Why Alyx is still alive.

chimpmunk said:
Well, if the dark fusion reactor trully creates a singularity, it's litterally the center of a black hole, even how tiny it is, a black hole could destroy earth (even a microscopic one), but in "video games" (read, dumbed down 1000 000 000 000 000 000 billions times) physics, i guess a singularity could destroy city 17 easily.

Unless the gman stopped it. He might have the means and inclination.
Stopping singularity?!!! :O That's INSANE! He would be some kind of uber-God if he can stop singularity. Besides, in singularity there is neither time nor space, there is no past, no present, no future, just 'singularity' It's something entirely untangible and cannot be manipulated in any ways. You cant manipulate nothingness! :\
I think Alyx will only survive if the gamers want her to survive. If everyone hated her, Valve would kill her off. Unless they want to do something unexpected.
aquabelic said:
....And thus a Half-Life game series turns into to a whole virtual digital novel....hehe
I've been thinking the same thing :) I've never seen so much speculation on a game's plot - it's fantastic!
Look just mail valve, all of you and say: alyx must survive, and she'll survive!!!
I'm sticking to my theory that Mr. Skin Disease can't stop time, merely... what's the word... incapacitate it? Uh... slow it down, to be blunt. He can't fiddle with it, but he can stall it enough (watch the explosion, it's moving very slowly...

Now, since Alyx is still in time... basically, to her eyes, you've just dissappeared. She's about to get 133+ /-\4x0r pwn3d. What's gonna happen next, Valve?
They probally wont say at all, and we will only find out in Half Life 3.
Hope Dog will be there (and Eli/Kleiner didn't die of old age :p)
I'm sticking to my theory that Mr. Skin Disease can't stop time, merely... what's the word... incapacitate it? Uh... slow it down, to be blunt. He can't fiddle with it, but he can stall it enough (watch the explosion, it's moving very slowly...

Now, since Alyx is still in time... basically, to her eyes, you've just dissappeared. She's about to get 133+ /-\4x0r pwn3d. What's gonna happen next, Valve?

That's roughly what I think about the GMan too. If he was as powerful as some people are speculating, then he wouldn't need to fanny around procuring the services of Bruce Willis style one-man-armies. But slowing time seems at least to be within his power - perhaps he has access to some bizarre pocket dimension where time goes by ever so slowly, and can place others into it at his discretion.

As such, the explosion isn't going to be stopped, and City 17 isn't going to be spared the consequences, whatever they are, but maybe Alex will get chucked in the freezer if GMan sees a further point to her. Nice opportunity for Valve to weigh consumer opinion before writing the next instalment...

My view is - kill her B-) Gordon's already the loneliest guy on the planet. He's lost 10 years, most of his fellow humans, and his planet to a plot that noone's bothered to explain to him. He can cope with losing a vague romantic attachment...Alyx is cool, but Gordon is "the one true Free Man". He is the only human who can exist on the outside of all this.
SmackHead said:
valve will probably make her live. she either miraculously escapes or the gman took her to safety as well.

Or both.
Here is how I see it, Alyx lived from the explosion, but she will either be disfigured or be perfectly fine, I do not see her going with the Gman or anything like that but I do see her coming along as more of a female Eli companion in HL3 where she will be aged and you young of course, and she will aide you almost like the Oracle from The Matrix. Only speculation of course.
Remember, we have no idea how buig the explosion was. Breen said "it could bring the whole tower down" but for all we know this is just a primary explosion, for most of the time when the Gman talks to you it seems to have for a large part cooled down and turned to an expanding smoke cloud, enough to knock somoneon off their feet but not necisarily kill them. As for the falling tower, valve seems to have a metthod where things like this end up being "convinient" when somthing big colapses it normaly makes a bridge or somthing for you to walk over before the whole place behinf you blows up.
Tantalus said:
SmackHead said:
valve will probably make her live. she either miraculously escapes or the gman took her to safety as well.
Or both.
Or both.

The escape having been rendered unnecessary, the miracle is thrown in for sheer gusto. :angel:
My theory:

Time resumes to normal, reactor almost goes boom and dog jumps in and throws a car into it which causes the explosion to implode on itself and cause minimal damage. Go Dog!

Seriously I don't care who lives or dies from that explosion. Gordon can be turned into gibs for all I care, but Dog must live! :borg:
My theory: Laidlaw's a writer of rather more mature fiction - characters die when there's a reason for it. Alyx dies because the storyline isn't designed to be warm and happy.
G-Man doesn't give a damn. What use does he have for her? Alyx ends up as a fine charcoal powder, along with the majority of City 17. Deal with it.

-Angry Lawyer
Unfortunatly I find myself agreeing with you. It just doesn't seem realistic for Alyx to survive the explosion...As much as I'd love to see all the characters return in HL3, the only people who really seem to have a chance are Barney, Kleiner, and DOG...well, if you consider DOG a person that is...
A shame. Mossman was a right steam. But, yes, most likely that most characters are turned into particles small enough to inhale, so it's probable that characters in HL3 will be resistance fighters you met in HL2.

-Angry Lawyer
So survivors

Angry Lawyer said:
My theory: Laidlaw's a writer of rather more mature fiction - characters die when there's a reason for it. Alyx dies because the storyline isn't designed to be warm and happy.
G-Man doesn't give a damn. What use does he have for her? Alyx ends up as a fine charcoal powder, along with the majority of City 17. Deal with it.

