Why Alyx is still alive.

I don't think she died. I mean, think of the "I'm not saying good-bye" lines. And you didn't see her die, you just assume it, cos of the circumstances.
Thing is, there's a flash/invert effect, the kind which means you've been teleported, half-way through the G-man's speech.

At the start of the game, when you're in the G-Man's influence and he shows you Black Mesa, and the Citadel, and finally the train, this flash effect delineates when he puts you back into the real world.

It makes sense that when you see this again it's the moment in which the G-Man teleports you back out of the world.

Personally, I think Alyx should be dead. I mean, Valve sure as hell made it look like she should be dead, and I hope they have the integrity not to turn round and go, "oh, she survived because..."

Alyx is just not that much of an asset to the G-man. In two/three days, he inflicts a great deal of damage on the forces of Xen, finally killing the Nihilanth, and in three days, he decimates the Overwatch around City 17, kills Breen, stirs up a revolution, and brings down the Citadel. Alyx hasn't achieved anything approaching that.
Epsi said:
Thing is, there's a flash/invert effect, the kind which means you've been teleported, half-way through the G-man's speech.

At the start of the game, when you're in the G-Man's influence and he shows you Black Mesa, and the Citadel, and finally the train, this flash effect delineates when he puts you back into the real world.

It makes sense that when you see this again it's the moment in which the G-Man teleports you back out of the world.

Personally, I think Alyx should be dead. I mean, Valve sure as hell made it look like she should be dead, and I hope they have the integrity not to turn round and go, "oh, she survived because..."

Alyx is just not that much of an asset to the G-man. In two/three days, he inflicts a great deal of damage on the forces of Xen, finally killing the Nihilanth, and in three days, he decimates the Overwatch around City 17, kills Breen, stirs up a revolution, and brings down the Citadel. Alyx hasn't achieved anything approaching that.

yes u are right there.

it is like he teleports u out of danger in the end speach.

others think he can stop time but i doubt it. i also think that flash effect is like a teleoprt he induces taking u out of the real world and back to the warp.

mmm i dont think alyx should be saved either becasue it just shouldnt happen it would make HL too soft. also gordon is his main tool.

but knowing valve i think they might save this alyx character but that we will have to wait and see.
Jezebel_DM said:
Alyx survives in the same place as Freeman. She is the main character in HL3, with Freeman appearing as a secondary character. You get to hear him talk at last.
Eli and Mossman die in the Citadel explosion, you go down from Breen's office to the teleporter, so they are probably higher and get caught. Barney and Kleiner survive, and feature in the next chapter.


i may have to disagree with that, half life 3 will NEVER have any other characters except gordonfreeman as the primary character.
if we were to play alyx, it would have to be in a expansion pack or smth ....
moggy said:
because if u played the original game u should know that g-man is the government man to the black mesa facility and that he is dealing with the black mesa facility, thats his business and thats what he is sorting out. so i mean it makes sense for him to have the breifcase with its logo on. because thats what his "case" is , sorting out black mesa and the shit storm it has caused after it.
Tell me where in HL1 you get told that, and I won't go find it. You know why? Because it never happens. You made that up.

And a briefcase is a case that carries your briefs, not a a pair of briefs that carries your case, as you seem to think it is.

Stay in school.
This is interesting - The HL2 Gman doesn't have a logo on his briefcase. Edited out by Valve? I don't think they would forget something like that. Makes me think Valve is making it up as they go along :p
Pizdorf said:
This is interesting - The HL2 Gman doesn't have a logo on his briefcase. Edited out by Valve? I don't think they would forget something like that. Makes me think Valve is making it up as they go along :p

maybe they are to some extent as the new hl2 storyline just seems to continue to develope where they have room for expansion.

but in HL1 yes HL1 the original ...go play it and look again, thats if u even have it! the gman has a briefcase with the black mesa logo on it and that is his business. not just gordon freeman . but the whole of the black mesa incident and its after math. he doesnt just deal with gordon either he keeps adrian sheperd a HL marine in a warp also.

u are most probally new to hl and are unknowing of its original game and its story and the original expansions with the story of them too. so u are wrong

and if u dont beleive me i will gt u a screen shot .
Any quantum/theoretical physists here? Can someone explain to me what it means by the singularity collapsing?
G-man let gordon out of containment to let g-man's buyers see how effective he is. You can notice this at the end of the game. In a way it was all one big test for gordon.
moggy said:
u are most probally new to hl and are unknowing of its original game and its story and the original expansions with the story of them too. so u are wrong

and if u dont beleive me i will gt u a screen shot .

A screenshot? What, like the one I posted on page three of this thread?

