This one is only a few MB, not too long as well. (.mov)


Blatant misrepresentation of the truth in the worst sense. I never want to here from anyone with 'facts' from FOX. Tell MJ all about what you saw on FOX because thats probably how close it is to being in touch with reality!!!


Ok it should work now.
There's not just one reason why FOX News is evil... with the possible exception of Rupert Murdoch himself. That's like saying there are several people currently living in China or that our bodies are made up of, literally, dozens of cells. :LOL:
Yea but at least this is irrefutable and well documented evidence, you cant make excuses in this case.

It really is unbelievable he can get away with that. Is there like a Broadcasting Standards Authority in the US, where anyone can lay complaints. The complaint is investigated and if its found to be true, they have to make an on air apology.

Because thats what he should have to do.
MjM said:
Yea but at least this is irrefutable and well documented evidence, you cant make excuses in this case.

It really is unbelievable he can get away with that. Is there like a Broadcasting Standards Authority in the US, where anyone can lay complaints. The complaint is investigated and if its found to be true, they have to make an on air apology.

Because thats what he should have to do.
then there'd be a helluva lot of people making apologies for lots of thingsm which is ridiculous, there is a thing called freedom of speech, and if you want to distort facts or blatantly lie, well, you can do it
Erm, evil is a bit too far. It's a bit iffy but that's it. A lot of people do it. Michael Moore did it.
Feath said:
Michael Moore did it.
And there comes the sticking point, wow, everyone does it, people need to get over it, figure out the facts for yourselves
maybe everyone forgets that truth/facts is/are relative
someone give me the gist of the video, please. I'm at work and cant watch it
here float on your back and I'll sit on you ..we'll make our own boat ;)
Some American senator wants a commission into the detainees at guantanimo bay and to decide whether or not to shut it all down, releasing the people who have no evidence against them and just detaining those prisoners that are actually suspected of being a terrorist. O'Reilly cuts the parts about the senator talking about doing a commission and just has the bits that suggest that the senator is jumping on the abuse bandwagon, O'Reilly then states that it was him that came up with the whole idea of an independant commission.
Razor said:
Some American senator wants a commission into the detainees at guantanimo bay and to decide whether or not to shut it all down, releasing the people who have no evidence against them and just detaining those prisoners that are actually suspected of being a terrorist. O'Reilly cuts the parts about the senator talking about doing a commission and just has the bits that suggest that the senator is jumping on the abuse bandwagon, O'Reilly then states that it was him that came up with the whole idea of an independant commission.

so it's a segment from O'reilly's show where he spins the issue into something it isnt? God I dont understand why he hasnt been drummed off the air for the incompetant lying, idiotic, hate-mongering hack of a "journalist" he is

thx btw :thumbs:
CptStern said:
so it's a segment from O'reilly's show where he spins the issue into something it isnt? God I dont understand why he hasnt been drummed off the air for the incompetant lying, idiotic, hate-mongering hack of a "journalist" he is

thx btw :thumbs:
i wish everyone who didn;t tell the truth was kicked off the air, TV news would be pretty quiet then, all around
MjM said:
Yea but at least this is irrefutable and well documented evidence, you cant make excuses in this case.

It really is unbelievable he can get away with that. Is there like a Broadcasting Standards Authority in the US, where anyone can lay complaints. The complaint is investigated and if its found to be true, they have to make an on air apology.

Because thats what he should have to do.
If they had to do that Republicans would never be elected in to office.

Whats funny about this case is the fact that O'Reilly actually claims to be an independent. What's even more funny or more sad, depending on how you look at it, is that many that watch him are so brain dead they believe it.

More right wing lies and distortions can be found at:


Great database.