-Angry Lawyer

Best theory ever.
I hope we will be seeing Adrian Shephard again, since the G-Man did not kill him when he had the chance theres a possibility that he will return in a "Opposing Force Source" but of course that could just be a dream i have, since Shephard is the Coolest dude in Half life!

"Barney : Gordon, take out those striders with ur crowbar!"
Alyx = Rebel

Gordon = Rebel


Alyx = Gordon Freeman FROM THE PRESENT!!!!!111!!!!!!111oneoneone!!!!! etc.

I love maths, don't you? :)
Angry Lawyer said:
My theory: Laidlaw's a writer of rather more mature fiction - characters die when there's a reason for it. Alyx dies because the storyline isn't designed to be warm and happy.
G-Man doesn't give a damn. What use does he have for her? Alyx ends up as a fine charcoal powder, along with the majority of City 17. Deal with it.

-Angry Lawyer

I would say Alyx is in half life 3. In the email i recieved from Laidlaw, he said that it was delibratey planned so the players couldn't work out whether Breen died or not, thus, if they felt he was liked by the players, they would bring him back.

I would assume that it is the same for the rest of the cast, and, alot of people appear to have liked Alyx...so i would say its safe to assume she is alive.

I think its more likley to assume Eli and Mossman died, or, they may have survived who knows.

I wouldn't be too bothered if Alyx dies, either way would suit me.
Say Alyx is dead at the end of HL2- what time would the expansion take place? It would have to be either a pre-HL2 story, or a story that takes place alongside the main plot (where she isn't really alone enough to tell a good expanded story).
KidZero said:
Say Alyx is dead at the end of HL2- what time would the expansion take place? It would have to be either a pre-HL2 story, or a story that takes place alongside the main plot (where she isn't really alone enough to tell a good expanded story).

Its going to be before, more than obvious
I doubt Alyx would die. I mean, by all means she SHOULD, her position at the top of the citadel pretty much seals her fate, we are to assume - however, she has one wild card, and that is G-man.

See, G-man MUST realize that Gordon Freeman succeeded in killing Breen simply because he had Alyx's assistance. More than father Grigori and Cubbage who were only small factors G-man easily could have nudged in the direction of helping Freeman (ex: cubbage being given the rocket), Alyx took it upon herself to constantly be there for Gordon and give him the assistance where necessary. It was her will and drive and instinct that kept her alive through out everything, and because of that, G-man probably gives her special notice.

I mean, we can assume he's watching everything, right? Surely he sees that she keeps him from being beaten to death at the hands of the metro cops, she assists him through nova prospekt, gives him the gravity gun that ultimately saves his life in the citadel, etc etc. She plays a bigger role than G-man or Barney or anyone else. In many ways, Gordon's success is as much her own.

She lives.
heres the way i see it. At the end when he brushes off the dust from her shoulder, i see it as a sign of him not caring. Shes like furnature to him, nothing more. and although she helped Gordon, there are many other things to drive him than just Alyx
Then again, Gordon is as much of an object, and really, if G-man can phase in and out of time, helping Alyx isnt that big a deal to him. He -can- do it.

Plus, this leads to a cool plot point where Alyx actually -realizes- she's being used like Freeman, and tries to get him to snap out of things and doing things on his own accord for once.

Just an idea.
its the secret level where u bone alyx

and watch this post dissapear like magic!

(idiots thank god we dont have that level)
and if u think alyx is hot then...

I just took the time to read this whole thread......
The only people in danger is Mossmen,Breen and Alxy(if G-man saves her),Breen said I could bring down the whole citadel,well who gives a ****,its just his citadel,so I just think the citadel is going to explode and people near it will recive a blast and thats it,everying is just city 17 again except without that chunk of metal in the center of it......
I just hope I can get a new computer when HL3 comes out,with mega high specs and the biggest plasma screen avalible with as many latest nvdia video cards as possible,that would be damn awesome......
Here's my take. When HL3 is made, Gordon will have no idea whether or not Alyx survived, so the only way we will know for sure is if they make an expansion starring Alyx. An expansion featuring Alyx will be unlikely, for the following reasons:

The HL 1 expansions all took place alongside the main HL 1 storyline. It is probably safe to assume that expansions for HL2 will follow the same pattern. Since Alyx is so entwined in the main HL2 story, there really isn't time to work in a whole new game starring her.

You really can't make Gordon a secondary character in an expansion, because you couldn't give him any lines. You might spot him briefly, but that's about it.

Expansions for HL2 will probably feature people like resistance fighters, Father Gregori, other people who you see enough of to bring them into the game as major players, but not so important that you can't seperate them from Gordon.

As for the lint thing, it was just an interesting visual ploy. Jeez, you guys, its a piece of ****ing lint. It isn't a sign of things to come, it just looked interesting.

PS: G-man = God Man. The G-man is a deific figure. :E
And Gordon is Jesus Christ, blah blah...

An expansion featuring Father Grigori would be, um, unique. Imagine having a key to spout off one-liners at all the zombies whenever you wanted...
Arden said:
And Gordon is Jesus Christ, blah blah...

An expansion featuring Father Grigori would be, um, unique. Imagine having a key to spout off one-liners at all the zombies whenever you wanted...

Nice bump.
If Alyx is going to die, then how da hell are you going to play HL2 aftermath and HL3?