn't there. This leads me to believe that once that freezeframe happens, you are no longer at the site, you are somewhere else outside of time.

Now after the freeze, you clearly see G-Man pick something off Alyx's coat, probably a piece of lint or something. The important part of that is that is shows that she is solid and there outside of time with you and the G-Man. After that everything fade out, and the rest happens cut to credits.

Of course this is all speculation, but as people have been descussing the game more it seems that Valve has done certain things very deliberately. If you see something in the game, its because they put it there to be seen. I can't help but feel that last part was just as deliberate.

What do you all think?
valve will probably make her live. she either miraculously escapes or the gman took her to safety as well.

we dont even know if the gman has contacted alyx, he could 'rescue' her as well.

other than that, i doubt she could escape on her own, that whole place was going kablooey.

hell itd be nice if she survived. its good to have some kinda 'romance' option, livens the game up a little.

but, about the gman doing what he does, i think its just to show he can manipulate reality, space and time however he wants.
Very interesting.... I was actually wondering how the Gman could pick lint off of Alyx and have it drop to the ground while the rest of time was paused, it makes sense that she is pulled out of standard time along with Gordon. I agree that it would be somewhat dissapointing if she died, although I'm just as worried about the fates of Gordon's other friends that were in the citadel or near its base in city 17... Kleiner was the only one who was far enough away from the citadel to likely avoid danger if it collapsed...
I'm not worried about so much as the Citadel collapsing, as the singularity collapsing (the explosion). I guess we'll find out in Half-Life 3 who survives, however I'm very confident that at the very least Barney and Alyx will survive.

"Interesting propositions that I would normally not consider, but due to the circumstances..." (ie, Alyx, I'm really hoping Shepard, Barney again perhaps).

In my opinion, best ending ever so far.
The freeze frame effect was awesome. I was caught totally off guard when the G-Man appeared out of nowhere. Pretty good ending, although the whole backstory was still not explained. Bring on the expansion packs!!!!

As for Alyx, I think it's very possible the G-Man saves her as well. He is the G-Man, after all! :)
I'll bet in the next Half Life the G-man lets gordon assume she died, as anone that close to an explosion of that size would...
Then, he uses Alyx as a tool to motivate Gordon to do as he wishes.
What if Breen had a plan B lined up - for if something would go terribly wrong. The dark citadel falls and creates a catastrophy so large that all of the outerlands were turned to dust total darkness and fallout.

Bree ascends after a while and retakes his reign and creates a new propaghanda model where Freeman is the enemy. And he has the evidence as Freeman being the one who caused total destruction....

This would probably create many different factions each with different ideology on who they are allegiant to; in which time many "benefactors" could use these factions as their "pawns". But the questions still remain from both Half-Life and Half-Life 2... who is at the top, what are they trying to accomplish... and why.

Seems to me there is a lot of room for many games just based off of the ending of Half-life 2. They could do Half-Life 2.1 - 2.9 before they get out Half-Life 3.
I don't think so, Heroin. Breen had no idea about the gravity gun (as he completely failed when trying to kill you while you were still locked in), he seemed like he was out of options, particularly when he was talking to the... big organic thing for a brief moment. Mentioning stuff about a host body. He was ready for anything just to get out of there now because he knew you were right behind him and ready to Manipulate his ass.

And in the reactor room, he was very confident about fleeing and destroying you, as I don't believe he had any idea you could destroy the reactor shields, again because he didn't know the gravity gun could grab them
Yes it seemed to me as if you werent actually there...hmm....i doubt the explosion could bring down the whole citadel...maybe blow the top off....I also think breen survives...
You're probably going to go to the combine homeworld in HL3, and some more questions will maybe be answered, but not all of them and probably (Unfourtunatley?) there will be a HL4??? If that does happen, they're taking the whole HL series too far.

oh and btw, Breen is probably dead...just a thought as he was in the middle of the explosion...but maybe not as he did say that you were in it for the highest bidder, also raising the question weather he is another pawn of the G-man and the G-Man Corporation.

Time will come.

Octavian: what makes you so sure he wouldn't have an escape route - down? It is a nuclear reactor afterall....
oh and btw, Breen is probably dead...just a thought as he was in the middle of the explosion...but maybe not as he did say that you were in it for the highest bidder, also raising the question weather he is another pawn of the G-man and the G-Man Corporation.