Another good site:

Icarusintel said:
i wish everyone who didn;t tell the truth was kicked off the air, TV news would be pretty quiet then, all around

you can never get away from editorialising the news ..especially in this age of "info-tainment" but that doesnt mean it's an invalidated form ...in fact since the war there have been an explosion of alternative media that paints a clearer picture without all the corporate pandering and partisan ass kissing ..you just have to seek out other sources

besides ... there's a difference between bending the truth and completely lying
Icarusintel said:
then there'd be a helluva lot of people making apologies for lots of thingsm which is ridiculous, there is a thing called freedom of speech, and if you want to distort facts or blatantly lie, well, you can do it

We have this in my country.
It works, you can't bullshit and get away with it.
This guy is affeting public opinion with his lies. You do realise this.
MjM said:
We have this in my country.
It works, you can't bullshit and get away with it.
This guy is affeting public opinion with his lies. You do realise this.
Yeah of course I do, but so does everyone, the second you talk to anyone else you effect their opinion on whatever you're talking about, and everybody gets facts wrong or twists them around at some point, i'm just saying this isn;t that big of a deal
Icarusintel said:
Yeah of course I do, but so does everyone, the second you talk to anyone else you effect their opinion on whatever you're talking about, and everybody gets facts wrong or twists them around at some point, i'm just saying this isn;t that big of a deal
Isn't that big of a deal? There is a difference between making a honest mistake with your facts and outright manipulating what someone says to make it seem like they said the opposite of what they said. And to top it off this asshole says it was his idea to have an investigation. In my opinion this kind of crap should not be allowed; especially when you have the most viewed network "news" program on cable. And this is just 1 example of thousands. Fox news does this all the time and all of it has been documented over and over. Whats amazing is that in america you are allowed to lie and change the country based on those lies (and assasinate characters) but if an athlete uses steroids there needs to be a congressional hearing.
No Limit said:
Isn't that big of a deal? There is a difference between making a honest mistake with your facts and outright manipulating what someone says to make it seem like they said the opposite of what they said. And to top it off this asshole says it was his idea to have an investigation. In my opinion this kind of crap should not be allowed; especially when you have the most viewed network "news" program on cable. And this is just 1 example of thousands. Fox news does this all the time and all of it has been documented over and over. Whats amazing is that in america you are allowed to lie and change the country based on those lies (and assasinate characters) but if an athlete uses steroids there needs to be a congressional hearing.
every other news network does it as well, it's as simple as that, you just have to make a conscious choice to either believe it or not, i choose not to
Icarusintel said:
every other news network does it as well, it's as simple as that, you just have to make a conscious choice to either believe it or not, i choose not to
Other networks do it on occasion, and when that happens most of the time it was by mistake. But when you have documented lies that favor Republicans day in and day coming out from Fox "News" something needs to be done.
No Limit said:
Other networks do it on occasion, and when that happens most of the time it was by mistake. But when you have documented lies that favor Republicans day in and day coming out from Fox "News" something needs to be done.
"on occasion" - are you serious? some of the shows on the other networks are just as bad only they favor democrats, everybody is biased on the news sadly, but still, so what if o'rielly lies, others lie too, and even if they get caught and reprimanded people will still believe whatever they want
What about the BBC? And Channel 4? The BBC is (or at least was) known for unbiased reporting and Channel 4's newsroom seem just as good if not better. We get some US news channels over here - Fox, CNN etc and I wouldn't watch them if you paid me.

Editorials belong in newspapers, clearly marked as such.
Icarusintel said:
"on occasion" - are you serious? some of the shows on the other networks are just as bad only they favor democrats, everybody is biased on the news sadly, but still, so what if o'rielly lies, others lie too, and even if they get caught and reprimanded people will still believe whatever they want
Examples? I'd love to see a good list of liberal lies.
Icarusintel said:
every other news network does it as well, it's as simple as that,

If it's as simple as that I challenge you to find one single other major news network which did the equivalent of what occured here. O'Reilly selectively editted the statements of a government official to remove THREE DIFFERENT TIMES references he made to a course of action he was advocating taking... and then in the same segment personally plagiarized those statements that he had removed from that officials comments and claimed them as his own idea while ranting about what a stupid position that official was advocating.

