Why treat your fans like this?

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Oh the irony.

This is all ****ing trivial.

And posey, what? I know I'm only compounding the uselessness, but that's life.
Buncha babies lol ; be patient, things happen... geez

Aknot said:
With your "argument we could ask why Valve is not creating something that can help others instead of creating a "mindless" game?

it's business, like any other ...oh and Gabe is helping the Autism society

Aknot said:
Again the way you presented yourself is:

I HAVE done such and such that merits attention because it "helps" others showing you Im not selfish and petty. And you have not.

nope that's your assumption, I never said anything about what I do

Aknot said:
I just told you (as others) you do not know me nor what I have done in my life be it "helpful" to humanity (or not).

MAYBE I bust my "arse" all day HELPING others and this is my "outlet". It is an "outlet" much like the game is (will?) be. I cant take a crowbar to my co-worker or someone I disagree with on the forums. Why? Its just wrong. BUT I can do it in a game.

still doesnt give you a right to whine and complain, because they dont owe you anything :) buy the game or dont buy it ...valve doesnt care if YOU dont buy it ...just as long as enough people buy it to make it financially lucrative they've done their job ...HL2 was made to make money you know
I tend to agree that this thread has run its course. There's very obviously two poles here, and no-one's convincing anyone else.

Discussion over.
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