Why treat your fans like this?

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DiSTuRbEd said:
So they have to share info? Oh damn, if they did that, people would still not be happy. It would still be the same way as it is..nothing would change.

id prefer if they don't share any info actually. look at the DNF community, they dont get shit for dates, but they aren't up in arms.
She said:
Offcourse i speculate.. I dont work for Valve or have contact with them.. LOL :P

But it's a reasonable speculation.. bugs & unfinished stuff...
What else could it be.. to piss us off? ( waiting for the attack )

You and I are on the same wave length. I will fend off the crazies with you.
well by some of your replies it's obvious some of you havent thought this thru. Say what you will about how pompous I sound or whatever but a lay person reading this thread would think some of you are nutjobs with nothing better to do than complain about something that in reality means nothing ...a pre-load doesnt do ANYTHING for you

and yes there was a release date when I bought my vid card: 30/09/03

was I disappointed? sure I was, was I mad at valve? NO, it's not like they're doing this out of spite ....but what am I to do about it? whine and complain? it's counter productive and does nothing to change the outcome of the delay
seinfeldrules said:
How about this: today (Tuesday) Valve releases Aztec to CSS players, releases preload and announces the game is gold and will be released Sept. 2nd. :naughty: :cheers: :farmer:

I admit. that be nice! But I assume the game Is finished at the moment.. or very very very close to finished. And they're waiting on CS:S to be fixed then annouce the game is gold.
DeltaBlast said:
*whistles innocently*

Yeah, I guess every single argument/debate on the internet has to be the product of retards. I mean, if that's the message of one of the most popular pics on the net, it has to be true! Right?


I really think that people who pust that pic need to just sit down and STFU. You must think you're a clever boy.
poseyjmac said:
id prefer if they don't share any info actually. look at the DNF community, they dont get shit for dates, but they aren't up in arms.

You should refine your point. I think what you mean is that the DNF community isn't being played with. They arn't hyped and then dissapointed all the time. One long wait is better than being Up and Down all the time. right?
She said:
Offcourse i speculate.. I dont work for Valve or have contact with them.. LOL :P

But it's a reasonable speculation.. bugs & unfinished stuff...
What else could it be.. to piss us off? ( waiting for the attack )

its reasonable, although it contradicts what valve said when they said the preload content was ready. only thing i can think of is maybe they want the maximum bandwidth on steam as high as possible.
DiSTuRbEd said:
So they have to share info? Oh damn, if they did that, people would still not be happy. It would still be the same way as it is..nothing would change.

Well if you start something...... They started "sharing" with us. what would hav ebeen wrong with (if) yesterday Gabe at 12pmEST posted amessage that Steam was "hot" with HL2 preload. Which he knew at 11:30?

Maybe they need to "not" release information until the last minute? I mean AA would say "somethings" coming we
hope" to have in 3 months. Then in 2 months they drop an update.
There appears to be some confusion over what the preload consists of. It is not the finished game content in its entirety.
It's those portions of the game assets that are already complete, ones that won't require changing based on any future bugs they might find. Sounds, textures, things like that.
wonkers said:
You should refine your point. I think what you mean is that the DNF community isn't being played with. They arn't hyped and then dissapointed all the time. One long wait is better than being Up and Down all the time. right?

They are dissapointed about every damn day.
was I disappointed? sure I was, was I mad at valve? but what am I to do about it? whine and complain? it's counter productive and does nothing to change the outcome of the delay
it's counter productive and does nothing to change the outcome of the delay
what? do you say we should do the reverse and thank Valve for the delays or something? ;) to speed things up?

a pre-load doesnt do ANYTHING for you

yes it does.. it gives you confirmation that HL2 is on it's way, and the wait is over for hard-core gamers.. for me.. it's just that Valve is finaly realeasing the game..
wonkers said:
You should refine your point. I think what you mean is that the DNF community isn't being played with. They arn't hyped and then dissapointed all the time. One long wait is better than being Up and Down all the time. right?