No Breen wasnt in the middle of the explosion actually, his control bubble drifts all the way to the bottom of the reactor before the top explodes.
And in video games, nuclear reactors always have two things. An obvious self-destruct button, and an escape route marked 'FOR NEFARIOUS PLOT ORIENTED VILLIANS ONLY'.

As for the theroy, I belive it to be sound.
I am pretty sure it wasnt a nuclear reactor....dakr fusion you mean
Fusion reactors are ever worse. It means that the villan comes back in the next game without having been horribly yet benificialy mutated by the radiation.
Yeah, the evil of the mutated monster that is "dr breen"...or maybe he was just fried like every good villain...he must die in a horribly horrific way...
sick thread

yes yes.. all true.. alyx is certainly alive.. the ending is cosmologically ambiguous since none of that tech is real and valve doesnt have any answers regarding the nature of the universe. im just sad we didnt learn more... and id like to see the army dude from opfor show up in the future as well.. probably safed for addon packs..

remember just because half life 3 wont tell us for years... we will learn a lot from the expansion packs :)

can i bone alyx yet?
One quick note.... Notice how you could barely move, if at all, in the ending sequence? Maybe Alyx too was fully aware of what was going on in that sequence too, and watched you and the Gman talking!

I could fully picture both Gordon and Alyx standing there shielding themselves from the explosion and both being frozen in the exact same stance while they share a hallucination about an old man with a briefcase...

Speaking of which, wouldn't it be funny if both HL1 and HL2 were just the results of hallucinating during an acid overdose that Gordon had while curled up in a ball in his locker? :p
Yeah, when the Gman said about the illusion of choice, I actually tried to run and jump off the tower, but it didn't work ;_;

Oh, I think Alyx is probably fine. The Gman probably has some extra field for her that won't stop time completely, but will save her from the tower until DOG can get to her.

I'd like to think that Breen survives, and The Resistance finds him in the rubble :D
Alyx survives and the expansion pack that features her will pick up right after HL2 and she will be working for the G-man.

You get to fight those baskball player size humanoids and other crazy aliens you saw in the Citadel in the expansion packs.. along with Bullsquids and Houndeyes.

How do I know this? (Me opens up my trenchcoat showing I am wearing a one piece silver jump suit and white boots)

Because I am from the future!
For some reason I'm expecting Alyx to become a bad person of some sort you have to destroy. It just seems like that dark a game.

But that was already done by Starcraft, so probably not.
I hope Alyx lives, but only if it doesn't seem too outlandish. Over everyone, I hope Dog lives. Even if they make it rediculous, like how Barney survived Black Mesa, or even almost as a joke, I want Dog to live. Not only is he great for relieving you from overwhelming/impossible situations, but he's hilarious. More scenes like the ones with dog (esp. where he's killing combine) the better.
Well, if the dark fusion reactor trully creates a singularity, it's litterally the center of a black hole, even how tiny it is, a black hole could destroy earth (even a microscopic one), but in "video games" (read, dumbed down 1000 000 000 000 000 000 billions times) physics, i guess a singularity could destroy city 17 easily.

Who would survive infinite gravity? i don't think Alix is an exception to the laws of physics.
chimpmunk said:
Well, if the dark fusion reactor trully creates a singularity, it's litterally the center of a black hole, even how tiny it is, a black hole could destroy earth (even a microscopic one), but in "video games" (read, dumbed down 1000 000 000 000 000 000 billions times) physics, i guess a singularity could destroy city 17 easily.

Who would survive infinite gravity? i don't think Alix is an exception to the laws of physics.

But she has boobs....
she will survive and not because of sum silly reactor thingy or scientific stuff..........
Nahmoss said:
Ok so you have destroyed the reactor and sent Breen packing back down the teleporter tube, which by the way I've read that you can see him heading back down after the deed is done.

Alyx jumps out from the elevator and starts rejoicing, all is well and then *boom* the explosion hits.

Freeze frame

You hear the G-Man, and you see his ghostly image walk through the wreckage, as if the entire background isn't there. This leads me to believe that once that freezeframe happens, you are no longer at the site, you are somewhere else outside of time.