I'd also like to see another major news network whose on air personality got caught not just being wrong about a source, but blatantly making one up as O'Reilly did with the Paris Business Review fiasco regarding his France boycott.

The crap Fox news pulls is way beyond the skewing of opinion towards one side of the story that you sometimes find on other news networks.
gcomeau said:
If it's as simple as that I challenge you to find one single other major news network which did the equivalent of what occured here. O'Reilly selectively editted the statements of a government official to remove THREE DIFFERENT TIMES references he made to a course of action he was advocating taking... and then in the same segment personally plagiarized those statements that he had removed from that officials comments and claimed them as his own idea while ranting about what a stupid position that official was advocating.

I'd also like to see another major news network whose on air personality got caught not just being wrong about a source, but blatantly making one up as O'Reilly did with the Paris Business Review fiasco regarding his France boycott.

The crap Fox news pulls is way beyond the skewing of opinion towards one side of the story that you sometimes find on other news networks.
Another educated person joins the politics discussions. Welcome :).

The way I see it is that someone in FOX ****ed up the story and got it all wrong, or maybe hated Bill, and did it on purpose. Either way, Bill's in trouble as he didn't look up the story himself. He's gotta apologize or something. He made an oopsies, no doubt about that. UNLESS, of course, aliens actually inhibit our earth and are turning the spanish speaking community into test experiments with black oily eyes.

But that's just me.
Ahhh.....the continuing battle of wits between Franken and O'Reilly.

Well, not really a battle of wits because O'Reilly has none. The fact is Franken will always come out on top.
Pesmerga said:
The way I see it is that someone in FOX ****ed up the story and got it all wrong, or maybe hated Bill, and did it on purpose. Either way, Bill's in trouble as he didn't look up the story himself. He's gotta apologize or something. He made an oopsies, no doubt about that. UNLESS, of course, aliens actually inhibit our earth and are turning the spanish speaking community into test experiments with black oily eyes.

But that's just me.
There wasn't anything accidental about this. O'Reilly grilled Rather to no end when they ****ed up. Rather at least apologized and had an investigation in to what happened where many people got fired; O'Reilly didn't apologize or issue a correction and he certainly didn't fire anyone.

He does this on a daily basis with almost everything he says; just never this extreme.
Fox spins things right. ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, MSNBC spin things left. Is this shocking to people? It's been this way for years. The beautiful thing is that if Bill is found guilty of lying he'll face the music. Millions of people hate him with every fiber of their being and they'll be all over this if in fact an injustice has occured. To think otherwise is naive. If nothing comes out of this then it proves that other news networks do the exact same thing.

Personally I don't watch any TV news and I couldn't care less if he gets booted or if he stays on the air. It has absolutely zero effect on me.
Fishlore said:
Fox spins things right. ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, MSNBC spin things left.
Examples of this? I find it odd that these networks have yet to even touch the downing street memo if they spin things left. All networks pander to both parties which is the problem. They won't touch important news if it is too far to the left or too far to the right (even if it is factual) to avoid being labeled as partisan. It's getting insane and I am moving to international media beacuse of this. The problem is that most people won't do that and will continue to be as ignorant as they currently are.
No Limit said:
Examples of this? I find it odd that these networks have yet to even touch the downing street memo if they spin things left.

Well you can do this research for yourself if it's that important to you. As I said it's not important to me. But for a very quick example let's look at the coverage for the 2004 Presidential Election. This isn't the original source, but this is an article from John Kerry's home state. I tried to find a relatively neutral source.


Relevant quotes:
"36 percent of stories about Bush were negative compared to 12 percent about Kerry, a Massachusetts senator."

"The three network nightly newscasts and public broadcaster PBS tended to be more negative than positive, while Fox News was twice as likely to be positive as negative."

Granted this is only one example and like all data can be formed to fit whatever opinon you want it to form. If you are capable of looking at things from both sides you'd be able to find more data to support this theory. I simply don't have the time to waste pointing out the obvious to you.

