Why bush's new imigration plan *IS* a good idea.

wasent 1996 the last time? dunno i saw that somewhere.
gh0st said:
wasent 1996 the last time? dunno i saw that somewhere.

I think so. I think it was the summer just before the Nov Elections.
It's a good way to churn out thousands of votes, and lose thousands more. It really depends on the mood of the nation and such.
I've got Mexican friends who love this country, and can't stand Illegal Immigration.
Some of them tell me they feel embarassed for other Mexicans. Poor guys. :(

Anyway, yeah - just before his last election. So it was longer than 5 years I admit, but it was within a a decade. And now, Bush is trying to pull it, too.
OCybrManO said:
EDIT: I forgot to ask what the hell waedoe was smoking when he wrote that Nazi-like plan to absorb Mexico.

well "What the Hell" i was smoking was, mexican canibus, smuggled accross our insecure borders. No any ways, i was simply stating that for mexico's benifit and our benifit it would be simply easier to absorb mexico as another state rather than spending billlions of dollars to try to stop mexicans that will eventually make it over the boarders. instead of haveing a third world shit hole next door, lets absorb it and build it up.
Gh0st. Please stop calling me names dude... i dant care about it every once in a while... but every response you give me is in the form of an insult. I think fizzlepox got my point.

you overreacted to what i said.
waedoe said:
well "What the Hell" i was smoking was, mexican canibus, smuggled accross our insecure borders. No any ways, i was simply stating that for mexico's benifit and our benifit it would be simply easier to absorb mexico as another state rather than spending billlions of dollars to try to stop mexicans that will eventually make it over the boarders. instead of haveing a third world shit hole next door, lets absorb it and build it up.

Hmm...Yes, then we'll enough forces to fight Europe!!!
J/K, I don't want to fight Europe,...yet. ;)

I say we do like Israel is doing, and build large walls around our nation.
Place armed snipers, mounted turrets, and cameras atop the structure.
GhostValkyrie said:
Hmm...Yes, then we'll enough forces to fight Europe!!!
J/K, I don't want to fight Europe,...yet. ;)

I say we do like Israel is doing, and build large walls around our nation.
Place armed snipers, mounted turrets, and cameras atop the structure.

yeah, definitely! isreal has almost no trouble with terrorism! :|
gh0st said:
astonishing. you seem to think that every job in america is a blue collar industrial job. id like to see an illegal immigrant get a job at microsoft, or even wal*mart.
wal-mart contractors have been hiring illegal immigrants to construct their stores...like wal-mart doesn't know who their contractors are hiring...

fizzlephox said:
No. Why would companies send jobs to India if they'd have to pay people over there the exact same wages? They get to pay them less and don't have to worry about all those pesky health insurance plans and everything else an American would have to have. It all comes down to the fact that they can make more money by not hiring Americans.

Oh look it's a law/bill/something, so corporate America must follow it and they will and the world will be fair and rich people wouldn't care about profits over people.

yea...um...republican economics is well...stupid. they do things that indirectly decrease jobs in america...even if it decreases prices americans pay for goods and services...they have less money with which to do so.

if they wanted to give tax breaks to companies....they should give tax breaks to companies who KEEP JOBS IN THE US. then there'd be enough jobs in the US to give the extra ones to the mexicans.
Lil' Timmy said:
yeah, definitely! isreal has almost no trouble with terrorism! :|

The wall isn't finished, yet...
Besides, I was being mildly sarcastic. While I support the idea to an extent, it can also be a dangerous venture. What if one day our Govt. turns on the civilians of this country, and doesn't allow them to leave?

I really don't want a wall around my beautiful country, I'd just appreciate competent measures to stop illegal immigration.
GhostValkyrie said:
The wall isn't finished, yet...
Besides, I was being mildly sarcastic. While I support the idea to an extent, it can also be a dangerous venture. What if one day our Govt. turns on the civilians of this country, and doesn't allow them to leave?

I really don't want a wall around my beautiful country, I'd just appreciate competent measures to stop illegal immigration.
i knew you were being sarcastic, though i'd hoped it was entirely so, not mildly. the last thing i'd want america to become is another isreal (and i'm not just talking about the terroism problem).
see the problem is...how can you do what bush is doing without actually STOPPING the illegal immigration first. we need to fix our border problem first....then think about giving citizenship to those already here. obviously we'll never totally stop the illegals, but we could do a lot to reduce it beforehand...

seriously i think presidents do this to gain votes...like people said...bush isn't the first.
i think it's half about votes (from mexican/cuban american cirtizens mainly) and half about shaking the hands of big-businesses like wal-mart who will benefit from the automatic lowering of many of the unskilled labor wages b/c of this. we're all gonna die!
yes...wal-mart loves it.

wal-mart is really one of the most destructive companies ever...
their workers make an average of 25% less than others with similar jobs.
their managers are encouraged to keep employees part-time so they don't qualify for benefits.
their workers don't get a health plan...they can pay for one but it's like $250 a month!!!!
they mess up local economies by lowering prices below the local businesses

so you agree that we're all gonna die!!! then? sweet, who's with us?
Lil' Timmy said:
i knew you were being sarcastic, though i'd hoped it was entirely so, not mildly. the last thing i'd want america to become is another isreal (and i'm not just talking about the terroism problem).

I was being totally sarcastic about the wall, mildy sarcastic about how we fix the problem. I'll support some extreme measures, but not others. If it's going to hinder a legal American's freedoms, then I think it's not worth it.
GhostValkyrie said:
I was being totally sarcastic about the wall, mildy sarcastic about how we fix the problem.
ok, thats good :) i'm confused though.. wasn't the wall (and snipers and turrets) how 'we fixed the problem'? whatever, my brain runs dry, i'll just give you a :thumbs: and we'll call it even, yeah?
Lil' Timmy said:
ok, thats good :) i'm confused though.. wasn't the wall (and snipers and turrets) how 'we fixed the problem'? whatever, my brain runs dry, i'll just give you a :thumbs: and we'll call it even, yeah?

:thumbs:s for everyone!!!