why everybody is using copied munro avatar?

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Tr0n said:
The correct term is LAWLZ!!111!1

Get it right biatch.

Now don't degenerate this thread into your own personal vendetta against Zarimski.
I didn't put a smiley tho.

I was still joking anyways....Z already knows that. ;)
Tr0n said:
I didn't put a smiley tho.

I was still joking anyways....Z already knows that. ;)



you have to be EXTREME to know what EXTREME is all about
Razor said:
Spontaneous is bad, planning is good. The more you plan, the more hardcore you are. And you don't get more extremely hardcore to the max then me.
Lies. Only trend-setters can set a trend, and like starmonkey said you've no idea where this really stems from :p

we've got a few ferrets and a dog helping to churn out ideas for NEW and more EXTREME trends...
I have no self-control. I'm a mindless sheep, conforming to the will of the droning masses. And so I present to you...
Well I sure as hell don't know where these trends originate from.

I feel like I've just stumbled unawares into some kind of sinister cult.

I want out...
Noobulon said:
Well I sure as hell don't know where these trends originate from.

I feel like I've just stumbled unawares into some kind of sinister cult.

I want out...

Yeah, I know what you mean...

*twilight zone theme tune*
wow I think is the longest thread created by me
i saw its birth, i watched it grow
i felt it change me
i took the life, i ate it slow
now it consumes me
evil^milk's is easily one of the best. EASILY, I tells ya.
My avatar is sexeh but I think ill bring noo noo back again soon
Hah, only 11 pages form me :smoking:

Evo ftw!!

What's up? We can't type ***** now? [***** = Munr0]
LMFAO ***** (that is, munr0) is now censored.
You can still say Munravatar.

Oh yesh you can.
So many new recruits? I'm going to have to upgrade the gallery again.
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