Also I've read articles from CNN, MSNBC and FoxNews about the Downing Street Memo. This memo might not be covered enough to suit you, but the information is out there.

I can already see you trying to paint me as some crazy, conservative, neo-con, Bush lover, but that couldn't be further from the truth.
Fishlore said:
Well you can do this research for yourself if it's that important to you. As I said it's not important to me. But for a very quick example let's look at the coverage for the 2004 Presidential Election. This isn't the original source, but this is an article from John Kerry's home state. I tried to find a relatively neutral source.


Relevant quotes:
"36 percent of stories about Bush were negative compared to 12 percent about Kerry, a Massachusetts senator."

"The three network nightly newscasts and public broadcaster PBS tended to be more negative than positive, while Fox News was twice as likely to be positive as negative."

Granted this is only one example and like all data can be formed to fit whatever opinon you want it to form. If you are capable of looking at things from both sides you'd be able to find more data to support this theory. I simply don't have the time to waste pointing out the obvious to you.

Also I've read articles from CNN, MSNBC and FoxNews about the Downing Street Memo. This memo might not be covered enough to suit you, but the information is out there.
Its important to me but the only things I find when I do research are lousy sites like the one someone posted above.

The problem with the research you pointed out is that there wasn't very many negative things to be said about Kerry, he wasn't in charge of anything as Bush was. Though all media gave unfair attention to discredited Swift Boat liars even when they new what they were saying were lies. You can't possible expect the media to have 50/50 negative covarge; they would have to hide the truth to do that (as they are doing with the memo). I would also love to see more details of the study and some example reports of what they consider positive and what they consider negative and if pundits were included in the study.

The memo has been mentioned a couple times in online articles; but online articles for Fox News is not the same as coverage on cable; it doesn't compare. So far not a single outlet has mentioned the downing street memo in prime time (with expection of Keith Olberman on MSNBC who did 2 stories on it). Outside of prime time the memo has been mentioned maybe a couple times on all the networks. This is absolutely ridiculous as the memo is huge; it cost Blair many seats in his government. In addition America Media are the only ones that haven't given this memo significant attention; all other media around the world did. Because of this Bush isn't required to answer the simplest of questions about this memo.

The Terri Schiavo case is another great example of the right wing bias. Any doctor that examined Terri said she was brain dead; yet the media gave equal air time to a bunch of crack pots that were discredited by any sane person in the medical world. They did this to pander to the republicans so people wouldn't say they have a left bias like you are trying to do.

I can already see you trying to paint me as some crazy, conservative, neo-con, Bush lover, but that couldn't be further from the truth.
Hardly, I actually think you did a good analysis. Or am I not allowed to disagree with you politely? If someone is willing to actually debate I have a lot of respect for them; if they repeat the same old talking points ignoring what I am telling them its a different story.
get over the f*cking memo
why is everybody still hung up on iraq, we're there, we're gonna finish up, then we'll get out, end of story
There was this one political cartoon that we looked out in my old school which showed a scale. The scale was balenced as FOX was on the right and cnn, abc, and all the other major news networks on the left.

If you cant picture what im saying the point is that everyone but FOX has a slight liberal spin, but FOX balences it out with its drastic right spin.
Icarusintel said:
get over the f*cking memo
why is everybody still hung up on iraq, we're there, we're gonna finish up, then we'll get out, end of story

We unlike you are not going to let the 'Coallition of the killing' get away with this. So what if its going to happen, we still debate wherer we should.

And get over the memo, thats only becuase you cant counter it.
solaris152000 said:
We unlike you are not going to let the 'Coallition of the killing' get away with this. So what if its going to happen, we still debate wherer we should.

And get over the memo, thats only becuase you cant counter it.
why should i have to counter the memo, i know about it, but just because it exists doesn;t mean anything's going to change, just gives people something else to bitch about, not like they don;t have enough already, i'm just tired of hearing about how the war in iraq is such a travesty, we've heard it all before, many times, but no one's so willing to bring up the positive aspects, the negativity in general in the mainstream media is upsetting