Why Halo 2 might sell more than Half-life 2

Foxtrot said:
You are right that everyone loves Halo, this preppy girl at my work loves Halo and she doesn't even know about Half-life 1/2 or Doom 3.

I've said it so many times before but I'll say it again. I don't love Halo and I'm not the only one either. I know plenty of people who played it and don't like it that much. I'm not saying it's craptacular or anything so don't get your knickers in a twist. I just thought it wasn't as good as most people make it out to be.

But the assumption that "everyone loves Halo" is quite simply f***-ing ridiculous
Zapp$ter said:
I've said it so many times before but I'll say it again. I don't love Halo and I'm not the only one either. I know plenty of people who played it and don't like it that much. I'm not saying it's craptacular or anything so don't get your knickers in a twist. I just thought it wasn't as good as most people make it out to be.

But the assumption that "everyone loves Halo" is quite simply f***-ing ridiculous
He didn't mean every single person, but lots of people and even casual gamers(same with Half-Life). My friend that is on the school's football team owned a PS1 for his only gaming system and just a few games(sports games) and had never even heard of half-life until I told him about it. He bought the game but his computer didn't run it so he had to wait till his parents bought a new computer(overpriced dell) and then he could finally play it and he loved it.
Foxtrot said:
He didn't mean every single person, but lots of people and even casual gamers(same with Half-Life). My friend that is on the school's football team owned a PS1 for his only gaming system and just a few games(sports games) and had never even heard of half-life until I told him about it. He bought the game but his computer didn't run it so he had to wait till his parents bought a new computer(overpriced dell) and then he could finally play it and he loved it.

Welll I quoted yourself, and the bit of your post that I quoted seemed to suggest that you thought everyone loved Halo. My apologies, I thought you were serious, obviously I totally misunderstood what you were trying to say. After all I don't think there will ever be anything that everyone in the world loves be it a computer game, movie, book etc...
Zapp$ter said:
Welll I quoted yourself, and the bit of your post that I quoted seemed to suggest that you thought everyone loved Halo. My apologies, I thought you were serious, obviously I totally misunderstood what you were trying to say. After all I don't think there will ever be anything that everyone in the world loves be it a computer game, movie, book etc...
Until something like the matrix comes out :D (life like digital worlds) but then some religious fanatics probably wouldn't aprove of it.
It all depends on whether or not HL2 is ported to PS2 and Xbox, if it was then it would leave Halo2 standing. I know HL1 was ported to PS2 because it was the first time i ever played it.
dream431ca said:
Halo 2 might sell more copies than Half-life 2 because it is on a console...now you might ask "SO WHAT!?? What's so special about the crappy XBOX l33t Sux0Rs!!?? well....lets think for a second..........ok seconds up. Make no mistake..Half-life 2 will sell LOTS and LOTS of copies but what if people want the game and they don't have a good PC to play it on?? lets see...

New PC: $1000-$4000

Upgrade PC: $300-$800

XBOX: $199

I predict that Halo 2 might sell more copies than Half-life 2 because of how cheap the XBOX is compared to a new PC or even upgrading a PC. Some people might :flame: :flame: flame me :flame: :flame: , but it's reality...less money = more sold...

But I don't like Halo 2 but that's the way I see it.

Plus Xbox will have a mouse and A keyboard support. So you can use ur existing PC Mouse+Keyboard to play your XBOX/PS2 GAMES. wow now that makes me believe it might be possible for halo2 to beat hl2 in sale figures. ;(


WHat i am trying to say is, people like me who dislike consoles to play FPS games cause of the hard controles it has, now its possible to play the latest games with a price of £100 machine plus easy to use control. :)

XBox doesn't natively support a mouse and keyboard setup. You have to use third party hardware, such as you just linked to.