no i meant what i meant, the only way we are being played with is getting fed dates and then watching them go by. you just elaborated on it.
Pi Mu Rho said:
There appears to be some confusion over what the preload consists of. It is not the finished game content in its entirety.
It's those portions of the game assets that are already complete, ones that won't require changing based on any future bugs they might find. Sounds, textures, things like that.
And also I've seen a lot of people thinking that the game is going to get spoiled for them but all of the files in the cache will be encrypted.
CptStern said:
well by some of your replies it's obvious some of you havent thought this thru. Say what you will about how pompous I sound or whatever but a lay person reading this thread would think some of you are nutjobs with nothing better to do than complain about something that in reality means nothing ...a pre-load doesnt do ANYTHING for you

and yes there was a release date when I bought my vid card: 30/09/03

was I disappointed? sure I was, was I mad at valve? NO, it's not like they're doing this out of spite ....but what am I to do about it? whine and complain? it's counter productive and does nothing to change the outcome of the delay

The pre-load signifies a waypoint in completion. If they can't get a pre-load out why would the game go gold anytime soon. Why don't Valve talk about the pre-load. How many other points do I have to keep giving you.

The pre-load is signifigant until Valve comments. It's speculation but it's damn solid speculation.
poseyjmac said:
no i meant what i meant, the only way we are being played with is getting fed dates and then watching them go by. you just elaborated on it.

elaborated is the same as refine you silly monkey. I don't want to steal your thunder I just want you to make a strong point. thought I could help.
wonkers said:
It's speculation but it's damn solid speculation.

There are no degrees of speculation.
Stern: Original poster wasn't mad either. You ought to read his post again, he said what I felt and hopefully also alot others!
wonkers said:
The pre-load signifies a waypoint in completion. If they can't get a pre-load out why would the game go gold anytime soon. Why don't Valve talk about the pre-load. How many other points do I have to keep giving you.

The pre-load is signifigant until Valve comments. It's speculation but it's damn solid speculation.

so you'd rather they just get it out the door as soon as possible instead of quashing whatever bugs they've found that will probably mean more work for them at a later date?

champ I was one of the first to reply ...I read his post ...do some of you live in a vacuum? his post is one of hundreds of similiar posts in the last week or so that seem to have overtaken this site
I give up with you lot. I am sorry that Valve has to put up with a community that demands more than it deserves, then complains when what they got wasn't what they expected. I'll just wait patiently for the game. Thanks for your time, it kept me occupied throughout last night. =]
Pi Mu Rho said:
There are no degrees of speculation.
:laugh: There are degrees of everything! I can half laugh (chuckle) I can comprimise, wich is half agreeing half dissagreeing. I also believe that speculation comes in degrees.
I'm staying away from any HL2 site after release

just cant stomach seeing 1000 threads on: "Valve sux!!!!, the shadow in the second building on the second floor at the second window is off by 2 millimeters!!!111 SOMEONE BURN GABE AT THE STAKE!!"
I wish I had the heart to walk away. I am posting here just as a hope that someone from VALVe will notice and finally fill us in.
CptStern said:
I'm staying away from any HL2 site after release

just cant stomach seeing 1000 threads on: "Valve sux!!!!, the shadow in the second building on the second floor at the second window is off by 2 millimeters!!!111 SOMEONE BURN GABE AT THE STAKE!!"

I'd do the same thing, threads like that are dumb. Just dumb, but this is different. This isn't mindless babbeling (at least not from the original poster you two screamed at!)
thefiznut said:
I give up with you lot. I am sorry that Valve has to put up with a community that demands more than it deserves, then complains when what they got wasn't what they expected. I'll just wait patiently for the game. Thanks for your time, it kept me occupied throughout last night. =]

it so obvious that you don't have a clue what other game developers are like besides valve, you think valve is the norm, but see they aren't, not every gamer hates other companies and laughs at them when they hear their name. and these companies give less info than valve, but they don't jerk people around.
With your "argument we could ask why Valve is not creating something that can help others instead of creating a "mindless" game?

Again the way you presented yourself is:

I HAVE done such and such that merits attention because it "helps" others showing you Im not selfish and petty. And you have not.

I just told you (as others) you do not know me nor what I have done in my life be it "helpful" to humanity (or not).