Read BEFORE posting, kids.
the piece of lint was her essence/soul
so he put it in his pocket to save for later when hes hungry (or not)
then hes like ah-ha! i gots teh alaex (alyx)
I wouldn't be surprised if the Gman saved Alyx, too.

Without her, the revolution wouldn't have been sparked so early. There's no way Gordon could have gotten through Nova Prospekt to the teleporter, and gotten it working, without Alyx Vance and her hax0r wand.
Alyx is still alive because Valve have spent quite a lot of money marketing and developing her to supplement the Half Life universe.
RabidMeatloaf said:
The freeze frame effect was awesome. I was caught totally off guard when the G-Man appeared out of nowhere. Pretty good ending, although the whole backstory was still not explained. Bring on the expansion packs!!!!

As for Alyx, I think it's very possible the G-Man saves her as well. He is the G-Man, after all! :)

omg the thought of expansion packs got me excited there. Even all those wee mini adventures that gamers make would be nice.
VALVE never came on to me as the kind of company that would kill of a liked character for "depression points"
I'm just gonna wait for HL3 to find out that they don't even show any of them alive or dead. :wink:
well, how do we not know Alyx is part of Gman and his "employers" plan? after all, she is suggested to be a very tought character, as whatshisname says that gordan can handle anything, except for her. which leads me to belive that she has done some pretty damn awesome things that we dont (as yet) know about. and what was she doing during the original incident?

i hope she and barney are still alive. after all, Barney is just downright cool, and the returner of ye crowbar!
wongb18c said:
Any quantum/theoretical physists here? Can someone explain to me what it means by the singularity collapsing?

1 The point at which spacetime becomes compressed to the point of being infinitely dense and infinitely small. 2 A mathematical paradox. e.g. - The center of a black hole is a singularity.

When singularity collapses it's referring to a rip in the space and time continum in the form of a blackhole.

This happens after the death of a large star. The inner core becomes compressed by the Super Nova. This point of super compression and super density becomes to much for the super and time continum and rips it aka singularity collapsing.

Theorically you could connect two blackholes or a blackhole and a whitehole to create a wormhole which in Science Fiction can be used for transportation purposes.
Disclaimer: I haven't read the whole thread.

In theory there is a chance that Gman saved everyone in the tower. They can't kill off Barney or Eli. Sadly, that also means he has saved Breen and all the Stalkers.

It is going to be very interesting to find out in the expansion/sequel.
....And thus a Half-Life game series turns into to a whole virtual digital novel....hehe

::Anton :imu:
alyx plays an important role, i don't think she died. please, not. :)
BRODIEMAN2k4 said:
VALVE never came on to me as the kind of company that would kill of a liked character for "depression points"

i agree on that one.
According to our current physics model of the universe, it is in theory possible to keep a wormhole open... but it requires a huge amount of energy. (technically, negative energy) I forget exactly how much, but it's probably in the neighborhood of all the energy the sun has produced in its life... in other words, lots.

A wormhole also technically isn't a singularity. A black hole is, however... but I doubt Breen would want to fling himself into a black hole. The very nature of the black hole singularity is that nothing can escape from it, and it exists as a single point to which our concepts of time and space are largely irrelevant. If Breen went through one of these, he'd, uh, be dead.

A wormhole, on the other hand, doesn't contain a singularity, except perhaps for an instant when it collapses (not sure about that), and that might be what they are talking about. My theory would be that the combine maintains a wormhole from their homeworld to all their citadels, using just enough energy to keep them all open, but not wide enough for anything larger than a photon to pass. (this would also enable instant communication with the combine homeworld, which we see Breen using twice in the game) To send a physical object through, they would need to expend a huge amount of energy to "widen" the wormhole briefly... and that's what I think the "dark fusion reactor" or whatever is supposed to be doing. It's probably storing up energy in a giant capacitor somewhere, so at the right moment, Breen can actually fit through the wormhole.

The problem with this is that when we destroy the reactor, not only does the wormhole collapse, but lots of energy is released from the reactor, or wherever it's storing the output for opening the wormhole. By "lots", I mean, for example, an amount of energy equivalent to the mass of, say, Jupiter. (think how much potential energy a comparatively tiny hydrogen bomb contains). This would destroy not only Alyx, but the entire solar system (and more?) along with her.

