Why Alyx is still alive.

Using your hands.

Hey, a gazillion scientists died in HL. They lived with it. A gazillion jedi got 133+ h4x0r pwn3d in Episode 3. They still had Episodes 4, 5, and 6 to survive. One guy (or girl) dies. The universe continues.

As does the game.
I think the Gman has plans for Alyx because I have reasons to doubt no one would survive a blast like that...

Then of course, she takes hundreds of bullets in Follow Freeman.
jimi_hendrix1 said:
I think the Gman has plans for Alyx because I have reasons to doubt no one would survive a blast like that...

Then of course, she takes hundreds of bullets in Follow Freeman.

We don't know how the blast will continue yet, it might just fizzle away, or Alyx be shot backward.
A very good point made by the author of the topic.

As for those who ask why GMan should save her... She is vital for the inevitable to occur. She is the key for the door which Freeman will open. Without Alyx, Freeman wouldn't get to the Citadel. Same in HL3.

The blast destroyed the citadel and everything around it. But I am more than certain that Barney didn't stand there, in front of the Citadel and shouting "G stands for GMan, F stands for Freedom! Goooo Gordon!". He probably went to Dr. Kleiner or along with other citizens to kill combine or something among those lines. He surely heard the blast and hurried to shelter before he got blasted to micro bits. Kleiner was in a safe spot, as Alyx said TWICE in-game, so Kleiner will 100% be in HL3. Barney should be in-game, as a simple formality but he should (in HL2 his main role was to help you escape in the beginning). Alyx is Gordon's second half, his right hand... She is bound to survive. And Valve proved.

Remember, in Nova Prospekt, Alyx patched a radio in your suit? So don't worry, if she survived, we'll be the first ones to hear it!
iMMuNiTy said:
The blast destroyed the citadel and everything around it.

Wrong. That blast mostly likley fizzled away, the Citadel doesn't actually explode, it goes into metldown rather. Gordon didn't need Alyx to get into the Citadel, either.
Samon said:
Wrong. That blast mostly likley fizzled away, the Citadel doesn't actually explode, it goes into metldown rather. Gordon didn't need Alyx to get into the Citadel, either.
Then Breen was bluffing. :E He warned us with panic and tension in his voice that we'd not only bring down the Citadel, but everything surrounding it. This is a game, so everything is possible. You can't actually rely on your physics and stuff like that....
iMMuNiTy said:
Then Breen was bluffing. :E He warned us with panic and tension in his voice that we'd not only bring down the Citadel, but everything surrounding it. This is a game, so everything is possible. You can't actually rely on your physics and stuff like that....

Well, he wasn't bluffing, he was telling the truth, but he wasn't talking that actual blast. Due to the damage you caused, the worst is yet to come in HL2: Aftermath where the citadel goes into meltdown and wipes out the entire of city 17. Takes out the citadel too. But the blast we all saw wasnt the full of it :)
True, true. Got me there. As with the topic... GMan needs Alyx to help us in Half-Life: Aftermath at one point. Alyx did help us in HL2, like when she opened the gate in City 17 (when you took out the generator), and you probably get stuck in Nova Prospekt as she has that Hack Stick thing, with which she opened doors.
If the theory that the Resistance are now employing Gordon is correct, they would certainly want to make sure that Alyx survived.
I agree with Sulkdodds. When I come up with Half Life ideas and explinations, I think for 5 minutes, and then post.
Oh for christs sake:rolleyes:

When an explosion happens there are three ways of a person being killed by it
1. Framentation. Standard hand grenade. all the outer shell of it gets broken into the little segments and fragments fly out and work like bullets.:x
2. Heat. the body simply burns and has an effect like what fire would have:x
3. The conncussion wave. when there is a large explosion it needs to place any used materials that caused the explosion to happen to go somewhere so the oxygen can come in to make the fire effect happen. with this wave of "waste" there is a fairly large force causing things to fly around.:x

right here is how alyx survived

1. the reactor (at the top) was barely surrounded by metal or other obsticals in its immediate vicinity. this makes me say that nothing fragmented
2. I don't really hae much of an explanation for this except to say that the explosion didn't seem to have much effect on the structure and seeing as it's "dark fusion" it may produce no heat when detonated
3. i just merely looked for this one. alyx doesn't seem to have much of a recoil to the blast. if it had a huge concussion wave then alyx would be subdued immedeatly and flung quite a way BUT it stops approxamitly 1.5 secs after the explosion so that leads me to believe that there was little concussion wave