Now after the freeze, you clearly see G-Man pick something off Alyx's coat, probably a piece of lint or something. The important part of that is that is shows that she is solid and there outside of time with you and the G-Man. After that everything fade out, and the rest happens cut to credits.

Of course this is all speculation, but as people have been descussing the game more it seems that Valve has done certain things very deliberately. If you see something in the game, its because they put it there to be seen. I can't help but feel that last part was just as deliberate.

What do you all think?
VERY good point.

This much is sure: She does not die.
Revenge said:
One quick note.... Notice how you could barely move, if at all, in the ending sequence? Maybe Alyx too was fully aware of what was going on in that sequence too, and watched you and the Gman talking!

I could fully picture both Gordon and Alyx standing there shielding themselves from the explosion and both being frozen in the exact same stance while they share a hallucination about an old man with a briefcase...

Speaking of which, wouldn't it be funny if both HL1 and HL2 were just the results of hallucinating during an acid overdose that Gordon had while curled up in a ball in his locker? :p
I was thinking of a more cliffhanger-never-gonna-be-answered ending.

Something I proposed the I would think would be a great ending for the series:
The last game ends with G-Man talking to you about his employers and you needing to destroy them and the last thing you see is a flash and you hear the sound of a teleporter and then it goes to Credits.

I think that would be an ending worthy of a Half-Life.
I know gman saves her because he takes the hair off her sholder when time stops
Nahmoss said:
Ok so you have destroyed the reactor and sent Breen packing back down the teleporter tube, which by the way I've read that you can see him heading back down after the deed is done.

Alyx jumps out from the elevator and starts rejoicing, all is well and then *boom* the explosion hits.

Freeze frame

You hear the G-Man, and you see his ghostly image walk through the wreckage, as if the entire background isn't there. This leads me to believe that once that freezeframe happens, you are no longer at the site, you are somewhere else outside of time.

Now after the freeze, you clearly see G-Man pick something off Alyx's coat, probably a piece of lint or something. The important part of that is that is shows that she is solid and there outside of time with you and the G-Man. After that everything fade out, and the rest happens cut to credits.

Of course this is all speculation, but as people have been descussing the game more it seems that Valve has done certain things very deliberately. If you see something in the game, its because they put it there to be seen. I can't help but feel that last part was just as deliberate.

What do you all think?

My question is why that HO only came out of the elevator when all the hard work was done, she could have helped you.
There should be a button that makes you trow her in the fire.
I'm thinking either the G-Man saves her (can't think why tho, other than moreal support for Gordon) or the reactor thingy teleports HER to the combine homeworld, and Eli and Whatshernamethatwasatraitorbutactuallyhelpedyouintheend would be found in the wreckage. Maybe Eli would los ehis othe rleg >:)
Hondo said:
For some reason I'm expecting Alyx to become a bad person of some sort you have to destroy. It just seems like that dark a game.

Could well be. Heres something I noticed- Look at the insignia on Gman's briefcase; http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v626/Pizdorf/HL1GmanBriefcase.gif
Now check out Alyx' breasts.. I mean, her hoodie; http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v626/Pizdorf/AlyxBreasts.gif

Same insignia. Also the words "Black Mesa". Maybe this shows a connection between the two.

Or maybe its just the Black Mesa logo. I want a Black Mesa hoodie!
Alyx survives in the same place as Freeman. She is the main character in HL3, with Freeman appearing as a secondary character. You get to hear him talk at last.
Eli and Mossman die in the Citadel explosion, you go down from Breen's office to the teleporter, so they are probably higher and get caught. Barney and Kleiner survive, and feature in the next chapter.

Dracarys said:
I'm thinking either the G-Man saves her (can't think why tho, other than moreal support for Gordon)

Why? Becuase she 10 x the soldier that Freeman is! I mean she made it all the way through Nova Prospect with only a handgun! And did you see her climb that building and then off that Combine soldier on the roof? Kick ass!

The question is why save Freeman when the G-Man could have Alyx?
Pizdorf said:
So whydoes the Gman carry it?

because if u played the original game u should know that g-man is the government man to the black mesa facility and that he is dealing with the black mesa facility, thats his business and thats what he is sorting out. so i mean it makes sense for him to have the breifcase with its logo on. because thats what his "case" is , sorting out black mesa and the shit storm it has caused after it.