MAYBE I bust my "arse" all day HELPING others and this is my "outlet". It is an "outlet" much like the game is (will?) be. I cant take a crowbar to my co-worker or someone I disagree with on the forums. Why? Its just wrong. BUT I can do it in a game.
BritSavant said:

and i don't see the point of posts like this. you say our posts our useless, but then you think that making fun of these people is USEFUL?

do you think posting stuff like this really makes a difference? you have to be a real idiot to believe what you are saying makes a difference to us. and then playing the 'get a life' card. heh, you have less of a life for trying to tell us we don't have a life on a forum.
Shouldn't this thread have been closed 2 days ago. I'll just start a flame war and force the admin to close it. I think we'ev goten all there is out of complaining about Valve.
This entire thread is utterly useless.

I'm just summing it up for those that are just getting here.
Well this thread is now 20 pages long....

I'm personally not angry, nor am I surprised, by the delay of the pre-load. However, considering how it was supposed to be available on the 17th, then the 23, and now it's the 24th with no preload, and not so much as a single word from Valve, I'm starting to get a bit worried. I'm not angry, I'm not freaking out, I'm just concerned that something has gone wrong. Perhaps Steam isn't up to the task yet, perhaps the content isn't finished, I don't know and I'm not pretending to. The lack of communication leads me to believe that whatever's holding it back, is not good. It's simply not a good sign for the release of Half-Life 2 if they cannot get this supposedly finished preload out over Steam. Also, to those saying the preload is insignificant, while I understand where you're coming from, the preload would be the first concrete piece of evidence showing that the completion of HL2 is near. It really is significant. For those of us who have been waiting patiently since day one, actually having real honest-to-god completed Half-Life 2 content on our hard-drives is a pretty big milestone.

Anyways, I'm sure Valve will tell us something soon. It's only 11:14AM in Seattle, so hopefully we may hear something as the workday progresses. In the mean time, everyone should just sit back, relax, and do something to take their mind off Half-Life 2. May I suggest playing Gish
lazicsavo said:
Shouldn't this thread have been closed 2 days ago. I'll just start a flame war and force the admin to close it. I think we'ev goten all there is out of complaining about Valve.

and rightfully so. we are complaining and its warranted. if you don't like it, you can just leave the way you came and enter another thread. so simple eh
Aknot said:
With your "argument we could ask why Valve is not creating something that can help others instead of creating a "mindless" game?

Again the way you presented yourself is:

I HAVE done such and such that merits attention because it "helps" others showing you Im not selfish and petty. And you have not.

I just told you (as others) you do not know me nor what I have done in my life be it "helpful" to humanity (or not).

MAYBE I bust my "arse" all day HELPING others and this is my "outlet". It is an "outlet" much like the game is (will?) be. I cant take a crowbar to my co-worker or someone I disagree with on the forums. Why? Its just wrong. BUT I can do it in a game.

BOOYAH. WELL SAID. *claps hands*
I like it when the people defending Valve resort to gross ****ing hyperbole in order to mock us. It makes me realize how pathetic they are.
BritSavant said:
This entire thread is utterly useless.

I'm just summing it up for those that are just getting here.

so you like to post in useless threads huh? your post is just as useless as ours.
qckbeam said:
Well this thread is now 20 pages long....

I'm personally not angry, nor am I surprised, by the delay of the pre-load. However, considering how it was supposed to be available on the 17th, then the 23, and now it's the 24th with no preload, and not so much as a single word from Valve, I'm starting to get a bit worried. I'm not angry, I'm not freaking out, I'm just concerned that something has gone wrong. Perhaps Steam isn't up to the task yet, perhaps the content isn't finished, I don't know and I'm not pretending to. The lack of communication leads me to believe that whatever's holding it back, is not good. It's simply not a good sign for the release of Half-Life 2 if they cannot get this supposedly finished preload out over Steam. Also, to those saying the preload is insignificant, while I understand where you're coming from, the preload would be the first concrete piece of evidence showing that the completion of HL2 is near. It really is significant. For those of us who have been waiting patiently since day one, actually having real honest-to-god completed Half-Life 2 content on our hard-drives is a pretty big milestone.

Anyways, I'm sure Valve will tell us something soon. It's only 11:14AM in Seattle, so hopefully we may hear something as the workday progresses. In the mean time, everyone should just sit back, relax, and do something to take their mind off Half-Life 2. May I suggest playing Gish

WORD! Close Thread now. :devil:
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