The PS2, on the flipside, does support keyboard and mouse (USB) out of the box. Not all games support it, but the support is there for games that do want to support it. Which is nice.
Foxtrot said:
Perfect Dark


wow... cod? mohaa? deus-ex? farcry? doom3? nofl? nofl2? dukenukem3d?

i can't even look at console FPS games after playing those.....
i retract my last statement. deus-ex(original pc version) alone tops any SP console fps ive ever played.
Im pretty sure HL2 sell more copies than halo 2 mainly because of steam! This means anyone with internet can just download the gaem the second it gets released and not have to wait 2-3 weeks for more shipments cause the game already sold out in the store, Halo was ok but it reminded metoo much of unreal tournament for me! plus everyone i konw that bougth halo is trying to sell it or get rid of it like its the plague! there is no way that halo2 will sell more than hl2 i dont think that xbox games are more popular than pc games in any country!
why you care so much about the sales?

HL2 will be on xbox too so maybe will get a lot of sales in xbox
Subz said:
wow... cod? mohaa? deus-ex? farcry? doom3? nofl? nofl2? dukenukem3d?

i can't even look at console FPS games after playing those.....

It's all subjective.

Personally I think CoD and MoH are terribly average games, and nolf and nolf2 always felt like poor (and vastly inferior) versions of Golden Eye/Perfect Dark.

Far Cry was ok, but I found Doom 3 to be rather poor :/ (I prefer Halo on the Xbox to both)

Deus Ex was great, but I prefer Metroid Prime :) (and System Shock 2 for that matter)

I agree with Foxtrot - the only PC shooter that even comes close to Golden Eye is Half Life (and doesn't quite win)

all IMO ;)
I wont buy an XB for halo 2, nor did i for halo 1, i will but it for PC when it comes out, not having mouse look and 30 some odd keys blows
dream431ca said:
Halo 2 might sell more copies than Half-life 2 because it is on a console...now you might ask "SO WHAT!?? What's so special about the crappy XBOX l33t Sux0Rs!!?? well....lets think for a second..........ok seconds up. Make no mistake..Half-life 2 will sell LOTS and LOTS of copies but what if people want the game and they don't have a good PC to play it on?? lets see...

New PC: $1000-$4000

Upgrade PC: $300-$800

XBOX: $199

I predict that Halo 2 might sell more copies than Half-life 2 because of how cheap the XBOX is compared to a new PC or even upgrading a PC. Some people might :flame: :flame: flame me :flame: :flame: , but it's reality...less money = more sold...

But I don't like Halo 2 but that's the way I see it.

An Xbox is $150, not $199 ;)
ElFuhrer said:
Does Halo 2 even have a decent physics engine?

Nope - that's one things Halo 2 doesn't do.

It's not big deal imo - as Halo has always been about combat and more combat :) An uber physics engine wouldn't make me anticipate the game anymore than I already am (which is a great deal)

*remembers the awful physics in Max Payne 2 - that only succeeded in making the gameworld feel less consistent*
GameStop currently has about 6.5 - 7 million copies reserved worldwide.
It's the best sellnig game before it's even come out.

Yes, this is reliable, a friend from Gamestop showed me on the computer at the store.
Warbie said:
It's not big deal imo - as Halo has always been about combat and more combat :)

Well, that's exactly why I don't like it. It doen't have any of the things I liked that Half-Life introduced. I suppose the lack of object physics (I'm sure the vehicle physics are good) will be ok in Halo 2 though, because it doesn't seem to have any objects. I haven't noticed any crates or barrels in the screenshots.
Warbie said:
It's all subjective.

Personally I think CoD and MoH are terribly average games, and nolf and nolf2 always felt like poor (and vastly inferior) versions of Golden Eye/Perfect Dark.

Far Cry was ok, but I found Doom 3 to be rather poor :/ (I prefer Halo on the Xbox to both)

Deus Ex was great, but I prefer Metroid Prime :) (and System Shock 2 for that matter)

I agree with Foxtrot - the only PC shooter that even comes close to Golden Eye is Half Life (and doesn't quite win)

all IMO ;)

I thought Nolf 1 and NOLF 2 both shit on Perfect Dark and GoldenEye.