Not much fun. That means I'm probably wrong about everything here... or maybe the energy produced so far by the reactor miraculously stayed contained, wherever it was being stored. (maybe in HL3, Gordon chucks it through a wormhole to the combine homeworld like a giant grenade :rolling:)

But that's the real physics of it, according to Einstein (quantum mechanics, string theory, etc. might have something else to say about it, if anyone actually understood them). I think Valve has probably taken some creative liberty with the physical laws of our universe in order to make this all happen a little more smoothly, which means we can't make any predictions about it.. which means Alyx's fate is impossible for us to figure out until HL3. :E

But yeah, I doubt she dies... after the amount of effort Valve put into the characters and the way the player relates to them, I doubt they'd just kill her for "depression points," as someone put it.
doesnt the gman say at the end after he picks off the lint of her sholder that alyx has limitless potential as well?
danclark20 said:
doesnt the gman say at the end after he picks off the lint of her sholder that alyx has limitless potential as well?

No. He continues to adress Gordon and doesn't even use that phrase.
Finished the game for the second time and noticed something, don’t know if this has been posted before, don’t remember seeing it at least, and I'm too lazy to check.

When you are in the Citadel and finished you're first "ride", the lift opens and drops you down, a new level loads... yada yada... Anyway, the "beam" takes all of your weapons and accidentally "charge" your "Zero Point Energy Field Manipulator" ;), and when it have done that, the voice says something along the lines of: "illegal reference detected, something something singularity device detected" and then it seems to mess up the equipment and an alarm goes off.

I now this is a wee bit far-fetched, but in the end when the Gman appears, and the "time" "slows" down, or whatever, you no longer got it... well, it appears you no longer got it. What if Mr. Freeman dropped it and it works like some kind of antithesis to the singularity-explosion-whateveritis-thingy, like it did with Confiscation Field.

It sounds a lil dumb when I describe it, doesn’t it? But when I played and heard the warning voice mention singularity, it seemed very plausible and likely... Play it again and see for yourself... And by the way, anyone that can make out all of what the warning voice is saying?
I think basically that the nuclear reactor core that you blew up, wiped out the whole city.."Sort of an anti-climax after what we've just been through."
I would prefer if Alyx blew up. I don't like Alyx. She's not even hot. She has the face of a large, hairless weasel.
I think the G-man picking that piece of lint off of Alyx actually means alot, it means that he will probably save her. Considering that the G-man could put people into a stasis for decades, it would seem that he wanted Alyx to look exactly as she was when he reawakens her. The G-man picking lint off of Alyxs' jacket is what people do when they pick something off of something with sentimental value, something that you think you will need in the future, or something that you want to keep just the way it was when you first got it. He knows you're going to be another reality for some time, so he wants to keep you nice and clean for when he wakes you up.
IIRC Breen said something along the lines of *Don't do it, you will cause more damage than bla bla bla* Maybe Gordon really did destroy Earth by destroying the Citadel? Hmm
^ That would make sense, maybe in the eyes of his "employers" (G-Man's people)... we've been assuming they were on the side of the rebellion, or at least against the combine- maybe they actually needed someone to destroy the reactor, and therefore earth and humanity?
IIRC Breen said something along the lines of *Don't do it, you will cause more damage than bla bla bla* Maybe Gordon really did destroy Earth by destroying the Citadel? Hmm

His exact words: "You dont know what you'l unleash, you could bring down this whole citadel think man think, of the people below."

I personally believe he is only bluffing somewhat, and it appears only the people directly below the citadel (imo) will get killed.

I actually think it only blew the top of the citadel up.
isnt it strange how most official posts refer to the GMan, as opposed to the hyphonated version? This is one of the things that leads me to believe the GMan is Gordan Freeman. I have this strange vision of an irrevocable series of events leading to Gordan doing something to some technology (a la the hulk) and ascending to a higher level of existence, therefore becoming the GMan. But before he "ascends", he speaks with the GMan (who travels in time) who tells him he has a choice. He can either die, or save earth by doing all the things his previous (or next :p ) existence did - maybe setting up black mesa, freezing time at the citadel etc. A cutscene follows, where the story becomes clear, as excerpts from what GMan must now do show what kind of effect he had on everything, clearing up the story (im assuming that issues with the combine story have been cleared up beforehand, in previous games or earlier on). Fade to credits.

What I am describing would, if ever, take place several games forward, and when Valve were finished with the half life perpective.
They're both aliens and Gordon doesn't know anything! It's a freaking conspiracy!!!!!!!! RUN!!!!!!
There's no way Alyx can survive that explosion... even if she can get to the elevator... her only hope is... if G-Man can save him...
Alyx won't die simply because shes Gordons piece of ass. In HL3 you'll probably end up boneing her (most likely not true).
Anybody else notice, at the end, when G-Man first appears, how his voice seems far away, as if you're talking to him on the phone? And it's at this point that he picks the lint off Alyx, or whatever he's doing. Then you see the inversion/teleportation effect, and his voice becomes much clearer... huh?