Not even gordon needed the G-Man

that is all
iMMuNiTy said:
Remember, in Nova Prospekt, Alyx patched a radio in your suit? So don't worry, if she survived, we'll be the first ones to hear it!
She said she's going to go back to the control room and patch into your suit radio.
You already have a suit radio. lol
They should add an in-game MP3 player to Gordon's suit.

alyx doesn't seem to have much of a recoil to the blast.

But maybe the blast wave hasn't hit her?

But yes, I agree it's probably just a quite small explosion that might knock you both down off your feet but probably won't instantly incinerate you.
but like i said no fragments and it might be a "cold" explosion. meaning no heat to burn anyone up

Illuminati said:
I'll bet in the next Half Life the G-man lets gordon assume she died, as anone that close to an explosion of that size would...
Then, he uses Alyx as a tool to motivate Gordon to do as he wishes.

I aint got time too read through all that .....

BuT its a known fact that Alyx is a BIG part of Aftermath.
call me crazy, but i think we may be digging to deep. I like to think there's a valve person reading these ideas of ours and thinking "holy crap, these kids have got to lighten up! I just felt like making the gman do something rather than stand there and brush his own jacket"
xcellerate said:
call me crazy, but i think we may be digging to deep. I like to think there's a valve person reading these ideas of ours and thinking "holy crap, these kids have got to lighten up! I just felt like making the gman do something rather than stand there and brush his own jacket"

It's our job to dig too deep, we're all like Barney: Paranoid as all hell.
Valve said in a recent Q&A session that Aftermath is going to answer the old and ask the new. Does this mean we find out G-Man has a brother called the H-Man?
BeaverMon said:
She said she's going to go back to the control room and patch into your suit radio.
You already have a suit radio. lol
Damn my english skills.
either way, it's going to kind of get a bit dull if gman's hold over you remains all-encompassing. it's an interesting psychological gamble on valve's part, where gman becomes the game player, and you're made to empathize more with what you wind up making poor mario or pitfall harry do on a given afternoon. i don't think it quite achieves the level of interest that metal gear solid two gave me, but it's interesting nonetheless.

still, it's difficult to find where gordon's continued motivation would be without some hope of escape or hope of contract breaking somewhere down the line. eventually death would probably feel better than his current state of employement.

granted, so far his assignments have been saving the earth, but eventually he's going to want to know who's bankrolling these earth-saving missions, or --if it were me-- i'd choose death over lack of even a little vacation time.

then again maybe the slow time warp thing is just naked women and umbrella drinks on a beach somewhere, who knows.
Hmm I bet at the end Alyx And Gordon are gonna make out or get married or something

but think of this, The vortigaunt was holding her body in the trailer and if the citadel exploded then she would have be incinereated if not messed up so she was probably saved

and it would be cool if there was an epic citadel explosion and everything was incinerated then it zoomed out and the whole world was a bubble of like gabe newell or someone from valves coca-cola:D

sorry for some of the stuff (didnt read above post lol)
Woah T3h_Slayer, you must have dug reaaaaaal deep to dig this thread up, it's nearly 3 years old.
omg, he is back. his ban has been lifted..hehe. and also

another epic episode of the "UNDEAD THREADS"
Hmm I bet at the end Alyx And Gordon are gonna make out or get married or something

but think of this, The vortigaunt was holding her body in the trailer and if the citadel exploded then she would have be incinereated if not messed up so she was probably saved

and it would be cool if there was an epic citadel explosion and everything was incinerated then it zoomed out and the whole world was a bubble of like gabe newell or someone from valves coca-cola:D

sorry for some of the stuff (didnt read above post lol)