Far Cry was ok but i'd prefer to play that then Halo or Doom 3.
And i can't really say anything about Metroid Prime because i haven't finished it yet. I haven't played it for about 3 or 4 weeks, and last time i did i just killed that Momma Sheegoth creature. Its really tedious and uninteresting.
So halo sold 5 million..
How much did Half-Life sell?(I don't know off hand)
half-life has sold around 8 million. and i think halo is at 4mill
GhostValkyrie said:
GameStop currently has about 6.5 - 7 million copies reserved worldwide.
It's the best sellnig game before it's even come out.

Yes, this is reliable, a friend from Gamestop showed me on the computer at the store.

thats BS. i doubt halo2 will even outsell any gta (vc/3/sa)
PvtRyan said:
HL2 will run on PC's that most people already have anyway (unless you only have an xbox and no pc, which would be sad).

And to run HL2 you certainly don't need a $1000 PC, it can be done with a lot less.


If you've bought the UK PCG mag for the HL2 review if you look towards the back they build a brand spanking PC for less than £500 ($800 ish) which runs all the new games fine.
If everyone loves halo that means everyoneer loves Half-Life!
Sparta said:
I thought Nolf 1 and NOLF 2 both shit on Perfect Dark and GoldenEye.

Far Cry was ok but i'd prefer to play that then Halo or Doom 3.
And i can't really say anything about Metroid Prime because i haven't finished it yet. I haven't played it for about 3 or 4 weeks, and last time i did i just killed that Momma Sheegoth creature. Its really tedious and uninteresting.

Horses for courses :)

Metroid Prime isn't for everyone - but is a very popular game (and rated very highly) I personally loved how chilled and atmosperic the game is. My brother, whose into more action type games, feels the same as you.

As for Nolf - to be fair I hardly played NOLF2, so can't really comment. The first was very average, though (imo) I got bored and uninstalled it 3/4 of the way through. You may not rate GE or PD that much - but they are two of the most respected shooters ever made, both by their many fans, and the industry (something that can't be said of the NOLF series)
The best console games iver ever played would be considered mediocre on the PC.....(like halo for example).
Foxtrot said:
It has more pre-orders than VC has sales.
Are you sure? I thought that Vice City had sold like 8 million copies(rough guess, so I probably will be wrong on that) on the ps2. I'd be impressed if Halo had that many pre-orders
Oh yah i forgot halo=dx8 but hl2=dx9 and newer one in future!
I doubt Halo2 will top Halo's 5 million sales: reason...

Halo was an exclusive game to Xbox on its original release...therefore obvioulsy it's going to sell alot as its 1 of the 20odd games released with the Xbox at the time and when i bought an Xbox guess what? i bought Halo with it. Halo2 won't get close to HL2/Halo/HL or even GTA:SA/GT4/MGS3. PS2's are far superior and popular to Xbox in terms of gameplay and games.

Foxtrot said:
It has more pre-orders than VC has sales.

Don't particually want to burst your bubble but... :bounce:


It's outsold HALF LIFE for a start. Then 8 times more than Halo2 has been pre-ordered.

Edit again/ Wow even i'm surprised at that :O 3 months and 8.5 million sold, Woah!. :cool:
I'm relatively certain that pretty much everyone with an XBox will be snagging Halo2, much as they did Halo. Its just one of those games.
People with both a PC and XBox and that only have enough money to buy one game, will defenitly buy Half-Life 2 more (average).

Halo 2 is impressive, but HL2 is godlike :)

PS: It also has to do with age groups, since Halo has a much younger age group playing it; PC games have a older (but not more mature) age group prevailing.
Warbie said:
I agree with Foxtrot - the only PC shooter that even comes close to Golden Eye is Half Life (and doesn't quite win)

all IMO ;)
Lies, Lies, LIes!!!!!
GE sucks compared to HL, still great but can't compare!! All IMO:)
All these people saying Golden Eye was so great. Well I can't say anything having never delved into the evils of Nintendo. Alas if you love it more so than Half-Life why are you here?

Halo 2 is the same as Halo. Ie no really ground breaking thing have changed, discarding story ofcourse. Halo again is for your casual X-box user who has never played an FPS. Or someone who purely loves games.
Cause I like HL too :) (and with the state of Rare these days, it looks like we'll never have another GE :'()